Meetings will start at 2:00pm or 7:30pm (see programme) at the Greyfriars Centre, Ringwood BH24 1DW
(The programme for 2021 was during the first part of the year comprised of a series of five newsletters, called UNHINGED, which are now available to be read in Ringwood Society's history page: please click here). Subsequent issues of Unhinged do not appear on the Society's webpages !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 2024 AND 2025 President: Colin V Mount FRPSL PROGRAMME FOR 2024 AND 2025
******************************* Past Meeting Reports To see reports and pictures of meetings from 2012 to May 2023, please click here ********************************************************************************************************* Report on the meeting held on 14th January 2025 (Report and Images to follow) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Report on the Christmas Get-together on Tuesday 10th December 2024 (Gordon Masson) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Report on the Meeting held on Tuesday 12th November 2024
(Paul Barry) ################################################################ Report on the Meeting held on Tuesday 8th October 2024 (Gordon Masson) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Report on the Meeting held on Tuesday 10th September 2024
(Paul Barry) ########################################################################## Report on the Meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2024 RPS Annual AGM July, 2024 MARCH 2024 Club Competition Results and Awards
in addition: The Spariot Cup was awarded to John Davis as the Competition Winner (Gordon Masson) ******************************************************************************** Report on the Meeting held on Tuesday 11th June 2024 (Paul Barry) ********************************************************************************************************* Ringpex, 1st June 2024
Report on the Meeting held on Tuesday 14th May 2024 This was a deeply historical presentation covering mainly the period from the middle of the 19th Century through to the First World War years. The background focussed on this sprawling European royal family with its 8 official languages. This Empire was hugely bureaucratic and driven by rules. It lacked cohesion and was vulnerable, giving rise to the fertile landscape for tyranny to explode, as indeed it did, with the famous shooting of the Archduke and the excuse William needed for the start of conflict, resulting in the ‘war to end all wars’. The speaker Roger Morrell, provided a detailed commentary of all matters military (Army and Navy) and insights into lives of civilians, through these turbulent decades, but particularly concerned with the war years. He underpinned his huge display with a raft of unique and seldom seen philatelic items – stamps, postcards, including Field Postcards, Field Hospital Mails, Internment Camp Posts, telegrams, numerous cachets, including red ones denoting ‘free posts’, censor marks, covers (often entires) and those with postage-due applications, telegrams and charity stamps. Maps were well featured, as was the interesting background information on ‘Venna’s Mapping Institute, and a 1917 poster promoting wartime commitment.
(Paul Barry) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Report on the Visit from the Alton Philatelic Society, Four Members of Alton Philatelic Society visited their Ringwood Cousins and the resulting displays were both most interesting and of high calibre. Nick Twinning presented a truly amazing study of GB Victorian ‘2 Penny Blues’. For many, this was the largest collection of such stamps ever seen. It had its origins in childhood, where Nick was encouraged to collect by his family. Developing his collection in retirement, Nick’s love of such ‘blue’ stamps took hold and quickly built up into a fascinating study. This collection was far reaching, having within it, singles, blocks, including one of 12, and covers also. The display spanned 1840 (no white lines), through to the 1841 white lined issue. These imperforated stamps, were soon to be replaced by the perforated issues of both ‘letters’ and ‘stars’. Also included were cancels (one blue!) and numerous varieties and flaws. Worn and repaired plates were also considered. The depth and quality of write-up was superb, being a most worthy partner to, as RPS Chairman stated, ‘these sapphire gems!!).
The second presentation could not have revealed greater contrast! Here, Greg Newey shared his most colourful ‘Kingfishers’ display. A thematic collector all his life, Greg also shared his equal passion - his love of fishing! Members learnt that there are 86 kingfisher varieties world-wide, with our ‘flash of blue’ friend being found mainly in Europe, with parts of North Africa and Asia being other locations. The Kingfisher, a solitary bird, lives its life around marshes, rivers and connected woodlands. His early reference to ‘The Observer’s Book of Birds’, was a major instructional player, with his display being further enhanced by numerous global stamps, including the GB 1980 issue, with covers, cigarette cards, beer mats and other associated material all enhancing this remarkable treasure trove.
Chairman Paul Barry, spoke for all, in his warm summing up, when he presented the Ringwood PS Appreciation Certificate to their Chairman, Peter Cox. A grand afternoon indeed! ( Paul Barry Publicity) ************************************************************************************* Report on the Meeting held on Tuesday 12th March 2024 The judging of the entries took place prior to the event, so that entrants could both obtain feedback and discuss their entries within the meeting, this being a new practice which gained much support. With Judge Colin Mount FRPSL (RPS President) sadly unable to attend (a philatelic funeral), the entrants displayed their entries, with detailed feedback. (Results to be given at a later meeting) The 12 Members present, greatly enjoyed the wide ranging displays. Roy Barnett discussed his ‘Wilding Definitives of GB’ which covered strips, various security inclusions and 3 different watermarks, (1952 until 1967), together with themes on ‘Automatic Letter Facing’’, ‘Channel Islands Regional Issues with Wilding Designs’, plus ‘Castles’ and blocks of 4 and booklets. Michael Goodman provided ‘USA Postal Stationery Rates and Instructional Markings/Redirection of Mail’. Any mail not cleared went to ‘Return to Sender’ or to the ‘Dead-letter Office’ in Washington. Postage due stamps were added, some paid by UPU. His second entry proved equally worthwhile, being ‘USA Postal Stationery from 1870-94’. Mainly stamps and covers were considered, which included early embossed envelopes, different dies, express services envelopes and decorated commercials. John Stevens presented ‘The Life of King Bhumibol (Rhama 9th) of Thailand’. John became interested philatelically in 1990, having moved to work in the Far East. (He achieved 80-90 Thailand visits!) The King had the second longest reign of any monarch, some 70 years. (QE2 being longest). Stamps shown commemorated the King’s life, including 10 different definitive issues. The longest stamp (170cms) was issued following the monarch’s death in 2016. Zambian born Simon Casalis de Pury revealed his fascinating French origin display ‘Family History in Covers from 1878’ which stemmed from when his father collected, being underpinned by 4 collecting generations. Simon is related to Dylan Thomas’ daughter and there was a cover reflecting this. Other family items were FDCs, military and childhood mail, from various African countries. Simon then presented his ‘Novice’ entry ‘Birds of Zambia’ which included FDCs and their mint sets. Inflationary fueled postal surcharges were also a feature. John Davis’ entry ‘Free Territory of Trieste (FTT) Zone B Yugoslav Military Government 1948-54’ was another well researched display, which will be discussed when John is able to attend. Gordon Masson shared his 2 sheets of recently acquired Empire over-prints and surcharges and Commonwealth, from Queen Victoria to Queen Elizabeth 2nd. Four ‘mystery stamps’, a few interesting acquisitions and an illustrated postcard by Churchill featured, together with a cover and letter from King Charles 3rd’s Office to Gordon’s two daughters, following a letter from them outlining he and his wife’s voluntary work in over 50 years. (The format of the cover is featured in an article in the current Royal London Philatelic Society Journal written by Ian Gregg). David Etchells concluded with a short display “Investigating a 1793 Free Frank Front” (FFF). Fine exhibits indeed! The first cover was of a 2nd April 1783 FFF from MP/ Solicitor General Joseph Jekyll which, from 1600s-1840 allowed MPs to send their mail with no postal charges. This had been sent to Messrs Parker (Glass Men), Fleet Street, London with a Taunton handstamp. J.J. had 2 sons, the younger being the father of the famous garden designer Gertrude Jekyll, who designed 3 gardens in nearby Burley. The elder son was a great friend of Robert Louis Stevenson who used the family name in ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’. J.J. himself wrote the biography of the black save trade abolitionist, Ignatius Sancho who features on a 2007 GB stamp ‘Abolition of the Slave Trade’ issue. The address for the first cover proved to be 69, Fleet Street which was occupied by Parker & Sons, Glass Manufacturers, specializing in chandeliers. After William Parker died in 1817, the property was occupied by the security printers of banknotes and cheques - Perkins, Fairman & Heath, later becoming Perkins Bacon who printed the Penny Black on these premises in 1840. This cover encouraged David to make further fascinating research connections.
(Gordon Masson, with Paul Barry, Editing) ************************************************************************** Report on the Meeting held on Tuesday 13th February 2024 Colin Mount introduced our Speaker, Alan Whittaker, an ex-member of some years, from Romsey, with his display specialising in the occupation of the Channel Islands by German forces in WW2. Alan has been a regular visitor to these Islands since 1962.
(Gordon Masson.) *********************************************** Report on the
Meeting held on 9th January 2024 The new philatelic year got away in really excellent style with a new development: a Grand Auction!! In the past couple of years, donated items to RPS enabled a considerable sale and Members provided lively bids. There were the regular inputs of stock-books and mainly elderly catalogues, but up for auction and keenly contested were also interesting stamps and covers, some GB Victorian. All in all, something for everyone! Tributes go to Gordon Masson as both consignment officer and auctioneer and to John Stevens for managing the paperwork!. A pleasing £77 was achieved for the event. Turning to the displays, there were four worthwhile presentations. Covering a wide area of study, it was pleasing to see both the gentle development of beginner researched interest, leading through to more developed contributions; Canada, Asia and GB being the focus. Two members of Committee -David Etchells and Michael Goodman - attended Alton Philatelic Society, where they each provided excellent displays, being early studies of GB and USA and were much appreciated, with a return fixture due in April.
Report on the
Meeting held on 12th December, 2023 This RPS special event, marking the end of a successful year, extended a very warm welcome to both Members and their partners. The 26 participants enjoyed an excellent non-philatelic programme, organised by the Committee. Chairman Paul Barry introduced the Speaker, local historian Mary Baldwin, whom he described as a long serving authority on Ringwood’s history, of which her study, investigation, passion and writings (3 books), enabled her to hold the audience’s close attention. Speaking on the topic of ‘Ringwood Pubs Past and Present’, Mary uncovered a complex mix of buildings, use, personalities, chronic social change, and numerous physical losses and developments. Of these, three emerged as front runners in the race to ruin the town’s appearance and economic base: the removal of the Market, the loss of the railway and the huge developments on the northern side, providing the much needed by-pass, yet landscape destroyer. This great inter-active talk was developed in tandem with a series of superb photos, a few of which are provided here in this report. (to follow).
(Paul Barry - Chairman & Publicity) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Report on the
Meeting held on 14th November, 2023 This was truly an exploration into a little known area of philatelic study. Society Members had within their reach an introduction to, as the Chairman said:
************************************************************************************* Report on the
Meeting held on 10th October, 2023 Our new Programme Secretary Michael Goodman introduced Tony Hickey from Kent. Michael had seen this display before and had written a long Report in Stamp Lover (December 2022), from which I have quoted and paraphrased.
(Paul Barry) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Report on the
Meeting held on 12th September, 2023 This very well attended meeting saw 9 worthy displays, which together with a huge ‘Bring & Buy’ session, certainly secured an excellent evening, the first in the autumn calendar. The subjects were far ranging.
(Paul Barry, Publicity Officer) ***************************************** Report on the
Meeting held on 11th July, 2023 RPS President Colin Mount opened the AGM with much enthusiasm, greeting the excellent numbers present and launched the formal part of evening. Following the agreement of Minutes for the last AGM 12th July 2022, the usual reports were received. Chairman Paul Barry was on hand to present his annual report which showed huge appreciation for all involved in the successes of the Society, and paid tribute to all the hard work of both Committee and Members. (please refer to the most detailed AGM Minutes for additional reporting, including a photo Appendix, which reported on the worthy Inter-Club and One Page competitions, and also presentation of Awards to Michael Goodman, David Etchells and John Stevens). Numerous valued activities/events were underlined, especially the Approvals Service, RINGPEX, Displays, Competitions and the excellent RPS Programme. Chairman welcomed Michael Goodman in his now official role as Programme Secretary, noting that an excellent 2023-4 programme was in place. (Michael replaced Colin Mount in this Office, being a huge act to follow!!) With a strong Committee in place for 2023-4, Chairman concluded and welcomed the evening’s Mini Displays….which were as follows:-
(Paul Barry RPS Publicity) *************************************************************************************** Report on the
Meeting held on 13th June, 2023 For any philatelist needing a trip to Venice, but unable to make the journey, this was the answer! Over the course of some two hours, members were transported to this magnificent ancient city through the speaker’s amazing holiday experiences, knowledge of the historical time-line, his familiarity of its geography, culture, people architecture, traditions, art, sculpture, glass, music and cinema….AND a visit to the St Mark’s Square Stamp Shop!!...the list is endless! Here fellow Member John Davis FRPSL, underpinned his presentation with rich resource material encompassing stamps, miniature sheets, covers, disinfected mail, documents, maps, photos...and more! The first half examined the time-line of Venice and its origins, up to 1796. Beautiful stamps celebrating famous painters featured, with Letter Sheets (philatelic?) that were issued to raise finances to assist the city’s flooding problems. The fall of the Republic in 1797 was considered, then moved on to 1866 when Venice was united into the Kingdom of Italy. Within the display following the break, the study of rare and unique material, was possible, including that pertaining to the three Venices - 1918/1922. Stamps were examined which were issued following the defeat of the Austrians by Italy. With Dalmatia being a part of the original Republic of Venice, the German Occupation of Zadar stamps issued in 1943/1944 were interesting indeed. The time line moved on to the end of the 2nd World War, when the Yugoslavs attacked, and the resulting provisional stamps were displayed, that were issued for Trieste, Istra and Fiume/Rijeka. 1945-1947 stamps were covered, these being from those parts of the Istrian Peninsula that were separately occupied by the British and Yugoslav Military Governments. Italian overprinted stamps relating to the 1947 period were particularly interesting, as were the new stamps issued up to 1954, when territory was formally incorporated into either Italy or Yugoslavia, whose own stamps were then used. John continued the display with items illustrating some of the Islands in the Venetian Lagoon, followed by a trip down the Grand Canal….wow!! Another wonderful event in the RPS calendar.
************************************************ Saturday 3rd June, 2023 - "RINGEX" Without doubt, this year’s Philatelic Fair - RINGPEX, was one of the best and most enjoyable in recent years, achieving an excellent attendance, busy and most friendly atmosphere, with a good variety of purchasing opportunities, a healthy Penny Black and assorted raffle prizes, a day long availability of the famous RINGPEX Bacon Roll and other cafe facilities!! RINGPEX certainly still has that magic ingredient
Paul Barry RPS Chairman and Publicity Officer ****************************************************************************
For further information contact either Colin Mount on 01425 474310 or cv.mount@googlemail.com or Gordon D Masson (Secretary) on 01425 470710 |
To see reports and pictures of meetings from 2012 to May 2023, please click here |
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