Poole and Bournemouth Stamp & Postcard Club (Founded 1967)

Affiliated to the Association of British Philatelic Societies


The Hampshire Philatelic Federation

Meetings are held at 7:30pm on the first and third Thursday of each month at the Upton Community Centre,
Poole Road, Upton, Poole BH16 5JA (see map at bottom of page)


Car park at Upton Community Centre
and St Dunstan's Church, Upton, Poole

To see reports of meetings from 1 November 2012 to 15 June 2023, please click here


Club Committee

Chairman David Wilkins
Vice-Chairman Tony Arnold
Secretary Michael Goodman
Treasurer Wendy Buckle
Programme Secretary Brian Snape
Publicity Rick Wilmot
Fair Organiser David Morris
Other Committee Members Ken Parrott
Webmaster Chris Wheeler
Honorary Examiner Simon Adams

Club Programme for 2024

January 4th Meeting - CANCELLED Hall Not Available
  18th "Guest" Barry Hobbs Private Mail Carriers of South America
February 1st Members' displays Valentines
  22nd Spring Auction  
March 7th First competition evening Green, Novice,Barry Proctor and John Hilton Cups
  21st "Guest" Bill Pipe - CHANGED WW1 Naval Censorship
April 4th Second competition evening and awards Bill Way Shield
  13th Ferndown Fair and Inter-Club Competitions CANCELLED At the Hamworthy Club
  18th Guest John Moody Zeppelin, the man, the machines and the stamps
May 2nd "Guest" Rick Wilmot Germany: the Occupation Zones and the DDR
  16th AGM Club members' auction
June 1st RINGPEX 2024 (Saturday) Greyfriars Community Centre
  6th Guest Chris Wheeler - CHANGED Post Office labels and stamps
  20th Summer Auction  
July 4th Members' displays Semi-postals, charity and health stamps
  18th "Guest" Ted Kemp Birds
August 1st Members' displays Airmail
  15th "Guest" Bill Pipe Railway letter stamps on cover
September 5th Members' displays Stamp fairs and exhibitions
  7th Club Fair (Saturday 10-4) At Upton Community Centre, BH16 5JA
  19th Autumn Auction  
  21st HAMPEX 2024 (Saturday) Wickham Community Centre
October 3rd Members' displays Sheets, blocks, triptychs, se-tenants and tête-bêche
  17th "Guests" Wendy Buckle/Brian Snape John Dickinson and his silk thread paper/The Hungarian holocaust
November 7th Members' displays Members' choice
  21st Winter Auction  
December 5th Members' displays 'Most beautiful stamp ever' - display and vote
  12th Christmas social (Changed from 19th) Members displays of anything non-philatelic

For advance information and to make a provisional booking for the 2024 Club Fair, please
contact the Fair Organiser, J Morris - by email davidlytch@gmail.com or 01202 631868 (evenings and weekends)


Meeting Reports

Members displays, 3rd October 2024
"Sheets, blocks, triptychs, se-tenants and tête-bêche"

There was no shortage of material on display. Seven of the twelve members present brought material on this topic.

Mike H. showed Lundy and lighthouses from Lundy, Estonia and France. In the second half he expanded his display with Germany and Croatia mainly with Lighthouses. Ken P. followed with sheets of Malta and GB. Also, a good amount of tête-bêche Machins. Alan K. had some of almost everything on the list with what he believed to be Sperati forgeries of Ceres stamps. Also, blocks of Australian GV Heads with varieties and some more recent Marianne designs. Other M/Ss were in the display including 1999 PHILEXFRANCE and the 1998 Antoine De Saint Exupery Le Petit Prince.

2nd half after Mike H. Michael M. displayed some colourful Machin complete sheets. Chairman David W. brought a fascinating display of USA material covering most of the list including bi-centenary triptychs from sheets and others from USA booklets. Wendy B. showed examples of stamps and paper shortages, including the complete 1918 sheet of stamps printed on the backs of German military maps. Finally, yours truly showed most of the list from around the world including Swiss tête-bêche pairs, vertical pairs and DDR sheets etc.

Lundy - Forged sheet with genuine block Australia - GV block showing the RA joined variety
Malta - tête-bêche stamps
France - 1999 Philex USA - Wildlife Conservation
Latvia - German stamp sheet Switzerland - William Tell and his son

(Rick Wilmot)


"Autumn Auction" - Members, 19th September 2024

There were 195 lots with 85 sold. 25 people attended, including the committee and visitors from other clubs.

Auctioneer, Tony Arnold, in full flow

(Rick Wilmot)


"Stamp Fairs and Exhibitions" - Members, 5th September 2024

15 members and one guest came out on a wet evening, thanks to all.

 Five displays were put up for everyone to enjoy.

 Ken Parrott began with a display of early exhibition items through to the latest, and probably the last, Royal Mail Stampex Smiler Sheet. Lots of material from Malta together with the 1980 London Exhibition.

 Tony Arnold showed us lots of local items plus international exhibitions, Canada in particular. One cover which stood out (for me) had a cancellation by the Philatelic Music Circle. Tony spread out three frames of interesting material.

 Rick Wilmot displayed a stunning selection of 1970s Philatelic Exhibition Sheets from the former USSR.

 Wendy Buckle brought books, catalogues, and other material from international exhibitions. Interesting material.

 Finally, Michael Goodman showed many items from the USA. Especially the PACIFIC '97 exhibition which ran from May 29 to June 8, 1997 in San Francisco, California. Some very eye-catching material.

 (Rick Wilmot)


"Railway Letter Stamps on cover" by Bill Pipe - 15th August 2024

Due to illness the Guest Speaker, Mr. Bill Pipe had to cancel. Emails were sent out to members asking for displays of their choice. Amazingly, ten members contributed to the evening with some remarkable displays.

Ken Parrott began with his display of Malta with pre-GB stamps followed by printed postcards, censor marks of forces post, Malta Railway and postman’s handstamps during the 1920s/30s.
Rick Wilmot showed a dozen or so pages of stamps commemorating the 20th anniversary of the World Health Organization worldwide.
David Wilkins displayed USA Airmails 1920-1930, Ethiopia air stamps 1949-1958 and the Latvia air triangle stamps.
Mike Mawdsley brought stamps of flora, fauna people and large animals.
Brian Snape showed something completely different; the history of British alphabet types.
Ray Saunders had a very impressive display of the complete worldwide series of the 1948 Silver Wedding and the complete Machin promotional 1994 Boots booklet panes.
Ted and Shirley Kemp had an exquisite show of 400th anniversary of Shakespeare.
Tony Arnold showed British commemorative air letters.
Mike Houchen had a superb display of the Lighthouses of Estonia.
Finally, Robin and Maxine Humphries showed some stamps of Tanzania and Maxine gave a short talk on the 20 years they had lived there.

So, once again, there is no shortage of interesting material when needed. Congratulations to everyone.

(Rick Wilmot)


"Birds of the World" by Mr. Ted Kemp - 18th July 2024

There were 15 people in the audience including guests. The topic was Birds of the World with a display by Mr. Ted Kemp. Certainly, an amazing show covering birds from many countries around the world. Ted’s knowledge of the subject was second to none. Obviously, it isn’t possible to show all of the sheets here but collectors interested in ‘birds on stamps’ will know the numerous varieties of material available. The colours of the birds’ feathers are in themselves stunning. The collection was put together some years ago and it could be seen how many hours of work had been put in. So, well done, Ted, on a very enjoyable display.

David Wilkins, Chairman
presenting Ted with the club certificate

(Rick Wilmot)


Members Displays - Semi-postals, Charity and Health Stamps
4th July 2024

Fifteen members attended and five brought displays.

Ken Parrott’s display included Maltese charity surcharges which were used to support many different charities. Other items showed charity stamps from other countries.

Mike Houchen brought a good display of Lundy Red Cross stamps and other charity stamps.

Tony Arnold showed many charity stamps including Salvation Army and many New Zealand stamps.

David Wilkins' display came in two parts, both from Belgium showing charity and winter relief stamps from 1907-1935. Later stamps showed Queen Astrid,  known for her charitable efforts. She focused particularly on causes relating to women and children. Several stamps relating to Orval Abbey were part of the display.

Simon Adams brought New Zealand health stamps and an interesting envelope from 1945 Australia shown below.

During Tony Arnold’s talk, and unrelated to the topic, he produced an interesting magazine article from a 1989 magazine concerning a Poole Club activity.

Netherlands, Charity for handicapped children Lundy, Red Cross Isle of Man, Centenary of the Salvation Army
Belgium, WWI Red Cross Belgium, Red Cross Belgium, Queen Astrid
New Zealand, Health stamps New Zealand, Health stamps Australia, Safety First cachets, 1945

(Rick Wilmot)


Members Displays - 6th June 2024

A members display evening replace the advertised speaker. 20 members and guests attended. 11 members brought material to show.

 First half.

 Mike H. began with Lighthouses in the English Channel esp. the 300th anniversary of the Casquets lighthouse off the coast of Alderney.
Ken P. showed items from Malta including postcards of Maltese buses and stamps commemorating 1942 battleships.
Michael M. showed Aden stamps with the change of currency/designs and States.
David W. showed stamps from pre - WWI Stamps o the Austro-Hungarian Empire and spoke about Franz Ferdinand.
Rick Wilmot had brought along a brief study of Czechoslovakian stamps from the 1930s.

Second half.

Wendy B. started with a study of Johannes Gutenberg. A fascinating story with stamps, special postmarks and other pictures.
Alan K. showed some oversized covers address to Stanley Gibbons from France. Also, a series of modern French booklets covering many topics.
Shirley K. had a display of three topics; Music, Golf and Europa. Five sheets on each topic.
Brian S. showed postcards of Hungarian ceramics. A very colourful selection.
Tony A. brought postcards with slogan cancellations about the early use of the telephone, and some Victory cancellations.
Finally, Simon A. showed some covers including a Silver Wedding stamp from 1948 on a cover dated 1951.

(Rick Wilmot)


AGM, 16th May 2024

20 Members attended. The Chairman thanked Wendy (Secretary/Treasurer) for all her hard work over the previous year.
All reports were duly minuted, with the main points as follows:

Increase in sub from £10 to £15 due to increased cost of premises.
Mike Houchen standing down as V/Chairman, to be replaced by Tony Arnold.
All committee members re-elected unopposed.
The Annual Stamp Fair will take place on 7th September, 14 tables booked.

Next January, a competition workshop will be held at the Hamworthy Club. Poole, Ferndown and Ringwood clubs to participate.
Judging at Poole Club competitions will include Open Philately.

The Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 2000hrs.

Following the AGM an auction took place for members only. Out of 107 lots only 32 sold making a small profit for the club.

(Rick Wilmot)


"Guest" Rick Wilmot" with
Germany: the Occupation Zones and the DDR
2nd May 2024

The presentation was by Rick Wilmot who is also writing this report.

Rick began with the final stamps of the Third Reich which had been issued in April 1945 and commemorated 12 years of Nazi rule. The display then continued with several pages of obliterated Hitler Heads of covers with an explanation of the different types of obliteration. Following that there was a series of stamps and covers of local and private postal material, many of them difficult to find. Out of a possible 52 towns and villages in the Russian Zone only 15 of them were on show. All of these were created and mainly sold to collectors to help with the reconstruction after the devastating war. On show were stamps and covers from the American, British and French Zones, the Berlin Airlift and covers showing multiple stamps due to the currency reform. Plenty f material showing the two main trade fairs; Leipzig in the Russian Zone and Hanover in the British Zone. The famous Michel 41 on cover and the controversy surrounding the stamp was explained.

The first half ended with the 1948 series of famous Germans, all on postally used covers. The second half began with examples of ‘spaargummi’ (economy gum). This was used in some, not all, of the areas of the Russian Zone. Stamps and covers of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg followed along with commemorative stamps of Goethe. These brought us to the beginning of the DDR proper on 7th October 1949. The first stamp of the DDR was the 75th anniversary of the UPU. Lots of commemorative stamps showing well known faces, leaders of the DDR during its 40 years, and many others. Some nice covers showing Official stamps and an explanation of their differences. No DDR display would be complete without something about the two East German cars, the Trabant and the Wartburg. Stamps of both were shown including the Trabant on a 2002 German stamp.

The evening wound up with a few words on Unification: Apolda; Hitler oblits; Fingerprint oblits: and Danish Army in Denmark



Thursday 18th April 2024
Guest John Moody with "Zeppelin, the man, the machines and the stamps"

John began with a brief history of the Zeppelin. A rigid airship named after the German inventor, Ferdinand von Zeppelin. He pioneered his invention at the beginning of the 20th century although the idea was first formulated in 1874 and developed in detail in 1893. In four short sessions, John showed us pictures of the Zep. as it developed, more info. on the development, postcards and covers flown on the airship.
Some seriously expensive covers were on show probably making collectors of this material a little envious.

The pictures (below) show the range of the material. Notes are also copied with the pics. A very interesting evening for aero-philatelists and postmark enthusiasts.

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 4th April 2024
Second competition evening and awards - The Bill Way Shield

See previous report for details of winners etc. This evening gave the whole membership a chance to see, and vote on, all the entries resulting in winning the Bill Way Sheild.

Those who had entered the competition spoke on their own subjects.

The Awards and Trophies were distributed by the Chairman, David Wilkins.

The overall winner for his Thematic entry with ‘Fish on Stamps’ was Mr. Ted Kemp. Congratulations, Ted!

Tony Arnold ended the meeting with an article about changes in the Danish postal system.

Ted Kemp receiving his Award Ted's Fish Chairman & Treasurer with Trophies
Mike Goodman, USA Tony Arnold, Saucy Postcards Mike Houchen, Lundy
Simon Adams, Ceylon Mike Houchen, Lighthouse Ray Saunders, Army Uniforms

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 21st March 2024
Brian Snape with "Éva Zombory"

Due to Bill Pipe being otherwise engaged we were lucky to have Brian Snape take over the evening with a talk and display on the work of Éva Zombory.

Éva Zombory was born in Czechoslovakia on December 13, 1927 and died in Budapest on August 9, 1998. She lived in Hungary most of her life and was employed as a graphic designer, stamp designer and was a Munkácsy Prize winner.

Between 1945 and 1947 she attended the medical faculty of Pázmány Péter University, and then between 1947 and 1948 she was a student at the Hungarian College of Applied Arts. From 1960 until her death, she was mainly involved in stamp design. She regularly received work from Magyar Posta to produce various occasional and stamp series.

She designed many themes including cats, vases, lace and even personalities. Between the 1960s and 1980s she designed the Stamp Day series of Hungary. She went on to have individual exhibitions between 1972 and 1996. Much of her work is on display in the Hungarian Stamp Museum, Budapest.

A very interesting evening, and many thanks to Brian for stepping in.

The photograph shows Éva working on a film with colleagues.

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 7th March 2024
First Competition Evening

Green Cup for General Philately




Mike Goodman

Two decades of computer-vended postage



Harry Parsons Shield for Postal History




Rick Wilmot

Spanish Civil War



Thematic Cup



Ted Kemp

Fish on stamps


Rick Wilmot



Mike Houchen

First 100 years of the RNLI



Barry Proctor Cup for Picture Postcards



Ray Saunders

British Army series


Mike Houchen

La Phare de Manche


Tony Arnold

Vintage postcards


Tony Arnold

Postcard humour


John Hilton Trophy for Open Philately



Mike Houchen



Tony Arnold

First day covers


Mike Goodman

Brooks supports the world


Novice Trophy



Simon Adams


(Wendy Buckle)


Thursday 1st February 2024
Members Displays "Valentines"

The topic tonight was Members's Displays onthe subject of "Valentines; with 16 members present and 5 contributors.

ony Arnold began with showing some of Chris Wheeler's collection of Valentine material from the village 'Lover' near Salisbury. He followed this with colourful Valentine postcards, postmarks and stamps from the USA. Next up was Michael Mawdsley who gave a brief history of St. Valentine. His display consisted of manly GB varieties of stamps depicting Roses.

Alan King showed French stamps with perforated heart shapes, also some interesting French stamps of Fashion Houses. Then Mike Goodman also showed GB stamps and an interesting USA imprint. Tony returned with more very colourful postcards on the topic rounding off an interesting evening.

Valentines Day is Wednesday 14th February...don't forget your wife!

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 18th January 2024
'Guest' Barry Hobbs - "Private mail carriers of South America"

The talk began with the early days of local stamps in Columbia. Private carriers were used but with difficulty communicating across the region due to the Andes. Lake Maracaibo played a large part in communication. The system survived until the 1933 when the government banned private stamps.

Red Cross stamps were used to raise money for the health service.

Covers displayed showed mixed franking of private stamps with stamps of Columbia and Brazil.

Charity labels appeared with the stamps on covers. Chamber of Commerce stamps were used for Public Improvement Societies.

Other countries mentioned were Chile which ran buses to provide postal services. Uruguay’s first stamps were private, over which the government had no control. Uruguay also used buses to carry mail.

The display wound up with Bolivia and Peru and a history of the lake steamers which were built with kits imported from other countries.

This was a very enjoyable evening with much detail, making a write-up difficult!

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 7th December 2023
Members' Displays - Christmas

The theme of the members’ meeting was, for obvious reasons, ‘Christmas’ and it resulted in an impressive number of displays.
Ken Parrott started with a detailed look at GB issues – stamps (including one charity issue), FDCs, booklets and PHQ cards. He went on to his first love – Malta, with stamps and FDCs from 1964.
Mike Houchen showed stamps and booklets from Australia and (from 1957) Christmas Island.Alan King impressed everyone with a display of GB Christmas issues put together by his daughter as a school project when she was aged 8. Not only were they impeccably laid out, but she had (with no help) analysed the price rises year on year and drawn a bar chart to plot the changes. This was 1981, years before Excel.

Wendy Buckle showed illustrations of the story of the birth of Christ taken from medieval illuminated manuscripts. This focused on Gospel Books (literally, the Four Gospels) and the De Lisle Psalter, which has been the inspiration for stamp issues by GB, Dominica and the Cook Islands
Tony Arnold excelled himself with 7 frames in each half showing a plethora of themed covers from Europe and the Commonwealth. Impossible to list them, but of particular note were the Scout Post private posts, licensed for Christmas deliveries, some fun items from Lapland and covers cancelled in Bethlehem (Wales).
Mike Goodman wondered if King Charles might encourage the PO to issue stamps to commemorate all faiths’ seasonal celebrations. He illustrated his theme with USA stamps issued to celebrate Christmas as both a religious and secular festival. A curiosity was a letter written & stamp; franked by the self-styled Duke of Goat Wood, Somerset. The display rounded off by showing the “post-&-go” labels featuring a robin, which had been re-issued as a Christmas commemoration.
Cheryl Whitby showed a collection of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) together with memorabilia of the atom bomb tests off Bikini Atoll in the 1950s.
David Wilkins put up pages from his West Germany collection, to show Germany’s first Christmas stamps in 1976 (complementary miniature sheets for West Berlin and West Germany). This theme was repeated in the next two years but after that issues were only of two complementary stamps, for the two parts of West Germany, and that for not every year up to the reunification of Germany.

A very diverse evening!

Christmas 2018 Brazil – 200 years of "Silent Night" song - Franz Gruber - Music

(Wendy Buckle and David Wilkins)


Thursday 16th November 2023
Winter Auction

Poole Club had the Winter auction on 16th November. 25 buyers, sellers and watchers turned up. Nice to see some members from the Ferndown Club. The format, this time, was better items listed and sent to the secretary to be distributed. Members could also bring items on the night. This will be the system until further notice. Out of the 216 lots, 133 were sold. The next auction will be February 2024.

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 2nd November 2023
Crest, Flags and Banners - Members

The six boards were full for both halves of the meeting. Taking part were, Ken Parrott, Mike Houchen, Michael Mawdsley, Tony Arnold, Brian Snape, Alan King, Mike Goodman.

Ken began with a display of topical material from around the world esp. Malta. Mike H. had brought some actual flags which was a great idea for the evening’s topic. He also showed stamps from Europe, Scandinavia, USA and UN. Mike M. Stamps of Australia, Canada, S. Africa, European Union and included Scouts and Guides with their flags and banners. Brian showed material from Hungary. He spoke about the cover of a Hungarian Rhapsody magazine from the RPS. The flag of the 1956 uprising, wartime posters and Communist flag waving on stamps were all in the display.

Tony had covered three boards with material including UN flags, crests of universities and colleges, other topical material from around the world. Alan showed a page of Western Australia black swan stamps, being an emblem of that part of the country. This was followed by the Canada Maple Leaf set of 1981. Also, stamps of the Arms of French towns, German occupation zones and the French Arms of Paris. Tony was back with another showing with more interesting material including postcards of maps of SE England with town crests. Finally, Mike G. showed Canada maple Leaves on stamps and lots of USA flag definitives winding up with the US flag on the moon in 1969.

All very fine displays!

Mike's Flags Hungarian Rhapsody: 400 years of posttal history
Fresh fish from Great Yarmouth Stamps and symbol of Hungarian workers
Part Dutch flag with Anne Frank Canada Day, 1979
Kent coast with coat of arms Old Glory

(Rick Wilmot)

Thursday 19th October 2023
Guest Julian Jones with "Transatlantic Mail between USA and GB"

The guest speaker tonight was Mr. Julian Jones. His expertise on transatlantic mail was evident from the first page. The display began with Ship Mail between Europe and the USA, late 1800s / early 1900s, most of which went via Queenstown in Ireland. Cunard and White Star Line ships carried the mail and included mail written and postmarked on the ships. Julian explained the ‘Paquebot’ system and how it originated including the UPU rules of 1893. Uncancelled mail was handled in the TPO with the PAQUEBOT mark.
Following the ship mail came the Catapult mail, Zeppelin posts and Pan American Airmail with some excellent examples of covers.

During the late 1920s, the need for greater speed across Atlantic was recognized in the carriage of mail between Europe and the Americas. Among the ideas developed by commercial enterprises from the military advances was something that came to be called catapult mail. It is an interesting story of man bringing together the knowledge learned from sailing the sea and flying in the air for the benefit of man's needs, as mail could be carried in the last leg by an airplane launched from a ship while still at sea. The idea was to cut a day or two off the ship’s mail delivery time by launching a mail-filled aircraft off the deck part way into the sea journey.” {Wiki}

After a break, Julian showed material from 1939-1999. Airmail with various combinations, postal rate changes until the acceleration of rates after 1980, and the introduction of Alphabetical letters on stamps replacing currency.

Paquebot cancel made on board Dublin & Cork TPO US Special Delivery to the ship Cunard "Umbria", 1895
Sowing postage due precancel labels US Mail Steamer "St Louis"
Private postcard carried on Cunard "Campania" Philatelic usage from Miami to Sutton Coldfield via Belgiuan Congo
Graf Zeppelin Flight, 1933 End of Display

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 5th October 2023
"Postal Services - Members' Displays

The topic tonight was Postal Services. This covers almost everything in the philatelic world and the display boards were full for both periods of the meeting.
Ken P began with a display of R. letters, embossed covers, Malta FDCs and air letters.
Alan K. showed several stamps of Tasmania with various postmarks and told the story of the trains collecting mail bags whilst moving.
Michael G. had some fascinating U.S. material from ‘Dead Letter Offices’. He explained the system relating to unclaimed mail and said that there are approx. 20 million items still undeliverable as well as underpaid mail held for additional postage.
Tony A. showed many post cards of postal history in Portugal. Also methods of posting, transport, uniforms etc. This was followed with postcards of historical letter boxes.
After a break, Ken put up more Malta material.
Wendy B. spoke about the pre-payment for letters, beginning of stamps and Rowland Hill then the first Victorian stamps. She also showed some pages of Ray Brown’s story, ‘The Secret Lives of Stamps’. With some fascinating engravings on Canadian bank notes and stamps by Charles Heath. 
Michael M. showed a series of stamps from India depicting transport of post, TPO Dublin and the Bristol automatic sorting machine.
Tony A. rounded off the evening with some newspaper cuttings about philately and a page of Austrian and German postmarks.
All in all, an interesting evening.

USA, Return to sender

19th Century Portugese Mailcoach

Charles Heath, Engraver  
British Fleet Mail Tasmania Landscape Canada Bank Note Co

(Rick Wilmot)

Thursday 19th September 2023
Autumn Auction

The 21st September was the only auction this year without a list. Members brought an array of material amounting to 270 lots, 50% of which sold. Tony Arnold, our auctioneer, certainly had his work cut out and handled it all very well.

The next auction, with listed lots, will be held on 16th November
(Rick Wilmot)


Saturday 9th September 2023
A message from our Chairman Mr. David Wilkins

“A big thank you to everyone who came along to the Fair to support the Club & help with the many jobs that such an event demands.  We were pleased at the steady flow of visitors all morning, despite the heat & all the dealers we were expecting supported us, bar only one, who had a problem. 

Given the covid-driven break in the Fair's usual annual routine & the disruption to clubs’ activities throughout the country, this was a good outcome with dealers generally reporting satisfactory sales.  Wendy & Cheryl were stalwarts in the kitchen and tea & cake sales & the raffle will help the overall financial position for your Club; thank you to all those who donated raffle prizes.

As young Mr Grace would have said:  "Well done, everybody; you've all done very well!"

Paula and Philip Cant of Paula Cant Stamps won first prize in the "dealer raffle": each dealer was allocated one raffle prize (at no cost to the dealer) for a special dealer-only raffle.

(Fair Organiser, David Morris with Raffle First Prize Dealers Paula and Philip Cant)

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 7th September 2023
Members' Displays:- "Agriculture and Horticulture"

Ken P. began with a display of mainly flowers from G.B., Malta and Tuvalu showing orchids and commemorative stamps of Kew Gardens.
Mike H. followed with Austria, Australia, Channel Islands flowers through the years. Mike mentioned Lily Langtry aka Jersey Lily named after the symbol of Jersey, one of the Channel Islands.
Tony A. took over four of the boards with a fine display of almost everything to do with the topic from countries around the world.
Brian S. showed several postcards on Agriculture in 19th century Hungary. Fascinating pictures of farming, shepherds, harvests, windmills, and watermills.
Alan K. also showed agriculture in Hungary with the original Harvest series followed by many stamps of France depicting the Sower and the different designs of the stamp and the many overprints of this issue.
Rick W. showed a mixture of material from around the world including Russian and DDR agriculture cards. Also, DDR stamps showing medicinal plants.
Last, but not least we had a welcome guest, Ms. Morva White, who did a display on the development of religion on the Falkland Islands from the time the French arrived in 1764, through the Spanish period and the British occupation from 1833 until the present time. A fascinating journey with much information backed up with pictures and stamps. Many thanks, Morva.

Postcard of Hungarian Agricultural Workers 1916 Agricultural definitive from Hungary

The Sower from the Philatelic Exhibition in Strasburg 1927

Potato Planting in Jersey Fertilize fields with peat and increase harvests. 1930s USSR card
Medicinal plants from the DDR  

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 17th August 2023
"Guest", Mike Goodman - "United States of America 1851 - 2011"

Mike Goodman, our new Hon Secretary, entertained us with a far ranging display from his United States collection.

He began almost at the beginning with studies of the 1851 One Cent and Three Cent imperforates, but he also showed some reproductions of the 1845 New York locals whichsaw some usage on overseas mail and also of the 1847 Franklin and Washington issue. When he showed the 1898 Omaha Exhibition set, he pointed out the resemblance between the “Western Cattle in a storm” on the $1 black to “Caledonia Stern and Wild” a painting in the Russell-Coates Museum in Bournemouth. The first half was completed by some modern USA flag issues and some computer mail labels.

The second half was mainly “back of the book” with official stamps, early revenues notably the $200 red and green of 1864 , postal stationery, and “facsimile”, fake, and some genuine, Newspaper stamps, featuring the “lovely ladies”, allegorical female statues.

An interesting evening which could encourage others to collect USA.

The One Cent Blue 1876 Centenary

Columbia Expo, 1893 US Revenues - "Civil War" issue The modern peace symbol

A "Duck" stamp

(Mike Goodman)


Thursday 3rd August 2023
Members' Displays - "Holidays"

The meeting opened with Mike Houchen in the Chair.

The topic for the evening was ‘Holidays’.

Ken P. began with stamps showing Deck Chairs, Donkey Rides, Cruises, Flights etc.
Mike H. had a display including holidays in Lighthouses, postcards from the Scilly Isles and railways.
Alan K. showed many stamps of France including Chateaux, Gastronomic, Holiday sports, surfing etc. and pictures of Mermaids.
Brian S. spoke about Hungary being a land-locked country therefore not much in the way of holidays. Hungary was the destination of many people from the GDR who took holidays in Hungary. Nevertheless Brian showed some interesting material including a special postmark for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ronald Reagan.
Tony A. showed stamps and postcards of Trams from around the UK.
Michael M. had a display of postcards from places he had visited including Jo’burg, Germany, Madiera, Luxemburg and various other holiday destinations.
Finally, Wendy B. showed material collected from her visit to the World Stamp Exhibition in New York, 2016. Lots of interesting items.

(Rick Wilmot)


Thursday 20th July 2023
Guest Ted Kemp - "Turkey"

Ted Kemp is 96 years old. He explained that the display was put together 20 years ago and had been shown at philatelic meetings where he had previously lived. 18 members and guests attended the meeting.

This display provided a panoramic view of Turkish history and its philatelic developments, from the time that the Ottoman Empire government established its own postal services in 1840 until the early 1960s.   It began with examples of the early mail that used seals to indicate the payment of postage, and of the first postage stamps that were issued in 1863.   These were followed by the ‘Duloz’ stamps (named after its French engraver), and by the Constantinople City Post surcharge stamps (1865 – 1867), the similar overprint surcharges (1873 – 1882) and the Kachak (contraband) overprint surcharges (1869 – 1888).   All the subsequent stamp issues were displayed, including some bisected stamps that were allowed in Constantinople (1886 – 1888) and Baghdad (1890 – 1892) and the octagonal stamps produced for the use of Turkish forces during the Greco-Turkish war in 1897.

The effects of the first World War (when Turkey sided with the Central Powers, Germany and Austria-Hungary) were mentioned, and the way in which the Ottoman authorities made up their stamp deficits by overprinting earlier unused stamps was illustrated.   At the end of WW1, attempts by the victorious Allied countries to carve up the Turkish mainland as well as its Empire (which provoked a four-year war of independence (1919-1923) and caused a rival Nationalist Turkish government to the Sultanate regime in Constantinople to be created in Angora (modern-day Ankara)) ended when Greek and Armenian forces (armed by Britain and France) were totally defeated.   A new peace treaty between the Allies and Turkey was negotiated in Lausanne, and the present Turkish Republic with Mustafa Kemal (later to become Kemal Ataturk) as its first President came into being.   Shortages of postage stamps during this turbulent period had become so acute that the rival governments had both resorted to using overprinted revenue stamps as postage stamps.

A section of the display was devoted to Kemal Ataturk; one of the 20th Century’s most enlightened leaders who, unusually, excelled both as a military commander and as a politician/statesman.   During his 15 years as President until his death in November 1938, he succeeded in converting Turkey from a backward, semi-feudal country into a modern westernised state; an amazing achievement bearing in mind the strength of reactionary elements within the country.   A tribute was also made to Ismet Inonu (Ataturk’s successor as President), who kept Turkey neutral during most of WW2 and, in May 1941, turned down Nazi requests to allow German forces free passage through Turkey. Red Crescent and Child Welfare charity stamps (both of which were discontinued in 1958) were also demonstrated, as well as miscellaneous post-WW2 material.   All in all, it was an excellent display.

Inonu Cemeteries Remembrance Day Cover

Child Protection stamps Kemal Ataturk
Turkish Air Association WW1 Mail
 Sultan Resad 1917 Mr. Albert E. (Ted) Kemp

(Rick Wilmot/Ted Kemp)


Thursday 6th July 2023
Summer Auction (Formal)

Smaller auction than usual but with the commission, raffle and items sold for club funds, £88.60 was raised for the club. The next auction on 21st September will be an informal auction. Bring your items for sale along and label them e.g. RW1, RW2 RW3 etc.

(Rick Wilmot)



To see reports from meetings from 1 November 2012 to 15 June 2023, please click here




The next meeting will be held on Thursday 17th October 2024
"Guests" Wendy Buckle/Brian Snape
"John Dickinson and his silk thread paper/The Hungarian holocaust"

The Club meets at the Upton Community Centre (next to St Dunstan's Church) in the evenings of the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7.15pm for 7.30pm.
Annual membership subscription is £6. For further details please contact:

Secretary:- Michael Goodman, email: mgoo831975@aol.com



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Last updated 13 October 2024