Reports from previous Meetings
Ringpex 2012 Another interesting philatelic event in the Society's calendar was the stamp and postcard fair – ‘Ringpex' held at Greyfriars Community Centre, held earlier in June. This was popular both with dealers and with a good number of collectors looking for bargains or that ‘elusive' stamp, cover or postcard. The fair was complete with superb coffee and bacon rolls all day, and a raffle, with top prize being a superb ‘Penny Black' kindly donated by local specialist dealer Peter Mollet. |
View from "Ringpex" Stamp and Postcard Fair, June 2012 |
Hampex 2012 - 20th October, Wickham, Hants Hampex the Hampshire Philatelic Federation Convention was once again held at Wickham Community Centre, Wickham Nr. Fareham and was again a resounding success despite the fact that display frames could not be delivered until the morning of the Convention, a band of loyal supporters worked hard and had the competition entries ready for the general public to view shortly after 11.00am. But the dealers got underway at 10.00am and soon the main hall was buzzing with collectors looking for that special elusive item, and from talking with the dealers during the afternoon it was soon obvious that they were having a very good day. Also starting at 10.00am was "Junior Hampex" and it was a great delight to see close to thirty youngsters getting very much involved with the hobby. Children attended from schools as far away as Bognor through to Southampton and each Following a number of activities which included using stamps and recognising stamps of the world, the youngsters were treated to lunch which was kindly sponsored by Portsmouth & District P.S. The prize giving then followed with Terry Lay from Emsworth (Special Needs) School presenting the prizes many of which had been donated by various societies and dealers, and in addition to the many prizes every child left clutching a "Goody Bag" with items most generously donated by Stanley Gibbons.
The winner of the Jan Kaluski Cup for the best overal entry went to F. Horsted from Waterlooville with an excellent presentation of the "Travelling Post Offices of Tanganyika" , this entry was also awarded the Postal History Salver. Other winners were
Fred Horsted from Waterlooville (left) receiving his awards from |
Tuesday 11th December 2012 Ringwood Philatelic Society members and guests greatly enjoyed their December meeting, being a Xmas special with guest speaker Rev Stuart Timbrell bringing much humour with his presentation – “Clerical Errors”. He spoke out frankly on current Church matters and humorously provided a rare insight into the clerical world. Having a ‘real world' background (engineering in Barrow) and being a strong advocate of justice and fair play, plus a wicked sense of humour, it would seem that the Church had not fully grasped what his contribution to mission would be! Stuart then outlined his initial training, part of which was spent with lively medical students, followed by his induction into clerical matters as a somewhat ‘green' young curate in a northern town. He quickly realised that as the ‘new boy' he would be engaged in countless jobs his vicar did not wish to do! After an early skirmish with the bishop no less, concerning the incorrect holding of the crosier (indicating that the bishop was dead!), whereby he disgraced himself – Stuart was moved to working with younger folk. “What do I do with all these kids?" Much wringing of hands later, Stuart decided to introduce his ferret (in bag) to his audience. Escaping and scattering children, the ferret settled on biting the teacher's hand and had to be prised off! His vicar announced that he was “a complete buffoon” (not helped by Stuart's habit of grinning at the wrong moments!) Now under greater pressure to provide appropriate instruction to his flock, he delivered a mini sermon in which balloons featured to illustrate eternal truths – one filled with helium was impressive – but did not compare with the water filled one which crashed from the high pulpit, splattering and scattering the faithful! On the subject of funerals, our engaging speaker was told – “You will only be remembered for your mistakes.” “Do not get names or funerals mixed up” (He was involved in 14 funerals in one week!). The crematorium manager was equally intimidating Home visits featured strongly: here we have a picture of lace curtains, tin baths on hooks by back doors, knocks not being answered and old ladies with dirty cups and mislaid false teeth…..anyone for tea?!! We could go on and on…….clearly our clerical guest had made his humorous and spiritual mark on many lives. In concluding, Stuart presented the Society with a philatelic gift – a superb Stanley Gibbons catalogue of 1899 – quite a gem – which it was agreed would be placed in the Royal Philatelic Society's London Library. Rev.Stuart Timbrell {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ 2013 Meeting Report - Tuesday 8th January Members Evening with Mini Displays The January meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society saw a lively evening -a mix of mini stamp displays, philatelic quiz and ‘bring and buy'. The written up display topics were most varied. Rare postal material on the subject of 'Internal Airways of Australia' was presented by specialist Alan Whittaker. His key interest was the pioneer pilot Charles Kingsford Smith who on 19th March 1931 flew the first Melbourne to Sydney route, prior to achieving numerous aviation ‘firsts'. Two scarce first flight covers (stamped envelopes) were displayed, together with an album page clip with 3 stamps, and importantly - Smith's signature. Alan explained the difficulty experienced in locating such philatelic gems assisted by his use of the internet and site auctions. Member Gordon Masson continued his particular interest with ‘Holiday Snaps -A Postal Portrait of Two Canadian Holidays' which covered his 2005 visit -Calgary, Banff, Jasper and Vancouver and that of 2008 -Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara. His presentation featured appropriate stamps, covers, postcards, maps and photos. A particular emphasis was Olympic sites and historical locations. Wendy Buckle focussed on Latvian commemorative stamps issued 1918-1939 and this proved both interesting and attractive. Here, of special note was the variety of papers used -due to wartime shortages. A highly specialised contribution was provided by Chairman Colin Mount with his rare printer's plate proofs of the Australian George V one penny stamp. The amazing and humorous study of the variety of worldwide postal delivery methods was John Davis' latest occupation –a study in early stages (delivery on ice skates, stilts, arrow post, balloon and rocket mail, etc!!). Before a challenging philatelic quiz rounded off the evening, Chris Wheeler outlined the highly skilled work of artist, designer and author David Gentleman. His GB stamp designs have spanned nearly four decades, most notable being those of Shakespeare, Churchill and Concorde commemorations. Chris' full and colourful display was a credit to this most notable of British philatelic designers. Chris Wheeler with his display of GB and Nauru stamps, designed by David Gentleman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Meeting Report - Tuesday 12th February Visiting Speaker - Bob Small from Colehill with The February meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society was very well attended. Chairman Colin Mount welcomed local specialist philatelist Bob Small, who in covering the period 1792-1816, superbly described his subject ‘Napoleonic Prisoner of War Mail'. He provided a large exhibit of original letters, prisoner lists, a promissory note, pictures of prison ships and buildings (‘block houses'), PoW clothing with ‘T.O.'- (Transport Office embellishments), various games- dominoes and dice and model ships(scrimshaw). The Admiralty took responsibility for all Napoleonic prisoners (200,000 at peak) and placed them according to rank, in either hulks (Medway, Portsmouth and Plymouth harbours), stone built prisons- largely in southern England, or for the officers- a parole system. Repatriation was explained, this clearly benefitting mainly the officer class. Highlights of the display were prisoner letters which gave a particular insight into their lives, as did pictures of paintings by a Captain Durrant, a Dartmoor guard. Bob Small's second exhibit was entitled ‘Nelson on Stamps' which skilfully traced Nelson's life- marriage and mistress, through to his various and rapid promotions (10th in seniority at age 29!), ship commands, naval plans and battle engagements, personal injuries, final minutes, funeral and celebratory status. Many items supported the presentation- maps and original Times Newspaper articles, details of ships lost/captured, fleet casualties and prisoner numbers on both sides. Numerous countries printed stamps to commemorate the 175 th Anniversary of Nelson's death in 1805 and many were displayed. Of worthy mention was the speaker's eloquent description of the Battle of Trafalgar. The meeting benefitted greatly from his vast knowledge and significant collection, built up over 40 years- this rare/unique supporting material was a great privilege to observe. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Tuesday 12th March The March meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society featured a lively ‘Bring & Buy' session where many bargains were obtained. Also included in the evening was the ‘Annual Competition Night'. Eminent judge John Campbell gave very full consideration to the material entered and later in announcing the results, spoke of excellence observed and gave members pointers to aid future competition entries. As previously, the subjects studied were diverse -firstly a study of Australian stamps by Colin Mount, covering the QEII Baron Studios Portrait Issue 1959-62. ‘Censored WWII Naval Mail 1940-43' sought to investigate postal rates and postmarks on letters to/from RN ships despatched via Gibraltar plus Force H airmail and censor marks-this being Burt Burton's specialist interest. His second entry- ‘Exploration of the Depths' aimed to map the history of underwater technology, dating from Alexander the Great to the modern era, together with a study of the ‘coelacanth' fish discovered 60 years ago. (believed to be extinct for 65million years!) The final entry – by Gordon Masson entitled ‘Europe discovers North America' focussed on regions, discoveries, explorers and colonisers. As with the other entries, this study was well illuminated by superb stamps, postal items and detailed explanatory notes. Never an easy task to mark such displays, winners had to be announced – Colin Mount obtained the trophy in the ‘Traditional Class', with Burt Burton being awarded the best ‘Postal History' and ‘Thematic' entries, and also winning the 'Best Overall' award –a magnificent achievement. 'Philatelic Judge John Campbell (right) observing details in DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Meeting Report - Tuesday 9th April The April meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society provided members with an entertaining and informative evening – the topic – ‘The Siege of Paris' was presented by Ashley Lawrence FRPSL. Since school days our speaker had shown a keen interest in this period of French history and culture, including the works of Victor Hugo, Jules Verne and Alexandre Dumas and over the years had amassed a vast and impressive collection of related documents. The Franco/German War of 1870/1 is not a well known subject here, largely because Britain played little part in it. This pivotal European war vanquished the aggressor France with Germany becoming dominant. Ashley presented material which illuminated the build-up to the siege and highlighted conditions during its brief but desperate duration. A picture was presented of disabled bridges, cut telegraph wires, railway lines and roads. Starvation set in and disease increased. With Paris becoming totally isolated, there was a vital push to maintain morale by achieving communication with the outside world. 67 balloons powered by coal gas left the city during this period – carrying 3.5 million letters – 11 tons in total, plus homing pigeons – all but one balloon being piloted. Night time operation was essential and destinations precarious, being wind dependent. The siege saw the world's first airmail postal service and the first anti-aircraft guns being invented together with long distance and speed records being set – one balloon reaching Norway!! Inward mail reached Paris by means of pigeon post, using newly developed micro-film technology. Other means of communication were attempted – courier dogs…but none arrived (eaten en route?) and 55 ‘boules' (small welded bomb-shaped finned ‘boxes') crammed with letters, dropped in the Seine…none got through… (to date 33 have been recovered from river mud – find any of the remaining 22 and collectors will bite your hand off in the rush!!...most valuable). The somewhat quick surrender of Paris slowly eased matters, but around the corner was another misery – the period of the Communards. Ashley's presentation told the story of the siege via newspaper cuttings, prints, documents – many original including stamped envelopes and letters, stamps of the period, postcards, certificates and microfilm, and souvenirs issued later. Of particular note were original prints of coloured cartoons by Draner, (Renard reversed) which captures the human predicament most powerfully.
Chairman Colin Mount thanking our eminent speaker for a most fascinating historical and philatelic evening full of great insights and unique material. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interclub Competition
The above pictures show John Davis receiving the Interclub Shield and Peter Owden Trophy
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Tuesday 14th May The May meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society featured a ‘Bring and Buy' and the Members' annual ‘One Page Competition'. The usual lively exchange of stamps, albums, covers and catalogues took place, this being followed by the display/talk of philatelic entries – four in total covering diverse topics. These included stamps depicting famous bearded/unbearded personalities (comic entry), a study of monarchy-‘The Lion & the Unicorn', a focus on the world's longest current serving monarch (Thailand), and, gaining first place – ‘Collecting Outside the Box' - a display of late Victorian GB ‘Jubilee' stamps of 1887. This entry, gaining most marks by members present, sought to demonstrate how a collection of these basic stamps could be extended. Areas considered were ‘Varieties in Printing' (eg. fault on printing plate), ‘Variety in colour/shade', ‘Error in Paper Use' (eg. Orange not yellow paper), ‘Different Printing Plates', ‘Unlisted in Catalogue', ‘Stamps used on Parcel Post Labels' and ‘Stamps used to Receipt Documents'. This display was illustrated by actual stamp examples, some items being scarce/unique. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Saturday 1st June The Ringwood Philatelic Society held its annual stamp & postcard fair –‘Ringpex' -at Greyfriars Community Centre on the ‘glorious 1st June', an event that certainly matched the sunshine! Most of the regular dealers took part -several travelling long distances, including some new ones. Although visitor numbers were a little down, the two halls and foyer were ‘abuzz' for much of the morning, with some wheeling and dealing continuing until the 4:00pm close. Numerous collectors stated they were very happy with their day and the majority of dealers reported sound business. Dealers valued the opportunity to trade at this popular event and appreciated the RPS members' ready assistance with porterage! (100s of crates /cases of stock is certainly not light work!) As on previous occasions, member and local GB dealer Peter Mollett kindly provided the first prize for the raffle – a suberb 1d Black – this year being won by a Ringwood philatelist. Up there with the prizes was the catering service run by the society – providing excellent bacon rolls and other delights throughout the day. So keep your diaries open for next year's ‘Ringpex' (7th June) – see you there!
11th June, 2013 - Allan Whittaker presents "Australian Airmails 1921-39" ‘Australian Airmails 1921-39', the subject for the June meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society, was very ably presented by member and specialist collector Alan Whittaker. He provided a magnificent exhibition, tracing the development of airmail services in the inter-war years. Numerous display sheets focussed on the emerging companies, their routes, pilots and planes and uncovered this story with stamped covers- some signed by pilots, postcards, newspaper cuttings, correspondence, documents, photos, tickets/luggage labels and advertising materials, all appropriately written-up, together with a complex ‘family tree' of airlines operating during this period. These were pioneering days- clearly there was a huge demand for services- yet establishing them was problematic- basic field runways with no facilities, fuel delivery issues, and poor maps- certain flights followed telegraph wires! Unreliability of planes added to the mix, although flying-boats were more successful, especially over water! The one positive was the availability of experienced pilots-having trained/served in WWI. The exhibit examined the Western, Central and Eastern Australian routes, links to Tasmania and later to New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Alan explained that the first operator-Western Australian Airways- was formed by Major Norman Brearley in May 1921. Railways had a mail delivery monopoly-therefore the development of air services was a great commercial challenge. Other companies followed and the network extended to connection with the Freemantle/UK mail boat. By 1934 a regular UK service had opened from Brisbane. Sir Charles Kingsford Smith (Smithy) and co-pilot /partner Chas Thomas Ulm were ‘major players'. Both were very significant airmen, but Ulm was the business brains- together establishing ‘Australian National Airways' in 1928 and operating from 1930, commencing with 6 Avro 10's. Whilst Smithy was first and foremost a spectacular world flying ace and pioneer, frequently winning air races, a few years later he paid the ultimate price- going missing off Burma (assumed) whilst aiming for a record flight, UK/Australia (1935). Alan's high quality display provided a real insight into these aspects, and then proceeded to chart Ulm's parallel career. Ulm was highly successful in business, which rapidly acquired new routes with contracts for both industry and government mail. He too died in pursuit of his passion, experiencing navigational problems en-route California to Hawaii. (1934) In concluding his presentation, Alan explained that his considerable accumulation of archive material, collected over many years was occasionally being added to. However locating new items is indeed a huge difficulty, stating ‘it is not so much- can I afford, but can I find?!' He has a constant eye on auctions and Amazon and keeps close links with dealers and other friends within the hobby. He is a member of various philatelic societies and researches through biographies and other historical sources. Chairman Colin Mount, in voicing the appreciation of members, thanked the speaker for ‘bringing along an amazing exhibition.' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
9th July, 2013 - Annual General Meeting The July meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society began with the AGM (the 46th ) and the presentation of display awards.
The evening's scheduled topic dealt with a fascinating subject - ‘Getting Started with Thematics'. Society member Wendy Buckle was eminently suited to address this subject being editor of ‘Themescene', the magazine of the British Thematic Association. Many stamp collectors in childhood focus on ‘how many stamps have you got?' This is often followed by single country collecting and/or specialization. However, over time, collecting thematically has achieved popularity among many philatelists – in Wendy's case some thirty years! She explained some attractions…it is wide ranging and can include any country at any period…the collector decides what to include/ignore. Choosing the theme can be work related, or may arise from an interest or hobby. It can be light hearted or serious. The choice enables the exploration of a subject already cared about and therefore provides a head start…rather than researching a completely new area. Wendy was quick to point out that in choosing a theme it is important to bear in mind how big it is…'transport is huge but trains or motor cycles is manageable'. Her first collection was on ‘the history of printing', then thoughts arose… 'what came before printing?' She therefore started on ‘illuminated manuscripts' which led to ‘how did writing start?' And then how are written materials collected and stored…..libraries? The warning was not to let an interest ‘run away with you'. Additionally, a narrow seeming theme can soon expand considerably… in Wendy's case she can now muster 24 display pages on how printing spread through Europe!! Working out how to tell the story is the hardest thing to do. Research in libraries, internet, catalogues and magazines all are useful tools and philatelic knowledge gained from collectors, the trade, exhibitions and club events all assist. Wendy believed it is best to start with stamps. Here there are so many sources….stamp fairs, auctions, club packets, dealers and swopping, etc. At some point the collection of information, stamps and theme related artefacts will need organising and thought given to planning and display layout. All of this is personal choice, as is the writing up, preferably on computer ‘to maintain a standard format'. Members were greatly impressed with Wendy's display which highlighted key ideas discussed and which presented extracts from her considerable collections – the link being 'Written Communication'. Mint stamps featured… greatly supported by covers, postmarks, postcards, pictures, photos and cigarette cards - all interwoven by skilful, succinct script. This was a magnificent prompt for members to….'get started'.
Meeting Report - 10th September 2013 Members Evening with 5 sheets from members using the Ringwood Philatelic Society began its year's programme with a two-fold success; an excellent attendance ( plus two new members) and well prepared and delivered presentations, where six members displayed under the letters ‘S', ‘T' or ‘U'. Wendy Buckle produced a magnificent collection of album sheets which using the letter ‘S', showed the development of scripts and manuscripts entitled -‘The Write Stuff'. This history was well described by means of appropriate stamps, covers (stamped envelopes), postcards, photos and diagrams. In particular, attention focussed on Egyptian hieroglyphics, Chinese calligraphy and Japanese characters. Wendy displaying "The Write Stuff" The various branches of ‘ S cience' were Gordon Masson's subjects – again a huge area of study but skilfully tailored. He found that the world of stamps ‘did more than justice to this theme'. Aspects of psychology and sociology were covered as well as biology, chemistry and physics. Major minds were celebrated – Newton, Darwin and Marconi and a glimpse into the modern era with Dawkins, space travel, laser and DNA technologies. It became clear that… ‘science is very popular among postal authorities'. The little known topic - ‘ S tamped Stationery' was the special interest of member Geoff Hood and here a concentration was placed on letter cards in the period 1943-44. However such philatelic material was not only produced by Britain…as Geoff put it…'It always amazes me that some of the smallest countries bother to produce these elaborate items'. Paul Barry's contribution was a personal journey through the world of stamps as gifts…here moving on and using the letter ‘T', entitled – ‘ T hanks for the Stamps'. He traced some of the significant items he had received over his lifetime, beginning with a fascinating story whereby his brother had encouraged him to collect by bringing home stamps including a block of four used ‘penny reds'… a swop achieved at boarding school. Within the vast scope of stamp collecting it never surprises collectors to learn of new areas of study and so John Davis' theme was a good example! His was a detailed philatelic account of the establishment and fortunes of an unusual postal service headed ‘Niuafo'ou and its T in Can Mail Service 1882-1983'. (the most northerly of the Tonga Islands) This facility was established due to inaccessibility and required swimmers to take ‘canned' mail out to waiting ships – later using outriggers. The airport's arrival saw its eventual termination. The evening was well rounded off with Chris Wheeler's unexpected - ‘ U nderground Railways of the Americas'. Featuring stamps, miniature sheets, covers, postcards and rail tickets from numerous capitals, it was a collector's treasure trove and ‘a real interest for railway buffs!' The second half of the meeting saw another lively ‘Bring & Buy session'. £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ 8 October 2013 - Visit from Salisbury Club Husband and Wife, John and Claire Scott, visited from Salisbury to entertain the Ringwood Society with two very interesting displays. Claire began the evening with “The Brunei 1952 Sir Omar Ali Saufuddin Issue”. After a brief introduction to Brunei and the stamp issues up to 1952, many unique exhibits were described, starting with vignettes and heads on green paper, obtained by cleaners from the wastebaskets of the de la Rue offices and sold to dealers. Part plates of the definitive issue were passed round for members to examine. The display sheets covered a wide range of philatelic material: 2 cent proofs; high value plates; errors; shift in positions; postal service department mail with cachets; dead letter mail; one scarce example of parcel post; postage dues; mis-sents; tax marks; fiscal useage and air mails. Post from various towns and villages including an example of a cover from Labi to Singapore which travelled via motor boat to Buhit Puan, and then on to the coastal town of Seria on the only railway in Brunei, run by Shell. The amazing story of the passer-by of an office block being demolished who saw interesting paperwork in the skip and asked permission to take it. The material turned out to be from Harrisons archive and included the original watercolour artwork and the photographic proof for the Omnibus issues of 1965 and 1966, in which Brunei was the only country to replace the Queen's head with a portrait of the Sultan.
After the break, John explained his display “The Postal Ephemera of the Industrial Revolution”. From collecting stamps and postal history for many years, John had now become a collector of what he described as being “Inside the Letter”. He demonstrated two aspects, the fine engraving used on this period's stationery, and the range of items that were sent in this early mail. His first sheet showed an example of a letterhead of the first Silk Mill in Derby in its then countryside setting, followed by several other Victorian factory examples with their copiously smoking chimneys (demonstrating prosperity). Examples included invoices for wagons, soda bottles, Henry Jessop's invoices for steel sent to USA; products such as fire engines and saws. Beautifully engraved stationery covering a wide range of Brunel' work, his ships and bridges; Stevenson's Britannia Bridge over the Menai Straits and the High Level Bridge in Newcastle, opened by Queen Victoria in 1849, being the final part of the London to Edinburgh Railway.
There were many continental invoices and letterheads, several featuring medal impressions. The Great Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862 were featured. There were price lists, bills of lading, invoices, all examples of material sent through the post. Perhaps an example of the first railway container – a horse-drawn removal van on a railway flat bed wagon! All this fascinating material demonstrating our industrial heritage, is of great interest to archivist, genealogists and industrial historians. The evening concluded with a Vote of Thanks and Certificate Presentation by Club Chairman, Colin Mount.
Chris Wheeler SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 12 November 2013 - Visiting Speaker - Les Stubbington from Chichester with Maybe this report will be of interest - especially to golfers…..!! Ringwood Philatelic Society Members experienced a fascinating topic at their November meeting – ‘Golf Links with the World of Philately' – presented by Chichester specialist Les Stubbington. Through this thematic approach the world of golf was explored – making excellent use of appropriate stamps from across the world, printed covers, postcards and postmarks, together with photos and advertising material whereby golfing images promoted products, events or venues. This very considerable display (179 sheets!) illustrated aspects of the golfing story – ‘Golfing Greats', ‘Golf in the Early Days', and a considerable focus on the game itself, - techniques, rules, etiquette, equipment and course architecture. A particular emphasis was placed on major events in the calendar, with world tournaments including ‘The Grand Slam', receiving a most detailed account. A particularly interesting section dealt with the mysterious world of golfing terminology – ‘birdie', ‘eagle', ‘albatross'…and did you know ‘condor'?! (meaning ‘four-under-par on an individual hole' –rare indeed!!) The entire collection was skilfully written-up and assembled over many years – the task of locating suitable philatelic/non philatelic material often being a challenge in itself: to quote our speaker –‘You need to look in various locations since you never know what you are going to come across.'
Chairman Colin Mount, in summarising the meeting, warmly thanked the speaker and stated…'This is a fantastic display'. It certainly was – its depth and breadth catering for both the beginner and the most experienced golfer. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tuesday 10th December 2013 Ringwood Philatelic Society Members held their Christmas meeting enhanced by amusing entertainment, this year being provided by colleague John Davis. Entitled ‘Confessions of a Volunteer Organist', John began by stating he was an unlikely candidate since he claimed to be ‘untrained, unskilled and limited in technical ability'…adding that he always plays the right notes – but not always in the right order!' His career had seen him involved in church music and finance and had met more than enough ‘desperate vicars' in the process!! Much of his success appears to be due to his wife digging him in the ribs when not up to scratch! John became adept at stepping in at short notice and was generally appreciated. However on one notable occasion, having given his all, he was startled to receive an official's comment…'It is amazing what comes out of the woodwork!!' John cited numerous examples of playing on unfamiliar organs - some abroad. Once he nearly got romantically entangled (or so he thought!) when attempting to play in a church on Lanzarote . An over-enthusiastic and attractive nun, no less, began extreme physical stretching exercises across his body as he attempted to play. ‘What could this mean?' he wondered. Unfortunately for John, it became clear that her actions were completely honourable…she was making sure all the right stops were engaged!! (Well that's his story!) Members were much amused by John's many tales and could have continued further, well into the evening.
Following the Christmas fayre and raffle appreciated by all, the previous year's speaker Rev Stuart Timbrell, (this evening invited as a guest) passionately addressed the meeting, and thanked the Society for receipt of a much valued cheque donation to aid his outreach work in connection with psychiatric and vulnerable people in Poole…vital work as government funding cuts are impacting most keenly. Concluding the meeting, Acting Chairman Paul Barry stated that the Society had enjoyed a brilliant year's programme, including numerous philatelic presentations and displays of high calibre. . He announced that the next meeting would be again at Greyfriars, 7.30pm 14th January…"Members' Evening with mini displays plus Bring & Buy". AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2014 Tuesday 14th January 2014 The January meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society provided a ‘Members' Evening' with mini displays plus ‘Bring & Buy'. Topics varied greatly with Chris Wheeler producing the first two, beginning with ‘Alfred Rusell Wallace, 1823-1913' who developed his theory of evolution – prompting Darwin to publish. Wallace spent his last years in Broadstone. The display showed special Post Office covers with unique postmarks in celebration. Chris then examined the activities of a new postal administration – ‘Caribbean Netherlands', showing just some of their new stamp issues. Wendy Buckle provided a highly detailed study on ‘The History of Printing', first looking at 11th Century Chinese ‘movable type' which was not observed in Europe until 1450 with the German Gutenberg developments. Details of the famous ‘Gutenberg Bible' were presented which did much to revolutionise communication together with the work of Caxton (1476). The display was supported by pictures, stamps and covers – all superbly written up. Gordon Masson had been studying the small stamp Victorian Canadian issue 1870-97 complex and in depth…looking at papers used, shades of ink, perforations and the numerous printing plate flaws. This study was well promoted to Members with his demonstration of a digital microscope!! (To see Gordon's full talk click here)
Chairman and long time Ringwood resident Colin Mount took the theme – ‘Ringwood Post, 1842-1911'. This New Forest market town had been an important postal area in this period. A well researched and collected topic supported his study, with photos, pre-stamped and stamped envelopes and a fascinating array of various local postmarks.
‘GB Victorian Parcel Post Labels' was an unusual and little known concluding contribution provided by Paul Barry. Such labels were introduced in order to aid proper adhesion. (Here stamps were affixed to the label and postmarked). Many such labels have not survived – certainly not in fine condition. A small but worthwhile assortment of these were shown, bearing 1887-1901 ‘Jubilee' stamps…the first of Britain's bi-coloured stamps. Paul Barry, 23 January 2014 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The Society really does manage to promote a most worthwhile programme, as this evening's meeting really proved. When we think of this subject we probably have in mind…sorting offices, post-vans, bikes, trolleys, bags and rubber bands!! Oh, and orange personnel in shorts!!...and in all weather!! John's research and amazing collection took us far beyond these basic concepts…across land, air and water. For example, when did you last see mail being delivered by catapult or ice-skates?! Our speaker…one of us…is excellent at tackling unusual themes –this was no exception. At the start of John's display, ‘Delivery of the Mail' was seen as the delivery of messages – here we saw a study of stamps depicting Greek/Roman mythology –‘Hermes' and ‘Mercury'. Indeed, angles, bells and smoke signals have all played their part. He then developed the major section in A-Z mode. To give a flavour…'Arrow' mail delivery in difficult terrain. Then an ‘Archer' featured on a Mexican express letter stamp. Of some interest was ‘Auto-gyro' mail…here John displayed a postcard cancelled 8-5-34, flown on the first UK Aerial Post …Windsor to London. ‘Balloon' mail (1811 Siege of Paris), ‘Bike' mail, and Australian ‘Bush' mail followed. Under ‘C' we enjoyed amongst others - 'Cannon Ball' mail, ‘Catamaran' and ‘Clipper' mail (flying boats). ‘Diplomatic Bag', ‘Dog Sledge', ‘Donkey' and propaganda ‘Drop' mail via gliders followed on!! We then examined the worlds of ‘Elephant' mail, ‘Flying-boat' mail, ‘Helicopters', ‘Horses', ‘Hovercraft' and Hydrofoil' mails!! Postmen on ‘Ice Skates' proved interesting as was sea ‘Jug' mail!!...(cans thrown into the sea off Cape Cod in 1954) and Russian ‘Ice Breaker' mail. The second half was eagerly awaited too…dealing with ‘L-Z' and was equally superbly supported by expert writing-up, together with a wide range of postal history and associated material. Here John kicked off with ‘Local Posts'…ie delivery on foot and ‘College' mail. The period was 1871-86 –with 8 Oxford and 3 Cambridge self-issued stamps. Beautiful coloured postcards with college coats of arms were displayed. 1886 however saw the service terminated. (in contravention of Post Office monopoly!!) Members then enjoyed ‘Microlite' (New Zealand), ‘Motor-bike' (Guatemala), ‘Packhorse', ‘Paddle-steamer' and ‘Private' mails. ‘Tube' mail brings back distant memories of vacuum tube delivery in department stores? (in my case.. a love note sent to the office Junior being promptly returned to me + red ink indignation from her manager, to the effect that I was wasting business time and if Mr- knew… then……ugg!!) I digress! Next…in the mid 1930s we observed ‘Rocket' mail, then ‘Ropeway' mail in Gibraltar. ‘Slave' mail, ‘Sling' mail, ‘Snowmobile', ‘Space', ‘Speedboat', ‘Ski' mail…(even a stamp issued by Equitorial Guinea!!) and ‘Swim' mail (Peru) further developed our theme. The concluding section had some gems too…with ‘Taxi' mail (Palestine), ‘Telegrams, and ‘Tonga'…an Indian mail cart, followed by 'Tractor' mail…Pitcairn's, and of course… ‘Tin Can' mail from Niuafoou in theTonga island group. (this was in fact a collection in its own right, having been displayed elsewhere).This was used from 1882 until 1983, when a new airport obviated the need for swimmers or outriggers to handle the post across un-navigable shores. ‘Wells Fargo' mail was celebrated with a superb cover postmarked Sacramento, California…27July, 1866 and having a beautiful ‘Wells Fargo' logo in black on the embossed envelope. The warm vote of thanks by our Chairman Colin Mount commented on the sheer range of material in the collection…vast. For me (apart from ‘Tube Mail' for obvious reasons!) the image that clinched it was John's research into…..wait for it…... ‘ STILT MAIL' !!! …where an early postal service operated in the region of Landes, between Bordeaux and Bayonne where poorly drained heath and moorland necessitated postmen to deliver to villagers on stilts. John's wonderful sepia photo postcards are very well worth seeing!! Paul Barry 12 February 2014 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Tuesday 11th March 2014 The March meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society began with an unexpected but vital medical input...a detailed introduction to Greyfriars Community Centre's ‘in house' defibrillator. Volunteer staff representing Royal Life Saving Society were on hand to demonstrate this amazing (talking!) equipment which is designed to be operated by anyone by following verbal electronic instructions. Based in an increasing number of public buildings nationally, this emergency medical aid has saved numerous lives. Members of the Society then were entertained by colleagues' competition entries. Winner of the ‘Postal History' section (and Best Overall) was Wendy Buckle's ‘Postmarks of Riga as a Russian City'. Today Latvia is an independent country but before 1918 it existed as two provinces of the Russian Empire…Livland and Kurland, with Riga capital of Livland. Wendy's study illustrated the major postmarks used by the Russian Post Office on stamped mail. This was a superbly written up display which included maps, postcards and inland stationery cards, covers and transit marks. Geoff Hood's study (gaining ‘Best in the General Class') was equally unusual with a detailed consideration of ‘The Paris Pneumatic Post' …here was examined the 1886 experimental pneumatic tube initially linking the Telegraph Office at the Bourse with the Grand Hotel in order to quickly deliver stock market messages. Later the network was opened to the general public and gradually extended to cover the whole city. The study included a variety of official cards, telegrams and envelopes, together with a look at postmarks and postal rates. The display…'150 Years of London Underground' gained member Chris Wheeler the trophy in the ‘Novice – First Time Entry' class. Following his highly informative introduction, Chris proceeded to skilfully support his theme with the display of very colourful modern mint stamps, miniature sheets, and commemorative covers (eg.75 th Anniversary of the Waterloo & City Railway, 11 th July 1898). We learnt that the first underground railway opened on 10 th January 1863 connecting 3.5 miles –Farringdon St. to Paddington via King's X and Baker St. using the GWR broad gauge. (Now that's early!!). Alan Whittaker scooped 2nd place in the General Class with his highly detailed study – ‘Queensland & Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd (Qantas) 1926/34'. This riveting entry made great use of scarce material – covers, stamps, photos, airmail booklets, airline advertising items and maps – all superbly written up. The display stated that Qantas was formed on 16th November 1920. An emphasis was placed on its development 1926/34. In this period the Flying Boat Service was established, with WWII disrupting the service until 1943. Behind KLM, Qantas is the second oldest world airline. This unique collection was a privilege to view…. the airline would surely like to acquire this treasure for its own archive!!?
The competition was judged by Julian Jones, Chairman of the Hampshire Philatelic Federation, who gave members a most helpful outline of good display practice, strongly making the point that the skilful writing up of ‘the first page is vital – it sets the scene for what follows…and write this up after all others are completed!' The evening concluded with a most popular ‘Bring & Buy' session. Paul Barry 26 March 2014 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Tuesday 8th April An intriguing title! What a story! Another gem in the programme! Ringwood Philatelic Society, although small in membership, has an amazing ability to attract top speakers with often unique or rare material to display, accompanied by riveting presentation. The April meeting was no exception. The speaker, Dane Garrod, introduced himself as ‘a social historian using philately as a vehicle’. Any title with the word ‘lost’ in it seems to attract our attention, for by nature we all wish to redeem that which was lost. (‘The Lost World’, ‘The Lost Gardens of Heligan’, etc.) Here, these ‘lost letters’ were discovered after 70 years of neglect, found in the derelict estate buildings of a ruined mansion – ‘Edwinsford’, Carmarthenshire. Two workers found this cache of Victorian and Edwardian period correspondence and although details of the new ownership are lost in the mists of time, we know that eventually these envelopes with their letters inside found their way to a South Wales stamp fair in the mid 1980s…for sale in bin bags! During the next thirty years or more, dispersal occurred. A chance purchase by our speaker of two envelopes, with contents, in 2003 at a London auction, led to him becoming intrigued with the contents and the background of both their author and receiver. Initially it appeared that a young woman had here written two love letters to possibly a future husband…but the story was far more than that…revolving around Madeline Drummond…half, of a born again Victorian/Edwardian love story. So began Dane’s lengthy, determined and highly detailed investigation into these now distant lives. Born 22 August, 1847 as the eldest child of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw, clan chief, and her mother- Lady Louisa Agnew, (daughter of the Earl of Gainsborough), little is known of Madeline’s young life. Her early marriage to Harry Clifton, later MP, (only son of the squire of Lytham) brought about no less than seven children. With his death at just 35, Madeline found herself a widow, and came to live in the Capital…moving in the highest circles, being the eldest child of a Baronet. By late 1888, she had met and become engaged to Sir James (Joe) Williams-Drummond of Edwinsford…the Lord Lieutenant of Carmarthenshire, and following marriage a year later, (plus a son-‘Jimmy’), they lived there blissfully, yet somewhat briefly, following untimely, separate deaths. Dane stated: ‘all the letters that Joe Drummond had received through the years from 1872 to 1913, and those that he and Madeline wrote to each other from at least 1888 onwards, were saved in their mansion. They reveal a fascinating story of social life of late Victorian and Edwardian times, and a love between Madeline and Joe that lasted the seventeen years of their marriage. They may be physically gone, but… a form of resurrection has begun.’ Dane’s magnificent display contained numerous items from the original find, collected over the years, and although some envelopes, stamps and letters had been damaged by the ravages of time, neglect and climate, they present a mine of important social research material. His on-going detection work has taken him to Wales and numerous other parts of Britain. Interviews with descendants and access to archives, some private, have revealed much information and although the jig-saw will never be complete, he has unearthed enough material to retell a history and a great love affair. When we read, at the end of Lady Drummond’s correspondence …‘Your Very Loving Madeline’, we gain a glimpse into a most special relationship. Acting Chairman Paul Barry warmly thanked Dane… ‘for sharing your unique collection, huge historical study, and an engaging story – superbly written up with eloquent delivery’, placing Dane’s detective skills….’on a par with no less a character than Poirot himself!! Thankyou’.
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Tuesday 13th May Chairman Colin Mount opened the meeting and announced the Society’s recent success…the winning of the philatelic ‘Interclub Shield’ and was able to display it for Members’ approval. In this evenings’ competition, the 4 winning entries were again of a high standard. In 4th place, we saw Gordon Masson’s fascinating display…’Great Britain, Queen Victoria Used Stamp Identification’. Here was a small collection of stamps, each accompanied with digital microscope detail. This exercise promoted the valuable assistance that electronic technology can provide…especially useful where heavy postmarks on Victorian issues prevent accurate detection of detail, such as printing die and plate, sheet position, etc…all important matters for the keen philatelist. Member Chris Wheeler produced an interesting focus on South Africa’s ‘Bible Society Issue’…19th November, 1987. (3rd place) A certain scarcity surrounds one of the four values, that of the 40cent stamp, which in fact was displayed along with the other three values. Due to religious objections (the name of the Deity should not be written on anything disposable), post offices were instructed not to sell the 40c. stamps. Most were therefore destroyed making surviving copies somewhat ‘sought after’. The next display was presented by David Etchells. This was a study of two local (Ringwood) GB Victorian envelopes, each with a ‘Penny Red’ (imperforate)….nothing unusual about these until it is realised that incorrect numerical postmarks had been applied by the Ringwood Post Office….both early dates…’Oct. 15,1846’ and ‘Mar 9, 1852’. Overall winner was Colin Mount whose entry would fascinate many, especially those for whom German aviation studies are important. Here was displayed a commercially flown ‘Graf Zeppelin’ airmail cover, (flight no. 9384) sent from Brazil 24th July, 1934, via Rio…arriving Stuttgart 31st July…flight time 79.04 hours!!
Paul Barry, 30 May 2014 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Saturday 7th June This year’s stamp & postcard fair took place on 7th June at the usual venue…Greyfriars Community Centre. There were a good number of dealers representing wide collecting interests, with visitors enjoying time out for their hobby, particularly in the morning. The social side of philately/deltiology was well exploited too!! Part of the pleasure of fairs is the unexpected. Whilst it is seldom possible to buy according to a shopping list, the unexpected can happen. Take for example the surfacing (and then prompt sale) of a GB Victorian cover 1/- red & green, postmarked JU 24, 00 British Army S. Africa Field P.O., addressed to Scorrier, Cornwall. Scarce indeed….find another one!! Refreshments (‘Ringpex bacon/sausage rolls’) all day were a real bonus, especially as some people had started the day at 6am!!, such is the Fair’s popularity. The Penny Black Raffle (lovely stamp kindly donated by local GB specialist dealer Peter Mollett and won by a Romsey collector), was most popular, and this, together with a further 10 prizes have been delivered to the lucky winners. See you next year..it may be your lucky day!!
VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Tuesday 10th June One shared and strong characteristic of philatelists is that desire and ability to preserve. This fact was none more apparent than that observed in this evening’s display presentation by our speaker David Speer. David who is a member of the BSAP (‘British Society of Australian Philately’) was tonight’s custodian of an amazing personalised collection designed and belonging to the late Harold King, who died in 1992. Harold’s original collection was vast, containing a huge quantity of Australian philatelic items – frequently superb and well documented, with elaborate pen and ink script and hand drawn illustrations. Sadly the collection had to be auctioned off…but this is where the BSAP came to the rescue, acquiring part of this unique archive. Tonight’s display of 180 sheets contained no scarce philatelic material – its riches existing within the extensive artistic creative work employed across the pages, literally telling Australia’s history via reference to philatelic material.
Paul Barry, 23 June 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday 8th July The 47th AGM, chaired by President Rowan Brockhurst, took place with all reports being accepted and officers being thanked for their dedication and success in helping the Club to grow again during the past year. Another promising programme for 2014-2015 was announced, with the first meeting being on Tuesday 9th September, a Members Evening with maximum 15 sheets from members using the letters V, W and X.
The President then presented certificates to the four winners of the 2014 Society Competition.
Using several pages of examples and lateral thinking, Wendy explained some of the suggestions:
Chris Wheeler, 9 July 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Programme 2014 - 2015 2014 Saturday 13th September Tuesday 14th April Tuesday 14th July ******************************************************************************** Tuesday 9th September This was an occasion when Members provided in-house entertainment…in the form of displays of stamps and related philatelic material and a diverse range of topics was enjoyed. The first subject was related to Lithuanian (the country's Capital being Vilnius) stamps, from early 20th century. Presented on 15 sheets, member Wendy Buckle provided a high quality study display which included scarce covers…one being considerably rare…a commercially used envelope addressed to Wien…Warsaw to Vienna, 19 Nov. 1921. Taking the subject ‘War Artist’, Chris Wheeler displayed a well written up, topical theme…making reference to the work of George Washington Lambert (1873-1930) who specialised in the Australian Light Horse Brigades and their Middle East conflicts. These were mounted troops with characteristics of both cavalry and mounted infantry. 2008 saw the Australian Post Office produce miniature stamp sheets which depicted Lambert’s amazing artistic abilities….these being displayed together with a first day cover, postcards and photos. The little known subject of ‘Newspaper Wrapper Stamps’ followed…Geoff Hood being a specialist on the subject. This display referred to the development of these British Post Office gems …a lengthy history, with the famous printers De la Rue being the principal contracted partner. Earlier (1712) a ‘newspaper tax’ had been levied to part fund military adventures. 1870 saw the ‘Post Office Act’ with the introduction of postcards and wrappers with printed stamps on them. These early wrappers were printed by letter-press, but were also embossed, such was the Victorian concern over forgery! ‘Gibraltar’ was the chosen theme by Burt Burton who well illustrated his display with covers and postcards…some with interesting enclosures…including one with naval messages and much personal correspondence sent by a Lt. Commander ..William Camidge (21/3/34) on ‘The Glorious’….to his wife. Taking a very different theme, member Paul Barry presented ‘ ‘Philatelic Material in the Late Victorian Era’. Although a small display, this covered a range of related material…two overprinted stamps supported by Royal Philatelic Society expertised documents, parcel post labels with stamps, including a scarce shade, two revenue stamped Herefordshire documents, a neat Xmas card cover Lymington – Salisbury and a unique cover from South Africa (Boer War postmark) to England bearing the 1/- red and green Victorian stamp. The next contributor, Gordon Masson, presented ‘Victoria & Victorians’. This depicted the first ‘Christmas’ stamp…that of 1898….which portrayed a world (Victorian) map, having British interests in red. This stamp, together with the majority of others were Canadian. His various sheets viewed different aspects…Victorian founded organisations…..The Red Cross, The National Trust, etc….another ‘Science and Invention’….another ‘Discoveries’….and a fascinating one entitled ‘Development of Culture’….poets, writers, photographers, painters and art forms. Chairman Colin Mount concluded the evening with ‘The Australian 1d Red’ stamp which examined in great detail some of the numerous printing plate varieties…some scarce indeed. These were from the King George V period and explained how so many varieties/shades/watermarks appeared….due to shortages around WWI …all ink having been obtained from Germany and paper from a small mill in Kent… together with rusted steel plates. In summing up the meeting Colin thanked the contributors ‘for the great variety on display…which makes our hobby and meetings so interesting’.
Paul Barry, September 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday 14th October The October meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society was hugely popular taking the form of most interesting presentations from members of the Poole Philatelic Society. ‘Transatlantic Mail’ was Brian Cropp’s contribution - a 45 sheet display covering the period from early 1840s onwards. Here was a well written up in-depth study, highlighting different postal rates applied by both GB and USA postal administrations, surcharges, including ‘Late Fees’ (posting after official deadline) and ‘Unpaid’ where no, or insufficient postage was paid. Fabulous Victorian and USA covers were presented…covering numerous sailing routes. Bob Small examined fascinating postal material relating to WWII. Via stamps, covers, photos and pictures he traced the chronological progress of the conflict…from the invasion of Poland, Russian convoys, Battle of Britain, Dam Busters and the Atomic Bomb… through to V-J Day.
Philately can lend great insight into any theme and the third display provided just that…’Railways and Lakes’…was indeed well covered by Barry Hobbs’…a lesson in South American history, geography and politics, this display examined postal services across land and water, maps, the railway routes taken, the ‘Travelling Post Offices, trains, steamers, covers and postmarks. ‘Airmails of the British Isles’ from 1911 through to the present was the final theme…..presented by David Lockwood. Here was presented a considerable array of supporting material relating to both London and provincial airways…air letters and stamps, first day covers, including flying boat, helicopter and railway air services, (even rocket mail!), brochures of routes and fares, with newspaper cuttings further enhancing the display.
Chairman Colin Mount highly commended these superb contributions, Paul Barry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday 18th October, 2014 As can be seen from the pictures below, Hampex 2014 was very well attended, with many dealers and visitors coming many miles to enjoy the Exhibition. With 27 Dealers selling a wide range of stamps, postcards, potal history and specialist material, there was a wide choice for those wishing to buy items for their collections and future displays and competitions. A separate hall was available for the Competition Entries, which were on view for everyone to enjoy throughout the day. The announcement of results and prizes took place at 11:45 precisely, though sadly very few attended these presentations.
Chris Wheeler 19 October 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday 11th November
‘Censorship’ was then examined and postal correspondence received huge restrictions. The Post Office played a crucial part in propaganda as it did in ’Salvage and Savings’… a section which highlighted another vital contribution. ‘Repatriation and Reconstruction’ concluded this fascinating presentation with a focus on ‘Victory’ and new 1946 stamps entitled ‘Peace & Reconstruction’. The display made superb use of stamps, original letters, envelopes (one partially burnt in an air raid), registered mail, telegrams, postcards, official marks and deletions, such as ‘Opened by Censor/Examiner’, printed matter, ration books, public leaflets, including ‘War Savings Campaign’ and ‘The Spitfire Fund’, propaganda items (‘Dig for Victory’), photos, newspaper cuttings and black-out samples, Home Guard artefacts and ‘Victory Celebration’ certificates… awarded to all children…signed by the King. Colin Mount, the Society’s Chairman, was clearly moved by the breadth and depth of the material presented and warmly thanked Christine for her ‘magnificent display…full of great interest’.
Paul Barry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday 9th December Visiting Speaker - Rev Stuart Timbrell Following the most enjoyable talk given by Rev Stuart Timbrell to the Society at the Christmas meeting in 2012, it was a delight to be able to welcome him back again this year to entertain the Club Members with his talk on one of the aspects of Dorset, a County that he continues to research by exploring the buildings, people and heritage of the County, through discussion, visits to historic places, both well known and unknown, and internet research. Chris Wheeler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday 13th January 2015 Five displays covered diverse collecting themes. Victorian GB stamps from the 1887 series -’Jubilee Issue’ -were presented first…these formed part of a small parcel-post label collection, an area which until fairly recently ‘was somewhat neglected’ and covered most denominations. Paul Barry explained some of the characteristics of these labels, including colour/use, originating post office, postmark types and varieties in stamp, their condition and scarcity. He commented on the rich Victorian heritage and shared beautiful Sevres china photo portraits of the Monarch and Prince Albert which enhanced the display. Geoff Hood shared an interesting study of Persian stamps 1898-1926 which covered a turbulent period, with power succession and unstable economy. Philatelically these issues are ’complex’ with numerous re-prints, invalid originals, Dutch and local (Tehran) print runs and overprints included. ‘The Salvation Army’ was Chris Wheeler’s chosen area, incorporating single stamps, blocks and mini-sheets from around the world….from Antigua – Zaire! These colourful issues celebrated achievements and special events from 19th /20th centuries in the Army’s astonishing humanitarian history. ‘Gibraltar’ is member Burt Burton’s ongoing interest. He presented 40 Naval crests depicted in various issues, which are hard to find other than mint or philatelically used on covers. This collection received a greatly detailed write-up and included ship photos, and some censored mail and airmails…all in the period 1938-41. The final display …from Chairman Colin Mount was entitled ‘Australian Forces Postmarks Used Abroad During Wartime’. In this highly informative presentation, numerous letters/covers featured which had been posted from base camps in Egypt, New Guinea, North Borneo and Syria to home addresses in Australia. The evening concluded with a popular ‘bring & buy’ ….a ‘good start to the year’.
Paul Barry zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Tuesday 10th February 2015 There can be no doubt, if one wishes to learn about the history of paper making and printing, that philatelist Wendy Buckle has it at her finger-tips! Postage stamps have an amazing capacity to tell just any story and when skilfully collected, along with themed material, the results can be highly rewarding. Members of the Society were certainly not disappointed with Wendy Buckle’s quality display. Being a greatly respected member and Past President of the British Thematic Society, Wendy possesses all the skills to create superb presentations…here telling of the worldwide development of paper production and printing. Despite promises of the ‘paperless office’ we still use paper in countless forms and purposes. Through a range of stamps, envelopes, postcards, letters, watermarks, banknotes, newspaper cuttings, diagrams, photocopies and artefacts, including examples of typeset, the developing story of writing materials and printing was examined. Looking first at stone, clay, wood, leaves, and animal skins, the display moved to 100AD with the Chinese invention of paper and its closely guarded 600 year secret. 11th century Europe experimented with various raw materials – linen rags, silk, cotton, jute, flax, hemp and eventually wood pulp. Monasteries with flocks of sheep developed parchment, but it was the industrial revolution which saw real headway with the mechanisation of paper mills and the move from single sheet to huge rolls. Within the display, various types of paper were presented. Modern themes were considered…recycling and the photographic/electronic challenges to paper use, including microfilm and computers. In tandem with paper development was the progress of printing with moveable type in the 15th century (German Johann Gutenberg). Spreading to England in 1476, this knowledge was further developed by William Caxton. 1814 saw ‘The Times’ being produced by the world’s first steam-driven press. Exhibits included examples of lithography and photogravure methods, with typesetting moving from a hand to highly mechanised and now computerised processes. Wendy concluded the evening, ‘we are all printers now!’ In thanking Wendy, Chairman Colin Mount observed… ‘thanks a million, I’ve never seen the whole display before…quite remarkable!!’ Society members then examined the extensive exhibits and were equally impressed.
Paul Barry 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Tuesday 10th March While judging took place, the Society’s publicity officer presented a short display entitled ‘New Philatelic Acquisitions’ (GB Victorian) which sought to share the on-going enjoyment of sourcing unusual, scarce or bargain additions to collections through friends, dealers and the internet. Members were then entertained by a most interesting range of topics for their annual competition night. Taking first place in the ‘traditional class’ and the evening’s overall winner was Wendy Buckle with her very detailed study of Latvian ‘sun’ design stamps. Many were issued, but there is scarcity of used stamps and especially used on cover. Other entries were ‘Persian stamps 1898-26’…definitive and provisional stamps which reflect the turbulent politics of the period and a study of ‘dies’ used in stamp printing. In the ‘postal history’ section with just one entry was Alan Whittaker’s study of Australian pioneers of aviation…’Aerophilately’, which achieved 2nd place. This was a display of very scarce material, mainly covers. The three ‘thematic’ entries saw 2nd and 3rd places going to ‘Salvation Army’ and ‘Panama Canal’ respectively, with the winning entry – ‘U –Boat Campaign’ by Burt Burton. Here the exhibit aimed to demonstrate action in the conflict with German U-boats in the Atlantic and Allied efforts to combat the threat during 1939-43. This was skilfully achieved by stamps, covers and related documents, together with a superb write-up. The meeting concluded with an insightful report from a most experienced judge, John Campbell of the Hampshire Philatelic Federation, who commended excellence and pointed the way for further quality displays.
Paul Barry ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Tuesday 14th April Norman Hudson, the speaker at the April meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society had travelled from Chester to enthral Members. This was a highly specialised display revealing but a small part of a unique collection amassed over some 35 years. Answering a small ad in the Guardian in 1979, Norman booked into a Scottish island mini-break, not realising that experience would mark the start of a love of the region in general and associated philatelic material in particular. The stunning displays commenced with a large map of the islands of which Norman had visited no less than 54 times! Part one dealt with 29 islands in the Hebrides, with the second presentation considering the Orkneys and Shetlands. Material on view was far reaching and included picture postcards, stamps, covers and photos of islands and personalities in the period Queen Victoria – QEII. There were letters, burnt mail, studies of island postmarks, luggage labels, whisky related items from Isla, an old ordinance map and a Harris Tweed hat to complete! Island names evoked feelings of stunning beauty, remoteness and silence, except for where sea winds gusted and the singing of telephone wires were evidenced. Names alone promoted members to seek northern holidays…Islay, Jura, Barra, Mingulay, South & North Uist, Eigg and Rum, Mull, Canna..…! Where possible, Norman had collected philatelic items of all islands having (had) a post office. To name but a few…the earliest known St Kilda postcard complete with news and postmark; a cover from Foula, pop. 30, the only known from this island to survive; an item from Fairisle -the most isolated, yet populated island; a stamped envelope addressed to the Marchioness of Londonderry (damaged in a ‘Rocket Post’ experiment at Scarp, Harris in 1934!!) and a fabulous 1840 Victorian envelope having a strip of four 2d Blues!!! Rare, indeed unique…find another one!! Of great contribution was a strong collection of ‘Thomas Kent’ photographer postcards, and of Shetland, a lovely array of ‘Jack Rutter’ photo cards, covering every aspect of island life. The sub text to the presentation was of course the dwindling of populations and particularly the closures of post offices, often the life blood of communities. This was an amazing and privileged glimpse into a rare subject, a presentation which would grip any group or society interested in fascinating social and glorious natural history.
Tuesday 12th May This meeting boasted the contrasting themes of competition and sell/buy – the former a short one-page competition allowing members to show recent acquisitions, research or interests in the stamp collecting hobby. Gordon Masson ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Tuesday 9th June
In thanking the speaker and commending the display to members, Chairman Colin Mount said it had been a privilege to see this incredible presentation.
P. Barry ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Tuesday 14th July, 2015 Ringwood Philatelic Society held its 48th AGM at the July meeting, this being followed by the Presentation of Display Awards and ‘Chairman’s Guest Entertains’ – Mr Hugh Jefferies MBE, FRPSL, until recently ‘Stanley Gibbons Monthly’ and Catalogue Editor. His subject ‘Catalogues’ proved most rewarding. The speaker traced the early development of Edward Stanley Gibbons’ business in Plymouth. In his father’s chemist shop in 1856, Edward began to trade in stamps, the naval context proving to be most lucrative, especially when he bought cheaply (£5) from sailors, two kit-bags full of now most valuable ‘Cape Triangulars’!!! By 1865 he had established a world-wide price-list service of GB and Empire stamps, the cost being a very competitive ‘one penny’. Business soon expanded, first to Clapham and then to Gower Street. Edward himself had established his famous ‘SG’ numbering system by which every stamp produced is identified. In 1890, such was his success that he sold out to a Chas. Phillips of Birmingham. Catalogues continued to be published, but still under the original ‘Gibbons’ brand name. Shops were opened, ‘SG Stamp Monthly’ launched and catalogues revamped. By the turn of the Century these catalogues were a familiar part of the philatelic landscape. As a longstanding and highly regarded SG Catalogue Editor, (due to receive the MBE for Services to Philately) Hugh was well placed to provide a most comprehensive account of ‘back-room’ catalogue history knowledge, editing decisions and pricings and sometime heavy debate with collectors over contentious exclusions…’catalogues are not perfect’. He presented a range of original catalogues, including the famous SG Simplified in orange cover, first published in 1934. Later to the hobby came the highly successful ‘One Country’ series. Later still, in 1940 came the blue covered ‘World Semi-Specialised’ with an identical one printed in China!! Numerous other catalogues have since been published. Members were challenged to tell the difference!! He observed that on-line catalogues are emerging but hoped that paper editions will not become an obsolete publishing tradition. Although officially ‘retired’ Hugh continues to advise the SG brand. The meeting concluded with a very lengthy question & answer session, such was the interest generated. Chairman Colin Mount warmly thanked Hugh for ‘a most fascinating, informative and interesting evening’.
Paul Barry ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Tuesday 9th June
In thanking the speaker and commending the display to members, Chairman Colin Mount said it had been a privilege to see this incredible presentation.
P. Barry wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Tuesday 14th July, 2015 Ringwood Philatelic Society held its 48th AGM at the July meeting, this being followed by the Presentation of Display Awards and ‘Chairman’s Guest Entertains’ – Mr Hugh Jefferies MBE, FRPSL, until recently ‘Stanley Gibbons Monthly’ and Catalogue Editor. His subject ‘Catalogues’ proved most rewarding. The speaker traced the early development of Edward Stanley Gibbons’ business in Plymouth. In his father’s chemist shop in 1856, Edward began to trade in stamps, the naval context proving to be most lucrative, especially when he bought cheaply (£5) from sailors, two kit-bags full of now most valuable ‘Cape Triangulars’!!! By 1865 he had established a world-wide price-list service of GB and Empire stamps, the cost being a very competitive ‘one penny’. Business soon expanded, first to Clapham and then to Gower Street. Edward himself had established his famous ‘SG’ numbering system by which every stamp produced is identified. In 1890, such was his success that he sold out to a Chas. Phillips of Birmingham. Catalogues continued to be published, but still under the original ‘Gibbons’ brand name. Shops were opened, ‘SG Stamp Monthly’ launched and catalogues revamped. By the turn of the Century these catalogues were a familiar part of the philatelic landscape. As a longstanding and highly regarded SG Catalogue Editor, (due to receive the MBE for Services to Philately) Hugh was well placed to provide a most comprehensive account of ‘back-room’ catalogue history knowledge, editing decisions and pricings and sometime heavy debate with collectors over contentious exclusions…’catalogues are not perfect’. He presented a range of original catalogues, including the famous SG Simplified in orange cover, first published in 1934. Later to the hobby came the highly successful ‘One Country’ series. Later still, in 1940 came the blue covered ‘World Semi-Specialised’ with an identical one printed in China!! Numerous other catalogues have since been published. Members were challenged to tell the difference!! He observed that on-line catalogues are emerging but hoped that paper editions will not become an obsolete publishing tradition. Although officially ‘retired’ Hugh continues to advise the SG brand. The meeting concluded with a very lengthy question & answer session, such was the interest generated. Chairman Colin Mount warmly thanked Hugh for ‘a most fascinating, informative and interesting evening’.
Paul Barry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tuesday 8th September, 2015 Seven members contributed to the evening with displays on a wide variety of topics, making an enjoyable start to the new Club Year. Wendy Buckle commenced with Cancels on Latvian military and field post mail from World War I, much of it under German Occupation, all Censored. Civilian mail used German overprinted stamps. She explained that during this period no mail was delivered, everyone had to go to the post office to ask if there was any mail for them. Examples of the use of dumb cancels in 1917 were illustrated. Gordon Mason followed with an expansive display of the stamps of each of the Australian States during the period from 1901 to 1913, with a very interesting commentary on their design and longevity. He explained that this display represented the progress he is making on his collecting theme.
Chris Wheeler ********************************************************** Tuesday 13th October Ringwood Philatelic Society members greatly enjoyed a deep rummage through ‘Victorian Junk Mail’ at their October meeting – but sadly were not allowed to keep their finds!! This was an exquisite philatelic display by visiting speaker Gavin Fryer, RDP FRPSL which traced the development of different types of mail. Such historical items included official documents –tax notes, court summons, election publicity – Parliamentary wrappers, voting papers, proceedings and petitions, registration fees, the huge area of newspapers and cuttings and a rich variety of advertising mail - charities’ printed circulars, printers’ patterns, paper samples, race course events, book post items, letters, envelopes and of course stamps. Numerous penny blacks and reds and two-pence blues were in evidence, all on cover. A considerable focus was concerned with the complex postal rates of the period. While the emphasis was on the Victorian era, the speaker mentioned the period Queen Anne to the early 20th century. This was a highly detailed, superbly written up unique collection of philatelic documents, eloquently presented. Although regarded as ‘junk’ after their purpose was expended, today such items present as often scarce or unique and frequently of considerable value. In concluding and thanking the speaker, Chairman Colin Mount stated, ‘I think you will agree this display puts a new slant on ‘junk mail’, this has been an extremely interesting and fascinating evening’.
Paul Barry zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Tuesday 10th November To deal efficiently with one vast historical subject in less than two hours was some feat, but to address a second was hugely memorable. At their November meeting Ringwood Philatelic Society members welcomed specialist Bob Small to present the topic ‘Napoleonic War Mail’, followed by ‘The Battle for Britain’. In the case of Napoleonic material, the speaker had begun his collection some 40 years previously, when such philatelic material was more easily tracked down and less costly. The display was substantial, very well written-up and frequently revealed scarce, unique items. Covering the period 1793-1815, members were provided a considerable insight into the series of wars fought between France and a number of European countries, including GB. Original newspaper cuttings from ‘The Newcastle Chronicle’, ‘The Times’, ‘The Globe' and others, strongly supported the philatelic content, including envelopes, letters –some military maps, routes for mail, charges levied, pictures and photographic images. This was a most complex historical episode involving personalities, politics and battles and the correspondence presented provided graphic reading. After the break, ‘Battle for Britain’ focussed on this momentous historical episode, beginning in 1940 with Dunkirk and riveting quotations from speeches by Churchill (‘the Few’) and Air Chief Marshall Dowding, through to Hitler’s invasion of Russia, Pearl Harbour, ‘Bismarck’, ‘Graf Spei’, the U-Boat and V-1/2 menaces. The display included stamps, covers and letters from the period, together with maps and modern philatelic items such as mini-sheets and special commemorative covers. Chairman Colin Mount in thanking Bob Small stated that the Members had enjoyed a brilliant historical tour, supported by ‘wonderful stories’ and fascinating philatelic material.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Tuesday 8th December 2015 Another delightful and entertaining evening was enjoyed by Club Members as Rev Stewart Timbrell related intriguing stories about his life as a chaplain to the psychiatric services, some of his great frustrations as he fought against many adverse changes in these services due to political reasons, but detrimental to the patients describing some of the harmful actions.
Chris Wheeler oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tuesday 12th January 2016 The evening provided a good opportunity for Members to share interesting aspects of their collections or their latest acquisitions. On a very different theme were ‘Horizon Labels’. A label from each of the 125 post offices in Great Britain was displayed. These are under-collected, some hard to find, GB large size parcel post adhesives currently issued by main post offices. They are over-printed to identify the office number, date, amount in cash and purpose. (eg A=Airmail, 1L=1stClass Large). The final contribution was a superbly written-up 15 sheet display on ‘Historic Libraries’. Enhancing the subject were stamps, postcards, pictures/prints and line drawings. Religious libraries, (including chained and monasteries), circulating and public libraries were presented, culminating in Carnegie Libraries.
Paul Barry HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Tuesday 9th February 2016 Many stamp collectors will clearly recall distant days wheeling and dealing on the school playground, in some cases adding considerably to pocket money or occasionally acquiring a bargain via some fellow urchin’s elderly aunt or grandfather or a child’s lost interest!! Ah well!! For years keen philatelists have discovered the best means of enhancing collections or releasing items for sale...dealers being a principal port of call. The internet now provides philatelists with countless global opportunities for studying or sourcing/selling material, but not all collectors are familiar with purchasing in this manner...still less the whole world of selling on the net. It was then a most suitable and timely moment to include expert advice in Ringwood’s programme of events. The February meeting of the Philatelic Society was well attended and members greatly appreciated the evening’s presentation, ‘Buying and Selling Philatelic Material On-Line’. Chris Wheeler provided a much informed presentation on ‘Buying’ -which coved all essential aspects from how to register on E-Bay, Pay-Pal registration, sourcing stamps and related philatelic material and principles of managing auction sites, including timing of bidding, currency and means/timing of payments. Useful take-home handouts were available to guide members in the processes involved and sequences to adopt when making purchases or achieving sales on computer.
################################################################################################### Tuesday 8th March 2016 This was Ringwood Philatelic Society’s Annual Competition Night which saw, in Judge John Campbell’s words, ‘a good standard of entry’. Various themes featured…the winner in the Postal History Class was Alan Whittaker with his study of ‘Keith Allison Virtue MBE, the Pioneer Australian Aviator’. (Alan was the overall winner too). Also within this class was his ‘Aero Philately…Airmails Down Under’, 1919-39. Colin Mount provided his fascinating ‘Ringwood Post’…a local Victorian study and Wendy Buckle followed with ‘German Field Post in Latvia during WW1’. Chris Wheeler won the Thematic Class with ‘The Story of the Panama Canal’…although strongly challenged by John Davis with ‘The Volcanic Eruption of Niuafo’ou in 1946’. The Traditional Class saw Colin Mount’s study - ‘Australian Baron Series’…a presentation which considered the stamp designer’s work. Displays were skilfully designed and were supported by not only stamps, but covers, postmarks and watermarks, historical research, newspaper cuttings, photos, documents…and in some cases unique or scarce philatelic material.
######################################################################################### Friday 1st April 2016 Four members of the Ringwood Philatelic Society put up displays during the evening, which was attended by 23 Club members. The evening opened with John Davis presenting 42 sheets of material from his Stampex award-winning entry on the “Tin Can Mail of Niuafo'ou Island, Tonga”. A detailed description of the 101 years history of this unique service was given with an array of scarce examples of the mail carried by the swimmers and canoeists of the Island. A range of cachets used on the mail from 1930, when Walter Quensell’s imagination popularised the tin can mail service to the world at large, and two examples of the unique Carl Louis watercolourist’s hand-painted covers sent from his home in Japan for onward transmission were featured. The island was evacuated in 1946 after the volcanic eruption and resettled in 1958, when the service continued until the airstrip was constructed in 1983. Chris Wheeler followed with “World of FRAMA labels”, by putting up 50 sheets illustrating the development and use of these labels in 43 countries from around the world. These have now mainly been replaced by Post & Go labels. Many of the FRAMA labels were quite plain, others very colourful. The labels were of variable amounts and the public could obtain them from machines in post offices to relieve pressure on counter staff. The Post & Go labels are for fixed values.
(chris wheeler) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Tuesday 12th April 2016 The Club’s two speakers were warmly welcomed by Ringwood Members, who proceeded to enjoy most interesting presentations. Brian Hunt presented ‘Falkland Islands’ and began with a brief geographic outline, assisted by a 1982 ‘battle map’. He then displayed a range of Victorian stamps, commencing with the first issued - 1st August, 1861. This was a detailed study of first early, and then the later stamp issues, mainly mint with various printings, different watermarks, papers, perforations, shades, overprinted ‘War Tax’ issues and mini-sheets. Airmail rates were considered along with various designers, printers and the considerable range of beautiful QEII stamps, of which the speaker strongly felt there had been poor post office judgement in promoting too many issues. The second speaker, Bernard Paull presented ‘Alfa Romeo –Rhapsody in Red –the First 100 Years’. This input was not just a treat for philatelists but for the entire Alfa marque following!! The display consisted of documents, correspondence; magazine articles and extracts, stamps, covers, postcards, cigarette cards, and models. Bernard provided an interesting insight into the company’s history, including 1930s development, the racing programme and Hitler’s humiliation with an Alfa victory in the 1936 Coppa Ciano Race, in the shape of the recently UK auctioned 80-35, and other motorsport achievements, including Italian Grand Prix wins. The 1950s/60s saw the re-emergence of car production, commercial vehicles and racing involvements and further progression. The speakers were much appreciated by Chairman Colin Mount, who invited members to study the superb displays.
(paul barry) 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Tuesday 10th May 2016 This completion saw just seven entries, but quality and interest were much in evidence. The event required members themselves to do the voting, but as in the rules, they were not allowed to self-vote!! Subjects ranged from general themes, as in the case of ‘Bridges over the Grand Canal’, featuring in particular the ‘Ponte di Rialto’, to highly technical -‘Various Positions of dots in the Maltese Cross Cancellation’, a study of aspects of postmarks on GB Victorian penny-red stamps. The historically challenging subject ‘Deplored Explorer –Capt. James Cook (1728-1779)’ gave rise to considerations of the damaging effects of European culture and health issues on native populations. A fascinating display looked at ‘Postmen with Transport –Various Types of Boat’. Here were included stamps depicting a Solomon Islands’ cruise launch, Equatorial Guinea’s canoes, a galley used by the Indonesian Republic and a Falkland Islands’ schooner…and numerous others. Some stamps are rare/scarce because of printing inaccuracies resulting in official stock recall. An example was available within the competition, that of ‘The recalled UNESCO Dinosaur Provincial Park Stamp, Canada 2015. Such a stamp was exhibited alongside the re-printed, reinstated example. ‘The 150th Penny Black Anniversary’ and a postal service where mail coaches, camel post and a Russian courier from the Middle Ages were presented. The final entry and overall winner was member Paul Barry’s ‘New Acquisitions –GB Queen Victoria 1887 Jubilee Issue’, who was awarded the ‘President’s Cup’ by the Society’s Chairman Colin Mount. This entry included 1/- green stamps, the 6d. purple/rose on a Wareham parcel-post label and a beautiful advertising envelope promoting the talents and services of a German art design company operating in the latter part of the 19th Century. The competition was much enhanced by a range of supporting material…stamps mint and used, mini-sheets, covers, photos, drawings, maps, good write-ups and quality presentation.
(Paul Barry) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Saturday 4th June The main event in the Society’s calendar is RINGPEX and this stamp and postcard fair was again greatly popular. The venue - Greyfriars Community Centre at Ringwood is ideal as it provides two modern halls and a foyer for lively trading, together with a friendly volunteer kitchen team providing the famous ‘Ringpex’ bacon rolls and hotdogs!! The highlight of the day was the Society’s Raffle, with superb prizes…the first prize being a wonderful Penny Black kindly sponsored by local GB specialist dealer Peter Mollett…this year being won by a Wimborne philatelist. Numerous other prizes were generously donated by Stanley Gibbons. This is always a popular event with dealers, some who travel considerable distances and appreciate the Society’s porterage help… and of course with collectors who regard ‘Ringpex’ as a major diary date, providing excellent opportunities for discovering elusive material. (Paul Barry) yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Tuesday 14th June Although, as Chairman Colin Mount stated in his opening welcome, ‘we all know Bill Pipe’, his subject ‘Dorset Postal History’ proved to be somewhat obscure. Postal history emanating from such a rural county from the period 1606 through to the Victorian era (and beyond) was bound to be affected. Bill referred to ‘a fairly illiterate county of sea farers and labourers’. Trade was centred mainly on Poole and Weymouth, with Bridport, Lyme, Blandford, Shaftesbury and Sherborne playing smaller roles. The earliest cover presented, was coach sent being dated 23rd June, 1606 - Winterbourne to Baynards Castle (Surrey). Early letters were in the display, one written 4 months after Cromwell’s death. The earliest postmark presented was 1726. There was a predominance of naval and agricultural mail. The majority of postal gems were from 1840 onwards. A lovely orange Maltese cross cancel (Corfe Castle) on a penny black was enjoyed, together with a cover to London bearing a superb strip of 4 penny blacks –plate 4 AI to AL –the entire having 4 red Maltese cross obliterators, dated 16-10-40, Poole. Other penny blacks followed together with an abundance of two-penny blues and penny reds and numerous later issues, many with interesting cancels –registered, late-use, numeral, thimble, cds and inspector cancels. One cover catching the eye was bound for ‘Marnhall’, (Marnhull) being cancelled ‘Blandford’ –Ap. 4. 59 with code letter ‘C’. The second half of Bill’s presentation was equally rewarding. Here there were early ship mail, Mulreadys, railway cancels (a love of Bill’s), Dorset Regiment, wreck and strike post mail. Of particular note was a superb unique Victorian Twynham (the dead village thanks to the Military) parcel post label, (find another one!!) The riveting evening drew to an end when Publicity Officer Paul Barry was called upon to provide the vote of thanks. He paid great tribute to this ‘Aladdin’s cave of treasure with all its rich variety and rarity’. In concluding, he highlighted a selection of the wonderful rural Dorset post office names which had featured, such as Blandford St Mary, Hinton Martell, Long Bredy, Marnhull, Nottington and Punchnoll. Thanks Bill.
TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Tuesday 12th July 2016 No one could be better placed to entertain on this subject than Member Hugh Jefferies. Until recently Hugh has been Editor of Gibbons Stamp Monthly and has overseen the collection of numerous artefacts connected to the life and times of this most prominent international stamp dealer. Hugh gave a highly detailed and entertaining presentation relating to the professional and more private life of this fascinating character. This illuminating account threw light, not so much on the Company, but on the Man. Stanley was born in 1840, the ‘Penny Black’ year, the 5th child of a Portsmouth dispensing chemist. At 15 he went to work as a junior clerk in ‘the Naval Bank’. Being responsible for mail, he developed an interest in postage stamps from around the world and as his expertise grew, in 1853 his father provided a small counter space at the back of the shop to trade in stamps, the collection of which was becoming a major Victorian hobby. Soon Stanley had a brisk business running with a good source of material being via the city’s naval connections. The legendary story of the ‘Cape Triangulars’’ was retold, whereby in 1863 two seamen emptied a couple of sacks of these now iconic stamps onto the shop floor which Stanley promptly purchased for a small figure! Advertising and mail order developed, cheap packets being popular. A move to London was well timed, however the (saucy?) mix of office girls arriving for work at the suburban Clapham address, followed soon afterwards by wealthy men to see Mr Gibbons did not suit the neighbours too well! A move to Gower Street was then to be overtaken by the establishment at the famous address -391 The Strand. At age 50, he sold his business and led the rich life, having it is believed, numerous ladies in tow!! Another part of Stanley’s ‘secret life’ were his marriages, 5 in all, with number 6 being lined up just before his death! Visits in ‘company’ to the Savoy, opposite 391 were apparent, his final visit (1913) resulted in a heart attack, whereupon the managers of this top hotel and of Stanley Gibbons together arranged for his body to be rolled up in a carpet and quietly removed to a modest address nearby to avoid unwelcome publicity!! Chairman Colin Mount and Members were most appreciative of Hugh’s rich presentation, which included much ‘insider’ knowledge and unique archive ‘scrapbook’ material…brilliant!!
(Paul Barry) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Programme 2016 - 2017 Saturday 10th September Tuesday 13th September Tuesday 11th October Tuesday 13th December Saturday 8th April Tuesday 11th April Tuesday 9th May Saturday 3rd June Tuesday 11h July oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tuesday 13th September Eight Members displayed on a wide variety of topics in this, the first meeting of the Society’s year. Presentations focussed on the letters ‘D, E and F’ in the title. Paul
Dumsday had selected stamps from such countries as the Dominican Republic, Eire and
the Falkland Islands, incorporating both old and new issues, mint, used and covers. Bert Burton’s displays were well researched and written up topics under ‘Gibraltar’ – all
having naval connections. HMS Dwarf (1898-1916) featured strongly, underpinned by ‘The Federation of Australian States’ (1901-1913)
was a thoroughly researched subject by Gordon Masson. Using a digital microscope, he
demonstrated clear images of early issue Victorian stamps together with insightful
commentary. Postage rates and overprints were a particular focus. Wendy Buckle
shared a high quality display tracing the development of handmade paper through to
machine generated. A particular element dealt with the importance of the Victorian paper
maker John Dickenson. The presentation contained postcards, covers, embossed
envelopes, articles, photos and an aerogramme, together with antique paper sample
books. Colin Mount made a strong technical contribution with his 50 year personal study of Australian 1d red KGV stamps. ‘E’ for Errors was his specialised consideration, Wearing his newly acquired ‘Chairman’s hat’, Paul commended Members for their participation in ‘a fascinating evening’ and commended the magnificent displays for close scrutiny.
![]() (Paul Barry) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Tuesday 11th October ‘ The allowance of a larger paper format, eg A3 provides much greater scope, say for the presentation of large covers or official documents such as in this example –wartime posters and maps. She explained that collectors are free to display their material in any format/content/quality, but if entering serious competitions, then these rules must be followed. The material members were able to study included a fascinating focus on ‘Slogans’ …’Dig for Victory’, ‘Careless Talk Costs Lives’, wartime employment for women, and a number urging good recycling habits. Members were greatly impressed by the quality of items on display, some of considerable rarity, and all written-up and organised in an eye-catching way to tell a story. Collecting, selecting and mounting ‘a rule friendly’ exhibit appeared to members at first to be a most daunting undertaking, but through Christine’s eloquent delivery, richly stimulating display of fine material and the first rate discussion following, a feeling of ‘can do’ was certainly achieved…all much reflected in President Colin Mount’s concluding vote of thanks. Another excellent RPS evening!!
sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Saturday 15th October **************************************************************************************************** Tuesday 8th November Members of the Ringwood Philatelic Society enjoyed an unusual topic at their
November meeting –‘Tin Can Mail’. This proved to be a huge display of unique philatelic
material, supported by related artefacts, which had been collected, written-up and
presented by member John Davis. His focus of study centred on Tonga in the period
1882-1983 and the small northerly island of Niuafoou which had been ‘discovered’ in
1616 and first charted by Captain William Bligh of ‘The Bounty’ fame. Needing to
communicate with the outside world, a system of watertight mail carrying metal
canisters was established, promoted by one William Travers. These were taken by
swimmers (in later years by outriggers) the 1.5 miles to passing ships in deeper water,
with incoming mail being transferred to land by the same means. This remote coconut
producing island, close to the international dateline, benefitted hugely from this basic
service and it was not until as late as the early 1980s, with the building of an air-strip
that this service ended. John’s display included covers- many illustrated, letters,
photos, maps, newspaper and magazine cuttings. A special study was made of cachets
(postmarks) of which some were exceedingly rare, an example having the wording ‘Damaged by salt water in Tonga’. A considerable range of fascinating covers formed
(Paul Barry -Chairman/Publicity Officer) yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Tuesday 13th December 2016 There was an excellent turn-out for this evening's celebratory event. Chairman, Paul Barry opened the meeting and set the scene for members to enjoy the refreshments that they had brought along. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Tuesday 10th January 2017 This, the first meeting in Ringwood Philatelic Society’s 2017 programme enabled the examination of a wide range of themes. A superb and well written-up study of early Australian airmail items was much enjoyed. The 1920s and 1930s saw considerable development of these intriguing airmail services and this was well reflected in the displayed material. Included were Australian territory maps, stamps- both singles and in blocks, fascinating scarce flown covers with interesting postmarks and newspaper cuttings. A study of wartime Guernsey stamps, first-day covers and press cuttings was of equal merit. ‘Gibraltar’ was the following theme where the focus shifted to WWI and a consideration of US Forces and their mail, inbound/outbound to the States. Centre stage was a range of letters and postcards (some censored), postmarks, pictures of Gibraltar and submarines. ‘Curious cancellations’ provided a brief examination of familiar GB issues with the highlight being a fabulous multi-stamped cover with some 40 modern stamps! ‘Gilbert & Ellis’ stamps were also presented along with a very scarce cover franked ‘Fanning Island’. Another unusual presentation featured ‘Victorian Parcel Post Labels’ of the late 19th Century where stamps had been affixed to official gummed labels having strong adhesion to a variety of surfaces, aiding the postal service. Many philatelists keep well abreast of e-technology and this was amply demonstrated in the final contributions via computer enhanced images where mainly early British Empire stamps were examined in the closest detail. The scanning of images was agreed to be the most effective process. Such scrutiny enables the easy detection of watermarks, printing variations, inks, flaws and occasional rarities….happy hunting!!
(paul barry) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tuesday 14th February 2017 This, the Society’s deferred Christmas meeting, kept to tradition whereby its non-philatelic theme, had wider appeal for member’s guests. Speaking of his many years with the National Trust, currently as its Coast and Marine Advisor for the South West, Tony Flux provided a fascinating insight into a vital, but under represented aspect of endeavour, that of coastal management. Numerous statistics accompanied the power-point presentation, one notably, that 45% of all NT coastal sites exist in the West Country. Beginning by outlining historical support for this conservation work, commencing in Barmouth in March 1895 with the first bequest, Tony underlined the crucial nature of such long term work. Dealing closely with the how/why of continual coastal change, a variety of trends were identified; new surface temperatures, sea level rises and issues around wind and wave action, heat and precipitation. Other aspects of the Trust’s work concerned pros/cons of land defence and dwellings relocation. The tension between inevitable coastal erosion processes and engineering interventions was examined, not to mention costs, local preferences/demands and political influences. ‘Do we patch up coastal stretches today, only to return in 20 years’ time to repeat the exercise?’ Tony made the strong case for realistic and long term planning/remedies, often in the face of local and traditional embedded attitudes, which could be misinformed/misplaced. A major part of the Trust’s work clearly centred around explanation, education, good PR, science/engineering and the economics of viable projects. This most interesting talk was further enhanced by considerations of case studies, university research and superb coastal photography including aerial coverage, some historical revealing erosion and habitation trends. Tony, clearly a most passionate advocate of the protected coastal environment, reminded his audience that surveys reveal over 25% of people daydream about ‘being by the sea!’ He stated that ‘Dorset has everything!!’ including a fantastic coastal heritage. In appreciating Tony’s superb presentation and pitch for responsible realistic conservation, Chairman Paul Barry voiced the mood of the meeting in stating how much we all owe to our wonderful rich environment and to the National Trust’s vital and ongoing coastal management brief.
(Paul Barry) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Tuesday 14th March 2017 Ringwood Philatelic Society recently held its annual members’ competition night. Entries were carefully researched and presented and covered an interesting range of topics. A high standard is required and Hampshire Federation philatelic judge Julian Jones was suitably impressed, whilst steering competitors towards even higher achievement. Member Paul Dumsday provided a small study on ‘Gilbert & Ellis Islands’ through a selection of QE II stamped covers. David Etchells’ 12 page entry ‘Manuscripts, Writers and Banks’ dealt with the subject within a postal history context which benefitted from the inclusion of both pre-stamped and early postally used envelopes. A thematic entry ‘A Day out at Kew’, compiled by Chris Wheeler, was a delightful consideration of the attractions of this famous national horticultural treasure, underlined by mint stamps, booklets, first day covers, postcards and photos, all superbly written up. The concluding display, and the one achieving first place was the entry from member Alan Whittaker, the subject being ‘German Occupation in WWII’. This again was a well described study, ably supported by mint stamps, overprints, fascinating covers, photos, a Red Cross message and registration form. Displayed was but a fraction of a significant collection, which when fully represented will form a notable local/national competition entry.
(paul barry) ********************************************************************************************** Tuesday 11th April 2017 Speaker Michael Elliott provided Ringwood Philatelic Society members with an insightful, fascinating, but most tragic historical account of Finland during the period 1939/45. Over many years, he had acquired related philatelic material via his personal connections in this Baltic country, together with purchases, some bulk, from UK dealers and his collection and knowledge had benefitted hugely. Geographically, Finland has frequently suffered from having Russia, her huge and mighty neighbour, on the doorstep….none more so than during the mid-20th Century. 1939 saw the Winter War with Russia. The second war was the Continuation War, whereby Finland joined Hitler to achieve advantage over this common enemy. This led up to 1944, when the 3rd war broke out, being part of the Treaty of Moscow…the Lapland War, which sought freedom and independence. Given this background, it is difficult to imagine functioning postal administrations or the survival of philatelic material. Michael was soon to demonstrate via his superb presentation, quality write-up and eloquent delivery, a considerable knowledge of the period. His 180 sheet display revealed numerous scarce and unique items. There was a huge collection of covers, some pictorial, including some ‘entires’, whereby the original contents were to be appreciated. Amongst the treasured items, there were very scarce German postal history covers, some official and again with correspondence. Military hospital postal items were included. A small section of related material on the Lapland War was present, but Michael explained that little of such postal history has survived. The presentation was peppered with supporting items…stamps, overseas charity labels, photos, maps and propaganda leaflets. Chairman Paul Barry warmly thanked the speaker for sharing his excellent collection, and pointed out that it had taken some 12 years of waiting to secure this philatelic extravagance for the Society’s programme!
(paul barry) ************************************************************************************************ Tuesday 9th May Four entries were submitted in this evening's Competitions, each winning a trophy for their class. The overall winner was Alan Whittaker who was congratulated on his excellent entry.
***************************************************************************************************** Saturday 3rd June The 3rd of June proved to be another most successful day in the RPS calendar. RINGPEX continues as a highly popular stamp and postcard fair. As usual a significant amount of planning was involved together with very much effort on the day by a small dedicated team of Members. The event was well promoted particularly by an interesting window display of local estate agent Carr & Neave, which took as its main theme the main raffle prize of a fine quality ‘Penny Black’. This annual prize attraction is much appreciated by both committee and punters and is the most generous gift of GB specialist dealer and Honorary Member, Peter Mollett. This year the winner was a local philatelist. An excellent ambience pervaded throughout the day, helped along by the provision of refreshments, including the famous RINGPEX hotdogs and bacon rolls! A most pleasing profit was again achieved which assists in running costs, essential to a healthy society and bank balance! The organising team’s only regret for the day was that due to a health issue, Hampshire thematic dealer Paula Cant and husband Philip had to cancel at short notice with insufficient time to replace. As a real measure of the fair’s enduring popularity, all dealers are booked for next year, being … Paul Barry ************************************************************ Tuesday 13th June The Australian involvement in the Second World War beyond Australian territory is a frequently occurring philatelic study in many clubs and societies nationally, but this particular presentation of Australian Forces in the Northern Territory, followed by an examination of their later role in Japan is a far less well known subject. Members of Ringwood Philatelic Society enjoyed an interesting evening therefore when speaker Malcolm Price shared both his considerable knowledge and a unique and scarce collection. His extensive display, supported by fine write-up, contained maps, military overprinted stamps and rare proofs, (singles, blocks and sheets), covers –many censored, flown and registered mail, lettercards, various hand-stamp cancellations- steel/rubber, photos, press cuttings, and correspondence. He traced the history of the period and explained that the military were deployed to the north in a protection role. As with Pearl Harbour, the Japanese attack on Darwin (8th December, 1941) propelled the military into a new gear. Roads and narrow gauge railways were developed. Post offices were few and therefore facilities were quickly established to aid communication. These included new air-force base postal services. South East Asia became a major theatre of conflict, with the Australian mainland clearly further threatened. The display was considerable and a major section considered the Japanese phase of the war. Here were presented naval covers and cancellations to and from significant ships such as ‘The Shropshire’ and ‘The Bantam’ and the Japanese surrender 2nd September 1945, on board the battleship ‘Missouri’ in Tokyo Bay. Australian interests post-war had to be maintained, and so a large military occupying presence was developed along with a strong postal service, both for official and commercial purposes. PoW mail was part of the display, both inward and outward, together with information airdrop letters and posters (on what not to do). Locally produced overprinted stamps threw up scores of printing varieties, a philatelic goldmine!! By the summer of 1957, the last Australian officials left Japan, and so this fascinating philatelic story concluded at this point.
Paul Barry ***************************************************************** Tuesday 11th July The topic ‘Pillar Boxes’ is not a familiar one among philatelic clubs and societies, yet has a central role in the world of stamps and postal services. Such organisations benefit hugely from the numerous philatelists who have built up unique collections, displays and very considerable specialised knowledge and this evening’s presentation was no exception. Ringwood’s immediate Past President, Rowan Brockhurst, provided a most entertaining insight into the world of pillar boxes, explaining how he first sought to engage in this philatelic study area. His son’s class had been given a task –that of investigating brasses and other embossed surfaces, which in this young boy’s case involved seeking to make rubbings of the insignia on such boxes. Rowan soon became aware of the wide range of boxes, their manufacture, their locations and insignia design. Early boxes were made of wood, as in the case of those in the Channel Islands. They tended to be located at public houses, later to be replaced by iron ones, and installed generally to the rear, where horses with carriages were rested, for onward postal delivery. Members learnt that the oldest box, still in use, is the one at Barns Cross, Holwell, near Sherborne. Considering types of box, the first ones had vertical opening, later to be replaced by horizontal on account of rain ingress. Among early boxes, lovely fluted style ones are still to be seen at Milford-on-Sea, Mudeford and Eton. Colours play their part with green being used in Ireland and blue in Scotland. Later England, Scotland and Wales all changed to red. Exceptions exist, as in the case of Hull with its cream painted ones! The study of design is a huge area of investigation. For example Liverpool had its own, but by 1859 666 standard boxes were established. Of famous design is ‘The Penfold’, being designed by architect A W Penfold, there being 5 types. All boxes had the Royal Cypher (VR) with adjustments seen across subsequent reigns. Rowan illustrated his presentation with a substantial number of photographs, many depicting ‘ER’ boxes. Also included were images of different types –free standing pillar, lamp-post and fence fixing and wall …of which the one fixed high in a wall at Lulworth (marked ‘out of service’) is a delight, giving rise to questions of why?! A variety of overseas pillar-boxes were also featured, colours setting them apart. Many boxes receive much local affection, as in the case of Sherborne’s Olympic gold box, to be seen outside the central post office. On this subject of pillar boxes, author Bill Bryson makes numerous references, pointing out that this icon is truly engraved in the national consciousness, but perhaps we have to thank Anthony Trollope for their introduction –another story!
(paul barry) ********************************************************** Tuesday 12th September 2017 Recently the society’s committee decided to make a real effort to gain greater member involvement in ‘Members’ Evenings’, and this was endorsed at the summer AGM. Through encouragement and an underlining that all entries are welcome, no matter how brief, basic or undeveloped they may be, the September meeting saw 10 of the 15 members present displaying. This was the best result for many years, and demonstrated that the Society has an all-inclusive remit. The first presentation was by Keith Clements who took the subject ‘History of Germany’. He began with an examination of the Treaty of Versaille - ‘a harsh settlement’. As he traced the history through to the 21st century, excellent use was made of various stamps, including overprinted Bavarian issues, the Hitler years, the Soviet era, Post-Soviet and those of Re-unification. Peter Pierson provided an insight into the mysterious world of 2009 GB overprinted stamps, entitled ‘The Hidden Codes’. Clarewyn Smit considered in some depth and with passion ‘The 1976 UN Year of the Disabled’. This well written-up study was well supported by quotations, illustrations and numerous stamp issues and strongly underlined ‘Human Rights of the Disabled’. Gordon Masson presented ‘Geography of Tasmania in the Victorian Era’. This insightful study made fine use of maps, stamp enlargements and details of printings, including perforations and watermarks. ‘Gibraltar’ by Burt Burton gave members access to just a glimpse of a fascinating study. The evening’s theme concerned ‘The U-boat War in the Mediterranean’ and was very well written-up, making excellent use of stamps, covers, maps, photos, cigarette cards and military information. Using ‘G’ (Greenwich), ‘H’ (Huddersfield) and ‘I’ (Ironbridge), David Etchells shared his research of 1841 penny reds and these associated town handstamps. His particular interest considered the ‘Maltese Cross’ cancellation mark. ‘Australian KGV Penny Reds’ was Colin Mount’s subject and revealed a highly detailed study of printings, worn plates, inks and subsequent rarities. ‘Never give up, keep looking’ was his message as he revealed a recent near impossible gem of an acquisition. Chris Wheeler shared an interesting colourful display, ‘International Peace Year’. Wendy Buckle took the subject ‘Guttenberg’, which studied printings and engraving, issued stamps, covers and photos. This was a high quality presentation, beautifully written-up. Concluding the evening was Paul Barry’s ‘Great Britain Jubilee Series 1887-01’, which focussed on various stamp values on cover. All had interest, including coloured advertising envelopes, multi-stamped envelopes and interesting themes to collect, for example ‘The Russian Connection’. Here were observed an early cover to the London Russian Embassy and another to a certain British gentleman in Moscow, having no stated address- none being needed in Victorian times!!
(paul barry) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tuesday 10th October Geof opened with a potted history of stamp production, starting with the uniform pre-paid adhesive stamps of 1840, though he mentioned that pre-payment for letters commenced in 1829. The idea was to avoid post-office staff having to charge for postage when mail was received – the stamp signified payment. The process was set up to be low cost, stamps difficult to forge but easy to replicate for mass postage. (Report by Gordon Masson) *********************************************************************************************** Tuesday 14th November Members were entertained on this occasion by their President Colin Mount FRPSL who being extremely well placed to share specialist knowledge on the subject of collection write-up, provided an insightful presentation to a fascinated audience. ‘Displaying our own stamps should be for our own pleasure –yet there is a need to share,’ Colin claimed.Within a few moments it became obvious that this topic was complex and far ranging, with numerous aspects. A successful write-up could only be achieved by skilful manipulation of numerous variables, and the following input reflected many points of consideration. The starting point was clearly that of devising a workable plan. Crucial issues were the need to know what the resulting display was attempting to achieve…’where you are going with it’, followed closely by the importance of a quality first page and vitally, having ‘a beginning, a middle and an end’. Essentially it should reveal a story, a philatelic journey. Essential elements included….
Colin then spent considerable time expanding on the skills/considerations associated with preparing a competition entry. Whilst the afore mentioned pointers were crucial, here the material/display must ‘talk to the judge’. Additionally…
A particular focus was placed on the subject of ‘Thematic Display’. Colin emphasised the importance of having ‘a real interest’ in the chosen theme. It was vital to ensure the topic provided enough philatelic material. The title should not be too far ranging, it should be in full agreement with the plan, having good balance and development being logical and in correct order. In a thematic entry, specialised information is not to be included, but rather ‘tell the story, not the detail’.’ It is important to incorporate clever use of masking larger items, by cutting a viewing panel or blanking square, to reveal just the stamp. The use of stamp blocks, mini-sheets and FDC’s should be most sparingly applied. There is the essential ingredient of demonstrating that the entry reveals philatelic knowledge and that personal research has been employed. Members responded enthusiastically to Member Chris Wheeler’s fulsome appreciation of Colin’s presentation. The evening was yet another example of how privileged the Society is in having top quality speakers in its midst. ‘Writing-up is truly worthwhile’, Colin stated and continued ‘keep at it…never give up!!’
(paul barry) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Friday 24th November Members and Special Guests recently celebrated Ringwood Philatelic Society’s 50th Anniversary. Quite an achievement, especially when one considers that meetings have been held continuously at Greyfriars over that entire period! Of equal surprise - that two of the original founder members were present – Gillian Habbin and Rowan Brockhurst. A number of members had previously been involved in organisational tasks behind the scenes. Gillian had created lovely floral table displays, a most colourful statement on arrival, with Jo Knott’s magnificent celebratory cake having further visual impact. In the running order, Rowan provided the initial speech in his capacity of Immediate Past President, speaking warmly of the Society’s early days and provided the Loyal Toast. Colin Mount, current President and long-time Programme Secretary then spoke enthusiastically of the Society’s development and introduced his daughter Jo-Anne who outlined her appeal in support of the chosen myeloma charity - Amyloidosis Awareness UK. The final and main address was made by Hugh Jefferies, who with a lengthy and celebrated career with Stanley Gibbons was much appreciated as the key speaker on the subject of ‘This Wonderful Hobby of Ours’. Holding proceedings in place was Chairman Paul Barry who later concluded this ‘most memorable evening’ and thanked everyone for their participation, including invited guests and especially the Greyfriars’ Special Events Team for a ‘top class anniversary dinner’.
**************************************************** Tuesday 12th December, 2017 Ringwood PS enjoyed a really worthwhile 2017 programme, culminating with the Christmas Meeting, where speaker Philip Cant presented ‘Titanic Revisited’, having previously shared his iconic ‘…from Cradle to Grave’. Forming the riveting display (no pun intended!) were stamps, postal items, postcards, photos, press reports, and references to Cunard documents and other research findings. Philip traced the inception, building, Board of Trade involvement, staff recruitment, provisioning, passenger and cargo lists and departure for New York. Also covered were aspects of the voyage, two ice warnings, collision, reference to Marconi and the miracle ship ‘Carpathia’, partial rescue and the role of the American press. A particular emphasis was placed on ‘the Enquiry’, subsequent vital maritime law changes, and recent deep water wreck site exploration. Artifacts are expensive, but Philip did have ownership of a rare, limited edition Cunard Steiff black bear…the evening’s highlight! Members and guests further celebrated the festive season with sumptuous refreshments. Here was another notable event in the busy Society’s programme.
(paul barry) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Tuesday 9th January 2018 The Society’s new year got off to a pleasing start with excellent attendance and a wide subject range within displays. One of the most popular topics of conversation in any club/society is that of ‘new acquisitions’, and this was the Chairman’s chosen area. Taking advantage of Christmas ‘generosity’ and new year dealer bargain listings, Paul Barry was able to share interesting GB Victorian parcel post labels and a scarce registered 1890 cover to Reval (Tallinn), Imperial Russia. French tourist board publicity postcards were also well received, having superb colour and design, being provided by philatelic webmaster Chris Wheeler. An unusual subject was under focus, being correspondence emanating from “The Thunderstorm Census Organisation”. The displayed covers had been randomly discovered by member David Etchells, who skilfully had pieced together the story of 1920s scientist Morris Bower’s returned storm watchers’ advice cards. Paul Dumsday continued his interest in Pacific island covers, one a fascinating multi-franked Mauritius first day cover, while Gordon Masson followed up with an in-depth study of early Australian States’ issues and designs. John Stephens shared album pages containing interesting Asian philatelic material, informed by lengthy work and leisure experience, particularly in Hong Kong and China. A wide range of topics with wide appeal!
(paul barry) UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Tuesday 13th February Following a hugely appreciated presentation of this magnificent display last year in another Dorset society, Members at Ringwood knew they would enjoy a superb evening by local philatelist, Albert Jackson. This was memorable on a number of counts –the haunting history of one of Europe’s darkest episodes, the quality, volume and sheer scarcity of material, the meticulous write-up and eloquence of exposition. Albert ably described in chronological progression, the main components of this study, historical, geographic, racial, political and pictorial, not to mention the most detailed commentary on Polish/German postal services, stamps issued, cancellations, taxed overprints, official stationery, covers, correspondence and postcards and of course censorship and censor marks.
(paul barry) vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Monday 5th March 2018 On Monday 5 March, at the Greyfriars Community Centre in Ringwood two well known and experienced International Judges, Dr Patrick Reid FRPSL and Christine Earle FRPSL led an exceptional full day workshop with the objective of explaining the most important aspects of improving a display or competitive exhibit. Among the attendees were experienced judges and club members, all of whom benefitted enormously from the expert guidance given by the two speakers.
(chris wheeler) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Tuesday 13th March 2017 The Competition evening was a marked success, this year's entries being larger in number and as the judge, Colion Mount, is quoted as commending the entries, indeed finding that the number displaying and the quality had been the very best for many a long year. He mentioned in particular that displays were ..."well set up, not all entries made use of 'references', nice to see quality of paper...(cream in most cases). Up to 50% of non-philatelic allowed in 'open class'. Everyone had a plan!!" Below are the results for 2018
Wendy Buckle was awarded the Thematic Trophy, and represents the Society in this Class at the Interclub Competition at Ferndown on 14 April; Burt Burton was awarded the Postal History Plate; John Davis was awarded the Open Class Cup and represents the Society in this Class at the Interclub Competition at Ferndown on 14 April; David Etchells was awarded 'The Elsie Martin Cup'
************************************************************* Here Members were treated to a rich study in social philately. This two-part presentation was highly informative, detailed both in terms of considerable historical/geographic scope and rich philatelic content. John Berridge, in tracing the region’s early days before Europeans, then various pioneers and the life and times of Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902), provided a fascinating backdrop. He produced a map of c. 1780 revealing the then virtually unknown South African region. A major focus looked at the arrival of Dr Moffatt (1795-83) who was the first missionary. His daughter married David Livingstone. 1859 saw Moffat’s missionary station become the basis for the foundation of Bulawayo. A Royal Charter of 1889 gave the British SA Company rights to administer and develop. Ox wagons, stage coaches and eventually the railway all played significant roles and were colourfully depicted in the philatelic items displayed. The development of telegraphic services was a major contributor, reaching Bulawayo in 1894, with a link to Cape-Town and Cairo. These aspects were well featured and the display benefitted from a section on aviation and its impact. An interesting further section covered postal services during WWII. Here covers were included, Censored mail being one aspect. The use of microfilm being sent (Airgraph) in 1944 and covers flown by SA Airways also featured. The speaker’s second-half presentation considered ‘Early Bulawayo Date Stamps and Cancellers’, the Matebele Rebellion, the Boer War and Mafeking Relief’. Maps, railway time-tables and telegraph stamps were also considered. A fascinating section looked at ‘Postal Stationery’, followed by postcards depicting the early development of the city. Other presented areas featured farming and mining, tourism, KGV stamp issue, ‘UDI Surcharged Mail’ and concluded with ‘Post Independence Bulawayo’.
(paul barry) oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tuesday 8th May:- One Page Competition Evening Congratulations were given to David Etchells for his winning entry "Earth Impact Events" with 24 points. Chris Wheeler was second with 22 points for his "Gerald Scarfe and his Stamps", with John in third place with 14 points for his entry "Straits Settlements Local Overprints".
===================================== Tuesday 12th June No one felt sorry for Paul not knowing what to collect because by the end of the evening he had displayed some twenty different topics, some interconnected, giving a bird's eye view across the world of philatelic collecting. Starting with a letter from Mary Murray to the Inspector of the Poor in Scotland complaining that she was not receiving enough support, Paul gave an illustrated and detailed insight into the Poor System which existed up to its replacement with the Poor Laws of 1834, which were harsh and draconian, designed to deter dependency on handouts. The Andover Workhouse Riots were covered and then the introduction of State Pensions in 1907, Health Stamps in 1911, Unemployment Stamps in 1920, all leading up to the National Insurance Contribution system in 1948. All this social history was illustrated by correspondence, covers, and seals of the time. This led into the topic of cinderellas, which Paul illustrated with part of his collection of the first 60 years of Christmas cinderellas issued by Boys Town, Nebrasca. He then showed his 9 sheet thematic slogan competition entry on the promotion of the British Telephone in the 1930s, closing the first half with another 9 sheet Open Class competition "Protest" covering a wide range of Protest movements, explaining for example the Suffragettes had chosen their colours of Green, White and Violet to represent Give Women Votes. A nice example of one of their seals was displayed. Paul opened the second half with examples from the Irish Hospital Sweepstakes, whose lotteries were linked to horse racing raising millions of pounds from across the Atlantic for the smaller hospitals of the day. Money and tickets were sent through the post, but aliases and agents had to be used to avoid the ban on movement of these items from foreign sources. This led to two frames on postal fraud, fraudsters and a wide range of fraudulent practices, as well as fraud prevention measures - a whole subject in itself. Moving on he displayed his collection of high value Castles, which though plentiful and cheap as stamps are not so when used on certificates, telegrams, inter-bank high value parcels, examples of which were illustrated. Then came a display of stamps and covers featuring barbed wire, patented in USA in 1874, of which there are currently 384 varieties. Next was concentration on a specific stamp, in this case the 5c Canadian Jubilee issue of 1897, displayed in a multitude of forms; then the first 25 years of rotary winged flying machines; colourful telegrams including the rare first use of the Valentine design; the British designer Andrew Restall; the 100th anniversary of the RAF and RAF censored mail, and finally a damaged letter from Calcutta with its ambulance envelope. There was something and more for everyone and inspiration to find a topic and develop it - what an evening!!!
(chris wheeler) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Tuesday 10th July Following the well attended AGM with award presentations, the Membership were greatly entertained by the President’s Guest Speaker, Michael Elliott, Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London. His subject ‘Aspects of Finnish Philately’ provided a superb display of this little known collecting area, depicting stamps, postcards, covers and postmarks, further enhanced by write-up and exposition. Michael had inherited a lovely collection, which had provided the inspiration for further development. Emphasis was on the 1940s with ‘the Winter War’, the ‘Continuation War’ and ‘Women at War’. This miserable slice of European history saw Finns fighting alongside German military against common enemy Russia. His knowledge was advanced by a most recent meeting with a local 93 year old lady who had nursed Finnish troops. The display contained a recently acquired postcard selection. Members were privileged to have access to this unique and scarce philatelic material, strongly emphasised by the vote of thanks.
Paul Barry ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Tuesday 11th September The first section of this extensive display comprised a detailed study of the life and times of the battle–cruiser HMS Hood. This was the largest and most powerful battle-cruiser in the world in its time, the pride of the British Navy. In telling the story, the speaker, Bob Neville made excellent use of numerous mint and used stamps, correspondence, including postcards, an on-board baptismal certificate, photos and the front page from the News Chronicle, reporting the ship’s loss and subsequent 4 day chase and eventual sinking of the German battleship ‘Bismarck’ by The Dorsetshire on 24th May 1941, some 400 miles west of Brest. The second area of study featured mainly Victorian Gibraltarian stamps, covers and correspondence. A special emphasis
was concerned with famous printing varieties, one of particular note being a red 10 centimos stamp having
no printed value. Alongside this rarity was compared a
strip of 3 forged examples, these being the subject of expert consideration by
the Royal Philatelic Society. The photo shows Society member Bert Burton,
himself a specialist in these two topics, thanking Bob Neville for presenting his most interesting and scarce material, much appreciated by all present at this,
(Paul Barry, Publicity Officer) ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Tuesday 9th October
Using the full force of philatelic material in support, the second presentation was equally informative with ‘Norfolk Island’ being eminently described by Malcolm Smith, whose childhood collecting interests had been developed, covering this outpost of Empire. His progressive historical story-line was well partnered by stamps, some in blocks, postcards, air and official letters, handstamps and postmarks, pre-stamped envelopes, maps and a focus on the Royal Visit issue. Little known facts emerged, such as the island’s use as a penal settlement. The level of information imparted, combined with enchanting, often colourful material combined to create a most memorable evening.
(Paul Barry) uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Tuesday 13th November 2018
(Gordon Masson/Paul Barry) ############################################## Tuesday 11th December 2018 Ringwood Philatelic Society enjoyed an excellent non-philatelic evening in the company of Tony Flux, from the National Trust who presented fascinating insights into the life and times of Sir James Thornhill, a local 17th Century dignitary. Born in Weymouth 25th July 1675, James was soon ‘adopted’ by his uncle and in his care and protection he soon flourished in London society. In 1688, a year before his benefactor Dr Thomas Sydenham died, James was apprenticed into the world of painting, where he quickly asserted his considerable artistic talents. Finding his niche in Greek Mythology painting, (Italian Baroque) very popular at the time, James excelled. This was a very fertile period for the arts in general, with such contemporaries appearing as Handel, Hogarth, Pope, Wren, Vivaldi and Bach. He was a prolific draughtsman, theatre set designer and portrait painter of renown, (Newton, Handel), who excelled in numerous artistic fields, reaching directorships and MP status at a comparative young age. Among his achievements were the 8 sections of the dome of St Paul’s, and the part painting of the Hall at Greenwich, a homage to William & Mary. From 1718 he began to spend more time in Dorset, and achieved notable commissions including Sherborne House, Charborough Park and St Mary’s Church in Weymouth. Tony Flux’s digital presentation was considerable in scope, and here we can only skirt around the edges of a vast subject. The Society’s sizeable membership present at this meeting were most appreciative of the story of ‘this local son made good’. (paul barry) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tuesday 8th January 2019
================================================ Wednesday 16th January 2019
paul barry @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Tuesday 12th February 2019 Members Entertain This was a quickly assembled home-grown evening owing to a sudden change in the Society’s published programme. Eight Members provided interesting displays on diverse subjects. ‘GB late Victorian Stamps’ on cover and document revenues proved interesting. ‘New Zealand Health Stamps’ provided a more extensive study, having been a 31 sheet presentation, created by an early Hon. Member (now sadly deceased). This prize winning display (‘The John Cup’) was superbly well written up and well promoted with its abundance of mint stamps and special mini-sheets. On a very different theme was ‘The Heart of the Matter’. The Member presenting had a sister who had been part of the medical recovery team supporting Dr Christian Barnard and therefore was well placed to here expound the pioneering work in S.A. in the 1960’s. Much background information was imparted and this combined with stamps, covers and photos did much to promote the work on blood and organ donations and heart transplants. A 30 sheet quality display followed on the subject ‘Submarines’. The presenter briefly described each display sheet, and being an ex-submariner was well placed to bring his subject ‘to the surface’ with distinction, using stamps, correspondence and photos. In sheer contrast, the next display ‘Bhutan’ contained mainly philatelically inspired large foil stamps, including some with a built-in record to be played!! ‘Australian Forces’ was underpinned by individual stamps and covers. This superbly written-up presentation included ‘Australian Forces’ Postmarks’. Continuing ‘Down-Under’ was an in-depth study on ‘Australian States Specials’ where consideration was given to design, plate use, printing methods, overprints, perforations and watermarks. All presented on a sample of album pages, this collection was still emerging. Stamps having ‘amusing or unusual shape’ was the following contribution and here were seen stamps from Tonga. From the same presenter, the subject ‘UNESCO SAVE VENICE CAMPAIGN’ was equally appreciated. Here were celebrated numerous stamps in support from across the world, including Yemen, Algeria, Bulgaria and Burundi. Concluding, the Chairman Paul Barry warmly thanked participants, in particular their willingness to muster most interesting material at very short notice.
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Tuesday 12th March, 2019 The 2019 Annual Competition of the Ringwood Philatelic Society saw excellent displays, two of which were of such quality that they were promoted to compete at local ‘Interclub Level’. (Ferndown & West Moors Philatelic/Postcard Club’s 20th April Fair) The Judge for the evening was Colin Mount FRPSL, RPS President. Scoring highest was David Etchells’ entry (Postal History) which was a superb study of ‘The Cancellations on the 1841 Penny Red’. Taking 2nd place was John Davis with his ‘Venice 1796/1866’ (Open Class). Other displays also saw much interest, including naval ‘Gibraltar 1914-18’, and ‘The Quest for the Inner Man’ (both Burt Burton), with ‘Novice Class’ -John Nicholson’s ‘Liberia’ and Clarewyn Smits’ ‘Dick Findlay’ (celebrated South African Painter). This much enjoyed evening again demonstrated Members’ increasing ability to engage in quality competition presentations.
Paul Barry **************************************************** Tuesday 9th April, 2019 ‘Pigs might fly…’well on this philatelic occasion they really did!! Ringwood Philatelic Society President and eminent Guest Speaker Colin Mount, Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London, presented a superb display on postal pigs. This revealed his long term specialist career and very considerable knowledge in the pig industry, which was skilfully illustrated through a rich mixture of pigs depicted on stamps, covers, postcards, postmarks, advertising material, stock development information, historical, geographical, political aspects, farming economics, professional associations, photographs and documents. Amongst the porky stories were insights into war-time propaganda, poems and literature (eg.’The Little Pigs’), Christmas and Valentine cards, and the stories and facts behind the piggy bank and such well known sayings as ‘pig-in-a-poke’. Wild boars in rural UK also had a mention! In the Speaker’s usual informative, friendly and jovial manner, Members were drawn in to a most enjoyable presentation. Chairman Paul Barry warmly expressed the Society’s appreciation for this most entertaining and enjoyable evening in the Society’s programme.
paul barry HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Tuesday 14th May 2019 Just three entries were submitted for this year’s ‘One Page Competition’. Certainly no lack of interest or attendance, but other pressures and ‘garden weather ‘compete with philatelic interests!
Ringwood Philatelic Society Members recently held their 2019 RINGPEX Stamp & Postcard Fair at Greyfriars Community Centre. Much planning and an early start enabled an efficient set up, on what proved to be a glorious 1st June.This was one of their most successful fairs, with an excellent attendance and much valued trade between punters and dealers, and generated a good income for RPS funds. The highlight of the day was the Society’s raffle, where the star prize was a very fine Penny Black, kindly donated by Hon Member and local GB specialist dealer, Peter Mollett. There were 12 dealers present, providing a wide range of stock covering ‘GB’, ‘Commonwealth’, ‘World’ and ‘Thematics’, and postcard collectors were equally pleased. Another popular and appreciated feature was undertaken by the volunteer Kitchen Team with their all day refreshments, in particular, by the now famous RINGPEX bacon/sausage rolls. (paul barry) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tuesday 11th June, 2019 ‘Lightbulb moments’ or in this case ‘hairdryer moments’ are fairly rare for most of us, but when they occur, the world can change! Ringwood Philatelic Society members warmly greeted Jean Alexander, guest speaker, to their June meeting…a big name for a small outfit! Jean, a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London, and a past Member of the Royal Mail Stamp Advisory Committee, was pleased to share her story and collection. Whilst reading magazines under the hairdryer, Jean was drawn to a soup advert by Heinz which promised ‘New Stamps for Old’. Here was an opportunity to collect brand stamp coupons and exchange them for official Christmas stamps. Her interest in such promotions grew in tandem with an increasing publicity drive involving over time numerous company names such as –Cadbury (Chocolate Fingers), Kellogg’s with Cornflakes, Unilever, Sunday Express (Rupert Bear), Nescafe, ASDA, Boots, WHS, Woolworths, National Trust and others, and eventually The Royal Mail with its ‘Jolly Postman’ offer. These varied consumer rewards of postage stamps, special stamp booklets and packs, postal orders, vouchers and publicity gifts stimulated Jean’s collecting interests and she began to amass a large amount of related items, including associated advertising material. Her fascinating presentation provided Members with a unique opportunity to examine at first hand a wealth of ‘free goodies’ acquired over many years, some of which were rare indeed and totally unknown or now forgotten!! Society President Colin Mount voiced very sincere appreciation of ‘Jean’s amazing conserving contribution to philatelic study, ‘a valuable collection’ which has its roots in a quiet moment in a hairdresser’s salon!!’
(paul barry) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tuesday 9th July President Colin Mount warmly welcomed his personal mystery guest speaker, David Speers MRSPSL, to the July meeting of the Ringwood Philatelic Society. ‘Australian Philately’ was his subject, which as the new President of the BSAP was both very well presented and full of considerable interest. His collection had its beginnings some years ago, principally consisting of material from the modern era. Commencing with ‘Australian Defence Forces’ David outlined the historical dimensions, supported by colourful stamps depicting British regiments in the period 1788-1870, produced by various postal authorities. This section included campaign medals and gallantry awards. There followed major sections covering the Royal Australian Navy and Airforce with excellent coverage of heroes, medals, types of ships and planes. Both world wars were represented and interesting campaigns explained. The whole display was richly underpinned by the presence of mint stamps, including strips and blocks, covers, including FDC, pre-stamped envelopes, special cancels and aerogrammes. An emphasis was the supporting Australian Post Office’s commemoration material, usually of annual appearance, with a special ‘ANZAC Day’ focus. The scope of presentation was considerable with further frames covering other aspects of Australian history…KG III, Capt. John Hunter, Capt. W. Blyth, Pioneers, The 1901 debate over Melbourne/Sydney for capital, Australia and the Colonies, Sheep Farming, Agricultural Fairs, Exports, Rivers, Railways and Ships. David’s scope was huge and provided Members with a most insightful exposure to this fascinating country’s past. President Colin Mount stated that ‘this is indeed a fine and brief study of Australian social history’, and was joined by warm appreciation from the audience. It was another wonderful presentation in the Society’s programme, which richly concluded the calendar for the year.
(Paul Barry) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tuesday 10th September, 2019 A satisfying balance was achieved, whereby philatelic material was eagerly sought, interspersed with interesting Member displays. Gordon Masson provided 13 sheets on the topic of Canadian stamps and mini-sheets dealing with ‘Chinese New Year’. He explained that his Canadian friend provides him with most interesting material, and this was certainly in evidence. An in-depth study of ‘GB 1841 Imperfs’ was shared by David Etchells whose 12 sheets depicting covers of the period were both fascinating and in some cases rare. Superbly written-up on cream paper, this display considered cancels, seals, registered post, ‘Late-Use’ and ‘TPO’s- Travelling Post Office cancellations, begun in 1838. Members enjoyed part of a huge study by Bert Burton on the subject ‘Gibraltar –Mail for Force H’. This was a naval force to re-place French in the Med by Churchill. Again a similar quality write-up, Bert included covers and rates, photos, military naval crests, and studies of ships, including a rare one of HMS Hood and Renown. Terry Carter’s collectable GB Elizabethan ‘Fruit Stamps’ were colourful indeed, providing an interesting and contrasting display. Early printing in Europe (Guttenberg/Caxton) was superbly studied by Wendy Buckle through her 12 exquisite, informative and beautiful sheets. Paul Dumsday considered some early Argentinian stamps and included were Zeppelin and naval ship designs. Following a lengthy break for refreshments, barter and study of the displays, there followed the final contribution, ‘New Acquisitions’’ by Paul Barry. Here were shared GB Victorian covers and postcards and a superb King Edward VII 4d value with a quality ‘Bosbury’ circular cancellation, adding to a ‘Herefordshire’ themed emerging collection.
(paul barry) ######################################################################### Tuesday 8th October, 2019 The Ringwood Philatelic Society welcomed John Moody to entertain its members, and entertain us he did, with a most interesting display of Germany's Weimar Republic, its stamps and postal history. John who is well known in the hobby for his impressive German collection and as the 'face' of Stanley Gibbons at local stamp shows throughout the south gave members a brief history lesson on the foundation and ultimate failure of the Weimar Republic before he embarked on his talk which was illustrated with many pages from his collection. At the conclusion, John said he hoped members were enriched with knowledge about this particular stage in German history but if not he could guarantee that all members would be millionaires before they left as he presented each member with a 2 million mark stamp. Member Keith Clements thanked John on behalf of the club for a most interesting evening and presented him with a certificate in commemoration of his visit, in his reply John thanked the members for their interest and for the lovely meal the club had provided for him and his wife Margaret.
************************************************************************ Tuesday 12th November 2019 ‘How many stamps have you got?’ Back in the 40s to 60s this was a common playground question among passionate young collectors. With maturity, philatelists develop a variety of differing specialisms, and in the case of speaker Paul Skinner, currently the British Library Curator, there emerged a focus, not in particular on scarce or expensive stamps, but on one stamp per country. His fascinating, unique collection now comprises scores of the unusual, including printings, inks, flaws and forgeries, papers, watermarks, gums, perforations, the unique and rare. His far ranging presentation was underpinned by numerous supporting artefacts, all helping to unveil the story of mans’ communication systems, beginning with a clay tablet dating from 1500 BC, followed by papyrus through to velum (1255 original Pope Alexander IV letter!) and through the centuries to Georgian and Victorian postal history, then up to the modern era. Every RPS Member attending will have identified a favourite exhibit, but the section examining historical mail transportation was educational indeed, with ‘Pigeon Post and the Siege of Paris’ generating particular attention. Other contenders for centre stage were items such as ‘Disinfected Mail’, ‘Wartime Microfilm’, a ‘Colditz Entire’ (letter plus envelope!) -to quote- ‘a privilege to find this’, ‘Seawater Damaged/Salvaged Mail’ and ‘Propaganda Stamps’ and associated items. The presentation’s scope was immense, far outstripping the concept of ‘how many have you got?’. (paul barry) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tuesday 10th December 2019 Who would have predicted the enduring appeal of ‘Alice...’ with all its amazing characters, circumstances and ethereal considerations? Numerous versions in both print and film have spawned, not to
paul barry ********************************************************** UNHINGED The Newsletter of Ringwood Philatelic Society Previous copies of UNHINGED, Message from our President Colin Mount FRPSL
Unhinged by Sue Stevens
COLLECTORS UNDER SCRUTINY Gordon writes... ‘For each edition of ‘UNHINGED’ I will be approaching a Member of the Society, asking them to reveal a little of what brought them into and keeps them involved in our hobby, and to speculate on the future of it.
Gordon: ‘How did you first come into the hobby of stamp collecting?’ Gordon: ‘What did you start to collect?’ Gordon: ‘When did you start to specialise in GB?’ Gordon: ‘What is the most interesting item in your collection?’ >>>>> Gordon: ‘How did you first get involved with RPS?’ Gordon: ‘What is it that keeps you in the hobby?’ Gordon: ‘What changes do you foresee in Philately?’ Gordon: ‘...and what changes do you foresee in your own collection?.
Terry writes Unfortunately only nine members out of a total of 23 use this facility,
PLEA from the Editor…
Please contact Gordon or Colin for up to date info.
PHILATELIC SALES, SWOPS and WANTED In addition to our regular Club Meetings’ slot where these opportunities exist, do please consider contributing to this section of UNHINGED.
….early up to mid-QEII in Stockbook… Offers or Swop for early GB/Herefordshire: Please contact Paul Barry GB Victorian and KEVII used at 1/6 cat. or offers welcome, Please contact John Stevens if interested Tel. 01425-483364
Gordon writes… ‘At our recent Committee Meeting we decided to prepare early for the Club Competition Meeting, now scheduled (virtually or in reality) for 9th February 2021 from For a reminder on Competitions,Gordon has kindly circulated to Members a detailed information e-mail dated 16/11/20 Really helpful and vital!
DEALERS Contact Gordon, Colin or Paul if you need help/advice. * Peter Mollett (Hon RPS Member) Specialist in fine GB stamps.
* Andrew G Lajer, GB Specialist with huge range. Quarterly catalogues. The Old Post Office, Hurst, Nr. Reading, Berks. RG10 OTR 0118-9344151 sales@andrewglajer.co.uk * Embassy Philatelists PO Box 1553 Guildford. GU1 9YT Tel. 01483-811168 * Stanley Gibbons 399 Strand, London WC2R 0LX * Dauwalders, (Stamp Shop) 42 Fisherton Street, Salisbury. SP2 7RB Tel. 01722-412100
* Mark Bloxham Stamps PO Box 155 Newcastle upon Tyne, NE20 2BB
ASSOCIATIONS and SOCIETIES * Hampshire Philatelic Federation www.hantsfederation.org.uk *Association of British Philatelic Societies at www.abps.org.uk * The Royal Philatelic Society London, 15 Abchurch Lane. EC4N 7BW
AUCTION HOUSES * Warwick & Warwick Monthly auctions...Warwick CV34 5DB Do you ever consider that difficult subject of what becomes of our much treasured specialised philatelic material - anno domini? It can trouble us that there may be strong possibilities that our wonderful collections may not be disposed of with philatelic respect, understanding and securely for posterity, study or research. (grandchildren papering their rooms, or Cape Tringulars turned into beautiful collages!!...worse still the skip!!) Our clubs and societies may be well chosen to deal with this matter. In the case of Warwick & Warwick, this auction house offers through its Trustee Department a dovetailed response to meet individual instructions. * CAVENDISH Philatelic Auctions 153-157 London Road, Derby DE1 2SY
PUBLICATIONS * ‘Gibbons Stamp Monthly’ enquiries@magazineheaven.com
ACCESSORIES A few ideas to consider…
‘The DISCOVERY’ ...a USB microscope with 200x magnification
‘Philatelic aids are just that, they are designed to make your enjoyment of this incredible hobby, more enjoyable. But one can spend a fortune on some of the special items which have been designed to get you to buy them. So lets start at the beginning. Tweezers are possibly the most important item you will buy as they protect our little gems from moisture and dirt from even the most clean hands but good tweezers are not cheap, and with a choice of types, one can be very easily persuaded to buy spade ends or round ends or even pointed ends, but I strongly advise you to purchase the longer tweezers as they are more comfortable to use….the longer ones being 6 inches in length..
Stamp collecting is my hobby, I shall not be bored. This psalm was found during a lockdown clear out by Tim Kestin of Stroud & District PS.
Ringwood Philatelic Society Committee President & Hon Programme Secretary Chairman and Publicity Officer Paul Barry 07932 581791 Hon Treasurer & Approvals Secretary Terry Carter 01425 653777 Further Committee Members Meetings are held at Greyfriars Community Centre, Christchurch Road, Ringwood
STOP PRESS The Committee wishes to thank all who have assisted in the compilation of this, the Society’s first Newsletter. Your time, thought and contribution are the essential ingredients which have combined to make this ‘Lockdown’ production a worthy addition to the enjoyment of south coast philately. The Committee really hopes that all Members will share in the Club’s ZOOM Meeting on Tuesday 8th December at 2.00pm. ![]() A Very Happy Christmas and Safe New Year
DISCLAIMER… Any views expressed in this publication are those of individuals ********************************************************************************************************************************************
WONDERFUL...Gordon reports that RPS has a new Member, Richard Smith who is greatly looking forward to attending and meeting fellow philatelists! Colin says his interest is GB Victorian, with current focus being GVI and QEII
DISCLAIMER… Any views expressed in this publication are those of individuals **************************************************
Stamp of the Month...SG 78 Our First Edition of UNHINGED published just before Christmas proved popular with Members and also further afield. The RPS Committee sees this Newsletter as having real value, not least at this time of Lockdown, when communication channels are even more important. Reasonably plump quarterly editions are planned, while other monthly interval publications will be much slimmed down. This is largely due not only to the sheer time/effort it takes to produce, but the need for copy from Members is a factor. The more we provide, the more interesting the resulting publication...so please do send in philatelic articles, photos, questions, information on dealers, auction houses, website gems and accessories, collecting interests and of course stamps being given to good homes or for sale.
COLLECTORS UNDER SCRUTINY Gordon writes… ‘For each edition of ‘UNHINGED’ I will be approaching a Member of the Society, asking them to reveal a little of what brought them into and keeps them involved in our hobby, and to speculate on the future of it. In this the Second Edition, your Society Reporter Gordon has been delving again into the mystery that is Philately….. Gordon
THE APPROVALS BOX ...In this financial year, three boxes completed circulation. Box 249 has just completed its rounds, at which point, the combined income can be established. It is hoped to have Box 250 ready and launched very soon. Of our (now 24) Members, just 9 use this facility, meaning that our potential income is limited. Do please consider joining this circuit...well worth while by contacting Terry to arrange membership of this super facility.
PHILATELIC SALES, SWAPS and WANTED In addition to our regular Club Meetings’ slot where these opportunities exist, and GB Victorian and KEVII used at 1/6 cat. or offers welcome, Please contact John if interested Tel. 01425-483364 COMPETITIONS RPS, Local and National Gordon writes… ‘At our recent Committee Meeting we decided to prepare early for the Club Competition Meeting, now scheduled for 23rd February 2021 DEALERS Empire Philately Gordon reports...excellent website with clear photos. Many items under £10. * Stanley Gibbons 399 Strand, London WC2R 0LX * Dauwalders, (Stamp Shop) 42 Fisherton Street, Salisbury. SP2 7RB Tel. 01722-412100
ASSOCIATIONS and SOCIETIES * PTS (Philatelic Traders Society) for huge links to the philatelic world. * Hampshire Philatelic Federation www.hantsfederation.org.uk *Association of British Philatelic Societies at www.abps.org.uk * The Royal Philatelic Society London, 15 Abchurch Lane. EC4N 7BW
AUCTIONS * CAVENDISH Philatelic Auctions 153-157 London Road, Derby DE1 2SY * The Grimsby & District Philatelic Society Auction (POSTAL ONLY) * Southampton & District Philatelic Society Postal Auction of Philatelic Material
PUBLICATIONS We will be looking soon at Watermark Detectors. Many thanks (EDITOR) *********************************************************************** Ringwood Philatelic Society Committee President & Hon Programme Secretary Chairman and Publicity Officer Paul Barry 07932 581791 Hon Treasurer & Approvals Secretary Terry Carter 01425 653777 Further Committee Members ****************************************
The Committee now publishes the third Edition of UNHINGED. This newsletter continues to prove popular with Members, and interest has been shown well beyond the County boundary. The ongoing provision of copy from Members is much appreciated, but since more is sought, the Editor will be contacting Members individually to explain the ways in which they may assist. The more we provide, the more interesting the resulting publication...so please do send in philatelic articles, photos, questions, information on dealers, auction houses, website gems and accessories, collecting interests and information on stamps and postal history.
This Edwardian stamp - SG 78 is the 5 shillings orange-brown, the top value in a set of 9 definitives. Printed by De La Rue, it was issued between 1902-1904 having perf. 14 on ‘Cabled Anchor’ watermarked paper. The Cape of Good Hope is a rugged headland facing the Atlantic, on the Cape Peninsula in South Africa. However the Cape Territory extends and covers the Cape Town area to the north. This territory was occupied by Britain in 1806 after the battle of Blaauwberg. In the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814 the territory was ceded to Britain as a colony. Stamps were issued from 1st September 1853 up until the founding of the Union of South Africa on 1st June 1910. Thank you John Stevens for the information supplied here. Ed.
COLLECTORS UNDER SCRUTINY Gordon writes… ‘For each edition of ‘UNHINGED’ I will be approaching a Member of the Society, asking them to reveal a little of what brought them into and keeps them involved in our hobby, and to speculate on the future of it. In this the Third Edition, your Society Reporter Gordon has been delving again into the mystery that is Philately…..
This time Paul Dumsday comes under the microscope.
Gordon: “Paul, thank you for volunteering yourself for this RPS biographical series. You say in your notes that you started with Japanese stamps – some very old. Can you elaborate?’’ Paul: ‘'Yes, in the 1970’s my aunt gave me some Japanese stamps and I have kept up a Japanese collection to this day. I have a great many of the earliest, eg. their SG1 (1871, imperf), then the Dragon series (1872), the Cherry Blossom series (1872) and then the Korban series (1876) etc. I was fascinated by their designs and the ‘syllable’ variations between stamps in these early issues’’. Gordon: ‘‘How has your collecting progressed more recently?’’ Paul: ‘‘Well the Japanese collection progressed but I collected GB and Channel Islands in the 1970’s, then Rhodesia, Hong Kong, Straits Settlements, Malaya, Borneo and Pakistan – some of which I sold before moving on to the next country of interest’’. Gordon: ‘‘What are your main sources of philatelic material?’’ Paul: ‘‘I go to various Fairs and Dealers and use catalogues mainly from RPS. When I find something that catches my eye and which is a bargain, this can become my latest niche collection or new interest for a while’’. Gordon: ‘‘How did you come to join RPS?’’ Paul: ‘‘My late wife Sandra and I looked around in 2007 for a club to join and we were recommended the Ringwood Club, where I have found sources for my changing interests’’. Gordon: ‘‘What are your current interests?’’ Paul:‘‘I have some covers and postcards, I have both a global and historical perspective. At present I collect some German and Orange Free State, I enjoy the BSAP meetings at Ringwood and I follow particular catalogues and postal auctions’’. Gordon: ‘‘What has changed in philately for better and for worse?’’ Paul: ‘‘Bournemouth has fewer dealers and auctions, and shops closed in Bournemouth and Ringwood (SG). The internet is useful when I can use it. I very much look forward to RPS and BSAP Speakers at our meetings, as there is always something for me to take an interest in. Gordon RPS Reporter
One possible society, although not local is The British Society for Japanese Philately.
POET’S CORNER A Moment’s Fortune ‘This stamp is worth Two Thousand Pounds!’ She knows I’ve said this times before, But this time - felt sure my find I read the catalogue, which said The circled number, called the ‘plate’ I took my spy glass from the rack My glass, it made the number clear, My number five -had just become
RINGPEX Gordon will up-date Members in due course
PHILATELIC SALES, SWAPS and WANTED In addition to our regular Club Meetings’ slot where these opportunities exist, do please consider contributing to this section of UNHINGED. Here is your opportunity to advertise!!>>>
COMPETITIONS RPS, Local and National Gordon will be contacting Members to provide any plans which the Society may make, DEALERS * Empire Philately Gordon reports...excellent website with clear photos. Many items under £10.
* Taunton Stamp Shop 66 Bridge Street, Taunton, Somerset Tel 01823 283327 www.tauntonstampshop.co.uk Very prompt service noted * Nordfrim Danish international dealers. New issues, Packets, Catalogues and Accessories * Corbitts, Newcastle upon Tyne On line shop for stamps , covers accessories , coins and auctions
ASSOCIATIONS and SOCIETIES May we refer you to a most readable round-up of what has been happening in British Philately in the past months.
CROSSWORD thanks to John & Sue. Answers in Next Unhinged Edition AUCTIONS
ACCESSORIES Colin Mount again contributes to this section. His very considerable experience and knowledge of accessories has been built over many years, and I am sure we do well to follow his observations. Editor In this edition of UNHINGED he takes a look at Watermark Detectors
Watermark detection for all collectors, whether experienced or not, does present particular difficulties. One type of device that works well on one type of paper, for example, that used for early GB stamps, is less useful in determining the watermark on a different type, such as modern Crown Agents papers. It is not possible to recommend one product that covers all needs so if you get the opportunity, you should try out a selection of those available. Quite an investment is called for, but should you discover
just one good watermark variety in your collection which you were unaware of, the cost is soon forgotten. Several products come to mind...Prinz, Lighthouse and Stanley Gibbons all sell quality machines, but there is nothing like practice to perfect! Go to websites or send for catalogues for detail. Colin mentions a cheap alternative – lighter fuel!! (don’t use on chalky papers or in bed!) Colin often uses this method, where he may check through several hundred watermarks at a time. You need a black watermark tin tray (from most dealers/shops). You place the stamp being investigated face down in the tray and drop a little fluid onto it. The watermark will be immediately revealed. Mint stamps can also be examined in this fashion, but wait for evaporation before removing from the tray. With all stamps, do use tweezers! It should be noted that the best detectors reveal far more than watermarks. Every detail will be revealed, such as paper irregularities, quality defects or repairs. Colour light filters and lamp brightness can all assist in the quest for philatelic knowledge! Ed. ZOOM Meeting This presentation of five displays was diverse in terms of knowledge, research, extent of development, quality of philatelic material and write-up. Its unifying theme was Members’ willingness to share their contributions, discuss aspects and where appropriate to accept advice and direction in the desire to promote display or competition excellence.
Ringwood Philatelic Society Committee President & Hon Programme Secretary Chairman and Publicity Officer Paul Barry 07932 581791 Hon Treasurer & Approvals Secretary Terry Carter 01425 653777 Further Committee Members STOP PRESS * The Committee reports that Member Clarewyn Smit has completed the first part of her hospital treatment, and is now at home. The Committee sends Clarewyn very warm wishes for her remaining treatment programme.
* The June Edition of Unhinged will feature an article by Colin Mount entitled ‘So Why Write Up Your Collection?’ Very Best Wishes to the Membership from the DISCLAIMER… Any views expressed in this publication are those of individuals ************************************************** Edition No 4
France 1849 Cérès 1 Franc vermillion (SG16)
Stamp of the Month...SG 1 The Committee now publishes the fourth Edition of UNHINGED. This newsletter continues to prove popular with both Members, and local philatelists and some well beyond the County boundary. The ongoing provision of copy from Members is much appreciated, but since more is sought, the Editor has been contacting Members individually to explain the ways in which they may assist. The more we provide, the more interesting the resulting publication...so please do send in philatelic articles, photos, questions, information on dealers, auction houses, website gems and accessories, collecting interests and information on stamps and postal history. It is particularly warming to receive copy from philatelists beyond our Membership...thanks. Above is selected the Stamp of the Month, where Members are invited to write a short piece or article providing background, to Stamp of the Month for March.
Some stamps have iconic status...take for example the Penny Black! Every philatelist COLLECTORS UNDER SCRUTINY In this the Fourth Edition, your Society Reporter Gordon has been delving again into the mystery that is Philately…..This time David Etchells has fallen under the thrall of our roving reporter in his search for the key to the success of our hobby. Gordon: ‘David, how did you come to collect stamps?’ David: ‘When I was very young – about 7 or 8 – I was given a World Album and some stamps to attach for Christmas, and it went on, almost continuously from there.’ Gordon: ‘What did you start with?’ David: ‘I started with all countries, any that I could get’. Gordon: ‘So how have your interests developed?’ David: ‘I developed a GB collection mainly and as a young teenager, the family would visit Manchester. At Easter as a treat, and we went to a stamp shop each time. Gordon: ‘What are your current collecting interests?’ David: ‘I have specialised in GB for a long time trying to keep up with new issues. Gordon: ‘What was it that drew you into RPS? David: ‘I thought it was time for me to join a local Club to broaden my knowledge and show my stamps and get guidance on the hobby within a social meeting of like-minded people. One favourite acquisition has been a Penny Red cover (wrapper) containing a drawing and description of a stereoscope in the hand of Charles Wheatstone of ‘Wheatstone Bridge’ fame. Gordon: ‘How do you see collecting stamps changing and your own interests too?’ David: One problem is that my own interests are too diverse – I need to narrow
Supplement to Collectors Under Scrutiny in Edition 3… Meeting 9th March, by Zoom. Speaker Simon Richards FRPSL displayed a fascinating and remarkable collection of Dominica, via a series of Chapters.
THE APPROVALS BOX Terry reports…..
RINGPEX Saturday, 4th September, 2021 10.00 – 4.00pm Gordon will up-date Members in due course
SOCIETY NEWS Until further notice, lease note that the RPS Committee intends to hold The Committee hopes that Members enjoyed the recent Zoom Workshop which dealt with ‘Developing Competition Entries’. RPS Meeting 9th March ************************************************** * The Evening Zoom Meeting on 11th May, we welcome Sue Burn with her topic
PHILATELIC SALES, SWOPS and WANTED In addition to our regular Club Meetings’ slot where these opportunities exist, do please consider contributing to this section of UNHINGED. * Small, but very worthwhile collection of JAMAICA f/u….early up to mid-QEII in Stockbook… * Ferndown & West Moors Philatelic and Postcard Club offer opportunities for purchasing quality stamps/accessories...please contact Trevor Smyth
COMPETITIONS RPS, Local and National Gordon will contact Members to provide details of any plans which the Society makes, together with information on other possible competitions. Here the Publicity Officer reports… ‘Ringwood Philatelic Society has held its April Zoom Meeting and the ONE PAGE COMPETITION has taken place. This was a most pleasing event where participants made great effort to display worthy material. It was sad indeed that no Members could attend, only Committee. John’s scarcely seen overprinted stamps, here in mint, are most attractive, certainly attracting the eyes of those involved in judging.’ >>>
Other Competition news… Normally the Ferndown & West Moors Philatelic and Postcard Club would hold an inter-club competition Hampshire Federation...the Wickham Fair, normally a September event also holds an inter-club event.
DEALERS * Empire Philately Gordon reports...excellent website with clear photos. Many items under £10. * Taunton Stamp Shop 66 Bridge Street, Taunton, Somerset Tel 01823 283327 * Nordfrim Danish international dealers. New issues, Packets, Catalogues and Accessories * Corbitts, Newcastle upon Tyne On line shop for stamps, covers accessories, coins ,
ASSOCIATIONS and SOCIETIES May we refer you to a most readable round-up of what has been happening in British Philately in the past months.
ANSWERS to the March Crossword, Edition 3 UNHINGED
THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN YOU ARE PLANNING Colin Mount is again happy to contribute to UNHINGED. His very considerable knowledge of numerous aspects of philately has been built over many years, and again I am sure we do well to follow his observations. Editor Firstly can I suggest that you use the very best pages, protectors and mounts that you can afford. Many accessories on the market today do not meet the stringent requirements needed to protect your material for years to come, so always ask if you are not sure. I will give you a general picture of what you should be looking for regarding your album pages. It is generally recognised that the pH of album pages should be between 6.00 and 8.5, the pH defines the extent to which material is acidic or alkaline. Philatelic material often suffers from being acidic so obviously the pages that you choose should be acid free and comply to ISO 9706 standard. Much has been written about the use of plastics in philately, particularly for exhibition protectors and mounts, so it is advisable to use only polyester products without any anti-static coatings. Philatelic libraries, museums and archivers never use PVC which can ooze plasticisers which forms acid as it decomposes.
BOOK CORNER Please send in your essential reading titles to the Editor. Next Edition ...we take a look at Wendy Buckle’s Review of ****************************************************************************
Ringwood Philatelic Society Committee President & Hon Programme Secretary Chairman and Publicity Officer Paul Barry 07932 581791 Hon Treasurer & Approvals Secretary Terry Carter 01425 653777 Further Committee Members
STOP PRESS... Please note Meeting Dates in your diaries! Very Best Wishes to the Membership from the DISCLAIMER… Any views expressed in this publication are those of individuals ***************************************************
On 23 March 2021 Royal Mail released business sheets of 50 stamps per sheet, on sale just from Royal Mail and Viking (Office Supplies). As yet un-numbered by Stanley Gibbons, they are large format 2nd class stamps with an integral barcode on the right-hand side. The stamps themselves have the normal security features of embedded date, eclipse perforation and oval cut-outs. They are currently experimental, and the bar codes are reputed to have future uses as QR codes for tracking and fraud prevention, (as each one can be logged to prevent re-use). Alternatively, the dot matrix code could be sold to companies for advertising and marketing purposes.
(The June Stamp of the month was provided by Chris Wheeler, The Committee now publishes here, the fifth Edition of UNHINGED. This newsletter continues to prove popular with Members, and interest has been shown well beyond the County boundary. The ongoing provision of copy from Members is much appreciated, but since more is sought, the Editor will be contacting Members individually to explain the ways in which they may assist. The more we provide, the more interesting the resulting publication...so please do send in philatelic articles, photos, questions, information on dealers, auction houses, website gems and accessories, collecting interests and information on stamps and postal history. Stamp of the Month for March Thank you to Alan King, COLLECTORS UNDER SCRUTINY... Gordon writes...For each edition of ‘UNHINGED’ I will be approaching a Member of the Society, asking them to reveal a little of what brought them into and keeps them involved in our hobby, and to speculate on the
This time Geoffrey Penrose comes under the spotlight!!! This month, for a change from the more established Member, your roving reporter is putting his ‘Mesmerising Magnifying Glass’ over one of our newest members...Geoffrey Penrose, just to see what makes his philatelic clock tick and to introduce him a little more. Gordon: So Geoffrey, how did you start to collect stamps? Geoffrey: When I was about 7 several of us collected stamps at school and, as some gave up, I bought their stamps to add to mine. I have been collecting therefore for over 70 years. I’ve always wanted to learn more of a country’s history behind the monarch’s head or the commemorative event on their stamps. I’m still keen to learn! Gordon: What did you collect to start with? Geoffrey: I was fascinated by Russian history and getting approval books enabled me to buy some of their stamps. However, I mainly collected British Commonwealth (Australia, NZ & SA) but I have carried on with the old Commonwealth/Empire countries even after they gained independence. So I have a lot of Australia but also Czechoslovakia and Serbia. Gordon: What have been your other sources of material? Geoffrey: E-bay, but not so much now that prices have gone up, and also Cambridge Stamp Shop, but they closed before we moved here. Gordon: What drew you to RPS? Geoffrey: I did not know about the Club until we joined Greyfriars. I wanted to buy stamps and the Club advert at Greyfriars prompted me to enquire. I particularly liked the friendly atmosphere and what can be learnt from good speakers. My interest continues to grow and I have just joined the Approvals Book circulation. I like learning history through stamps. Gordon: What about the future of collecting...for you and generally? Geoffrey: I now have 6 collections ‘on the go’. Unfortunately younger people don’t collect like we did so the hobby is changing to be an older person’s activity for fewer people. I am enjoying the Club and look forward to face-to-face events again. Gordon RPS Reporter
The APPROVALS BOX As we go to press, Box 253 has nearly completed its circuit and No 254 is in circulation.
RINGPEX Date for Diary...Saturday, 4th September, 2021 10.00 – 4.00pm Greyfriars Community Centre, Christchurch Road, Ringwood
PHILATELIC SALES, SWOPS and WANTED In addition to our regular Club Meetings’ slot where these opportunities exist,
….early up to mid-QEII in Stockbook… and
COMPETITIONS - RPS, Local and National Gordon will contact Members to provide any plans which the Society makes, together with information on other possible competitions, such as :- that of DEALERS * Peter Mollett (Hon RPS Member) Specialist in fine GB stamps. * Empire Philately Gordon reports...excellent website with clear photos. * Grahame W. Mann GB Philatelist PO Box 116, Ludlow, Salop, SY8 3WQ * Dauwalders, (Stamp Shop) 42 Fisherton Street, Salisbury. SP2 7RB Tel. 01722-412100 * Taunton Stamp Shop 66 Bridge Street, Taunton, Somerset Tel 01823 283327 www.tauntonstampshop.co.uk * Nordfrim Danish international dealers. New issues, Packets, Catalogues and Accessories ASSOCIATIONS and SOCIETIES * PTS (Philatelic Traders Society) for huge links to the philatelic world. * Hampshire Philatelic Federation www.hantsfederation.org.ukRPS is affiliated *Association of British Philatelic Societies at www.abps.org.uk * The Royal Philatelic Society London, 15 Abchurch Lane. EC4N 7BWTel. 020-74861044 www.rpsl.org.uk Regular high quality zoom presentations to be accessed AUCTIONS
* CAVENDISH Philatelic Auctions 153-157 London Road, Derby DE1 2SY * EMBASSY PHILATELICS GB Specialists - Auctions & Retail - PO Box 1553 Guildford GU1 9YT
* QUEST PHILATELIC LTD 50 Worcester Road, Sutton. SM2 6QB Tel. 020 8642 2605 * The Grimsby & District Philatelic Society Auction (POSTAL ONLY) * SOUTHAMPTON & DISTRICT PHILATELIC SOCIETY Postal Auction of Philatelic Material
PUBLICATIONS * ‘Gibbons Stamp Monthly’ enquiries@magazineheaven.com *‘All About Stamps’ news@email.allaboutstamps.co.uk * ‘Picture Postcard Annual’ 2021 Edition available now reflections@postcardcollecting.co.uk
BOOK CORNER THANK YOU Wendy Buckle for your most interesting Book Review...fascinating!! Editor Lost Countries: exotic tales from an old stamp album ‘Many collectors start out with a world collection before realising that today that is an impossible task. But before we perhaps reluctantly cut down our areas of interest, we come across stamps from countries and states that no longer exist. If, like me, you have ever wondered where and what these places were, and why they disappeared, this book is for you. It features 76 places that once produced postage stamps, be they countries, areas, regions, states, companies or institutions. While some of them are reasonably well known, such as Amoy, Biafra, Danzig, Hyderabad, Saar and Tibet, there are others which might prove to be very difficult to locate and place on the atlas, such as Cundinamarca, Dedeagh, Fezzan, Kurland, Sopron, and Upper Yafa. Every section provides a fascinating story and insight into history and geography. Stamps are often the first thing produced by a newly created state, as a way of conferring legitimacy, and this book explains the ‘‘legitimising’’ of commercial and colonial expansion, and also how the origins of many conflicts and border disputes existed years before postage stamps were in existence. This is the ideal ‘lockdown book’. You can pick it up, read one or sections of a few pages per section, and then leave it for a few days without losing the thread of the narrative. It’s written in a light and engaging style that will keep your interest.And it’s brilliant for those who enjoy amassing quiz questions and answers’. WB
ACCESSORIES Colin Mount again contributes to this section. His very considerable experience and knowledge of accessories has been built over many years, and I am sure we do well to follow his observations. Editor This month we look at Ultraviolet Lamps President & Hon Programme Secretary Chairman and Publicity Officer Paul Barry 07932 581791 Hon Treasurer & Approvals Secretary Terry Carter 01425 653777 Further Committee Members Meetings are held at Greyfriars Community Centre, Christchurch Road, Ringwood STOP PRESS Now the Committee greatly looks forward to welcoming the Membership back to Greyfriars This Meeting ...and another date to RING FENCE RINGPEX DISCLAIMER… Any views expressed in this publication are those of individuals Final Copy 26/6/21 PB
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Tuesday 14th January 2020 An increasing number of clubs and societies, philatelic among them, are turning to day-time meetings. No doubt Anno Domini plays a part in this decision to change! Adverse wintry night driving
(Paul Barry) Tuesday 11th February 2020
This well researched and eloquent presentation revealed the speaker’s passion for subject combined with a wealth of associated material, all of considerable interest to both war historians
(paul barry)
***************************************************************************** PROGRAMME FOR 2021 AND 2022 ********************************
====================================== ****************************************************** Report on meeting held on 13 July 2021 ‘The Western Desert Campaign 1940-43’
(Paul Barry - Publicity Officer) *********************************************************** Report on meeting held on 14 September 2021 Members' mini displays, plus Bring & Buy (no report available yet) ************************************************************************ Report on meeting held on 12 October 2021 ‘"Basingstoke along the A30" Stamp dealers may be among the very best placed to build up not only a grand personal collection, but also a huge knowledge of a given theme or subject. Speaker Martin Appleton is no exception here and Ringwood Philatelic Society Members were gifted a truly wonderful afternoon. His presentation, seeped in Basingstoke postal history was fascinating, colourful, informative, decidedly humorous, and bursting with postcards, covers and philatelic gems. Martin regaled Members with numerous stories of life in and around the town and the A30 over many years, including the military, railways, solicitors’ archives and not least those emanating from public houses! It was evident that Martin had grown up in the town with a keen awareness of history all around him and his understanding of this, combined with his collecting expertise and turn of humour, provided the ingredients for this powerful address to the Ringwood Philatelic Society.
P Barry Publicity Officer ************************************************************************ Report on meeting held on 9 November 2021 "The History of the Salvation Army", then "The Cause, Cure and History of the Plague Pandemics" by Chris Wheeler
************************************************************************ Report on meeting held on 8 February 2022 "Exploring Forgeries in your collection" - Members Speaker Paul Leonard FRPSL Members of Ringwood Philatelic Society were greatly rewarded for stepping out on a cold February afternoon to hear Paul Leonard FRPSL not only address the fascinating subject of the exploration of forgeries in collections, but to also study at close hand a major associated exhibit. This was a display for the London 2022 International Stamp Exhibition entitled ‘Forensic Philately’ being the work of the Expert Committee of the RPSL.
(P Barry Publicity Officer) ************************************************************************ Report on meeting held on 8 March 2022 Annual Competition - Traditional, Thematic, Postal History, Open Philately and First Timers, plus Bring & Buy (not available yet) ***************************************************************************************** Report on meeting held on 12 April 2022 The Early Development of the Australian King George V 1d Red Colin Mount FRPSL In yesterday’s playground it was a cry of ‘How many stamps yer got?’ In refined and developed philatelic circles of today, we will find not only a consideration of scores of stamps and associated postal history from across the globe, but the minute study of a single issue or indeed a single stamp. Ringwood Philatelic Society was entertained to the latter and this meeting of the Society was memorable to say the least. Presenter Colin Mount FRPSL, the Society’s President, locates prime speakers for the annual programme...but this evening he had secured his own services! Where does one begin?! This very considerable display was exquisite in all respects. Superbly well written up on cream paper and with huge attention to presentation, it covered the far reaching history of this Australian KGV 1d Red issue, looking in fine detail into such matters as ‘shades’, ‘papers’, ‘watermarks’, ‘perforations’, ‘printing firms’ and ‘plates’. Research was much in evidence, with for example a photo of an English paper mill and workers. Colin traced the stamp’s development and it was clear that this was soon to become a war-time issue. Here begins the major part of the story, since 1914 saw the commencement of war shortages, including inks from Germany and paper from the UK. Changes in production were quickly apparent with the emergence of new shades and papers.
Paul Barry, Publicity Officer **************************************************************************** Members' "One Page Competition", 10 May 2022 The Winning Entry by David Etchells
(paul barry) *************************************************** Report on meeting held on Tuesday 14 June 2022
============================================= Report on meeting held on Tuesday 12 July 2022 (Report to follow) Award Winners
************************************************************************************* Report on meeting held on Tuesday 13 September 2022 This meeting was small in attendance following the summer break, but nevertheless proved to be most worthwhile. The Chairman provided a warm welcome, which certainly extended to two new Members. The President outlined the 2022-3 Society’s Programme which was as usual, full of interesting speakers and events. A small auction was organised and raised a modest sum for the ‘Hearing Dogs’ charity. This evening’s displays were diverse in content and well received. Gordon Masson had added to his philatelic interests and shared his newly compiled study entitled ‘Overprint Odyssey’. His 10 sheets provided a fascinating insight into this perhaps understudied world, certainly a new subject for RPS. He identified 9 sorts of overprints, a principal type being historical, covering such events as ‘Bahamas 350 Anniversary of Landing of Columbus’ and 1976 Tokyo ‘Olympic Rings’. Another emphasis was the official government overprints, of which there are scores to be observed world-wide, including Official Service, On Service, War Tax, IR Official, Govt. Parcels, Army Officials, OHMS, together with a range of Indian States overprints. Also displayed were country overprints, eg ‘Zululand’ and general upgrades whose function was to avoid new printings, taking into account for example, currency changes. Frequently old stamps were overprinted, as in the case of Aden. A short concluding discussion centred on the subject of KC III...would there be QE II overprinted stamps, a new issue soon or perhaps fewer commemoratives?! PB Publicity Officer *************************************************************************************** Report on meeting held on Tuesday 11 October 2022 ‘in-house’ afternoon Following the last minute cancellation by the programmed speaker, Ringwood Philatelic Society’s Secretary quickly put plans in place to provide an ‘in-house’ afternoon. No less than 7 Members stepped forward to fill the void with displays covering diverse subjects. Wendy Buckle set the bar very high with her superb ‘Animal, Vegetable or Mineral’ presentation. This sought to consider the writing materials used through the ages. It also reviewed the range of materials used to record the written word. Ranging from stone and clay tablets, through parchment, vellum, leaves, wood and bark, to cork and eventually paper, it proved to be a most insightful investigation. Instruments used for creating the written symbol or word were also examined at some depth. The whole subject was professionally underpinned by a highly successful philatelic input, in terms of old documents, letters, postcards, photos and stamps, the sheer range of these is well described by accompanying images. ‘Canada in Good Shape’ was Gordon Masson’s subject which well set out the numerous stamp shapes produced by the Canadian Post Office, with a particular emphasis on sporting and tourism subjects. This colourful collection is supported by his buddy in Victoria who sends over useful related philatelic gems. John Stevens shared an aspect of his collection - ‘Far Eastern Treasures’. Here members were able to enjoy a range of covers reaching back to when he worked in Chesham for a marine engineering company. Covers in many cases had been saved for him by colleagues and these demonstrated a rich variety. Colin Mount presented a 30 sheet display which was hugely researched - ‘Australian Forces Postmarks Used Abroad During Wartime’. A sample of his sheets covered HMS covers from ships, Naval Active Service, Aero-graph, the forerunner of the Aero-gram, Army Post Office, Australian Forces Postmarks , North Borneo and Palestine...a fine write-up indeed. ‘Returned Mail’ was an unusual, yet fascinating subject. Member Clarewyn Smit spoke from (Covid) experience when she outlined the amazing delay she experienced when sending a package to Australia on 11th October, 2019. This failed to be delivered despite very clear and accurate addressing. She finally received it back as ‘Returned Mail’ on 1stDecember, 2021 having no identifying marks, There then followed Members’ shared frustrations of similar postal delays. One postulated explanation was along the lines of mail dumping during postal staff shortages and general reduced service within the pandemic period. David Etchells shared his finds at HAMPEX which included an old 1904 church postcard , depicting ‘Burley Church’, which for David is a Hampshire interest item. Also within his display were early ‘Shackleton’ related gems, and having looked in his collection, he uncovered other related items, such that he has a good basis for further subject development. Geoffrey Penrose looked with a magnifier’s eye at ‘Varieties’, focussing on the ‘Seychelles KG VI Issue’, where many such are to be explored. The example depicted here is typical of such investigation, whereby a tiny part of a map line is missing through plate wear. Members were much absorbed in the intricacies of the colourful material presented. The final contribution was a presentation by Paul Barry. Differing in his approach was the production of a stock book housing a long term collecting interest – ‘GB Victorian Postal History’, This consisted of stamps and postmarks, numerous covers, some being illustrated, together with postcards, parcel-post labels, various documents, including bills of sale, photos with Victorian postal interest, and newspaper cuttings. Of particular delight was a Victorian ‘INLAND REGISTERED CERTIFICATE of POSTING OF AN INSURED LETTER’ dated by CDS ‘DE.7.87’ showing a superb ‘George St, Edinburgh’ cancellation mark. The stamp in question - SG199 1887 2d Green and ‘Vermillion’. The supporting RPSL Certificate records ‘very scarce shade’. (find another!!) What had threatened to be a cancelled RPS Meeting, had in fact turned out to be a highly successful philatelic event, for which we thank the participating Members here recorded, but particularly Secretary Gordon Masson. Thanks!
(P Barry RPS Publicity Officer) ****************************************************************************************************************************** Report on Meeting held on Tuesday 11 November 2022 ‘’Trans-Atlantic Bits & Pieces’’ Paul Barry RPS Publicity Officer *********************************************************** Report on Meeting held on Tuesday 13 December 2022 Christmas Meeting with entertainment from Sandra Simmons with "Life under the Veil" plus Christmas get-together This special afternoon meeting of Ringwood Philatelic was a memorable occasion. Members and Guests were entertained by Sandra Simmonds with her first hand, deeply personal riveting account ‘Life Under the Veil’. This was her account of her life, first serving in the Royal Navy, and later falling in love with an Iranian Naval Officer. Paul Barry RPS Publicity Officer $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Report on Meeting held on Tuesday 10 January 2023
Ringwood Philatelic Society enjoyed an excellent start to the year. A great start indeed to the RPS 2023 programme!
Paul Barry Publicity Officer ****************************************************** Report on Meeting held on Tuesday 14 February 2023 Ringwood Philatelic Society Members provided a warm welcome to speaker Mike Batty, whose ability to stage a rich Hampshire social history presentation was well recognised. Taking Bishop’s Waltham as his subject, it soon became evident that his remit also covered numerous nearby villages. Mike provided an in-depth description of the development of the area’s postal services from ‘pre-stamp’ through to KGV issues. However the emphasis was certainly on the early material. (One item had a date of 1685). There were numerous covers having origins in the 18th and 19th Centuries.
************************************************************************* Report on the
Meeting held on 14th March, 2023 COMPETITION RESULTS WERE:
(Paul Barry) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Report on the
Meeting held on 11th April, 2023 Ringwood Philatelic Society Members welcomed Simon Richards, the current Vice-President of the Royal Philatelic Society London and President of the West Indies Philatelic Study Group, to show his award winning collection of Dominica.
(Simon Richards, FRPSL) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Report on the
Meeting held on 9th May, 2023 Many Clubs and Societies seem to be struggling to gain good levels of interest in competitions. (Eg Salisbury & District, website) RPS has long encouraged its tradition of assisting and encouraging Members to take part, and at the May meeting, there were no disappointments. Nine entries were forthcoming, creating most interesting displays. The event was judged by members present, with President Colin Mount FRPSL providing a most helpful summary. Following the break in which the exhibits were examined and voted on, each was further considered by individual commentary from the participants, and lively discussion from the floor. 1st John Stevens ‘Victorian GB Stamps Overprinted for use in Africa’ in Africa’ The evening concluded with an excellent ‘Bring & Buy’ session, perhaps the Society’s largest, and an announcement from Colin Mount, who as Programme Secretary of the British Society of Australian Philatelists, was most keen to promote a first rate superb presentation ‘Aspects of Australian GV Philately’. This Ringwood based event was due to feature a quite magnificent collection, flown over from Down Under with its owner, Michael Drury; ‘an outstanding opportunity not to be missed’
(Paul Barry, RPS PUBLICITY OFFICER) ******************************** PROGRAMME FOR 2023 AND 2024 ******************************** PROGRAMME FOR 2024 AND 2025
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