Meeting Report
10th December 2012 - Three sheets – anything you like
Despite the sub zero temperatures, there was a good turnout which ensured that the previous record for this evening's entertainment was broken with 36 members each displaying 3 sheets. Whilst there was a Christmas theme to many of the exhibits, there was enough variety in the displays to satisfy all tastes. The following members displayed:
Terry Kirkman - Belgium postcards depicting the ruins of Dixmude
Mike Trickett - Hermes heads
Derek Baker - Early Belgium
Paul Barry - Late Victorian covers and parcel post
Terry Tuck - Canada on Covers
David Sadler - First flight covers of South West Africa
Hugh Jefferies - Australian ‘Kangaroo' issues
Alan Prentice - Rhodesia UDI issues on cover
Michael Maudesley - Falkland Isles
Wendy Buckle - Christmas Issues
Peter Grey - Imperial Airways covers of 1937
John Hilton - Lloyd George and the National Insurance stamps
Brian Cropp - Red Cross messages
Roy Luscombe - GB issues 1913
Pauline Luscombe - Last issues of the GB air letters
John Duckworth - WWI Christmas cards
Dennis Brown - Chinese New Year cards
Brian Wilson - Portuguese first flight covers
Geoff Flynn - Early U.S. Christmas cards
Paul Lear - Trains and railways
Rod Greer - Colour shift causing drunken Santa on 2012 Christmas issue
David Smythe - GB Royal houses of Tudor, Stuart and Hannover.
Babs Hawkins - First Flights 1930s, 1940s 1950s
Harry Tabeart - Stamps featuring the Sistine Chapel.
Mary Hood - Maritime events in Portsmouth, raising of Mary Rose etc.
Geoff Hood - Latest digital stamp enhancement examples
John Dimond - Quantas Airlines
Gerry Thompkins - Austin Seven on stamps.
Bill Laird - 1934 Apex flown covers
Don Symonds - Christmas day postmarks
John Garrett - Victorian Christmas cards
Charles Leonard - 1940 Finland Olympic slogan (games were cancelled)
John Case - Pitcairn ship cover and the four islands
Don Seaby - WWII Polish P.O.W cover & 1925 Prince of Wales tour S.A
Graham Judd - Robert Burns – Postcards featuring ‘Hamish'
Bob Small - 11th century newspapers re Battle of Quebec

Terry Kirkman
11th December 2012
Meeting Report
17th December 2012 - Chris McKay – Talk on ‘Big Ben'
The Christmas meeting got off to a great start with a light hearted and informative talk on the landmark of Great Britain – ‘Big Ben'. Accompanied by his slide show, Chris covered the history and workings of the great clock and ‘Big Ben' in a most entertaining way.
With an eye on the time, and also the mince pies and wine waiting in the next room, a vote of thanks was given by Hugh Jefferies, relating that he too had family connections with ‘Big Ben'.
The evening concluded with a well supported raffle, many members returning home with prizes of drink and food.
Meeting Report
28th January 2013 - Postcard evening with a little sauce - Barry Proctor
The display opened with a personal collection of postcards inherited from Barry's grandparents which were mainly posted during WWI; these included several silks addressed to members of his family as well as a Christmas card dated 1916. Two of the following frames contained greetings cards addressed to what seemed like every relation in the family – from baby, mother, sister and even to honeymoon couples.
Valentine cards were displayed but, unlike today, sent anonymously. A Channel Island postcard with the cachet ‘Enemy Occupation War Relief' was of particular interest. Many of the postcards were in mint condition and unstamped proving that they were originally enclosed in an envelope.
The second half of the display consisted of the saucy seaside postcards which proved of particular interest to the members, many wondering just how these cards were able to get past the local watch committees. However not all the cards were allowed as Brighton council in 1943 destroyed 14,000 deemed to be unsuitable. Shopkeepers always had to be vigilant should the authorities suddenly swoop and confiscate their stock of cards.
Donald Mcgill cards were prolific and Barry gave us a potted history of this man who, in his lifetime, produced 12,000 designs and it has been estimated that 200 million copies were printed. In 1954 he fell foul of the authorities and was fined under the Obscene Publications Act of 1857. When he died in 1962 aged 87 he was buried in an unmarked grave in Streatham. It was the film producer, Michael Winner, a collector of his original artwork, who provided the money for a headstone.
Before the company went bankrupt, Bamforth was producing 18 million cards a year in its heyday.

Bob Small giving a vote of thanks to Barry Proctor for a very entertaining evening.
Terry Kirkman
28th January 2013
Meeting Report - 11th February, 2013
“6 in 2” 2012 Acquisitions, members' displays ~ auction
The Vice Chairman, Geoff Hood, standing in for the Chairman thanked Dennis Brown for ensuring for many years that refreshments were always available. He also thanked Terry Tuck who is now taking over the duties.
There was a wide variety of exhibits that members had brought along and it was left to Gerald Scanlon to kick off the entertainment with a selection of miniature sheets covering the Olympics, both UK and Australia, the latter with a £5 coin with, unusually, the Queen's head on both sides. Following this was Peter Leevers with the pictorial issues of Turkey showing the towns in Turkey. It was then the turn of Terry Tuck with some postal history of Christchurch and Bournemouth including a telegram sent to the Bath Hotel.
Harry Tabeart's contribution included some first flight covers from the US and a special delivery service depicting a dog which had been used by the postman to help with the deliveries. Some more flight covers were presented by John Duckworth, this time from Sweden and one cover from a night service aboard a plane similar to a TPO.
The story of a stamp was the theme of Spence Coker's presentation with the ‘scroll' issue of Canada and the 50cent Bluenose stamp. Also shown was a ship mail cover from Hankow during the Japanese invasion of China in 1938-39.
Barry Cocovini's display was of the rarely shown country of Zanzibar followed by a potted history covering the last two millennia.
Brian Cropp had been busy over the last year with his collection of transatlantic mail and this included, amongst others, a cover from the US to Spain and another from Cuba via New York to Edinburgh.
Pauline Luscombe had 6 sheets of postal conundrums which she hoped members would be able to help with, such as an airgraph which was either in Arabic or Hebrew; also an official paid which had been cancelled but had nevertheless found its way to its destination.
John Case displayed a selection of Pacific islands many of which showed varieties and flaws. Fiji, Cook Islands, Gilbert and Ellis were included.
Don Seaby can always be relied on for a postcard display and he did not fail with his display of old Ferndown, Longham and some very old road vehicles and not forgetting his favourite football teams.
Hugh Jefferies had been collecting the George the Sixth issues of Ascension Island and 2012 had at last seen him complete the task with even some of the varieties.
Bringing up the rear was John Garrett with some hard to get Papua and New Guinea postcards. Among these were missionary stations and the missionaries themselves as well as tribesmen and women. Many of the postcards were published by the missionary societies.
Terry Kirkman
12th February 2013
Meeting Report - 25th February 2013
"Greece" ~ Brian Weeks, and
"British Mandate for Palestine" ~ Ashley Lawrence
As the chairman stated in his vote of thanks, members were given a superb history lesson through the medium of stamps. Brian Weeks in a change from his butterfly theme chose to look into the history of modern Greece starting in 1832 with a map showing the country about a third of the size it is today. He proceeded to trace its growth from when it broke away from the Ottoman Empire to be controlled by the Greek Orthodox Church.
The first frame dealt with the lead up to independence with the following frames covering the other areas of Greece that came under their control such as Thessaly Crete etc. Many forgeries were encountered along the way and we were shown some of these examples. Also shown were examples of the Austrian Post Offices which, as Brian said, needed to be expanded within his collection. The biggest headache was trying to distinguish between the 14 different printings of the 1911 -1923 issue; some of these issues were litho and others were engraved and this with the overprints made it even more difficult.
The WWI poverty stamps and the TB charity issues were next and during the Second World War with the Italian Occupation we saw some postcards of the fire which destroyed the town of Salonika and pictures of the aftermath. The inflation issues of 1944 were well illustrated with a 5 million drachma stamp. It was reckoned that nearly 300,000 perished during this period. This was a remarkable collection which Brian had only begun three years ago.
Ashley Lawrence followed with a detailed description of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force fighting for their independence from the Ottoman Empire; references were made of General Allenby and of course T. E. Lawrence (no relation) of Lawrence of Arabia fame. The E.E.F ‘Blues' issues were shown in great depth with the original design showing the word ‘Piastre' spelt incorrectly. In the end the Middle East was carved up between the British and the French with each power coming up with conflicting promises, the result of which still reverberates today in the region.
The mandate began in 1920 and the original E.E.F. stamps were used overprinted in Arabic, Hebrew and English. Various types of these overprints were displayed showing just how complex they were. In 1927 the pictorial issues were introduce with the holy sites and as well as the stamps there were postcards showing these sites. Different papers were used adding to the difficulty of identifying the issues.
The last frame covered postal stationery airgraphs and WWII covers together with a selection of postage due sets and finished with the birth of the state of Israel.
A very enjoyable evening as well as being extremely informative.
Terry Kirkman
26th February 2013
11th March 2013 - Annual Competitions and Bourse - Members; and Auction
There were 14 entries from 7 members, slightly down on last year but still a respectable turn-out.
1st Don Symonds 66 marks - Fiscal (Revenue) Stamps of Switzerland
Postal History
1st Bob Small 90 marks - Incarceration 1798-1815
2nd John Garrett 75 - WW II Censorship of Civilian Mails from Australsia
3rd= PeterGray 72 - South African Airmails
3rd= Brian Quist 72 - RASC Wartime Redirected Mail
5th John Garrett 64 - Free Frank System
1st Terry Kirkman 68 marks - Assassination
2nd Peter Grey 60 - Dawn of Steam Locomotion
1st Geoff Hood 78 marks Belgium - An Expatriate View
1st John Garrett 82 marks - Bournemouth Centenary Air Show
2nd Brian Quist 77 - Art Cards of the Army Service Corps 1900-18
3rd Don Symonds 70 - Mountain Railways of Switzerland
4th John Garrett 66 - Bournemouth Notable Events
5th Peter Grey 63 - Songs of War
The Overall Winner was Bob Small with 'Incarceration 1798-1815'.
The Novice Trophy (for the the best entrant who has never previously won a prize or trophy in any philatelic competition) was awarded to Terry Kirkman for 'Assassination' .
Meeting Report - 25th March 2013
Jamaica ~ Steve Jarvis
It was no surprise to find that this collection was started in the 1970s which was evident by the quality of the material on display. The first frame took us back to the 18th century with many pre stamp covers which charted the progression of the markings and the various shapes of the cancellations. Prior to 1840 letters were prepaid and, apart from the sterling values, local currencies were also used. Examples of ship letters also appeared on this frame.
G.B. stamps were introduced in 1858 together with numbered obliterators, always a useful tool to establish the exact post office. Two years later Jamaica reluctantly took over the Post Office from the mother country using De La Rue designs and here were displayed the die proofs as well as the colour recipes listed by the printers.
With the formation of the U.P.U. in 1860 the printers issued specimen copies and many of these were displayed. In 1890 the rates to and from the United States were equalised and several varieties came about, many of which were shown. The last frame related to the postmarks and rate changes leading up to a universal penny rate to other islands.
The second half of the evening began with the Edward VII reign and the first pictorial issues which did not prove very popular as the designs harked back to the days of slavery and a more forward looking approach was deemed necessary. There followed a frame of postal history with ‘Too Late ' and ‘Late Fee' examples, bisects, inter-island mail and military mail. Some interesting examples were displayed of returned letter items showing the variety of instructional hand stamps.
Some of the postal stationery was printed locally at first and these were shown together with examples of official and free mail. The disastrous earthquake of 1907 was illustrated by the use of postcards some, showing the hotels on the island before and after the destruction. The final frame dealt with airmails from the 1930s onwards with various first flights and even a Zeppelin flight of 1936 with a special rate.
The vote of thanks was given by the Chairman, Bob Small who remarked that we were privileged to see such a comprehensive study of Jamaica.
Terry Kirkman
26th March 2013
Meeting Report - 8th April, 2013
“6 in 2” The Forties Decade, members display ~ Auction
It is surprising what comes out of the woodwork on these members' displays and this particular theme was proved no exception.
First out of the trap was Terry Tuck with some remarkable documents detailing the Earl of Malmsbury's lease agreements for Hurn Aerodrome during the 1940s. Geoff Hood followed with some George V1 postal stationery issued for the colonies during WWII. John Duckworth took us back to the 1840s with some Penny Post items leading up to the introduction of the Penny Black.
Into Europe next was Wendy Buckle with some censorship mail from Latvia during the Nazi occupation and going back a century to the 1840s. Brian Cropp brought along some transatlantic covers featuring mail between Liverpool and Boston. Back in the19th Century Charles Leonard's contribution featured items from the Imperial Censor Station in the Gambia, a short lived operation which was disbanded in 1942.
Bill Laird dug out some 1940s wartime slogan postmarks, only a few “Dig for Victory” type of slogan were used. Still with the Second World War John Garrett displayed his Papua New Guinea mail featuring covers used by the U.S., Australian and R.A.F. personnel. One item took 11 months to deliver. Don Symonds took us to the neutral territory of Switzerland with telegrams to a young lady in Switzerland from a young man who he had traced lived locally.
Until now there had been hardly any stamps shown but this was put right with Jerry Thompkins' display of vehicles of the 1940s and, still with the wartime theme, the planes involved in the Berlin Airlift later in the decade. It seemed appropriate that Hugh Jefferies should follow having been born in Berlin at that time and he showed Australian stamps issued in Papua New Guinea many of which had been cancelled to order by the missionaries as a thank you gesture for donations given by one Roger Wells.
John Case still in the 1940s took us further to Fiji with definitive issues of that time many showing varieties both in shades and perforations.
Finally the Chairman, Bob Small, took us right back in time to the years 1644 and 1744 the latter a letter during the Jacobite Rebellion. The year 1842 was covered by a letter from a pensioner to his Commander-in-Chief, the Duke of Wellington and finally to 1940 with a Stalag Prisoner of War letter and one from Japan.
The second half of the evening comprised an auction.
Terry Kirkman 10th April 2013
37th Annual Stamp and Postcard Fair
(13th April 2013)

Chairman, Bob, deep in search

Exciting trading in the main hall

Happy dealers!

More trading in one of the adjoining rooms
13th APRIL 2013
Club |
Class |
Entry No |
Description of Entry |
Mark % |
Total Marks |
Position |
Bridport |
General |
G1 |
Russia Empire of All Russians 1858 to 1917 |
75 |
152 |
2nd |
Postal History |
PH4 |
Warsaw City Post The Local Handstamps 1916-1918 |
77 |
Ferndown |
Postal History* |
PH3 |
Incarceration 1793 to 1815 |
73 |
143 |
3rd= |
Open |
O1 |
Belgium An Expatriate View |
70 |
Poole |
Postal Histroy |
PH2 |
Napoleonic War Mail 1793 to 1815 |
80 |
143 |
3rd= |
Thematic |
T2 |
Cruising the Caribbean |
63 |
Ringwood |
General |
G2 |
QEII Baron Studios Portrait Issue 1959 to 1962 |
70 |
159 |
1st |
Postal History |
PH1 |
Gibraltar Censored WWII Naval Mail 1940 to 1943 |
82 |
Swanage |
Thematic |
T1 |
Dawn of Locomotion |
59 |
135 |
5th |
Open** |
O2 |
South African Airmails 1925 to 1934 |
76 |
* The Judges deemed this to be in the Open class |
** The Judges deemed this to be in the General class |
(For the overall winner)
John Davis of the Ringwood Club receiving the Trophy from Bob Small on behalf of Bert Burton |
John Davis of the Ringwood Club receiving the Shield from Bob Small |
Meeting Report - 23rd April, 2013
Competition entries displayed and presentation of trophies
Before the displays the chairman announced the sad news of the death of Roy Luscombe. He then went on to thank all those members who helped out at the Annual Fair.
Peter Grey began the evening with his display titled The Dawn of Steam Locomotives featuring stamps mostly from the colonies featuring every possible locomotive including the famous Mallard. Also in this thematic section Terry Kirkman showed his offering entitled Assassination.
In the postcard section Brian Quist led off with his postcards of the R.A.S.C. featuring both the first and second World Wars. Many of the cards were published by Raphael Tuck. John Garrett followed with his Bournemouth Centenary Air Show of 1910 being the first International air show to be held; many of the early flimsy planes were shown as well as the crash in which Charles Rolls was killed. Don Symonds came next with his early postcards of Swiss mountain railways. Songs of the War was Peter Grey's other offering in this class, many of the songs still known today. Continuing with the theme of Bournemouth, John Garrett's second display in the section covered notable features and events in the town including the pier, the fire station and the original Winter Gardens building where the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra had their beginning.
There was only one entry in the open class, that of Geoff Hood's featuring the expat view of Belgium. This veritable collage included everything from postcards of the battle of Waterloo to beer labels and famous Belgians. In the general class Don Symonds displayed his Swiss fiscal revenues which were broken down into three sections, cantonal, federal and municipal.
John Garrett started off the postal history section with his Australian P.O.W. covers detailing the different rates applied to the clipper mails. Bob Small's display went back to an earlier conflict, that of the wars with Napoleon and covered the various prisons that housed the French captives such as Dartmoor, built specially for the prisoners on land belonging to the Prince of Wales. Still with the R.A.S.C. Brian Quist's entry looked at the redirected mail of this service. Peter Grey's last entry in this section featured covers of South African airmails for the period 1925 to 1934 which included the first airmail flight to London in 1932.
Finally John Garrett delved back in time to the Free Franking system which began in 1652 whereby Members of Parliament were allowed free postage to their constituents. This right was universally abused and was discontinued.
At the close of the evening the Chairman, Bob Small, presented the cups and trophies to the winners of each class.
Terry Kirkman
23rd April 2013
Meeting Report - 13th May, 2013
A.G.M. - Cheese & Wine; and Auction
Well over 50 members attended the Annual General Meeting held on 13th May. It was noted that although attendances were slightly down for the year, the quality of the meetings remained high, due the excellent speakers provided by the Programme Secretary as well as the displays put on by members on the popular ‘6 in 2' and the ‘9 in 4' format evenings.
In his report the Secretary stated that in stepping down after 22 years in office, he had found it a privilege to be at the helm of such a warm and thriving club and that he had no doubt it would remain so in the capable hands of his successor.
At the close of the proceedings, the Chairman presented the Secretary with the Association of British Philatelic Societies' Award of Merit for his services to philately over the years both with the Ferndown club as well as his previous club. On behalf of the club he was also given a bottle of vintage port and, on a lighter vein, a hand crafted medal to hang around his neck!

After the meeting, members enjoyed cheese and wine followed by an auction.
Meeting Report - 20th May 2013
"The Royal Navy 1790 – 1918" Colin Tabeart, Commander RN (Ret'd)
This proved to be a quite exceptional presentation/display-high quality indeed.
Using a digital projector, Colin presented each item on screen, these being matched to the mounted display, together with a highly informed talk-often amusing! The first half dealt with the period 1790-1900. The major sea battles of the period 1793-1813 were highlighted. Of particular note was the vast quantity of provisions required by each vessel. He focussed on important officers of the period – Cochrane, Collingwood, Jervis, Pellew, followed by Hoste, Ball, Napier and Mitford. Very early letters displayed were a key feature – correspondence from Captains and Admirals, stamped covers were numerous, including a rare 1869 Anti-Slavery Patrol letter and very scarce Portsmouth Navy PO postmarks on covers. An 1840 cover with 1d Black to the Captain of RN Asylum, Greenwich was significant. Crimean War correspondence – 1855 from HMS Firebrand off Sebastopol was interesting, together with many postal items of this time. Numerous letters written on board ship, 1855-75, included an official Admiralty envelope – 1855 Black Sea Fleet to 1st Sea Lord. Fascinating covers included one dated 1900 from China, sent during the Boxer Rebellion. Colin provided much information on the RN as carriers of mail from 1827 onwards. He presented items relating to the RN Packet Service, and, of some rarity – a cover displaying the 7d privilege rate for officers in the Pacific – here stamps were issued on board ship and cancelled on arrival in London.
The interval enabled Members to study in detail the range and quality of the display and set the scene for an equally mesmerizing second half. First, ‘Movers and Shakers' in Naval history were considered – especially in the period 1900-1918. These included Fisher, Beresford, Jellicoe, Beatty, Keyes and Limpus. Correspondence to/from these officers was also in the collection. Mail with ‘Passed by Censor', some illustrated, was presented. Postcards were also strongly represented, of which one cover featured the Northern Patrol. (a patrol which caused Germany to seek armistice since vital food supplies were seriously interrupted). Colin stated that ‘our Navy, not the army ended the war'. One frame particularly focussed on postmarks. (Dumbars, dumb crosses, circles, ovals, etc). Our speaker's final frame – on a subject close to his heart (he had been a submarine commander) dealt with WW1 submarines, both British and German. Again various types of mail were highlighted – letters, envelopes, postcards –including U-Boat postcards – one being sent from U-20 which sank the Lusitania - ‘a bitter episode in European history- (eg. approx. 80% of U-Boat crews were lost).
In thanking Colin Tabeart - our Chairman Bob Small was amazed at the sheer quality and the difficulty in sourcing such material - (built up over 40 years). He emphasised that Members had enjoyed ‘an exceptionally good evening….we won't see such material in a very long time'.
Paul Barry, 21-5-13.
Meeting Report -10th June 2013
‘‘9 in 4" Cinderellas & 'Back of the Book' - Members' Display
Cinderella DID go to the Ball!! It was quite a ball with no less than 12 members displaying – and a real mix of topics emerged. First we were entertained by Terry Tuck with his ‘Scouts' theme – where ‘stamps', labels, superb postcards and covers surfaced from worldwide sources. Peter Leevers presented his entry – ‘India-Khairagarh' – a federal state of British India. Here seldom seen covers were displayed, having local labels and handstamps. A brightly coloured ‘New Zealand' collection from Derek Baker concentrated on miniature sheets promoted by various organisations. Harry Tabeart highlighted particularly interesting ‘Special Delivery Stamps'. Hugh Jefferies' focus –‘GB Postage Dues' – explained ‘double charging', accumulations of PD stamps on one cover (relating to the pile of charged mail beneath), bisects and pre/post decimalization, very amply supported by numerous covers. This was well followed by John Duckworth's 'GB' entry relating to an assortment of Xmas mail delivery, 1964 Postal Strike items, European Airways Printed covers, Czech miniature sheets of 1943 and Peoples' League stamps. However it was the inclusion of Rocket Mail covers and commentary which amused members. This means of mail transportation in the 1930s was seen by its inventor Gerhard Zuker as ‘the future'. Sadly factors such as unreliability and short delivery distance led to its demise… (pity!)
John Garrett led the field in terms of presenting rare early Victorian GB material with strongly coloured embossed ‘stamps' – various forms produced – for advertising purposes. Travelling abroad next, there was a short study in 'Swiss Covers' by Don Symonds – wrappers with imprinted stamp values first issued in 1871, leading up to July 1960. Remaining overseas for the final displays, members enjoyed ‘Finnish Sea Mail' by Charles Leonard. Here there were ‘Company Stamps' shown on scarce postcards and covers. Next up was Ted Stern, providing a glimpse of ‘Swiss Miscellany', including information on first embroidered stamps and embossed postal stationary over 100 years old. Don Seaby as usual highlighted some most fascinating postal history – covers relating to ‘Revenues of South Africa'. The assembled throng thought this an excellent topic to conclude with – when suddenly up jumped Mike Trickett with ‘Odds and Ends'!! Mainly with a French theme, Mike included unusual postcards, French fashion and underpaid cards, postage dues, a royal card depicting King Edward VIII with Mrs Simpson, old ‘Black Cat' greetings cards, and finally photos of his old college at York University?? – certainly out of ‘the back of the book'!!
Chairman Bob Small gave a most worthy ‘thankyou' to all, commenting on ‘this evening of great range and variety'.
Paul Barry
Meeting Report - 24th June 2013
"1940: a desperate year for Britain" - Jim Etherington
Our Chairman Bob Small enthused over the evening's entertainment, stating.. ‘It is an incredible in-depth display, wonderful and remarkable…what stands out is the way the display is presented – squeezing in much varied material.' Members agreed, for there had been a superb two part thematic presentation – which progressed along a time line, commencing with setting the scene…'Prelude to War' – German expansion, and the invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland. ‘The Phoney War' (though not for the Royal Navy) was the next topic with ‘The Empire Rallies' following, having a particular focus on Australian, New Zealand and Canadian participation. Jim then provided a fascinating insight into the work of ‘The Home Front'. ‘War Starts' provided the next area of attention. Here a consideration of the ‘War at Sea' was particularly addressed with defence of coastal and South Atlantic convoys highlighted. The British political scene did not escape scrutiny looking first at Chamberlain's involvement, with a particular emphasis on Churchill's role with his single minded policy ‘to galvanise the British military and the civilian population's determination to thwart Hitler's ambitions.' ‘Debacle in the West' covered the invasion of Norway, Belgium and Holland and the response of the British Expeditionary Force.
The second part of the presentation dealt with Europe and North Africa. German occupied France formed a major study as did the Dunkirk ‘miracle.' Channel Island occupation was another theme as were those of ‘the Blitz' and the Battle of Britain. Churchill's defence of Malta gained sound coverage. The African theatre of war included the British Fleet at Alexandria, the involvement of Italy as an initial enemy under Mussolini and East African campaigns. Jim's final sheet – ‘Blooded, but not bowed' showed how the RAF's fight against the Luftwaffe, together with Army, Naval and Empire support against the Axis powers, took the war to Germany.
What of philatelic and postcard interest within this huge sweep of history? It has to be emphasized that within every study our speaker had collected a powerful and frequently scarce/unique contribution superbly written-up. Censored mail (‘opened/returned') was a significant theme and there were superb examples…covers, letters and postcards-official/social. Postmarks and ‘Slogan Marks' added to mix of items. War Tax overprint proofs were displayed. (not put into use) There were (reduced size) telegrams and pigeon-grams! Considerable examples of mail going into/out of France featured, some directed via Lisbon, together with two-way prisoner mail, also drawings, prints, maps and photos. Of postcards, there were numerous examples – some in colour – and those relating to South Atlantic Convoys were particularly enjoyed. Another postcard of note, (a Valentines) depicted a Heinkel HE 115 Luftwaffe attack/ reconnaissance floatplane. Mine laying mail, relating to both defensive and offensive measures was displayed – a German cover with a ‘dumb cancel' was a particular gem. Throughout the display there were engaging examples of stamps, (including German overprints and Channel Islands bisects) - representative of many of the countries involved in the conflict. All in all the theme spoke through its artefacts –our speaker's eloquent exposition just adding ‘icing' to a very rich cake indeed!!
Jim Etherington explaining his display |
Bob Small presenting the Award |
Paul Barry, 26th June 2013
Meeting: 8th July, 2013
‘9 in 4' Stamps only – Members, with AUCTION following
You never know if it's going to be ‘an early night'!! How many members will display – how many have sheets ready in hand or stashed under chairs? What if no one steps forward? (HORRORS). Well, every year the Programme Secretary gets away with it – as this time proved again. Acting for Chairman Bob, Mike Trickett stepped into the brief and was relieved to find 8 eager entrants. The evening's entertainment provided a wonderful range. The first display – ‘The Third Reich, 1933-45', (131 issues in all-even beating modern GB issuing practice!!) was where we witnessed a huge range of designs/topics – heroic, equestrian, youth, motoring etc, yet surprisingly little Nazi propaganda. These issues contrasted with just 9 GB ones for this period. Next subject was the engraver's art, where we saw wonderfully attractive stamps – ‘all works of art, collected because they were loved'. Travencore stamps next…no disappointment here…covered perfs, surcharges, departmental issues, errors, revenues, a FDC, and an entire sheet – up to 1950. Antigua Victorian to KGVI was equally focussed with perhaps the early issues being the most interesting…different perfs, watermarks, re-entries and printings. An unusual striking inclusion were ‘home grown' revenues in vertical format. Norfolk Island received excellent attention; here the display revealed just a collection fragment. Just one island post office limited cancellation range, but the various rates – internal, New Zealand and Australia added interest. This, a balanced display, covered KGVI to QEII…using covers, mint/used, FDC and some scarce 1956 stamps in the first printing on thick white paper. Included was a superb hand drawn island map depicting a ‘Local Government' 1960 stamp with generous write-up. ‘Straights Settlements' were well represented with numerous Victorian stamps…many shades, postmarks and overprints. Edwardian issues featured, while in KGV we saw overprints of ‘BMA Malaya'. As expected, superb ‘Tiger' stamps were present. For those in foreign holiday mode, visits to the Solomons and Pitcairns were well placed – covering colourful mint stamps depicting birds, local culture, ships and the inevitable HMS Bounty and maps. Perhaps the contribution most worthy of the greatest scrutiny was David Sadler's display – ‘Mostly Postmarks'. Although covering the four reigns – GB Victorian stamps predominated. There were numerous superb local cancellations and postally used revenues, Irish usage and amazing postmarks of a number of issues up to KGV. There was a fascinating section devoted to Hong Kong cancels of the ‘Treaty Ports' which held perfect cancels in many instances (covering the Boxer Rebellion). In addition we enjoyed glimpses of Victorian forgeries, stamp duty values – postally used and contract cancels. The presentation was rounded off with a focus on Boer War ‘Field Post Office' postmarks .Given our club's sizeable membership, just 8 entries may seem poor indeed – but this had been one of the year's hottest days and low attendance was understandable, so I reckon ‘we done good'!!
Paul Barry 12-7-13
Meeting: 22nd July, 2013
‘Swiss Charity Issues' - Norton Wragg
This evening's speaker presented a magnificent display of private, commercial and registered covers, varied postcards, greetings cards and airmails, together with numerous labels, stamps, overprints and a study in cancellations and rates – all superbly written up and displayed. In thanking Norton for his two impressive inputs, Past President Don Symonds, himself an expert on Swiss philately, stated…'we can all see the time and effort Norton has put in'.
This collection had been assembled over many years and was developed here in a time line. The subject proved to be one of considerable complexity. We learnt that charity issues date from the early 1920s. Initially issues were only valid for a few months – but this duration was gradually extended. The postal authority additionally issued many greetings cards, including those for Easter, Christmas and New Year. The display held numerous examples of charity stamps used in a variety of contexts – used on pre-printed covers (eg. Lindt), in blocks…4-8, often used by industry, on transatlantic mail, registered and ‘Express Mail'. Valuable mail displayed purple labels. There was consideration given to the varied inland postal rates, including double surcharges for items above 10k. Interesting railway cancels also featured. A generous section dealt with war time ‘censored mail' – not least of which was an unusual censored postcard. Of particular note was a typewriter postcard – this having been typed and then folded for posting. There were excellent examples of covers sent from various cantons – including abroad. (eg. Wisconsin). A fine example sent in the Vichy period caused attention – Zurich to France and returned; another, an entire sent by Swiss Red Cross with a ‘reconstruction relief' cancel was noteworthy. There were also fascinating covers to South America, USA, Asia and Africa (eg. Belgian Congo), while India was more popular, but little else to ‘Empire' destinations. A superb FDC, an airmail service –Geneva to New York was highlighted. Many other airmails were noted, some with sizeable stamp blocks. Cancellations were often expressed with great clarity and included TPO and ‘Express Receiving Office' marks.
As far back as 1909 the Swiss government had sought to develop a feeling of solidarity among its people by means of charitable and cultural work – both religiously and politically neutral. In Norton's ‘second half' we learnt that this policy was further endorsed, by the introduction of commemorative stamps with a charity surcharge – a greatly successful practice which continues to this day. The material displayed concentrated on ‘Pro Patria' (‘For Country') stamps and their widespread usage. Numerous worthy causes benefitted…‘Swiss Charities Abroad & the Disabled', ‘Vocational Training of Youth & Home Nursing', ‘The Mountain Population & the Art Research Institute', ‘Women's Services & the National Institute Library' and ‘The Swiss Red Cross & Cancer Research'.
These stamps and their covers not only raised large sums for their causes but greatly assisted in awareness/education function. Members appreciated the powerful images of both stamps and labels of the period…one label on cover coming to mind supporting ‘Votes for Women' (Wilen to Basle 30/7/59). Here was a depiction of a man's hand across a woman's mouth in an act of silencing! (Life for some has progressed)
This was a magnificent evening, clearly underlining the fact that these ‘Swiss Charity Issues' provide collectors with a fascinating yet immensely complex subject – our speaker had provided us with a taster of a most worthy area of study.

Don Symonds, left, thanking Norton Wragg on behalf of the Club
Paul Barry 25-7-13
Meeting: 12th August, 2013
‘6 in 2' –Card Evening …post, cigarette, trade, or any other – Members
followed by Auction - collectables & non-collectables
The Club's programme makes every effort to provide excellent opportunities for postcard collecting to be fully celebrated as this evening certainly underlined. No less than thirteen members stepped into the spotlight and a more varied presentation could not have been organised.
John Case began the evening with a fascinating and colourful phone card display. These covered numerous countries, eg. Japan, Kuwait, Ascension – and topics such as animals, planes and telecom. Gambia featured next with Charles Lennard's collection of late 19th century postcards – these revealing a study of changing postage rates. Of note was a ‘battered' card of 1892 – Gambia to Davenport, Malta and then to Jamaica and back to Sheerness!! Additionally there were invitation cards, including one sent by the British High Commissioner with another by the Russia Ambassador. Topical sporting appeal abounded with Don Seaby's signed cricketing ‘Test Cards' (he has 415 in all!!). These were from players/Cornhill Insurance. Early ones were in black and white, with later in full colour – in all covering twenty years. Different series were represented. Indicating today's prices for such collectables, an auction realisation of £175 for a ‘Graham Dilley' is about right! This was a particularly well written up contribution.
On a comic local theme, John Garrett did not disappoint with his wonderful ‘sea-side' humour postcards. These included an early ‘Shamrock & Co' and some risqué ones – two of WWI!! There were also ‘Last Boat' and ‘Last Card' items and a well enjoyed ‘pull-out'. Don Symonds Swiss cards – delightful scenes by an early Swiss artist – were followed by ‘Charity Issues'. Four lovely cards celebrated Dior dresses, with his final sheet featuring ‘National Costumes' from various cantons. To change the mix yet again an Irish theme followed, with Bill Laird's six black/white Dublin postcards, together with 1907 ‘Irish International Exhibition' scenes. A notable inclusion was a card with an exhibition hand-stamp to Manchester. Making the writer most envious was Terry Kirkman's superb contribution – ‘Rupert Bear Cards' (who else?!). Beginning with Rupert in a blue jumper (rare!), we saw numerous postcards, birthday and greetings cards in full glorious colour – some in large format. Listening to conversations in the coffee break, Terry has a large and remarkable collection of these little bear related items….invites to view?!!
The subject of ‘Swiss Airmails' – look no further than Ted Stern – for his entry covering mainly 1913-1920 was compelling. This collection was rewarded with an excellent write-up. For those interested in local tram history, John Duckworth's postcard display gave excellent coverage, focussing on Christchurch, the River Stour and Tuckton Bridge in 1905. An unusual and fascinating collection was presented next – provided by John Hilton, being ‘trade', ‘call' or ‘presentation' cards from a variety of companies. Perhaps few of us know of Canvey Island and its history. Here Harry Tabeart excelled with his display of postcards and photos covering buildings, bridges, the first water pump, pubs and fights thereof, a lobster smack and the terrible 1953 floods. A 1960 card featured the seafront casino – now a disco and restaurant.
Brian Cropp displayed interesting Channel Islands postcards – these included a ‘Bradshaw Advice' card, cards sent to/from wartime internees, a POW Germany to Jersey and one each of ‘Liberation' and ‘Reoccupation of the Channel Isles'. Again – our Chairman was about to thank all participants when up ‘popped' Mike Trickett from the Committee bench! He had assembled a worthy theme – ‘French Channel Ports' in which featured (some) early postcards - depicting the naval base at Cherbourg, the Boulogne fish market, plus trams, old vehicles, lace making and a focus on Calais, Dieppe and Dunkirk.
Chairman Bob summarised our post card evening….'yet again we are not disappointed – well researched and of great variety'.
Paul Barry 16-8-13
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Meeting: 9th September, 2013
‘9 in 4' Eastern Promise (Near East to Far East) Members + AUCTION
The evening began on a sombre note with a worthy tribute by John Garrett to the life of Founder Member David Street who sadly passed away at the end of August, after a long and challenging illness. Words of sympathy had been sent to his widow Kay, from Members and the Committee.
Now to the subject for the evening…it was not clear what ‘promises' were to be kept, but in the event the contributions were ‘promising'!!! Paul Leevers led the way with a study in postmarks under the topic – ‘Buy P.O. Cash Certs'. These slogan marks were applied here to interesting Indian and Indian States' covers – via ‘Hand Stamped' and ‘Machine Marked' means….a well written-up display. Spence Coker provided a fantastic study of ‘Treaty Ports' through covers/ca ncellations concerning…Wei-Hai-Wei, Canton, Chefoo, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Next, travelling to Persia, Geoff Hood provided stamps of the mid 19 th Century (reasonable stability) through the 1880's (‘a turbulent time') and on to the 1926 issue marking the first installation of a native Persian prince. Struggling to offer a ‘promise' Geoff came up with two Persian bank notes inscribed …'promises to pay…'.(some people get away with it!) John Duckworth's 'Eastern' theme considered ‘The Boxer Rebellion' and here he spoke of its main features, amply supported by fascinating philatelic items – postcards, and covers to/from Shanghai and in/out of China…including some amazing back-stamps…all well presented. Alan Reed dealt with the theme ‘Singapore' via all mint stamps in the period KGVI to QEII. Interesting issues included ‘Independence', 1978 ‘National Day', 1981 ‘Opening of Changi Airport, ‘Lighthouses' and the 1983 Bangkok International Stamp Exhibition (mini sheet). Particularly well described was Harry Tabeart's ‘Tibet' – providing an historical background. Some very old issues featured, including some in part sheets. However his final sheet was omitted due to lack of material through an auction bidding error – so he offered members a ‘broken promise'. (It gets worse!!) Of considerable clarity and colour was John Garrett's entry – ‘New Guinea' – using large postcards, he produced an informative study in customs and costumes. ‘Warriors' were very well represented. One card depicting a native wedding struck the evening's theme well – ‘an example of Eastern Promise'! John concluded with his enthusiasm for this collection – ‘I love em'! Hugh Jefferies continued his tradition of digging deep and surfaced with album pages relating to ‘Aden'. He examined used issues from the 1880's, with a study of post offices (what are they?!). He focused on ‘Crater' and ‘Steamer Point' and then ‘Aden' – highlighting postmarks. Ceylon, India and GB ‘stamps used abroad' were exhibited. Some scarce cancels were observed. Although not written- up, the sheets were most eloquently explained. ‘Thailand' followed with John Case's colourful modern stamps and commemorative covers, plus PHQ cards of Buddha images, jet ‘First Flight' and ‘National Costumes' covers. Unusually Mike Trickett did not ‘jump up' – the Chairman was ready for him! Mike's ‘French Mandate for Syria/Lebanon 1919-1945' came over as a minor historical study. Britain's early involvement (interference?!) in the region was also highlighted. The sheets showed good representation of stamp issues supported by pertinent postcards. As Mike said…'there you've got it – Syria and Lebanon!' Chairman Bob rounded off the evening with his well shared and written-up ‘Japan – Eastern Promise'. Material eminently supported the period covering WWII, using stamps, covers, photos and maps. The focus was on Japan's expansion, ‘Pearl Harbour' and the various sea and land battles, including the fall of Singapore, action at Midway, US invasions and the concluding atom bomb episode and the end of war. Bob referred to the US promise ‘to save thousands of lives'. As he reviewed the presentations he felt compelled to state…..'It's amazing what material there is – much hidden away for years! Great diversity, quality and quite exquisite and well presented, thanks'.
John Garrett's entry - "New Guinea''
Paul Barry 13-9-13
Meeting: 23rd September, 2013
Disinfected and Quarantined Mail - Denis Vandervelde
The speaker outlined the early history of quarantine dating back many centuries and arising from the belief that infectious diseases could be transmitted to healthy countries not only by the sailors themselves but also the cargo on board and even the ship's sail. Venice and Dubrovnik were the first to enforce quarantine in the 1370s and the first frame dealt with the various passports, bills of health and other such documents. The earliest item on show here was dated 1656.
Mail from the Levant was treated using sweet smelling herbs but with the outbreak of the plagues of the 17th century other methods had to be used such as scorching the mail and soaking it in vinegar. Items from this era clearly showed the endorsements proving the methods had been carried out. Examples were shown where two endorsements were affixed as a result of different ports not trusting each other. A copy of a painting was displayed showing a captain of a ship being ferried ashore with the mail in a metal container under armed guard. As a further precaution metal tongs were used and many of the covers on display showed the scorch marks.
The speaker brought the display to life by recounting the stories behind the letters contained in the mail; particularly interesting was the correspondence of a Roman Catholic missionary in Bulgaria berating the local population for their lack of knowledge of their faith among other failings, ending with the words ‘Pray for my salvation!'. Other correspondence concerned Isaac Roger, a watchmaker who ran a successful business exporting watches with glass backs to the Middle East so that locks of hair could be inserted.
Each port would have its own quarantine station and examples from England included an item from the Corsisn correspondence soaked in vinegar. Falmouth was the quarantine station for the packet boats from the West Indies.
In 1831 the outbreak of cholera which escaped from India caused the whole of Europe and even Russia to take precautions; soon the whole world was treating mail. Even diplomatic bags were not immune to inspection. Examples of mail from Hungary included items where holes had been punched and vinegar poured in. An item from Anatolia included a letter from a mother worried about her daughter's virtue.
Throughout the display there were illustrations of mail where fraudulent documentation produced by the Greeks had been used to cover up possible disease such as the dumping overboard of deceased sailors and recruiting local men at the next port of call.
In his vote of thanks Mike Trickett thanked Denis for the wide ranging and informative display.

Denis Vandervelde being thanked by Mike Tricket
Meeting: 14th October, 2013
‘6 in 2' P is for…………Members
‘P is for Postage Due Labels' …can't argue with that!! Mike Trickett set the bar high with a fascinating display of British and French. His coverage, including many different types, reflected the period 1859-1982, with the majority being GB spanning 1914-1994.This contribution was informative and traced the gradual development of prepayment, and made reference to distinguishing watermarks and covers with postage dues. ‘Dorset Post Offices' was an excellent theme making good use of mainly Edwardian sepia postcards in particular. Here, Don Seaby produced cards depicting Colehill, Corfe Mullen, Creech, Ferndown, Longham and Poole. The theme changed again with John Case's' Pitcairn Islands' exhibit. A mainly nautical note was struck with stamps and covers noting harbour building, cable laying, cargo and container shipping. The display was well aided by full written up text. Still many miles from home, we enjoyed Trevor Smythe's ‘Papua & New Guinea' where an interesting and colourful range of stamps covered 1957 surcharges, 1958/60 and 1961 definitives, all depicting island life, of which the 1964 ‘Native Artifacts' issue was particularly engaging.
Terry Kirkman dealt with an aspect of Australian philately..the Post Office's series of pre-stamped envelopes (1978) This first series featured colourful paintings of native birds. Later, national occasions were commemorated, eg. 150 th Anniversary of the South Australian Police Force. In all, this endeavour proved to be ‘a nice little earner'! Gerry Thompkins upset many by refusing to display ‘Landrovers' under his anticipated title – ‘Transport on Stamps'!!! However he managed to redeem himself a little by providing us with a presentation of stamps depicting Police and Postal Vehicles of both pre and post war issue. An interesting cover coming to mind (25-1-71) highlighted the ‘Bournemouth & District Emergency Postal Service'. Returning to an earlier theme we enjoyed John Garrett's ‘Papua'. This 20th century collection revealed small wrappers from the 1930s, a monthly newsletter, a seldom seen ‘Late Fee' item and a comment on lesser known markings of New Guinea. If the collector requires a narrow range of issues to focus on, look no further than tiny ‘Prince Edward Island'….however catalogue prices are considerable!! This Canadian East coast destination display was indeed well written up, being Brian Cropp's ‘baby'. Here we enjoyed very scarce early covers, starting with unpaid mail. The entry concluded with a superb cover- UK to Prince Edward Island.
Reaching the half-way point in the evening's entertainment was Mary Hood's pc presentation – ‘P is for Portsmouth Personalities'. These notables, collected together made for an impressive crew! These included John Pounds' first ‘Ragged School', Nelson with the Victory in dry-dock, Brunell's engineering successes including ‘SS Great Britain', Charles Dickens birth place, Conan Doyle the medical man of Southsea, who played in goal for a Portsmouth team (in 1937/8?) and Sir Alec Rose the world sailor. Geoff Hood followed on with his amusing ‘Pot-Pourri') This gave him leave to go off in any direction!! We examined very early pre-stamped pre-paid mail and paid mail, a wine bottle label with a 2/- New Zealand stamp, and a photo of a pink post box. (‘The Post Office trying to save pigment'!) The display and sound track tailed off with something like …'permit me a peroration – a pleasure to participate…'!!! (I've learnt a new word!!). A brush with the West Indies was next on the menu with Hugh Jefferies' ‘Barbados –Parish Postmarks'. Ample background was forthcoming…we found that the island was divided into 11 parishes – all with Saints' names. All display sheets were stamps only and the major study was one of postmarks and their office of origin –some scarce including some ‘late fee' postmarks. John Duckworth then presented his fascinating ‘Prisioners of War' through covers and postcards from numerous countries. Here was observed some unique material. Spence Coker amused the assembled throng with his opening statement…'Not many p's in Hong Kong!!!' He got away with it however with a focus on the ‘Peak Tramway' which opened up in 1888. Various covers illustrated the theme.
Predictably we then enjoyed Wendy Buckle's ‘Paper Making – Paper Mills'. Here we embarked on an historical tour beginning in the 12th Century using a rich variety of philatelic/non philatelic items to illustrate the subject. John Davis could not have avoided ‘Pigeon Post', ‘Parachute Mail' and ‘Pitcairns' for his topics!! Possibly the most notable item was a 1939 cover from Sydney to north of Australia, dropped by parachute and signed by the addressee. One of the most detailed studies of the evening was provided by Paul Levers' –‘Perfins'. Strongly written up, this display saw old India well represented, supported by covers and postcards. ‘GB Perfins' followed. Here Terry Tuck displayed superb stamps, Victoria to QEII. All were very well identified and described and stamps were displayed alongside a clear white perfin photo. Rounding off what had been another fascinating evening was Bob Small's ‘Prisoner of War Mail'. We had here a glimpse of a huge subject, underpinned with very old interesting covers …the Franco Prussian War, the Boer War, mail from both World Wars and the Korean conflict. A host of fascinating transit marks were highlighted.
In thanking participants, Bob as Chairman noted the quality and range but felt the prize for the evening was well earned by Geoff Hood for his eloquent promotion of Ps!!!
Meeting: 11th November 2013
Six Sheet Competition & ‘9 in 4' Your choice – Members, plus AUCTION
Members always succeed in ‘pulling out of the hat' fascinating, colourful and often unusual or scarce material: tonight was no exception! This was a ‘9 in 4' display/presentation with just 9 contributions…..'quality, not quantity'!! The first two displays related to Papua New Guinea. John Case provided modern era stamps with highly colourful designs based around themes…'Birds', ‘Animals', ‘Fish', ‘Butterflies', ‘Dancers' and ‘Ships', while Don Seaby's entry related to a ‘Study of Mail' in the period 1911-1971 – post offices, postmarks, including used in Australia.
A very different theme then followed…'The British Empire Exhibition', 1924/25. Here Bill Laird focussed on postcards and covers, some commemorative, and included interesting slogan postmarks of the period. ‘A Selection of Flight Covers' (John Duckworth) was a detailed study of early items, including 1917 flight Turin to Rome, this cover bearing a special overprinted stamp. A Calcutta to GB flight cover was noted (11th Feb. 1925), later Calcutta to Singapore. The first non-stop flight Europe to USA featured. Flights of the Dornier were present as was a Zeppelin cover - Germany to a Russian ice-breaker in the Arctic. Sir Francis Chichester's Australia – Japan flight and the 1932 Balloon Race also were represented here. A particularly well written-up display was Charles Leonards ‘Russian Censorship of Foreign Newspapers, Maps and Printed Matter'. The authorisation of the Post Office to monitor foreign newspapers saw the introduction in 1873 of a hand-stamp censor. Charles was able to show 6 of the 7 available office strikes. All printed matter became the focus of attention, with normally just postcards exempt.
John Hilton's ‘The Penny Lilac' was indeed a close study and well described. This was a study in postmarks…Sq. circle, Duplex, Thimble, etc. ‘Officials' were also considered…Army, I.R. and Govt. Parcels. Inverted watermarks and perfins rounded off the display superbly. Now, John Davis can always be relied upon to provide humorous content!! Using the title ‘Postmen with Cycles' –again well described – he made clever use of stamps, cards, newspaper cuttings, photos, etc to illuminate the theme. He produced the only known example of cycle crash mail relating to a postman's bike being blown up in 1979! The following theme was unusual yet so familiar to collectors….here Paul Barry presented his ‘Thanks for the Stamps' display. He reminded Members that ‘we probably all started collecting in childhood as a direct result of a gift of stamps'. In his case philatelic interest was raised by a present of a block of four used Penny Reds . He proceeded to show and explain a number of philatelic items all of which he had received as gifts over his lifetime.
Bob Small rounded off the evening on a strong historical note…'WWII – 1939'. Well supported by philatelic interest, Bob split his subject into headings…'Blitzkrieg', ‘Invasion of Poland', ‘Battle of the Atlantic', ‘Sinking of the Royal Oak', ‘Battle of the River Plate' and ‘Invasion of Finland'– thus providing a most thought provoking display.
In concluding the presentations, Bob stated that we were ‘not disappointed with the variety on offer – something for everybody'.
NB. The Six Sheet Competition was won by Harry Tabeart for his entry..'Puerto Rica'
The task of Auctioneer tonight, in John Garrett's absence, was kindly undertaken by Ian Arnold-Jenkins.
Paul Barry 13-11-13
Meeting: 25th November 2013
Advertising Through the Post - Colin Baker
This evening proved different in two respects – the subject was largely new to the membership and the presentation was unusually brief. This approach allowed everyone substantial opportunity either side of the break to gain a real in-depth study of material and conversation with the speaker. This was well written up – illuminating numerous advertisements on letter sheets, covers, newspaper wrappers, postcards, calling and order cards. The display followed a time line – from Victorian to QEII, with an emphasis on early material. Little advertising was observed prior to 1840 as rates were high and ‘bill boards being cheaper!' Numerous letter sheets formed part of the collection –mainly with text only. However a competitor emerged being that of the (unpopular) Mulready and by the end of May 1840 some firms' and classified ads were operating, printing being inside only. Colin's research had enabled him to judge approximately 1000 different ones… with nearly all on the 1d sheet. A few of the displayed items revealed engraving work – ‘Atlas Insurance Co., ‘Solicitors' Benevolent Association', ‘H G Hanson – Foreign Stamp Importer', and Cadbury Cocoa – all making excellent examples. Advertisers appeared slow to grasp the opportunities afforded by printed envelopes, but by the late 1880's this practice was well developed. Colin had found that nearly all companies advertising in the 19th Century had ‘died' or amalgamated, however one, ‘John Warner', manufacturer of Big Ben's bell no less, is still operating today!! Trade descriptions could be misleading in this period – as observed for example on envelopes advertising ‘Alfred Smith of Bath' – a stamp dealer who placed an image of a massive block under his name, implying a huge philatelic empire!! (bigger than Gibbons!!) Members noticed that there was occasional use of colour printing and most ads were placed on the front of envelopes – the back being seen as a poor business choice. By the century's end typical advertising was to be seen in tobacco,' Price's Candles', ‘Carter's Seeds', ‘Fry's Cocoa' and of course ‘Wright's Coal Tar Soap'!!
The second part of the presentation focused in part on technical aspects…the printing of letter sheets and their cutting (some printed on large sheets prior to cutting). With embossed envelopes, Colin believed that many advertisers gave the printing office pre-printed paper – after which it was embossed and then made up into envelopes. There then followed the period KEVII to QEII with excellent coverage of related material. Within this period colour printing really took off; fine examples being those of ‘Swan', ‘Esso' and ‘Pontins'. Also presented in this concluding section was an excellent focus on calling and order cards and a most impressive collection of postcards. Towards the end of the 1890's advertisers were allowed front cover printing…providing it was achieved on the left and did not obscure the address area (inland only). By 1905 the UPU agreed to advertisements on international mail. Here Colin had tracked down newspaper wrappers ‘printed to private order' and these were impressive, being surprising survivors and scarce indeed! Also well represented was strong material from the late 1930's into 1940. Members appreciated numerous covers with striking text/ logos, including ‘Quaker Oats Ltd', ‘Worthington' (brewers) and ‘Colman's Mustard – It's nicer with Mustard'. QEII covers were pleasing too…one of note being ‘Phillips Rubber Soles & Heels'. Drawing the presentation to a close, Colin questioned the future of mail advertising, and raised ‘the implications of Post Office privatisation?' and ‘how much longer stamps will be in use?'
Chairman Bob warmly thanked Colin, presented him with the Speaker's Certificate and an engraved whisky glass, stating: ‘Absolutely fascinating'…an interesting study indeed and on a little known subject.

Colin Baker receiving his certificate from Chairman, Bob Small
Paul Barry
Meeting: 9th December 2013
‘Three Sheets from Everyone' plus AUCTION
The evening began with Harry Tabeart being awarded ‘The Six Sheet Competition Shield' for his
grand entry…'Puerto Rica'.

There then followed contributions which enabled a new Club record to be achieved – 35 Members each displaying what proved to be in our Chairman's words…'brilliant' – both in scope, depth and quality. Lack of type space prevents full justice to our Members' contributions but hopefully this report provides a flavour of a most enjoyable evening.
Early material was well represented…'Napoleon', amply described via cuttings from Bells Weekly Messenger, Lancaster Gazette and The Times (all 1815) Other interesting items – superb postmarks …Victorian, Edwardian and two Georges, then Victorian/Edwardian vaccination certificates and newspaper wrappers with 1870 embossed stamps. Early Antigua featured together with imperf 1d reds having superb Maltese cross cancels. In this section we can include a presentation of GB Victorian revenues used on a Poor Rate Demand Note, a Certificate of Posting and a 1898 ‘Charter Party' document – coal shipment Seaham to Rye, secured by a fine 6d ‘Jubilee'.
Local history was well represented – Lymington and Ringwood covers, plus those promoting local celebrities, including Broadstone's Alfred Russell Wallace (Evolution Theory with Chas. Darwin) and a David Morris cover attracting a special Philatelic Bureau handstamp. Not to be missed were John Garrett's super Bournemouth panoramic postcards (colour and black & white). In another twist, our ‘Landrover Man' (Gerry Thompkins) disappointed big time – having run out of such vehicles, had turned (eloquently) to ‘Sea King Helicopters' and ‘Jet Airlines'. Here John Dimond was in good company with his RAF helicopters. The naval theme continued with late 19th Century shipping – a display of sepia postcards relating to ‘Award of the Iron Cross', with U-Boats and Light Cruisers featuring. John Case's study of the ‘Australian Flying Boat Service' – showing flights, cancellations, Rochester build origins and links with Hamworthy was well researched and written up.
The diverse nature of the displays continued with studies in Irish stamps and general cancellations, ‘redirection labels', studies in postal rates, a Heligoland sheet, and KGVI studies – including triangular cancellations and Forces Mail. Worthy of mention has to be Hugh Jefferies' ‘50 year research'!! (is he THAT old?!) – KGVI Bermuda high values (key plates). This described a unique investigation revealing four different sets based on differing papers and perfs. Postcards were again to the fore with – themes of ‘Halley's Comet' (1910/1986), the 25th Anniversary of the 1st Moon Landing and beautiful travel postcards and stamps depicting scenes from Seychelles and France. Fine art themes also surfaced: work by Manet was assisted by photos and, in a separate display, there featured an interesting American Biennial mini sheet (29th May, 1976).
Harry Tabeart's hugely enlarged stamp images were presented – unmasking in much detail the engravers' talents. This being the Christmas period, we were therefore bound to enjoy the three appropriate linked themes – Patricia Stanley presented three coloured postcards – lovely Xmas ‘panel cards' of 1915; Wendy Buckle displayed ‘Manuscripts from the Gospels' highlighting the Book of Kells' wonderful imagery, with stamps, postmarks and postcards and …finally…finally…wait for it…..Terry Kirkman's comic ‘Christmas Crackers' where every stamp selected caused a smile or two!! Here, were whimsical captions applied to stamp illustrations… one 22p stamp depicted artificial respiration being performed by a lady on a feller… 'But I only asked you to help with the washing-up!!!
The evening concluded with a healthy auction.

Studying the displays at half time
PAUL BARRY 12-12-13
Meeting 16th December, 2013
"Parliamentary and Other Stories"… (plus Xmas Party!!)
Dane Garrod
Being a serious philatelist and/or deltiologist involves taking an interest in the whole of life – for such collectables trace our human history. It is little wonder then that tonight's entertainment really hit most suitable chords. Past Programme Secretary Wendy Buckle had secured our speaker many moons ago – knowing that Dane was both highly knowledgeable and humorous. Whilst there was philatelic and postcard content, his subject addressed the ‘tin's label' …and in what style!!
This was a 90 sheet display of which half were presented on screen. Dane provided excellent commentary – highlighting areas of note on each exhibit. Taking a time-line, our journey began with early documents – for example…a letter signed by William Huskisson MP (1770-1830) – famous for his untimely death – being the first railway casualty – run over by ‘The Rocket' on the opening day of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway – 15 September, 1830. Other documents were shown on another personality, more famous by far – Anthony Ashley-Cooper – 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, including a photo inscribed…'No man never did more to lesson the extent of human misery or add to the sum total of human happiness'. In good company next we find Disraeli …a photo with interesting write-up and including a cover posted around the time of his wife's death – possibly sympathy correspondence Dane surmised.
There was much in the way of further parliamentary correspondence both into and out of Westminster. 1922 posters and flyers seeking candidates' election featured together with an abundance of invitation to function and menu cards. One item coming to mind was a powerful early 20th century poster…'Hello Everybody! MacDonald Calling' - with accompanying slogan…'Labour in Power This Time'. Also admired was a 1938 cover with enclosed political card and a leaflet from vote seeker Katie Marlow. Exhibits were frequently enhanced with the support of excellent photos (often obtained from the National Portrait Gallery) some famous as in the case of one Mr Leslie Hore Belisha (of ‘beacon fame') 1893-1957. He had signed an autograph book, the page of which was here displayed. A 1935 letter to the PM despatched via the Diplomatic Bag featured. 1950's telegrams were also represented…one marked Anthony Barber (then Tory MP).
There followed a time-warp photo – young Margaret Thatcher (then Roberts) in 1950 – depicted in a Telegraph cutting – seeking to topple the safe Labour seat in Dartford! Then there was a photo of Anthony Eden of Suez fame . Another document, this one signed by Rab Butler (who came close to becoming PM) was noteworthy. Dane highlighted a signed letter by Harold Wilson. Of equal merit was a sound Postmaster General's cachet on a letter to a Marchioness. One of Dane's prized items was an ‘Opening of Parliament' ticket – for the Royal Gallery in 1961. (ticket No.1 no less!) Causing intrigue and amusement were menu cards…one for dinner at No 10. (SPARSE, basic menu!...saving money no less…take note!!) Another invite, in some contrast was ‘Buffet Luncheon at Chequers' with a far superior menu!! There was an ‘Order of Service for the Funeral of the Rt. Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, 30th January, 1965' – a state funeral card. This was accompanied by a royal document re the ‘Opening of the 62nd Inter Parliamentary Conference of HM The Queen, Westminster Hall, 4th September, 1975.'
Dane spoke about his displayed personal letter written to him by John Patton in 1996, appreciating Dane's suggestion that HM the Queen be invested with a ‘Peoples' Medal'. A large Tony Blair signed photo was a statement too far for some as were a number of political cartoons working their way into the display – one modern one – an official photo of David Cameron with wording…'We can't go on like this!! (to which had been added, in tribute to Elvis, …'with suspicious minds') The presentation ended with a ‘Scallywags' list, an A-Z of 20 MPs..Aitken-Thorpe. Perhaps small in the total MP membership over the years – but sadly some very unsavoury characters included.

The speaker was thanked profusely by our Chairman, who, like us all had found the evening most insightful and entertaining.
Then followed the Xmas Raffle and seasonal refreshments. This marked the end to an excellent Club Year.
2014 kicks off strongly with, on Monday, 13th January, Members "6 in 2" Free Choice + AUCTION.
43rd Season
7.45pm at the Day Centre in the shopping precinct Ferndown Dorset
Guests and Prospective New Members are welcome
2014 |
January |
13th |
Six Sheet Competitions displayed (from November); 6 in 2 Your Choice; and Auction |
27th |
Delivery of the Mail - John Davis |
February |
10th |
What the Victorians did for us, 19th Century only (6 in 2) - Members; and Auction. |
24th |
Napoleonic Prisoners of War and Lord Nelson - Bob Small |
March |
10th |
Annual Competitions and Bourse - Members; and Auction. |
16th |
SUNDAY - New Forest Stamp Fair, New Milton. |
24th |
Visit from Warminster Society |
April |
12th |
14th |
Postcard Evening - 6 in 2 Postcards only - Members; and Postcard Auction |
28th |
All Competition Entries Displayed and Trophy presentations - Members; also and Auction |
May |
12th |
A.G.M. - Cheese & Wine; and Auction. |
26th |
Australia King George VI, 1d Red - Colin Mount |
June |
7th |
SATURDAY - Ringpex Stamp Fair, Ringwood |
9th |
Cinderellas and "Back of the Book" (9 in 4) - Members; and Auction. |
23rd |
Army Official overprints of GB - David Millsted |
July |
14th |
Theme night - anything as long as they have got wings - Members; Auction |
28th |
Fiji - Stamps and Postal History - Bryan Jones |
August |
11th |
Stamps only - otherwise it's your choice (6 in 2) - Members; and Auction |
September |
8th |
Europe night (9 in 4) - Members; and Auction |
13th |
SATURDAY - Poole Stamp Fair, Upton |
22nd |
King George VI Varieties, Aden to Zanzibar - Richard Lockyer |
October |
13th |
Q and R are for..... (6 in 2) - Members; and Auction |
18th |
SATURDAY - Hampex, Wickham |
27th |
Railway Station Postmarks of the 20th Century - Bill Pipe |
November |
10th |
Six Sheet Competition and "9 in 4" (your choice) - Members; and Auction |
24th |
Hong Kong - Spence Coker |
December |
8th |
Three Sheets from everybody (no excuses!) - Members; and Auction |
15th |
Christmas Events, Raffle and "The Secret Life of Stanley Gibbons" - Hugh Jefferies
Meeting: 13th January, 2014
‘6 in 2' Your Choice – Members' Auction
The evening began by Harry Tabeart displaying his magnificent 6 Sheet Competition entry winner ‘Puerto Rico 1873-1900'. Beautifully written up, this brief history provided a cultural backdrop – exploration, poetry, sculpture, capital city and famous battle.
The ‘6 in 2' displays then got underway. Only 9 Members entered – however the quality and variety was certainly present as seen in John Davis' theme – ‘Post and Postmen from around the World'. Here stamps, postcards, cigarette cards and covers supported the emphasis which was delivery on foot. This historical time line ended with a 21 st Century photo of a Highcliffe postman – this being contrasted with a rural early postman depicted in a sepia print! Hugh Jefferies covered well ‘British East Africa' – providing album pages completed over Xmas. Here we saw an in-depth study – watermarks and the lack of them, forgeries, plus verbal background info – a complex area. 'GB 1964 Postal Strike' was John Duckworth's well described contribution, which also included material on the 1971 Strike. A particular emphasis was placed on an interesting variety of postmarks. John Garrett provided yet another feast for postcard collectors with his scarce Davis Message Cards – brightly coloured prints on white card – each one having a hand drawn message. He explained that with Mike Trickett they are working on a listing. Little is known and to their knowledge, few collect. A ‘Royal' theme chosen by Bill Laird achieved much interest through a well written-up presentation of postcards and covers, taking in such topics as, for example, ‘The Royal Courts of Justice' and ‘The Admiralty'. ‘Delivery of the Mail -Illustrated Covers' (Early to mid20 th Century) was Harry Tabeart's topic. He had built up a strong collection on a low budget, touching on topics - ‘Airports', ‘Ships', ‘Railways', ‘Industry' and ‘Beauty' in particular. One notable green printed cover depicted the 'First Trip of the New York Central's ‘Streamlined Train – Cincinnati & Chicago via Indianapolis' – April 28th 1941. Trevor Smyth focussed on the 2013 Royal Mail Xmas Stamp Competition – considering slogan postmarks. There had been 240,000 entrants - judging on a regional basis – with winners in the various categories and two overall winners. Children's names featured within the slogan postmarks! Seen any? Trevor was most keen to acquire the whole set of the 24 finalists which was proving difficult and invited Members to look out for him. Mike Trickett's display centred on ‘1924 Netherlands' – dedicated child welfare stamps. This small collection consisted of stamps, plus two part sheets and a 1929 Amsterdam cover. The final contribution came from Bob Small who had assembled an early (1798) historical focus using superb covers, pictures and newspaper cuttings relating to various army units on the French coast ready to invade England. One section considered ‘The Last Invasion of Britain – French Dreams' – featuring the Montgolfiere Project involving a massive hot-air balloon capable of carrying 300 men!...and a 'Dubious Floating Raft' for transporting over 5000 troops! …..Wow!
Our Chairman, in usual flowing style, concluded this grand evening by thanking Members ‘for bringing along yet another wonderful display of great variety' - clearly much appreciated.
P. Barry 18-1-14
Meeting: 27th January, 2014
‘Delivery of the Mail' - John Davis
When we think of this subject we probably have in mind…sorting offices, post-vans, bikes, trolleys, bags and rubber bands!! Oh, and orange personnel in shorts!!...and in all weather!! John's research and amazing collection took us far beyond these basic concepts…across land, air and water. For example, when did you last see mail being delivered by catapult or reindeer?! Our speaker…one of us…is excellent at tackling unusual themes –this was no exception. At the start of John's display, ‘Delivery of the Mail' was seen as the delivery of messages – here we saw a study of stamps depicting Greek/Roman mythology –‘Hermes' and ‘Mercury'. Indeed, angles, bells and smoke signals have all played their part. He then developed the major section in A-Z mode. To give a flavour…'Arrow' mail delivery in difficult terrain. Then an ‘Archer' featured on a Mexican express letter stamp. Of some interest was ‘Auto-gyro' mail…here John displayed a postcard cancelled 8-5-34, flown on the first UK Aerial Post …Windsor to London. ‘Balloon' mail (1811 Siege of Paris), ‘Bike' mail, and Australian ‘Bush' mail followed. Under ‘C' we enjoyed amongst others -'Cannon Ball' mail, ‘Catamaran' and ‘Clipper' mail (flying boats). ‘Diplomatic Bag', ‘Dog Sledge', ‘Donkey' and propaganda ‘Drop' mail via gliders followed on!! We then examined the worlds of ‘Elephant' mail, ‘Flying-boat' mail, ‘Helicopters', ‘Horses', ‘Hovercraft' and Hydrofoil' mails!! Postmen on ‘Ice Skates' was amusing as was ‘Kayak' and sea ‘Jug' mail!!...(cans thrown into the sea off Cape Cod in 1954).
The second half was eagerly awaited too…dealing with ‘L-Z' and was equally superbly supported by expert writing-up, together with a wide range of postal history and associated material. Here John kicked off with ‘Local Posts'…ie delivery on foot and ‘College' mail. The period was 1871-86 –with 8 Oxford and 3 Cambridge self-issued stamps. Beautiful coloured postcards with college coats of arms were displayed. 1886 however saw the service terminated. (in contravention of Post Office monopoly!!) Members then enjoyed ‘Microlite' (New Zealand), ‘Motor-bike' (Guatemala), ‘Packhorse', ‘Paddle-steamer' and ‘Private' mails. ‘Tube' mail brings back distant memories of vacuum tube delivery in department stores? (in my case.. a love note sent to the office Junior being promptly returned to me + red ink indignation from her manager, to the effect that I was wasting business time and if Mr- knew… then……ugg!!) I digress! Next…in the mid 1930s we observed ‘Rocket' mail, then ‘Ropeway' mail in Gibraltar. ‘Slave' mail, ‘Sling' mail, ‘Snowmobile', ‘Space', ‘Speedboat', ‘Ski' and ‘Swim' mail (Peru) further developed our theme. The concluding section had some gems too…with ‘Taxi' mail (Palestine), ‘Telegrams, and ‘Tonga'…an Indian mail cart, followed by 'Tractor' mail…Pitcairn's, and of course… ‘Tin Can' mail from Niuafoou in theTonga island group. This was used from 1882 until 1983, when a new airport obviated the need for swimmers or outriggers to handle the post across un-navigable shores. (we won't mention ‘Wheelbarrows'!!)

The vote of thanks from our Chairman Bob was as ever eloquent and commented on the thread of humour pervading John's presentation, which Bob described as ‘a marvellous evening!!' Indeed it was. For me (apart from ‘Tube Mail' for obvious reasons!) the image that clinched it was John's research into…..wait for it…... ‘ STILT MAIL' !!! …where an early postal service operated in the region of Landes, between Bordeaux and Bayonne where poorly drained heath and moorland necessitated postmen to deliver to villagers on stilts. John's wonderful sepia photo postcards are very well worth seeing!!
Meeting: 10th February, 2014
‘6 in 2… What the Victorians did for Us, 19th Century only – Members
This evening proved once again that our Club can always provide top quality interest with eloquent speakers and wonderful postcard/philatelic material. What did the Victorians do for us? Don Seaby set the bar high with his superb display of early GB – postcards and covers, making good mention of our ancestors' gift of ‘the postage stamp', with the introduction of the ‘Penny Black' on 6th May, 1840. With Peter Leevers display, we moved overseas to examine the height of Empire in India. Here we focussed on the ‘Indian Stamp Act' of 1860 which consolidated all earlier regulations, to raise state revenue by taxation. Peter displayed seldom seen fiscal instruments, written on special paper and embossed. These were sold to aid the court system. A ‘small cause' court was established first at Calcutta in 1868-a major step in legal provision. ‘Victorian People' was an essential ingredient for our theme. Paul Lear had written this up well, highlighting key personalities, illustrated by stamps and postcards…these included Brunel, Eiffel, Mendeleev (Russian chemist), Wallace and Darwin, Edward Lear (wild life illustrator) and Van Gogh.

John Garrett putting up his display
‘Victorian People' was an essential ingredient for our theme. Paul Lear had written this up well, highlighting key personalities, illustrated by stamps and postcards…these included Brunel, Eiffel, Mendeleev (Russian chemist), Wallace and Darwin, Edward Lear (wild life illustrator) and Van Gogh. John Garrett again excelled…this time with ‘A Brief History of Christmas Cards'. Here was presented a vivid selection of postcards of Bournemouth in the Victorian era, beginning with a fine card depicting the Bournemouth Coat of Arms – granted 24th March, 1891. Another postcard worthy of mention was a really early one (1899) depicting ‘The Chine'. His second presentation was ‘Postcards of Bournemouth'…full of interest covering subjects including ‘Bournemouth Centenary Fetes', ‘Winter Gardens', ‘The Square', ‘The Arcade', ‘The Railway', ‘The Pier' and ‘The Paddle Steamer'.

The Hotel Mont Dore, now Bournemouth Town Hall
Following this ‘sea' theme we move next to Brian Cropp's ‘Transatlantic Mail' and the world of steamships and postal rates…1/- soon to be reduced in 1868 to 6d. 1870 saw a rate change again …to 3d! By 1875 it was reduced by a further half-penny…as Brian observed…the Victorians brought prices down…'not like the Elizabethans!!!. We realise now that Hugh Jefferies has no time available to make special display presentations…what Members see are the raw album pages hastily removed from his collection. (I understand that in days past, as a family man he had to make difficult choices…either feed the kids or sink cash into his collection!! I tend to think he has some very slim offspring, judging by the quality on show this evening!!) Here Hugh presented a fascinating study of British Guiana …early stamps and overprints which threw up the complexities of the subject...many overprinting episodes due to lower value stamp shortages.

Hugh with British Guiana
The 'Penny Postage Jubilee of 1890 – Exhibition Covers' (of South Kensington)…was a subject very well covered by John Duckworth. The central piece was a Post Office Xmas card, following the Guildhall Exhibition, selling at 6d which featured Royalty, Builders, Trains and Ships.‘Charles Dickens' was Chris Wheeler's fascinating contribution. Regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period, Chris concentrated on the images of the great man on stamps, then a focus on his ‘characters' and then the numerous book titles. Philatelic material was drawn from a variety of sources, including Cayman Islands, Dominica, Gibraltar and GB. Each received a brief but informative write up and the whole presentation was much promoted by the use of black card which gave high contrast. Finally…Bob Small rounded off the evening's entertainment. He stated that this period of history …'gave us Queen Victoria'!! She came to the throne in 1837 and her entire reign had the delightful backdrop of war. (what an aggressive society we were…and still are!!) Bob's display, as always, was finely presented on archival covered cream paper and was awash with historical documents and philatelic interest. There was a letter addressed to Lord Wellington, Crimean correspondence (1880) and two superb Boer War covers having (‘Jubilees') 2d rate (GB) and the 3d rate to the Continent….wow!! Bob put it well………….. 'we have not been disappointed…there has been great variety again'.
The meeting concluded with an interesting and worthwhile auction.

Studying the displays
PAUL BARRY, 12 February 2014
Meeting: 24th February, 2014
‘Napoleonic Prisoners of War & Lord Nelson' - Bob Small
It is just amazing how long some collectors have worked on their collections: in Bob's case, this Napoleonic archive spanned 45 years!! This stunning display (part one) covered the period 1792-1815…the period during which some 225,000 prisoners were held…responsibility of the Admiralty. (200,000 at peak). What Members were treated to was a large exhibit of original letters, prisoner lists, a promissory note, pictures of prison ships (hulks) and buildings (‘block houses'), information about French Officer parole, a repatriation certificate, letter censoring details and censor marks, scrimshaw, (ships and dice), details on burial sites and present museum archives, etc. Bob's presentation was not short on detail and every sheet displayed provided much background with often obscure, fascinating information. A significant section provided insights into the role of Dartmoor Prison, built specifically for housing such prisoners. Bob's concluding exhibit promoted a wonderful 1815 Waterloo POW letter...from a French prisoner at Dartmoor, one of only 1879 French soldiers captured at this battle….it read…'I was made a prisoner on June 18th at 9.00pm at the Mountain of Iron near Brussels (Waterloo) by the English Army and immediately brought to England'. The write-up stated..…'POW Jacque Mart was only in Dartmoor Prison for about 6 months before he was released and returned to France in December 1815. As with most prisoners he was short of money and is asking for funds to be sent directly to him from France'.
The second half of the evening was equally riveting with the exhibit ‘Horatio Nelson – England Expects'. Here we were drawn into a highly detailed study of this fascinating period of history, supported by original letters, plans of battle, prints, newspaper cuttings and a wealth of modern philatelic material, bearing in mind the 2005 Bi-centenary of Nelson's death and the outpouring of numerous stamps/covers from various postal authorities. A most interesting focus was Nelson's up-bringing, personality and career….a career as amazing in its propulsion as it was for achievement. This was a leader of very great talent, exceedingly brave with no regard for his own life, yet completely committed to colleagues (his 'band of brothers') and those under his command. Numerous artefacts enriched the display, including rare pages from the ‘London Chronicle' of 2nd - 4th January, 1806 reporting on ‘Lord Nelson's Life and Funeral'. Such was the quality of the collection, the write-up and Bob's commentary that it was possible to be aware of this brilliant naval genius watching us… with his ‘good eye'!!
Thank you Bob for a wonderful evening.

Geoff Hood thanking Bob Small for his remarkable presentation
PAUL BARRY 25-2-14
Meeting: 10th March, 2014
Annual Competitions and Bourse - Members; and Auction
The evening was well attended. A small bourse was held, providing interest for many. The auction was modest – but did produce some occasional keen bidding. During this activity – the Club's Annual Competition was judged…this year by Mr Colin Mount, FRPSL. Trophies were displayed on the Committee table – these to be engraved appropriately in readiness for presentation to winners at the AGM on 12th May.
The 9 entries from 6 Members this year covered the following classes:
An additional award is to be made for The Overall Winner.
Meeting: 24th March, 2014
Visit from Warminster Society
Philatelists and postcard collectors are an amazing breed!!! This was a foul night, yet members turned out in some strength. More amazing was the arrival of loyal colleagues from Warminster Society who had braved lashing rain to provide a most entertaining evening for the assembled throng!! There was every chance that exhibits would be sodden beyond recognition and that the entire evening would terminate like a very damp squib!!! In the event our Chairman Bob Small warmly thanked the four Warminster contributors for most interesting presentations. Is that it? I hear you question…no report? Well actually...yes. Members enjoyed a diverse range of topics. Reg Gleave displayed 45 sheets…‘ PoW's – interned seamen WW1/2. The main ingredients were covers, postcards, letter-cards, letters and photos –all well written up. For example there was a fascinating letter card dated 5th March 1915, from an Adolf Willmann , crew member of the ‘Cape Trafalgar', held in the internment camp on Martin Garcia…to his sister. Another letter was written by a German U-Boat survivor. Here indeed was a mine of unique wartime naval personnel correspondence.
The second display was provided by Colin Baker with his study…‘Overprinted British Postal Stationary for Use Abroad'. Of matching size, this contribution was an unusual examination…'Overprinted for use in other countries. Poor literacy rates meant little demand, so only certain items were overprinted for each country.' Numerous displayed items were o/p ‘British Levant' (an area). There was a good selection of ‘British Bechuanaland Protectorate' and as with the former, cards, envelopes and o/p stamps were well represented. Two late Victorian covers using ‘Jubilee' issue stamps were noteworthy… one sent from SMYRNA to Germany, 9th February 1898 and another registered from Constantinople to Belgium, 16th August 1893. Colin's collection included reply paid items…Victorian, Edward VII and George V.

The third display (36 sheets) was presented in two parts... by Geoff Frost… ‘The Austrian/Hungarian Air Force' and ‘The Siege of Przemysl' making excellent use of postcards, covers and a coloured map. Here was observed scarce original material. Perhaps a little known area of First World War study is this conflict where huge losses were experienced around the time of the siege and the city's surrender 22nd March 1915. Some 120,000 Austro/Hungarian troops went into captivity. Of particular philatelic note was the various displayed mail flight cards posted out of Przemysl during the siege.
The concluding exhibit ‘Morocco' was the chosen subject by Ivan Holiday. This was another well displayed study…based on cream paper and very well written up. This display differed from the other three in that numerous individual stamps were featured, complemented by a map and numerous covers. All stamps were GB and o/p with the whole operation run by Gibraltar. Ivan included a section… ‘Airmails' with some having unusual directional marks.
ANOTHER superb evening!!!
PAUL BARRY 27 March, 2014
38th Annual Stamp and Postcard Fair
12th April 2014
Club |
Class |
Entry No |
Description of Entry |
Mark % |
Total Marks |
Position |
Bridport |
General |
G1 |
China - Definitive issues of Dr Sun Yat-Sen 1931-1947 |
79 |
158 |
2nd |
Postal History |
PH4 |
Przedborz (Poland) City Post 1917/18 |
79 |
Ferndown |
General |
G2 |
Persia 1898-1926 |
72 |
155 |
3rd |
Postal History |
PH3 |
Early Forces Mail |
83 |
Poole |
General |
G3 |
More than a Penny Lilac |
62 |
149 |
4th |
Postal History |
PH2 |
Napoleonic Prisoners of War |
87 |
Ringwood |
General |
G4 |
Paris Pneumatic Post |
82 |
161 |
1st |
Postal History |
PH1 |
Postmarks of Riga as Russian Imperial City |
79 |

John Davies receiving the Interclub Competition Shield from Bob Small
on behalf of the Ringwood Club
14th April, 2014 -
‘6 in 2’ Postcards – Members, plus Postcard Auction
Tonight we were entertained by 7 Members…all with a real passion for postcard collecting. This was innovative in this year’s programme and was a most welcome addition, not least as this aspect of our hobby is generally less well represented, although it has to be said that many display presentations contain some fascinating postcard material. John Garrett ‘set the bar’ high with his well written up ‘Papua New Guinea’ display. These old black/white postcards were scarce indeed, covering topics such as village life, houses, people, activities and canoes. As John put it, ‘you won’t see these cards anywhere!’ Don Symonds’ contribution was a selection of old coloured Swiss postcards, which although not rare, was an interesting study, being issued ‘pro-patria’ in most cases. The artwork was pleasing, depicting various national images, in particular young girls in canton dresses.
from John's Papua New Guinea display |
from Don's Swiss postcard display |
Taking the theme...‘Bournemouth–Then and Now’, Pauline Luscombe shared a lovely set of coloured postcards. These promoted many of the finest scenes which this still wonderful town has to offer, with coastal aspects being particularly eye-catching. Don Seaby never fails to provide worthwhile entertainment and tonight was no exception. ‘Postcards of Dorset’ covered in sepia, the period from 1899 (posted Swanage with 1d lilac), up to the 1930s. Ferndown was featured…different views (one card now ‘difficult to get’).The stores at Longham, railway stations at Bridport and Maiden Newton, football in 1922 at the Dorchester ground (Weymouth v Broadstone) and an aviation card showing Wright’s biplane, completed this informative display. Taking a military theme, Brian Cropp presented ‘military camps’ and focussed particularly on different censor marks. The messages on the reverse of cards were displayed, conveying fairly conventional information and greetings…such were the times and circumstances in which they were penned.
Following the wartime theme, John Duckworth provided Members with ‘Civilian Internee Mail’ (1942-45)…from and to the Channel Islands. These were coloured postcards, depicting famous street scenes of London….an accumulation of much interest at the viewing time break. Chris Wheeler frequently provides a colourful splash (some in sepia) and his 1906-1942 postcard collection depicting the Boscombe Pier was another reminder of our wonderful local environment.
The quality of the displays was much appreciated, shown by the lengthy time given to their examination and the level of avid discussion. Although not particularly well attended, this was a most worthwhile evening which was underpinned by considerable endeavour on the part of the Members displaying. The evening concluded with a postcard auction where numerous interesting items were available, including a wonderful equestrian racing set of 6, early and beautifully painted images…I was very tempted to bid……..but you know how it is…like you…I can do without extending my collecting arena into scores of blind alleyways…but the artwork was magical!!! ……..John Garrett has them I believe and if I weaken…I bags ‘em first !!
Paul Barry
28th April, 2014
All Competition Entries displayed…Trophy Presentations
A wide range of topics were displayed this evening, beginning with Brian Quist’s military collection entitled ‘Hand-stamps & Cancellations on Royal Army Service Corps Mail’…this being the first of the entries which had been displayed in our ‘Annual Competitions Night’ on 10th March. ‘Swiss Customs Cancels’ was Don Symonds’ entry – having of note an all stamp composition, with superb cancels. (The judge had commented that ‘rarity value was 7’!!)
Continuing on a military theme, John Garrett focussed on ‘WWII – Censorship of Mails to Australia’. Each sheet held a cover and write-up, two notable ones – ‘PoW to UK via ‘Clipper Mail’ and another from Papua New Guinea to UK….all written-up on cream paper. Different rates were examined in the display. Rarity included a cover…unopened by Censor!! Turning now to Bob Small’s entry (winning the ‘Postal History Trophy’ and the ‘Challenge Cup’) …‘Early Forces Mail’… we saw very rare material indeed – all very well written-up and displayed. Of note…a ‘Monmouth Rebellion’ letter, written 3 days after James Scott (the Duke) landed at Lyme Regis….also letters from Spain/Portugal – Peninsular War…both items having a special green cachet. Interesting 1811 covers also featured – one Cadiz Sept 15, another Lisbon July 21.
At this point, the coffee break, Members were able to study the entries. In the second half, Geoff Hood introduced Harry Tabeart’s rich contribution in his absence…'Puerto Rico, 1873-1900’. This had grown out of a 6 sheet competition entry representing ‘an encouragement to have a go!’ Judging comment…’this has potential’. Here were presented superb stamps, plus 3 items of postal stationery and 2 overprinted covers. ‘Victorian Stamped to Order Embossed Dies’ was the first part of Geoff’s own and highly specialised entry. It was 1855 when the Post Office introduced the ‘Stamped to Order Service’. Such postal matter could include adverts…eg. WH Smith & Son. Geoff presented covers and cut-off florets, inland registered letters, heavier and foreign mail, together with examples of multiple stamping. His second entry...’Persia’…(won ‘The Roberts Cup’…General Class)…covered a short time zone of four different Shahs. Revolution seemed to dog this coverage…nothing really changes. There was a focus on definitive and provisional issues. Geoff’s emphasis culminated in 1926.
In the ‘Postcard Section’ Brian Quist entered ‘A Musical Ride’. This was a rich display presented mainly in sepia and with a few colour also. The theme was centred on military bands and won ‘The Postcard Trophy Shield’. John Garrett presented his ‘Bournemouth in By-gone Days’. Again well written up, this was nearly an all sepia entry. With an interesting range of topics, one caught the eye…a card of a stage coach….which proved to be the start of the ‘Royal Blue’ company.
Once again, Members had received ‘more than their monies worth’!! WELL DONE!!!
Competitors displaying their winning entries, and Bob receiving the Cup
Paul Barry, May, 2014
26th May 2014
‘Australia King George V 1d Red’ - Colin Mount
Guest speaker Colin Mount is well known, both locally but also in distant parts, including Australia. Currently he is President of the British Society of Australian Philately. His highly specialised knowledge of the ‘King George V 1d Red’ is little short of mind bending! Chairman Bob Small warmly welcomed Colin to the Club, promising the Membership a fascinating evening…exactly what was delivered! His interest is in the early development of the stamp…stating that ‘this is the most studied/collected stamp in history!!’ Colin continued…’I’ve been collecting this stamp for 45 years and I’m still amazed at the variations within this stamp!’ He explained how the First World War directly caused this issue to be so varied due to shortages/inconsistencies in supply– printers, printing, inks, papers, perforations, steel, overprinting, etc.
The 180 sheet presentation was dealt with in small sections, which was essential given the often highly technical nature of the subject. It covered many aspects and the stamps were presented in specimen, mint and various forms of usage – on covers, newspaper wrappers, pre-printed cards, military letter cards, and stamped-to-order letter sheets….all superbly written-up. In 1911 the Australian Postmaster General, the Hon Agar Wynne, had sponsored a design competition for this issue. With a £100 prize it was not surprising to see a good level of interest…there being 533 entrants submitting 1051 designs. The winning design, by Herman Altman, was not adopted but undoubtedly had an influence on the final design. Uncertainty exists, but it is probable that the image selected was that drawn by the head engraver at the time, F.W. Pearce – at De la Rue. This company’s quote for plate making was too high, so the contract went to Perkins Bacon who then made the plates. The earliest known use of this stamp was July 17th, 1914, just a few weeks before the outbreak of war.
Our speaker gave a most detailed account of the stamp’s development and instances of numerous varieties, including flaws…some rare indeed…and certainly more yet to be discovered! Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the entire study is concerned with the many shades of colour. For many of us, ‘red is red’…but specialists in the printing/philatelic world have identified 300-400 different shades of red within this stamp issue!!! The late Mr Orlo Smith, an expert on the 1d Red shades, summed up the problem well…’With one constant ink, the amount of ink will determine whether the shade of red will be pale, normal, deep or dry. The quality of paper will determine whether the shade is bright or dull. Impurities and ingredients in paper will alter colour. The crux of the whole problem is to recognise normal and abnormal shades. It is one thing to recognise differences of colour – but it is another altogether to be able to name them so that others will understand what you mean!’ Quite so… we all seem to have our own ideas of colour and shade! These and many other points were debated by Members well into the night. You, the reader, may only have a modest childhood stamp collection, but if you have a 1d Red (and you probably have) you just might be ‘a specialist away’ from a fortune…not to mention the sheer excitement/ecstasy and near collapse of collectors such as Colin!!! Start looking………………!!!

Colin receiving his "thanks" from Chairman, Bob Small
Paul Barry, June 2014
9th June 2014
Cinderellas and "Back of the Book" (9 in 4) - Members
We never know in advance the details of contributions – but we are never disappointed…tonight was no exception. We enjoyed displays from 8 Members…most interesting and worthwhile, a considerable range. Peter Leevers provided ‘India Revenue Stamps’ for Kothi, Kharsawan, Khaniadhana and Khairagaru…these were unusual and rarely seen adhesive court fees stamp with …and on original documents are scarce indeed. Ted Stern adopted a military theme with his Swiss ‘Field Post 1914-18 collection. Also included were philatelic items of New Zealand including Life Insurance Dept of Govt. with lovely stamps issued. Here were 3 covers – one having detailed write-up on ‘Peace Stamps’ of 1945/6. On one cover was the set including the 9d. value depicting the Franz Joseph Glacier and Southern Alps, viewed through Waihu chapel window…this design winning an international stamp design competition. John Duckworth provided a very mixed lot! He displayed stamps of the Shanghi Emergency Postal Service of 1932 and fascinating items relating to ‘Rocket Mail’…a cover sent via this amazing means – a display which centred on the inventor of the rocket mail service – Stephen Smith. He was well known for his experiments into carrying mail by rocket…making more than 270 experimental flights and it is believed he kept detailed records of each flight. Also within this display were details of Gerhard Zucker’s Sussex Downs experiments in association with the 1934 APEX Airmail Exhibition held in London. Here a rocket was fired and carried 1400 covers for 900 yards…then fired again after refuelling ...for another 900 yards!

Hugh Jefferies’ contributions are always well received and are bound to cover little known aspects of philately…here was covered ‘Postage Dues – British West Indies up to 1952’. In his usual amusing way, Hugh observed…’The reason why I have these is because of their varied design and bright vibrant colours!!! (all turned out to be black!!!) The 1892 Grenada set was all black and British Honduras followed suit…but at least did have different frame designs. Some stamps depicted the o/p ‘Surcharge’. Later, as in the case of Turks and Caicos – coloured paper was used…but still with same design/colour. Finally in 1940, Barbados and the British Guiana produced different colours! Hugh’s collection included watermark variations and different papers (economy and chalk), varieties in printing and specimen overprints. This was not a written-up collection (being pages extracted from his collection), but delivery was as ever eloquent. John Garrett is a top promoter of postcard collecting and indicated how the hobby is progressing…a recent sale of a unique ‘Titanic’ pc raised £87,000 at auction!!! His topic for tonight – ‘GB Newspaper Tax Stamps’ (1757-1870) was very well written-up and underlined the revenue needed from such taxation to help fund the ‘7 Year War’.
‘Railway Parcel Stamps of GB’ was Don Seaby’s theme and proved to be a fascinating study. These stamps are very scarce – few have survived with even fewer having acceptable cancels. Of equal acquiring difficulty are the commercial covers with the ‘Railway’ letter stamps on. Within Don’s display were some items of local interest. Completing the evening was David Sadler who began with a colourful display of various nations’ stamps, including Mongolia. However the greater interest was much noted with his most unusual theme…’’Monograms’. He explained that he has a substantial collection of these, some on original covers and letters….but the majority are cut from original documents. What are ‘monograms’?... they are usually very fine printed line drawings of crests, logos, initials, etc. produced by way of advertisement/statement and are normally in single colour. Some are works of art of a high order. Clearly these are most collectable…yet this is the first time the writer and some members had observed such a collection. Included here was a special printed ‘scrap book’ which contained numerous beautiful examples collected in years past ...and stuck in!!
In summarising the evening, Chairman Bob Small congratulated the participants saying that ‘it never ceases to amaze me what we collect – ‘back of the book’ – fascinating with several items in particular. They have done us proud again – material we
will not see very often’.
Paul Barry
23rd June - "Army Official Overprints of GB" - David Millsted
"Wartime Family Sketches" - Paul Elliot
In introducing David and Paul, Vice Chairman Geoff Hood observed that guest speakers often travel considerable distances and indeed tonight’s were no exception, with both colleagues travelling from London! The first subject was soon demonstrated as being a vast and far reaching study. From the outset the Victorian Post Office did not like the idea of ‘Officials’…yet clearly there was an overwhelming case for their introduction which came about in 1882. January 1896 (De la Rue) saw the introduction of Army Officials. These and the other overprinted stamps proved a great fascination to collectors- such was the security surrounding their use (these ranged from ‘I.R. Official’ (Inland Revenue), ‘O.W. Official’ (Office of Works), ‘Army Official’, ‘Govt. Parcels’, ‘Board of Education’, ‘R.H. Official’ (Royal Household), and ‘Admiralty Official’). Collectors of course became aware that no mint copies would come into their possession. It was quickly noted that many varieties existed- plate varieties, o/p shifts, letter and parcel cancels, etc. Only certain values received o/ps. Within this magnificent display, coverage concentrated on ‘Army’ and ‘Office of Works’ officials. Numerous examples were present and David’s higher value used blocks were a particular feature….mainly linked to official payroll parcels. The presentation benefitted from excellent delivery, supported by great breadth...making use of stamp examples, covers, postcards, photos and illustrations combined with great writing up. It made reference to SG cataloguing....an essential tool to assist serious study.
During the interval, members were able to examine in some detail the considerable display before the second half which was presented in two parts. First, David concluded with Edwardian overprints, beginning with their introduction in 1902 with the half-penny value. A major focus was placed on Boer War correspondence/covers and postmarks. However, May 1904 saw the discontinuance of all ‘officials’…such were security concerns- a governmental committee had examined the cost of misuse and subsequent Post Office losses!! However a sufficient printing period had provided collectors with a rich source of material.
The final element of the evening was Paul’s interesting social history contribution, firstly…a study of his own family (his mother was French). This study looked at a narrow but fascinating study…’France at War’. Here was an interesting accumulation of mainly pictorial material relating to his grand-father- Raymond Arnaud-Croix De Guerre 1915...with military uniforms a particular emphasis. This was followed by a study of delightful postcards which examined humorous aspects of French Army life…’The Early Months’ and ‘Military Publicity’. This display also featured newspaper cuttings, photos and stamps and was well written up.
In thanking our two speakers, Secretary Paul Barry conveyed the Club’s appreciation of a highly interesting, detailed and little known area of philatelic study and for insights into French family/military life. David and Paul were both presented with a certificate of appreciation and an engraved whisky tumbler….for some reason…not filled!!
David Milsted being thanked by Paul Barry
Geoff Hood appreciating Paul Elliot's Presentation
Paul Barry, July, 2014
14th July - Theme night - "anything as long as they have got wings"
‘Anything with Wings’?...definitely pretty wide scope here! However, less certain was the number of members who would respond to the challenge of entertaining the Club. Now John Davis can always be relied upon to give excellent value – and always with a smile! ‘Pigeon Post’ – his chosen theme, was supported by stamps, postcards, postmarks and special pictorial covers. One interesting coloured pc depicted a ‘Catterall Six Pigeon Transporter – racing pigeon fanciers please note! ...also some 1997 New Zealand commemorative pigeon post stamps of Great Barrier Island. This presentation was well grounded by excellent write-up and commentary…as indeed was Wendy Buckle’s ‘Latvia Airways’. This was a detailed study, well supported by covers, postcards and photos of planes/routes. Latvia’s first regular airmail service began as early as 29/7/21.
John Hilton’s love of luxury cars is no secret. His subject –‘Rolls Royce’ - provided an example of the most famous of all ‘winged’ emblems – ‘RR’. His display included stamps and postcards. A section dealt with AVRO planes – all with ’RR’ engines. Chris Wheeler always given to humour, excelled with his popular six sheet display – ‘Humorous Postcards’…all in colour.
Humorous Postcards featuring Wings |
Dutch exhibit - winged child angels |
Hugh Jefferies loves repetition – so little surprise when he treated us to his Australian ‘Black Swans’…dare I say it…all the same!! ...but were they? No – varieties abounded, as did postmarks. Here were album pages – built up over
years – no write-up – but eloquent delivery. Chas Lindbergh – no not a new member!!...but a new theme, was John Duckworth’s study – well written up and well illustrated by covers and postcards. This focussed on various routes taken – e.g. Sweden/London, Germany/New York. Of particular interest was a 1930 ‘World Non-Stop’ cover – also a 1948/9 requested cover – Berlin Blockade Airlift. This philatelic item commemorated the 100th day of the airlift – being
8th October, 1948.
Now surely Harry Tabeart is no angel! – but he excelled on the subject – providing a most interesting, unusual and beautiful study of children depicted on postcards, posing as angels. Great photography in black & white and in colour…all observed to be Dutch. ‘Postal Stationery of South Africa’ (1941-3) was Geoff Hood’s consideration. Two items displayed were
active service covers – in the form of letter-cards…also o/p covers for Basutoland and two P.O.W. items for New Zealand and Australia. Mary Hood always provides a display of beauty and this contribution was no exception. Here were displayed delightful ‘Alderney Birds’ in full colour – a wonderful theme. From John Garrett’s New Guinea collection we were treated to fascinating covers - two with censor markings – one from Australia and one from Ceylon. Here was just a brief flavour of what must be a most interesting collection.
The evening concluded with studies on further natural history…Paul Lear provided single stamps and mini-sheets, and a map of bird location. Sea birds were featured – mainly the puffin – but terns were also well represented. His display was well supported by great coloured photos and excellent commentary. The other contribution came from Gerald Scanlan entitled ‘Owls’….these being featured on stamps from all over the world – most being again in mini-sheet format. Countries included Somalia, Bulgaria, Republic of Congo, Liberia, Malawi and Republic of Djibouti.
The Alderney Birds display |
The Sea Birds display |
This was a club meeting of great colour, interest and breadth. The Chairman warmly thanked Members for their displays which were keenly studied in the interval – prior to a lively auction.
Paul Barry
28th July - "Fiji - Stamps and Postal History" - Bryan Jones
The first half of Bryan's talk concentrated on the stamp issues from Fiji, a country of about 330 islands with a land mass the size of Wales spread over an area the size of Europe. Bryan showed an example of the three value Cakobau issue of 1871, inscribed CR after the tribal chief. The CR was replaced by VR with the Crown Colony issue of 1874, however this issue only lasted 41 days as it had been printed with values in pence rather than cents! He showed a quarter sheet of one of the values, the only other example being in the Royal Collection. Many examples were shown of the wide range of overprints, the Silver Jubilee issue of 1935, and King George VI stamps including specimen sets, postage dues, and the competition designs, these being photographs of the original submissions (as well as the interesting stories as to how he obtained these rare items!)
He then went on to show a myriad of examples of sheets of Birds definitives with the wide range of errors and misprints they contained, and seemed unable to correct in later printings. Again the stories as to how these examples were obtained kept the audience enthralled, particularly the story of how four sheets of 1c stamps, each sheet having a stamp with no value printed on it was purchased for $12.00, but the assistant insisted on refunding the buyer with 12 cents for the unusable stamps! Needless to say the value of these example sheets is now vastly more than the $12.00. Some covers with these stamps were also displayed.
Bryan putting up some of the many unique erronious sheets
A full sheet of 1c stamps with a rogue 2c value in the top row
A rogue 2c value can be seen in the centre of the top row of this example
After the break, newspaper wrappers from unused Government documents, WWI War Tax stamps, censored covers, registered labels and their substitutes were shown. Also outgoing and incoming tin can mail, ship mail and some of the renowned artist Karl Lewis hand painted covers were displayed. A section on the Leper colony was shown, with some photographs, covers (free of charge for the patients, but stamped for staff and incoming airmail) were displayed, the outgoing mail all being slightly brown as it had to be "baked" in the bread oven before being allowed to leave.
Second World War mail of various types was diplayed, censored mail and two examples addressed to "The custodian of enemy property". Mail whilst Fiji was under New Zealand Forces control and then under US Forces control were shown.. Several examples of Gratitude labels, revenue from their sale being used to buy bombers and fighter aircraft, were put up. Some crash covers were exhibited and finally flown covers from the flying boat acquired in 1939 just as the War was about to start.
Terry presenting Bryan with a certificate and gift from the Club
Chris Wheeler, 29 July 2014
11th August - Members "Stamps Only" (6 in 2)
Bob Small, the Club’s Chairman, placed it on record that this evening’s meeting was highly successful… "yet again we have quite exceptional quality and range". This event, coming at the height of summer holidays was well attended and an enthusiastic band of Members, 10 in number, presented sections of their collections which were greatly enjoyed. Don Seaby ‘opened the batting’ with his interesting display …’Indian States’. Here were presented a variety of banknotes, overprinted stamp revenues and court fees. Then followed Harry Tabeart’s ‘Orchids’. (perhaps he is a specialist gardener in his spare time?!) Here were seen most colourful stamps from numerous countries, testimony to the plant’s universal appreciation…..Brazil, Croatia, Germany, Malawi, Japan, Ruanda, Gibraltar, Belize, Nevis and New Zealand (World Stamp Exhibition). The lovely artistic work within each stamp set was observed. Issues varied from fairly early…to modern. These were extremely attractive images, further enhanced by their presentation on black card…why we philatelists don’t always display on black is a mystery to the writer…after all…nearly all dealers know the advantage of using black stockbooks!!
On with the meeting!!... John Garrett presented ‘German New Guinea’. This included stamps, covers, postcards, photos and a very scarce Deulon registered label…German New Guinea…red and black on white…cancelled 22.6.14. The content was all early 20th Century -a study in date stamps, inland rate stationery cards and a reply card. Joining the throng was Bill Laird with his presentation ’Finland’. Mainly stamps from the 1899-1915 era, this was a study of different sets and 3 different perforations…Russian type stamps with Finnish values stopped in 1899…being replaced by Russian stamps with Russian values. ‘Bechuanaland’ was Hugh Jefferies chosen topic…describing ‘from 1932 on the nicest set of stamps ever’. All stamps were on their album pages, freshly plucked from Hugh’s collection earlier in the day….and depicted ‘Baobab tree and cattle’. Included were some revenues…though as he put it...’I don’t collect these’. We saw superb George V, George VI and QEII sets, together with Queen o/ps with surcharges. Brian Wilson displayed ‘1885-1902 Special Deliveries on foot’. Stamps included depictions of a 1902 cyclist, 1922 motorbikes and 1930s vans. The contribution was finalised with an interesting sheet of USA parcel post stamps.
Chris Wheeler can always be relied upon to provide the unusual…here we were entertained with the topic… ‘The Natal Flood Disaster Overprints of 1987/8’. Included were FDCs, booklets and blocks, all overprinted in pairs in Afrikaans and English with mint examples of all the stamps from the four sets issued with these overprints. One of the FDCs was commemorative, showing a flooded farmstead in Orange Free State. Peter Leevers presented ‘Perfins with Initials from India’. These were all Victorian and Edwardian. We learnt that part of the perfin’s purpose was to discourage theft by employees. Here were presented pages with stamps, covers and part-covers. To illuminate a little…’Local Fund Service’ was LFS, CBI…’Chartered Bank of India’, ABS…’Alliance Bank of Simla’. ‘HSBC’…’Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp’., and NBI…’National Bank of India’. Also represented were private firms such as ‘Army & Navy Stores of Bombay’ and ‘The Great Eastern Hotel, Calcutta’. Terry Everet chose a popular theme…’Cycling’. Here were displayed colourful stamps from Belgium, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Denmark and Eire. Bill Laird presented the final (his second!) entry…entitled ‘WWI’….items being taken from his George V collection. This was an extensive contribution having much variety…black/white postcards (British and French), covers, war bonds, and a registered envelope, Forces Mail, Censored, a most colourful silk card of the Royal Flying Corps and Zeppelin mail. Bill explained, with a glint in his eye that his collection had been enhanced on a number of occasions while his wife was enjoying retail therapy…including when on holiday in Devon!! Oh…the philatelic tales of acquisition (and secret bank balances!!!) we could all tell…worth putting in a book…any offers?!!!
Paul Barry
8th September - Europe night (9 in 4) - Members; and Auction
In the presentations which entertained, perhaps one of the most memorable was Don Seaby’s study in postmarks. Here were featured stamps, postcards and covers from Gibraltar (and GB used abroad), Eire and a magnificent postcard from Heligoland…posted on the last day of British rule…9th August, 1890. (See the vivid photos presented below). Brian Cropp’s ‘Transatlantic Mail’ theme using early covers throughout (from 1854) was fascinating. Of the 11 covers included there was -‘Paris via Le Havre to New York’, another –‘Toulon via England to Bath, Maine’, and another –‘Verona to Philadelphia’ and finally –‘Rotterdam via England to Baltimore’ completing the list of some of particular interest.
Taking an unusual theme, Chris Wheeler introduced ‘Postcards on the History of Eastbourne Pier’. His first showed an engraving of 1860 - 10 years prior to the pier’s creation. 1866 saw construction begin with its opening in 1870. (1000 seat theatre). His postcards traced both the early days together with coverage of the pier’s 3 disasters…washed away, burnt and burnt again!! We learnt that WHS of Eastbourne had produced an informative set of cards on Eastbourne Pier…these were an effective addition to the display. The presentation featured a coloured pc posted in 2013 before the fire and a press photo 30th July, 2014.
Early 20th Century ‘Crete’ was John Duckworth’s worthy contribution. Postcards and covers of Austria, France and Italy featured together with British Army philatelic items. The emphasis was on the 1898 ‘Blockade’ where Britain, France and Russia sought to prevent reinforcements to both sides…Turkey and Crete. ‘The Universal Postal Union’ was Rod Greer’s topic which examined international rates and marks over time. This was promoted by covers and postcards…all helping to create a highly detailed and described study. This was followed by Don Symonds ‘Swiss Revenue Stamps’. These were of superb quality…late 19th Century into early 20th. Various cantons featured and there were an interesting couple of sheets of Revenue Stamps included…well written up and informative.
Continuing the evening’s ‘Europe’ theme, Harry Tabeart spoke of stamps hidden away in his loft for 20 years. These covered three decades …Spain in 1960s/70s, Portugal in 1980s with some French of similar period. On display were mainly miniature sheets. Stamps depicting beautiful stained glass windows were a highlight. His study also included ‘Europa’ stamps from 23 postal administrations. Now over 60 countries are involved and each year has its own philatelic theme…Harry presented several recent topics for interest. ‘Malta’ was Hugh Jefferies chosen country. This was an in depth study. In 30 years of production, 11 definitive sets had featured which presented numerous challenges for the collector! The stamps on show were on album pages…and represented many hours of painstaking work to build up such a collection. He still has 10 elusive stamps to find!! Hugh has to be quite an authority on this area of philately, as indeed he is on many.
The first half of the evening was taken up by these fascinating presentations. Bob Small thanked everybody for ‘the varied displays’, stating… ‘you won’t be disappointed with what you are going to look at’. Following the most interesting break, members settled down for yet another exciting auction!!
Paul Barry
22nd September 2014
King George VI Varieties, Aden to Zanzibar -
Richard Lockyer
Richard began his talk in true old SG style displaying GB before Commonwealth. GB flaws were described in high detail with clear exploded views. Even the uninitiated could not help but gain a lot from it all. The remarkable hand finishing of stamps with such things a feint colour was displayed. A wealth of flaws and varieties in KGVI stamps including wartime Guernsey and Jersey were shown. The breadth of material showed the amazing lengths some people in the Channel Islands went to produce covers and stamps under the occupation.
Then Richard began by discussing the Commonwealth. There were so many flaws shown that it is hard to describe them all. Here are just a few: Broken frames, davet, short T, overprints in damaged type and, most curious for the non specialist, watermark faults such as the A of CA missing. And so we worked our way jauntily through Ascension (mark missing above horses head, corrected flaws) Australia, Bermuda (Tower flaw)… etc. What was interesting was that some flaws spanned various countries while others were confined to just one. It was particularly interesting to note that some stamps with no flaws at all were highly desirable as they were of first printings and there were so few of them!
Burma Japanese overprints were discussed as were confetti flaws. Falklands Islands Dependencies was a rich source of varieties, while with Hong Kong letters in the margins of part sheets gave a clue as to position of varieties. Jamaica ½d provided a rich seam with extra branch, broken chimney, watermark errors… There followed a broad range of in depth study. Highlights included: broken U in Mauritius, halo flaw in Papua, Pitcairn variety on the Victory Issue. St Lucia caught the attention as coil stamps were introduced there, but the vending machine that issued them was destroyed; more coil stamps were being produced so these were issued anyway. Apparently blocks are highly sought after.
The display (of an epic 270 sheets) was rounded off with an appraisal of postmarks. Jamaica was used as an example with 400 to collect. Richard did introduce a note of caution about fake postmarks (Madame Josef) that were made to order. These fakes are now collectable. Richard was a pioneer in the field of KGVI flaws and began writing for Stanley Gibbons Monthly in the 1980s. He gave us real insight into his field of expertise and gave us a wealth of information including reference works to browse through. Even the non KGVI collector was able to take much from the talk not least being able to recognise nice flaws to move on so as to finance, perhaps, one’s own collecting area.

Richard being thanked by Mike Trickett
Michael Trickett
13th October 2014 - "6 in 2" Q & R are for......
This meeting was well attended and there was no shortage of Members offering to share an aspect of their collections….even though restricted by the requirement…"Q and R". Six sheets may not be too challenging for most, but to present within the 2 minute deadline can be a major pressure!! Tonight, Brian Quist opened the batting with ‘The Royal Army Service Corps & its Predecessors’. The focus was WWI and Brian provided an interesting range of covers…all heavily addressed/redirected and bearing official stamps. Don Seaby took the subject of ‘Revenues’ and offered some unusual items. Thinking hard about the theme, Paul Lear chose ‘Quercus Robur’…English Oak and made excellent reference to this tree as it appears philatelically…via coloured postcards, photos and stamps. …all well written up.
Graham Judd considered ‘Malta WWII’ and took an unfamiliar theme…..’resealed items’. Here were displayed official resealing labels, relief fund labels and censorship resealed labels…all philatelically used. Geoff Hood has a particular gift with words!!! What a gift tonight’s theme was…Members heard about ‘a quarter of a quire’, and words such as ‘quad’, ‘quiz’ and ‘quota’. Under the title ‘A Philatelic A-Z’, he presented interesting used stamps, photos and postcards, Geoff again entertained us well. John Garrett provided 6 quiz items….via black/white and coloured postcards – all local scenes/landmarks…with questions typed in…a challenge for the interval. These items formed just a small part of a large quiz which John had previously produced. Adding to the pressure, Chris Wheeler entertained with ‘Quizzes and Questions on Postcards’…..from around the world.
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Following on from the ‘Q for Quiz’ theme, John Hilton provided a ‘quarter of a quire’…6 sheets featuring a selection of fine Commonwealth stamps, including Aden, Australia, Barbados, Cook Islands, Uganda and Jamaica, At the conclusion, John gave Members the inevitable… ‘I quit’!! ‘Transatlantic Mail’ …dealing with postal rates, was well studied by Brian Cropp. These were GB stamps and included items up to the Jubilee issue. He provided a fascinating study of Victorian covers, perhaps the most appealing being…..London – Colorado, London - Pennsylvania and Fochabers - Albany. John Duckworth’s study considered ’The Royal Navy Armoured Car Squadron WWI’. A combination of stamps, covers and newspaper cuttings enabled sound coverage. How often do we look at the ‘Reverse of Stamps’?; some of us may study/collect ‘underprints’ or more likely ‘watermarks’, but here Wendy Buckle broke new ground for many I suspect, with her detailed analysis of Latvian stamps of the period 1919/20. Those under the microscope tonight had been printed on maps and banknotes…such were the shortages of the time. Presented in both single and block format the stamps formed a fascinating display and revealed a most difficult period in Latvian history.
Peter Leevers displayed an in-depth study of ‘Revenue Stamps of the Princely States of Madhya Pradesh’. He outlined a brief history and presented revenue stamps, together with their use on covers. Also featured were Court Fee and Receipt stamps, overprints, printed postal stationery, hand-stamps, an interesting registered envelope, instructional markings and economy labels. As usual, his display was well considered and well written up. Terry Tuck shared some early French sepia postcards on 6 sheets, (plus a few more!!) under the title…’Saint-Lothe Capital of Ruins’. Mike Trickett’s popular theme of French philately presented here, was entitled...’Rouen’, Members were able to examine early 20th Century material pertaining to this wonderful ancient city…making good use of maps, newspaper cuttings, old black/white postcards and stamps, together with appropriate background information.
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The diverse and somewhat unusual material was keenly studied during the break, which was then followed by a popular auction. Another successful meeting.
Paul Barry
27th October - Bill Pipe
"Railway Station Postmarks of the 20th Century"
For the ‘Postcard Addict’ this was the presentation not to be missed….in fact, philatelic collectors of any hue would have been fascinated with Bill Pipe’s amazing display, containing no less than 180 sheets. Using a combination of postcards, covers - some airmail, parcel-post and express labels (superb accumulation), postage dues, registered and ‘late use’, telegraph cancels, rubber cancels and rubber skeleton cancels, postal orders, ‘Railway Letter Stamps’ – bought on train, parcel post cancels, telegrams, etc, etc..(the list goes on!), the speaker drew together frequently unique material…a feast for the spellbound audience!! Here were collections within a collection. Of the most interesting postcards, several were of particular note…a novelty ‘Laundry Basket’ with address label, addressed to Broadstairs Station Kent, dated 27/8/09 with a post time of 11.00am….another postcard… posted at Rathen Station in Scotland was an underpaid novelty card addressed to Rathen with 1d. tax mark of Aberdeen with ‘Liable to Letter Rate/AB’ present…plus a 1d. postage due being tied by an s/ring ‘Rathen Station’ dated 28-9-18 with Index A. Another postcard worthy of any collection…a ‘Mobile PO at Leicester Races’ cancel with multi-franking. The display covered the period 1901 through to 2004. Within this spread, considerable information was conveyed, both visually and by illuminating delivery. The early theme of ‘Victorian Railways’ was followed by much emphasis on Edwardian and KGV items through to WWII where a further wealth of postcards and covers was presented. A consideration was made of Irish Railway Station cancels –some including ‘TPO’ (Travelling Post Office’). Rarities were explained…postage due items and postal history items from the large station at Plymouth in particular. RSO marks (‘Railway Sub Office’) being fairly uncommon were also featured. Members learnt that few railway station post offices now remain…"these being mainly in the north….......perhaps only 6 or 7".
Collectors and dealers form two distinct groups…or do they? This evening’s meeting illuminated a fascinating conundrum –how does the dealer, with considerable access to philatelic material manage the tension between selling and personal accumulation? With enough time on both sides, Bill Pipe might have been able to unravel these mysteries to members!! Meanwhile…this philatelic expert continues the search for frequently scarce postcards, covers and related ‘Railway’ items…collectors are welcome to get in touch if they can aid the search!!
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Certificate of Posting |
Micheldever Station Cancel |
Bill Explaining his Display |
Broadstairs Novelty Postcard |
Chairman Bob Small well summed-up the meeting:
"I don’t think we are going to see a better or more comprehensive selection – indeed a unique collection
Paul Barry
10th November 2014 - "9 in 4" Displays
‘In-house’ entertainment continued to be of a high standard and the evening’s programme certainly proved this point. ‘Channel Islands Occupation’ was Brian Cropp’s interesting subject, being well written up and finely presented. Stamped and unstamped covers featured together with bisected stamps, maps and sealed and unsealed letter rates. Hugh Jefferies provided a superb display of Victorian Canadian stamps, with an emphasis on the various printings employed. A very different theme then followed with Chris Wheeler’s postcard collection, 1900 onwards, entitled ‘Meyrick Park’. Here was presented a fascinating group depicting views of the links, bowling greens, and a railway halt which accessed the park! Notable events were highlighted including that of Amy Johnson’s landing. John Duckworth dealt very adequately with a local theme…a consideration of early Dorset postal items…a Penny Black on cover posted to Hull, 25 Nov. 1840, another sent 11 Dec. 1840 which was ‘an entire’… i.e. a cover containing its original letter…written by Mrs Tregonwell, wife of the ‘founder’ of Bournemouth!! Other envelopes allowed a study of postal rates…most being mail concerned with the legal profession.
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John with his Display |
The "Tregonwell" Letter |
The "Poole" Letter |
Peter Leevers again shared his deep knowledge of Indian States philatelic material…this time focussing on Kotah….showing numerous postcards, covers, local hand-stamps, advertising and ‘revenue stamps’….used in the courts ‘as a court fee’. John Garrett again entertained with his considerable understanding of philately surrounding early airmail services, enhanced by maps. Most items had been posted from Northern Ireland...pre 2nd World War. An interesting cover posted from Southampton in June 1929 featured the flying boat service. The 1937 Empire Airmail Scheme was discussed and postage rates were examined for this period. Charles Leonard considered the period 1941-1945 with his well-designed ‘Finnish’ display concerned with different coloured labels to be placed on troop mail. ‘Field Post’ labels were introduced 1 Nov. 1941 and Charles presented a series of covers incorporating these. Ever colourful stamps were provided by John Case, this time featuring modern gems from Fiji and Pitcairn Islands. Don Seaby shared his passion -‘Southampton Football Club’!! His mainly black/white postcards from 1901 to the 1980s highlighted the Club’s stars of yesteryear. The final contribution was provided by Paul Barry with his display - ‘GB Parcel Post Labels of the Late Victorian Era’. He drew attention to ‘Jubilee’ stamps of this period on such labels...all having fine/superb postmarks - a striking study. Different coloured labels denoted road or rail borne mail and sourcing quality was seen to be highly problematic.
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Peter Displaying |
Early Folded Letter |
Paul Explaining |
One of Paul's Parcel Post Examples |
Chairman Bob Small thanked contributing members and summarised…
"you have surpassed yourselves…some of the best material we have seen in one session"
Paul Barry
24th November 2014 - "Hong Kong" - Spence Coker
There was no doubt… Members were in the company of a great authority on this collecting area…all the better then that Spence was ‘one of their own'!! He began with a short history of the colony…a history into which he frequently dipped. Trade between China and Europe began as early as 1557 (if not earlier) when Portuguese navigators set up bases in Macau. Other significant dates followed with the major one of 1711, when the British East India Company opened a trading post in Canton. There, most western nations were represented, this being the sole trade centre allowed by the Chinese. Spence then wove a most informative path through numerous developments and set-backs, including opium trading, wars, blockades and eventually the 1841 ‘Nanking Treaty’…with 5 trading ports forced to be opened. 1862 saw the colony’s first stamp issue which formed part of a most interesting display through six reigns, complete with a considerable study of cancellations. Besides stamps, covers, correspondence, maps and photos, postcards were well represented. A particularly fine one from 1901 depicted in colour the Hong Kong Naval Basin under construction. A strong emphasis was placed on WWII Japanese occupation…covers and cancels. Also displayed were superb examples of mail relating to both shipping and airline companies which began to be significant players in the colony’s rapid success. Among this excellent philatelic material were fine covers and postcards relating to the Canadian Pacific Line and Imperial Airlines. A superb sheet presented wonderful 1935 Jubilee stamps...but the prize for the ‘unexpected’ must surely go to an item of ‘disinfected mail’!! This 1881 postcard posted Shanghai to Frederica, Denmark, had disinfection slots cut into it…the result of a fearful cholera epidemic in Egypt at that time. Perhaps the more fascinating part of the display was the Victorian/Edwardian material, however those studying/collecting later reigns were not disappointed with generous exhibits of both mint and fine used items. The evening concluded with a section on the 30th June 1997 ‘Handover’. Here was included a handsome limited issue cover to commemorate the departure of British Forces ...signed by Commodore P. J. Melson and the Rt. Hon. Chris Patten – the last Governor. It was noted that within a year, China printed her first definitive set.
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Postcard showing the Hong Kong Naval Basin under construction in 1901 |
1881 postcard posted from Shanghai to Frederica, Denmark, with two disinfection slots cut into it |
Chairman Bob Small warmly thanked Spence for a most interesting and informative presentation…"a great display", presenting him with an inscribed whisky tumbler and certificate of appreciation.
Paul Barry
8th December - Three Sheets from everybody
Despite a really bitter night, Members flocked to this meeting…many had prepared a short display and an auction is always popular. The Club excelled itself again with an improvement in numbers displaying…36, one up on last year and equal to a past record. Here was the popular Xmas theme…but much variety was present to keep all happy.
The following Members displayed:-
Terry Everett |
‘First Machin Regionals’ |
Derek Baker |
‘New Zealand Mini-sheets’ |
John Davies |
‘Mixed Transport’ (Namibia, Crate Post and a Red Reliant Robin!!) |
Terry Tuck |
‘Registered Post’ |
David Sadler |
‘Irish Postmarks on British Stamps’ |
Gerry Scanlon |
‘Three Sheets of Classic Cars’ |
Mike Hancock |
‘Stamps of Perkins Bacon & Co’ |
Michael Mawdsley |
‘St Helena-Victoria to George V’ |
Rod Greer |
‘Ireland and Postage Due Related Material’ |
Chris Wheeler |
‘Paddington Bear on Stamps, Postcards and Phone-cards’ |
Wendy Buckle |
‘Playing-card Tax Wrapper and Correspondence’ |
John Hilton |
‘Postcards from WWI’ |
Peter Leevers |
‘India – Postal Stationery Envelopes of KE VII’ |
Brian Cropp |
‘2½d Stamp of Occupation’ |
Spence Coaker |
‘Wartime French Vichy Government Period’ |
Mike Baldry |
‘Seaside Cards…1901-5, Electric Tramways & Lighting Co’ |
John Duckworth |
‘Three Christmas Items…1899-1921’ |
Harry Tabeart |
‘POW Letters from German Officers in USA – WWII’ |
Carol Gregory |
‘Seychelles 1960-70s…Islanders’ Art Xmas Cards’ |
John Garrett |
‘Postcards of Bournemouth –Early 1900s’ |
Don Symonds |
‘Postcards of Cantons…15th-18th Century Dress’ |
Bill Laird |
‘Postmarks of Fairs & Exhibitions’ |
John Diamond |
‘Australian Airmails –Quantas’ |
Brian Quist |
‘Royal Corps of Transport & its Predecessors…Airgraphs’ |
Bob Small |
‘1799…French Ship ‘La Victoire’ – a study’ |
Graham Judd |
‘Malta –WWII. ..Letters to a Bournemouth Mother’ |
Terry Kirkman |
‘Xmas Crackers……The 2014 Contribution!’ |
Geoff Hood |
‘1880 on…Bournemouth Postcards, Cover & Meter Marks’ |
Mary Hood |
‘Portsmouth Ships-Postcards …Famous, Royalty & Admiral Nelson’ |
Charles Lennard |
‘Registered Mail’ |
Don Seaby |
‘Cricket and Football…Postcards with Autographs’ |
Ian Arnold-Jenkins |
‘Xmas Postcards’ |
Pat Stanley |
'WWI…1926…Modern….Postcards/Xmas Cards and Stamps from France’ |
John Goodman |
‘GPO Booklet Panes’ |
Mike Trickett |
‘Airstamps & Covers of France…1927’ |
Paul Barry |
‘GB 1887 ‘Jubilee Issue’-Covers, Cards & Wrappers-Unusual Destinations’ |
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Examining the Exhibits during the Interval |
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Royal Army Service Corps
"Christmas Greetings" card |
Phil Hughes on card, signed by him
when playing for Hampshire |
P Barry
15th December 2014
"The Secret Life of Stanley Gibbons" - Hugh Jefferies
This club really does manage to attract top speakers with top subjects, and this meeting really did succeed…’Top of the Form’!. Hugh Jefferies, Club Programme Secretary and until recently, Editor of Gibbons Stamp Monthly, gave a highly detailed and entertaining presentation relating to the professional and more private life of the world’s most famous stamp dealer. This illuminating account threw light, not so much on the Company, but on the Man. Members learnt that Stanley was born in 1840…the ‘Penny Black’ year…the 5th child of a Plymouth dispensing chemist. At 15 he went to work as a junior clerk in ‘the Naval Bank’. In this position, being responsible for mail, he was bound to be aware of many and various postage stamps from around the world. In 1856, as his interest grew, his father allowed him a small counter space at the rear of the shop to trade in stamps.
Clearly, philately was established early and the young Stanley soon had a brisk business running. A good source of material was via the City’s numerous naval connections…members were fascinated to learn the account of the ‘big break’ in 1863 when the legendary story of the ‘Cape Triangulars’ was born…two seamen emptied a couple of sacks of these now iconic stamps which Stanley was able to secure for a small figure. The business grew into advertising and mail order….cheap packets being a popular line. A move to London was well timed, however the (saucy?) mix of office girls arriving at the Clapham address, followed by wealthy men to see Mr Gibbons did not look too sound with neighbours!! A move to Gower Street prospered….later to the world famous address -391 The Strand. Some of these details may qualify as part of his ‘secret life’ however what really qualifies were details of his marriages…5 in all, with number 6 being lined up just before his death! At age 50, Stanley sold his business and led the rich life…having it is believed, numerous ladies in tow!! Visits in ‘company’ to the Savoy, opposite 391 were apparent….his final visit (1913) resulted in a heart attack, whereupon the managers of this top hotel and Stanley Gibbons arranged for his body to be rolled in a carpet and quietly removed to a suitable address to avoid unwelcome publicity.
At this point, the speaker Hugh decided enough had been imparted to the assembled throng!!! In thanking Hugh profusely, the Club’s Chairman Bob Small paid tribute to the richly researched presentation, which included much unique archive ‘scrapbook’ material, dramatically illuminating this amazing business and private life of Edward Stanley Gibbons.
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Gibbons' Birthplace in Plymouth |
Proof Copy of the First Catalogue |
Sailors with the Cape Triangulars |
Hugh relaxing with the audience after his talk
P. Barry
2015 |
January |
12th |
6 in 2 - Your Choice - Members; and Auction |
26th |
"The Write Stuff" - Wendy Buckle |
February |
9th |
9 in 4 - The Americas - Members; and Auction. |
23rd |
"The Industrial Revolution" - John Scott |
March |
8th |
SUNDAY - New Forest Stamp Fair, New Milton |
9th |
Annual Competitions and Bourse - Members; and Auction |
23rd |
"Le Havre - All Aspects" - Len Yandell |
April |
11th |
13th |
Postcard Evening - 6 in 2 Postcards only - Members; and Postcard Auction |
27th |
"British Borneo" - Jeremy Gaskell |
May |
11th |
A.G.M. and Trophy Presentations - Cheese & Wine; and Auction. |
May |
14th |
25th |
All Competition Entries Displayed |
June |
6th |
SATURDAY - RINGPEX Stamp Fair, Ringwood |
8th |
9 in 4 - Cinderellas and "Back of the Book" - Members; and Auction. |
22rd |
"Tasmania" - Pat Reid |
July |
13th |
6 in 2 - Theme night - "Anything on a Theme" - Members; Auction |
27th |
"Scottish Islands" - Norman Hudson |
August |
10th |
6 in 2 - Stamps only (no covers or postcards) - otherwise it's your choice - Members; and Auction |
September |
12th |
SATURDAY - Poole Stamp Fair, Upton |
14th |
Question and Answer Evening - Members; and Auction |
28th |
"Danzig" - Giles du Boulay |
October |
12th |
6 in 2 - S is for..... - Members; and Auction |
17th |
26th |
"Another Bloody Railway - British Mails via the Trans-Siberian Railway" - Peter Pugh |
November |
9th |
Six Sheet Competition and 9 in 4 (your choice) - Members; and Auction |
23rd |
"Bournemouth Postcards" - John Garrett |
December |
7th |
Three Sheets from everybody (no excuses!) - Members; and Auction |
14th |
Christmas Events, Raffle and "Anything but stamps, covers, postcards" - Members |
12th January, 2015
‘6 in 2’ Members
Chris Wheeler opened the batting with ’Royal Mail - Hazardous Goods Labels’. Here was a fascinating collection of seldom seen labels which were applied to items which ’must not fly’….all items having a connection with Bournemouth Airport. This interesting study had previously caught the eye of the Editor of Gibbons Stamp Monthly with a worthy published article….a copy of which featured in the display. Harry Tabeart was ‘next in’ with a study of ‘Roses’. This depicted beautiful artwork with stamps and stamps on covers from DDR, Switzerland, Guernsey, RSA and New Zealand. Bill Laird contributed six interesting covers from a considerably sized collection. Following this, Don Symonds provided ‘Postcards’…black/white and colour…with several being part of a scarce set. Topics included children playing and scenes of Cologne…a fine one being a picture of the Cathedral. John Garrett’s display was entitled ‘Leather Cards’!!...mainly American with interesting postmarks. Included were stationery items with finely engraved letter headings…one in b/w, another in purple. A particular fascination was John’s selection of old wedding gift cards, beautiful and highly ornate. Paul Lear shared a small collection of old covers from Africa, postmarks and high denomination bank notes…one having $5billion printed on it!!!
‘Malta’ is a popular theme…here Graham Judd excelled with his brief excursion into WWII naval convoys and the defence of this highly strategic Mediterranean island. The account of this part of history was well depicted via postcards, pictures and covers sent from Gibraltar to UK. ‘Aston Villa’ was a popular exhibit…Don Seaby’s early postcards of the 1920s-1950s were worthy contributions, together with one from 1970s….depicting teams and stadia. ‘Canada’ is a popular collecting area…but here Hugh Jefferies examined a narrow specialist interest…'pre-cancels’. Previously having little interest in these, Hugh spent time over the Xmas break sorting the various styles and types. Varieties exist…such as inverted and double overprints. He discovered that some 15 different cancels could be used in a large city such as Toronto. ‘Centenary of Cable & Wireless Ltd’ as celebrated philatelically proved colourful. Here John Case displayed modern material in miniature sheets and FDCs. The first fibre optic cable was examined and the submarine cable system linking Vanuatu and Fiji was also featured. The Pitcairn Islands Bi-centenary and stamps from Ascension Island were also covered….all in all, a well written-up display.
Perhaps the most riveting display was that provided by John Duckworth…’WWI Material’ This was an amazing and up-lifting wartime story told in a series of sequential documents about the service life (and near death) of Pte Walter Greaves 309215 ‘posted missing’ 24th September, 1918 by the Tank Corps Record Office. John had assembled official records and correspondence, with one card posted to Walter’s wife 25th October stating he was a PoW at Cassel. As required, she had notified the Red Cross of his situation and they made acknowledgement …’we beg to acknowledge your card and are very glad to hear Pte Walter Greaves 309215 -13 Tanks is a prisoner of war!!!...various other documents followed with a final repatriation letter from the Corps’ Record Office advising that he had arrived safely at Hull on 3rd January, 1919. What an escape!…what a collection!…and one wonders if the rest of Walter’s life was so charmed?
Contributors were warmly thanked by Chairman Bob Small and members enjoyed a closer inspection of material in the interval, prior to another worthwhile auction, with John Garrett again ably officiating.
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Harry with "Roses" |
John with "WWI Story through Correspondence" |
P. Barry
26th January, 2015
‘The Write Stuff’ - Wendy Buckle
Postage stamps have an amazing capacity to tell just any story and when skilfully collected, along with themed material, the results can be highly rewarding. Club members were certainly not disappointed with Wendy Buckle’s quality display. Being a greatly respected member and Past President of the British Thematic Society, Wendy possesses all the skills to create superb presentations…here telling of the worldwide development of paper production and printing. Despite promises of the ‘paperless office’ we still use paper in countless forms and purposes. Through a range of stamps, envelopes, postcards, letters, watermarks, banknotes, newspaper cuttings, diagrams, photocopies and artefacts, the developing story of writing materials and printing was examined.
Looking first at stone, clay, wood, leaves, and animal skins, the display moved to 100AD with the Chinese invention of paper and its closely guarded 600 year secret. 11th century Europe experimented with various raw materials – linen rags, silk, cotton, jute, flax, hemp and eventually wood pulp. The industrial revolution saw the mechanisation of paper mills and the move from single sheet to huge rolls. Within the display, various types of paper were considered. Modern themes were considered…recycling and the electronic challenges to paper use, including computers. In tandem with paper development was the progress of printing with moveable type in the 15th century (German Johann Gutenberg). Spreading to England in 1476, this knowledge was further developed by William Caxton. 1814 saw ‘The Times’ being produced by the world’s first steam-driven press. Exhibits included examples of lithography and photogravure methods, with typesetting moving from a hand to highly mechanised and now computerised processes.
In warmly thanking Wendy, Chairman Bob Small saw this as ‘a most fascinating subject!’ This was indeed the case as seen by the interest Club members later took in examining the extensive display.
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The paper cycle, and early factory |
Montage of early wooden printing presses |
Wendy being thanked by Bob Small |
9th February, 2015
9 in 4 - The Americas - Members
Don Seaby usually leads the team out….and what a match was enjoyed!! Eight members provided a fascinating display evening covering a wide theme. Don’s American ‘Revenue Stamps’ revealed a ‘highly collectable’ interest. In mint and used form, rarely seen items included stock transfer stamps, Inland Revenue Tax stamps, Inter-revenue stamps depicting George Washington (a feature), together with overprints and perfinned stamps. A well written-up study, ’The Propriety and Island Colonies’ was Don Symonds chosen area. Here were featured colour plates, individual used stamps and a miniature sheet celebrating the American Bicentennial ‘Interphil’ 1976 issue. The chosen stamps depicted well the developing history of the founding of certain colonies – New Amsterdam (1624), Maryland (1634), Connecticut (1635), and Georgia (1732). Hugh Jefferies, in again sharing album pages, may not give priority to writing-up, but more than compensates with his highly informative verbal commentary. ‘Canadian Definitives for 1967’ had been collected 45 years ago…all in mint condition were seen to be ‘among the most interesting modern sets to collect’. These attractive QEII stamps revealed 5 different perforations, 3 different papers, 2 gums and phosphor and florescent bands…some items being scarce. The current challenge Hugh found was to collect in used condition.
John Duckworth focussed on ‘American Airship Covers’. He provided much printed and verbal information revealing a truly amazing area of philatelic interest. Superb covers included the LZ126 Airship logo -built by Dr Eckener’s Zeppelin company, a cover sent Lakehurst N. J. to Los Angeles, a ‘Contract Mail Route’ cover – Chigago/St Louis, ‘Catapault Mail’ via aircraft from German liner ‘Bremen’, ‘Rocket Airplane Flight’, ‘Shuttle Plane Mail’ and ‘Censored Mail’. Following this, members enjoyed a study in mint Canadian KGV, but mainly modern, which considered the history of indigenous peoples…’The Plains Peoples’, ‘Eastern Woodland Hunting People’, N.W. Pacific Coast People’, and communities from ‘Sub Arctic’, ‘Eastern Woodland Farming’ and ‘Inuit’. Also incorporated in the display was the 1928-9 ‘Dominion’ or ‘Scroll’ issue….being the first bi-lingual wording definitive issue….all an interesting contribution from Spence Coker. Paul Lear provided a collage of North American mint stamps and postcards …ships, wild life and ‘Historic’ flags of USA, together with scenes from Canadian and Argentinian issues. ‘The Panama Canal on Stamps and Covers’ was presented by Chris Wheeler who ably traced the canal’s building history (completed 1914) and subsequent use and ownership, via stamps, covers, postcards and an Isle of Man miniature sheet. The highlight of his display and the reason for his choice of topic, was the set of now very hard to obtain, three se-tenant stamps issued by Egypt in 2014, very quickly withdrawn, as they featured the Panama Canal rather than the Suez which they were supposed to be commemorating!!
Brian Cropp concluded the evening’s displays with a finely written-up consideration of early ‘Transatlantic Mail’. Here were featured superb covers …one sent to UK, another to Leipzig, others to Holland, Spain and Switzerland. A section highlighted the South Atlantic Air Mail Service, begun in 1934…the year in which one of Brian’s covers was posted…in Recife, Brazil and carried by seaplane across the South Atlantic. The ‘Condor Zeppelin’ cachet was applied to all outgoing mail whether carried by seaplane or Zeppelin.
Chairman Bob Small highly commended the presentations which were studied in some detail prior to the Auction.
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US States - Revenue Stamps |
South Atlantic - Early Air Mail |
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South Atlantic Mail - Face of Cover |
South Atlantic Mail - Reverse of Cover |
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The 2014 Egypt stamps showing the Panama Canal instead of the Suez Canal |
The corrected Egypt stamps, now correctly showing the Suez Canal |
Paul Barry
23rd February, 2015
"The Industrial Revolution" - John Scott
‘"What an absolutely fascinating display of ephemeral and postal material relating to the Industrial Revolution!!" With these words of great appreciation, Bob Small concluded his effusive Chairman’s vote of thanks to speaker John Scott. This was a memorable evening with a subject brought to life with humour and great knowledge. The collection had taken a lifetime to assemble and among it were rarely seen industrial/commercial documents ranging through the period 1821-1896. The majority were bills of sale, bills of exchange, bills of lading (placing cargo for shipment), invoices (for hay, salt, etc) receipts and advertising material, including prices, samples, notes and letters. Not infrequently stamps here were used as ‘revenues’. Interesting though all these items undoubtedly were, they became greatly enhanced by the lovely artistry employed in the letter headings, titles and vignettes – lined engraved and occasionally in colour and numerous envelopes with ('wafer') seals. Their splendour promoted or advertised companies to great effect, giving powerful Victorian insights. Among those represented were documents from industry…linen makers, a mechanised weaver, ironmongers, a brass and copper wire manufacturer, another of umbrellas, yarn spinners and coal and coke producers. The worlds of banking and insurance featured also.
Homing in on particularly interesting items…an amazing illustrated price list from Palmer Hall & Co, ‘Current for North Country Coals’, incorporating a detailed map of the coal fields of Northumberland and Durham. Another - envelopes (stamped with 1d reds) with letters posted in Leeds/London, 1844/5, sent by one Silas Weir to relatives Nancy and Anne Weir, haberdashers in Cookstown, County Tyrone. Samples of ten different and beautiful cloths were enclosed with the words…’I had to buy a quantity of blankets and stuff and both are very dear’. This superb collection reflected a period of great achievements, with the 1851 Great Exhibition being the subject of many illustrations. All in all… a quite wonderful display of very unusual and scarce philatelic material!!
John Scott starting his talk
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Impression of Aerial Steam Carriage, 1842 |
1874 cover to Dorchester with vignette of John Ede's American Eye Liquid Depot |
9th March, 2015
Annual Competitions and Bourse
The evening was fairly well attended. As previously a small bourse operated attracting some interest. During the popular auction the Club’s Annual Competition was judged….again this year by Mr Colin Mount, FRPSL with Geoff Hood presiding. The returned trophies were displayed on the Committee table –these to be engraved appropriately in readiness for presentation to winners at the AGM on 11th May, when a ‘cheese and wine’ event will feature together with an auction.
The 9 entries from 6 Members (as last year, but with an additional class) covered the following classes, with results as follows…
1st Harry Tabbeart Puerto Rico
2nd Geoff Hood GB Reply Paid Cards
3rd John Davis Niuafo’ou 1983
Postal History
1st Brian Quist Regimental Numbers of the RASC
1st Bob Small The Transport Board
1st Geoff Hood Battle of Waterloo
2nd Wendy Buckle Writing Materials
3rd Brian Quist Military Vehicles of the RCT
4th Brian Quist General Sir Redvers Buller
An additional award …the Overall winner… for the Arthur Denier trophy was - BOB SMALL
Examining the Lots
Three of the Competition Entries
Paul Barry, 21 March 2015
23rd March, 2015
"Le Havre - All Aspects" - Len Yandell
Members agreed that this evening’s subject proved a real success. Visiting speaker Len Yandell had assembled, over many years, an amazing mass of philatelic material on the subject of the history and development of Le Havre–de-Grace. Whilst perhaps not everyone’s area of interest, the extensive thematic display held everyone’s attention. The topic was skilfully developed making use of stamps, covers, (some pre-stamped), letters, postcards, postmarks, newspaper cuttings, photos and maps and was well written-up, all within an attractive and sequential display format. The speaker developed his subject via a timeline. Le Havre–de-Grace, (now known as Le Havre) was founded in 1517. As early as 1847 the Paris-Rouen railway was extended to the town and this proved to be pivotal in its development. 1849 saw the country’s first postage stamps and early covers were displayed bearing ‘Le Havre’ cancellations. The first electric tramway in France was established at Le Havre. The display highlighted these events and provided material relating to the latter part of the 19th Century and through the 20th. These included the 1907 train crash, the 1910 aeronautical display at Trouville, the 1929 International Philatelic Exposition at Le Havre, the 1944 Allied bombing which destroyed the old town and then through to the 1958 rebuilding celebrations. Being coastal, the display focussed too on naval events – 1935 maiden voyage of ‘The Normandie’ and that of ‘The France’ in 1962. Being a Hampshire man, the speaker was keen to include material relating to the 1964 first ferry crossing between Le Havre and Southampton and that of the 1973 twinning of these two ports.
The second half of the evening took a different emphasis, looking at the development of the adjacent resort of Sainte Adresse, with its beginnings in 1890s. The artists’ enclave featured (Monet) together with a fascinating exhibit of the 1914/18 Belgian government’s exile there. Following the war the resort further developed and considerable emphasis was placed on this progress within the display, making excellent use of superb postcards. These included ships, crabbing activities, beaches, buildings, churches, monuments, markets and parks. Len Yandell described how his original purchase of an auction lot of philatelic material linked to Le Havre had been the stimulus to develop this magnificent collection – an accumulation of which Members had only seen but a small part.
In thanking him, Treasurer Mike Trickett, also an ardent collector of French postal history, observed that this was a truly wonderful and most interesting presentation.
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Postcard of The Avenue, Southampton which reached Le Havre in 22 hours, in 1912 |
The same postcard showing all the cancellations |
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Black & white postcard of Le Havre Port |
The same image, but reversed and with colour errors |
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Train crash at Gare du Havre in 1907 |
The Le Havre Terminal for ferries from Southampton |
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Philatelic Cover sent from Sainte Addresse during the Belgian Government's Exile to that city during WWI |
Len receiving his certificate from Mike Trickett |
Paul Barry
Saturday 11th April 2015
Setting up for the Dealers started in the rain at 8:00. The empty hall and adjacent rooms were soon throbbing with activity and transformed into tables of philatelic opportunity. A steady stream of visitors attended the Fair, whilst up on the stage the Interclub Competition was being judged. Four Clubs compteted this year and the results are below.
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The main hall at 8:00am |
The main hall at 10:00am |
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Welcome at the Door! |
Straight to Bill Pipe's Table! |

Chris Wheeler
Monday 13th April 2015
Postcard Evening - 6 in 2 Postcards only
‘Postcards’ feature in practically every display in the Club’s programme but the inclusion of a special dedicated evening on the subject was certainly appropriate. On this occasion 10 members took part and the breadth of topic was indeed great. Terry Tuck provided the initial presentation with a fascinating focus on ‘The British Empire Exhibition, Wembley’. Included were black/white postcards of the stadium, a souvenir telegram and themed 3-D badges. Mike Trickett dug deep into his fine collection and produced superb early ‘Tuck Series’ cards in colour covering various Parisian scenes. Chris Wheeler provided a superb set of coloured railway postcards under the heading ‘Terence Cuneo’ (he is currently Chair of the Cuneo Society). A local postcard theme followed…John Duckworth’s ‘Tucton Bridges’ was a delightful sepia contribution, covering 1881-1943. John Garrett again delighted members with his study of sepia ‘Cards of Bournemouth’. Themes included the opening of the pier (1880) and the ‘Majestic’ paddle steamer (1901). Trevor Smythe shared his entire Postcard collection…10 in all!...the topics being ‘Bournemouth’ and ‘humour’ cards, both being represented in well illustrated colour. Graham Judd shared his superb collection of coloured postcards depicting aspects of the life of Robert Burns’ work, being part of a series. Don Seaby produced another focus of what must be a considerable collection of old sepia and colour cards, this time on the subject ‘Postcards of Chesham’. Topical ‘Election’ postcards were Ken Baker’s emphasis, but also included delightful illustrated postcards…one advertising ‘sparkling beer’ with another from ‘Baylis, Thomas & Co’ promoting bike sales and having a grand Penny-farthing logo. Paul Lear concluded the evening’s entertainment with a memorable collection of cards on the subject of ‘Eclipses’ and ‘Volcanic Eruptions’. This display was of high quality and was well written-up, providing considerable information on the total solar eclipse of 20th March as seen from the Faroe Islands, together with a study of various mountains and associated eruptions, including that of Mt. Etna’s recent 2014 eruption!!
Bob Small, the Club Chairman summarised by thanking contributors and stating…"this is indeed a marvellous collection".
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Avenue des Champs Elysees |
Paris Flood, 1910 |
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Tucton Tollkeeper's Cottage and Office |
Tucton Bridge with Trams, 1909 |
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"Giddy Kipper" pullout postcard from Bournemouth |
Protest postcard from Portsmouth, 1870s |
Paul Barry
Monday 27th April 2015
"British Borneo" - Jeremy Gaskell
In concluding the meeting, Chairman Bob Small enthused, ‘What a lovely collection of British Borneo –several unique items. We have enjoyed a wide range of philatelic material with a history lesson as well’. Indeed this was a fascinating presentation which made superb use of a wide range of material, including mint/used stamps, (some mint in large blocks), colour trials, printed stationary cards and envelopes, postcards, flight covers –one an airline advertising item –postal history and cachets, surcharged stamps, official forms, maps and supporting literature.
Commencing with a background history of Brunei, the display initially presented 1895 local stamps which later traced different colours, watermarks, perforations, retouches and Japanese occupation issues. Moving on, the island of Labuan featured. Few foreigners meant little outgoing mail, but the collection benefitted from very interesting old coloured and sepia postcards depicting scenes of railway and government buildings. A particularly interesting addition was a focus on stamps issued by the British North Borneo Company incorporated November 1881. A particular inclusion was an examination of Sarawak issues produced over several decades. Adding to the study were considerations of occupation and ongoing piracy problems. The display was but a part of the speaker’s considerable collection amassed over many years, real philatelic treat!
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Labuan - First Issue - Complete Set |
Sarawak - Censored Kuching Cover with Patriotic Label |
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North Borneo - Murut Image on Glass |
North Borneo - Murut Image on Stamp |
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Labuan - Train en-route to the Coal Mines |
Labuan - Coolies offloading Coal into sacks |
Labuan - The Governement and Post Office Buildings |
Monday 11th May 2015
A.G.M. and Trophy Presentations
There was an excellent turnout for this year's AGM. After the reports and election of officers, the trophies and shields were presented to this year's competition winners. A short social followed and then an auction.
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Members attending the meeting |
The trophies and shields |
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Harry Tabeart with the Harry Roberts Cup (General Class Winner) |
Geoff Hood receiving the Postal History Shield on behalf of Brian Quist |
Bob Small receiving the Social Philately Shield |
Chris Wheeler
Monday 8th June 2015
9 in 4 - Cinderellas and "Back of the Book" - Members
This evening saw 11 members displaying and as usual there was much variety with frequently scarce, unusual or unique philatelic material. In many cases a lengthy report would do justice, such was the content. Wendy Buckle presented a brief taster from her Latvian collection. There was a fine 1913 invoice (under Russian occupation), documentary stamps and an assortment of bills, fine ones being a bicycle licence with stamp -1939, a WW2 cover and a 1942 death certificate having a German revenue stamp. Peter Leevers focussed on Eastern European items – air stamps of the 1920s through to WW2. There were Bulgarian, Hungarian and Turkish provisional overprints and 1940 Bulgarian stamps with national scenes. ‘Royal Mail Labels and Certificates’ was Chris Wheeler’s unusual theme. Here was a most interesting, yet unknown area of study covering delivery notices, a Royal Mail Returns document, ‘Signed For’ and ‘Next Day’ Special Delivery labels, a ‘Nominate a Neighbour’ promotion and many more…all in all, a fascinating collection…one was left wondering how Chris had acquired them!!?
Rod Greer presented a detailed display entitled ‘Ireland – Postage Dues’ with tax and surcharges applied by either/both the Irish and British Post Office. ‘Canada’ was Hugh Jefferies contribution. This was a complex collection of Canadian Government ‘Officials’. 1920’s saw the introduction of OHMS perfins and numerous examples were displayed. Hugh had studied different overprinting varieties and some featured in the presentation. ‘Airmail Stamps and Labels’ was John Duckworth’s consideration. From 1913 various airlines printed their own stamps until the Postmaster General declared these illegal. By 1930 a number of specialised ‘flight’ dealers were in business, proving the popularity of this branch of philately. Of the numerous interesting subjects which John referred to were the Rocket Mail experiment based in Brighton…the mail flew just a few hundred yards!! and the German Army’s airmails issued to the military providing a free postal service. John Garrett covered a much earlier historical period with his ‘Tax Stamps’. A red newspaper half-penny tax stamp of 1757 (during the 7 years War) and various rate increases/reductions between 1789 and 1835 were all represented, together with 2 most interesting examples of 1870 Times newspapers with tax stamps in black. Don Symonds then followed with a totally different theme…’Bears of Berne’. Here were displayed Swiss postcards and stamps, including Revenue stamps of cantons. Bears were a constant image throughout. There were postcards pre 1906, both b/w and colour…all with bears in zoo enclosures. Two items of particular note – a brilliant receipt dated 1885 with revenue, and another, a shipping note of 1868 of Canton Berne.
Although ‘out of season’, Don Seaby’s Danish ‘Christmas Stamps’ in the period 1904-1955 were a lovely delight both in design and colour. Also featuring were Oxford and Cambridge stamps, some in blocks of 4. Colleges represented included Hertford, Keble and St John’s, with a gem…a Selwyn College Cambridge stamp on a cover, complete with letter. Graham Hibbs provided a diverse assortment of colourful stamps, with a particularly fascinating selection of Railway Parcel stamps. In terms of a well written-up close philatelic study, Charles Lennard’s collection of stamps for collecting fees and fines (De la Rue) must take a bow. This was a study of printing plates used, die proofs and overprinted stamps. Additionally there were Waterlow stamps for parts of Hampshire. Concluding the evening was another unusual theme, from Mike Trickett entitled ‘Postal Strike Stamps/Labels’. A range of cities were represented. Included was the decimal issue for Bournemouth, a FDC of the Exeter Decimal issue of February 1971 – the ‘Exeter Emergency Delivery Service’, Balloon Race stamps for HM Silver Jubilee and the Daily Mail, and a sheet of 6 ‘Pirate Post’ 1971 –inscribed ‘Exeter to Bristol to London’ with skull and cross-bones!!
Having warmly thanked the contributing Members, Chairman Bob Small stated:‘’’we’ve got real varied- and extremely interesting items…when you come to inspect you won’t be disappointed’’.
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1757 Newspaper Tax Stamp |
German Forces Cover with free Air Mail Stamp |
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1868 One Penny Newspaper Stamp |
Revenue Stamps on Latvian Invoice, 1913 |
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Bulgaria Air Post Stamps, 1927-1928 |
Gaol Stamps from 1882 |
P Barry.
Monday 25th May 2015
All Competition Entries Displayed
The Club’s annual competition on 9th March was a great success and as in past years a pleasing range of interesting, unusual, scarce and well researched philatelic material was in evidence. ‘General/Traditional’ and ‘Postcards’ received 3 and 4 entries respectively, with ‘Postal History’ and ‘Open/Social’ receiving just one entry each. Harry Tabbeart opened the batting with his fascinating display of ‘Puerto Rico 1873-1900’. (Placed first). He explained how he had begun the collection, how it had slowly taken shape, keeping much in mind guidance he had gained by critical judging and observant friends along the way. ‘Fun’ in collecting had always been the main factor, but in order to progress in competition, it had been necessary to hone the display and keep in mind the many rules and the ‘do’s and don’t’s’….no doubt a familiar theme!? A particular study of the definitive issues of 1882 and 1884/5 was featured highlighting stamps of the new King Alfonso XIII. Also included were provisional issues, colour changes and postal stationery.
Geoff Hood’s ‘GB Reply Paid Cards’ entry was equally interesting and in his absence, Bob Small skilfully presented the display which covered 1882-1969. This period saw the Post Office issuing these items having an attached ‘reply card’. Over time the designs changed for inland use with no reply cards being issued after 1969 as the Business Reply Service became increasingly popular. Exhibits included a section on the introduction of the Victorian cards, then moving through the reigns, covering refinements, new layouts and UPU friendly covers. On a very different subject, Brian Quist followed with ‘Prefixes to the Regimental Numbers of the Army Services Corps and the Royal Army Service Corps’, this being the sole entry in ‘Postal History’. Here was a study of postcards and covers with such prefixes.
In the ‘Open/Social’ class Bob Small presented the only entry, being titled ‘Transit Board in Napoleonic Times’. Here was a superbly written up display detailing the historical background with a strong emphasis on letters and covers. Perhaps the ‘star’ philatelic item was an entire written by a Waterloo PoW dated 13 July, 1815… a French officer writing to a friend in Morlais from Dartmoor Prison. Following this theme, Geoff Hood (presented by Bob Small in absentia) showed his lovely coloured entry- ‘Battle of Waterloo’ in the ’Postcards’ section (First place) which considered the 18th June re-enactment in Belgium. The areas addressed were an historical introduction, battle preparations, the battle itself and the aftermath. In this section also was Wendy Buckle whose entry ‘Writing Materials’ was also very well received. A title page introducing this most interesting topic dealt with the background to the history of writing. Forming but a small part of a considerable collection/display, members were able to enjoy postcards made of various materials (surely they have all been made of paper?!)…metal, wood and balsa wood, cork, leaves, peat, silk, leather, velum and Perspex. Some of the items were actually franked mail.
Brian Quist again displayed, with his entry –‘General Sir Redvers Buller, KCMG’. This was a well written up chronology of the General’s career, coming to particular prominence in the Boer War period. The display was underpinned by numerous colourful propaganda postcards. Finally, Brian added his second display in the ‘Postcards’ class -‘Military Vehicles used by the Royal Corps of Transport and its Predecessors’. This was mainly a black & white postcard display, covering a period of 199 years.
In summary:-
General/Traditional Class
Harry Tabbeart - Early Issues of Puerto Rico (1873-1900)
Geoff Hood - GB Reply Paid Cards
John Davis - (not present)
Postal History Class
Brian Quist - Regimental Prefix Letters and Numbers of the Royal Army Service Corps
Open/Social Class
Bob Small The Transport Board in the early 1800s
Postcards Class
Geoff Hood - Battle of Waterloo
Wendy Buckle - Writing Materials used for Postcards
Brian Quist Military Vehicles of the Army Service Corps over the years
Brian Quist General Sir Redvers Buller VC
Chairman Bob Small thanked members for their attendance commending the superb exhibits to all present.
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Brian's Prefixes of the Army Service Corps Entry |
Geoff's GB Reply Paid Cards Entry |
Puerto Rico Overprints from Harry's entry |
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Wendy with her entry of postcards of many materials |
Requisitioned Buses at Grove Park in 1914 from Brian's entry |
Staff Cars for training at Grove Park, 1915-16 from Brian's entry |
Paul Barry
Monday 22nd June 2015
"Tasmania" - Pat Reid
The evening’s meeting had been eagerly awaited with members from several local philatelic clubs attending and they were not to be disappointed. Here was amassed a truly large and unique collection, comprising mint/used stamps including Victorian embossed official envelopes, overprints, blocks and a sheet, revenues used on both invoices and legal documents, covers and letters. The display was underpinned both by superb write-up and Pat Reid’s excellent exposition. The scope of the presentation was considerable, beginning with an outline of Tasmania’s geography and history. Early handstamps for various towns were featured, including Hobart and Launceston. A particularly attractive newspaper front was displayed, being that of the Hobart Town Gazette –showing a red ‘Newspaper Duty’ 2 pence handstamp dated Saturday, 11 October, 1828.
Stamp issues were considered which highlighted quality control considerations, not least of which were a range of perforations (different machines), various types of printing (different companies employed) and printing states. A sizeable section covering 'Revenues' then followed – a memorable Bill of Sale was of special note –inscribed ’Wharf Launceston in account with H. W. Lee & Co. –General Merchants and Importers’, dated 27th February, 1903 and having a 2 pence orange revenue stamp affixed. Also competing for attention were scarce early newspaper wrappers with embossing and a beautiful 1898 illustrated envelope.
A major feature was Pat’s collection of Port Arthur penal settlement black/white postcards. Here was a separate study in itself, dealing with many aspects of life in the settlement, especially the buildings - the flourmill, bake-house, the oubliette, chapel (where prisoners only had vision of the pastor!!), cottages and various work environments. A fascinating array of illustrated letter-cards was presented, together with Railway stamps, Parcel stamps and Coach Parcel stamps. The concluding exhibit proved to be quite the largest exhibit ever seen in a philatelic presentation and would have been considerably larger had it not been for the discarding of much of its bulk prior to its sending to the UK to be added to this amazing collection! This was the wooden lid of a postally used wooden crate (of approx 1909) transporting ‘Shell Motor Spirit’ still having stamps, labels and the address affixed!!
The vote of thanks was made by Honorary Member Terry Kirkman who was truly ‘knocked sideways’ by the sheer quality of the display, and stated that it was lovely to see a balanced combination of stamps and postcards…the dual interests of the Club. Acting chairman Geoff Hood had then the pleasant task of presenting the speaker with a Club Certificate …and Whisky glass, unfortunately empty on this occasion!!
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Lunatic Asylum, Port Arthur |
Chain Gang at Work, Port Arthur |
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Hobart Gazette with red two pence stamp |
Trunk Lid with stamps |
Terry Kirkman thanking Pat Reid for his excellent display
Paul Barry
Monday 13th July
6 in 2 - Theme night - "Anything on a Theme"
A ‘smorgasbord’ might well describe this evening’s most entertaining philatelic display, with no less than 11 Members contributing very wide collecting interests. Peter Leevers provided ‘Bird Watching in Venezuela’. Staying recently on a holiday ranch near the Orinoco, Peter had explored numerous habitats and had accumulated a very colourful range of stamps on this theme. His descriptions were well complemented by stamps, covers and high quality write-up. ‘Pneumatic Tube Posts’ could not have been a more different theme!! Here John Duckworth presented a main feature on this postal service in Paris. This, together with an examination of similar tube services in Marseilles, Milan, Naples, Vienna and Brazil provided a fascinating insight, not least the temporary service - 1890 Exhibition at Kensington. Some systems lasted for over 100 years. The display was enhanced by stamps, covers and telegrams.
A study then followed of ‘KGVI Barbados, provided by Hugh Jefferies. Mounted on album pages, this was a considerable focus on shades, watermarks, two main perforations and particularly plate flaws and varieties. Included were mint blocks and postal history items. A truly informed verbal commentary completed this worthy contribution. ‘Monasteries & Abbeys of Austria’ was a superbly written-up display by Harry Tabeart, complete with finely designed stamps. His on-line research and philatelic interest has led him shortly to organise an Austrian visit! ‘Birds’ from Australia, Botswana and Spain was a favourite interest for Paul Lear who displayed brightly coloured mint and used stamps, together with superb write-up…a particular focus being the kingfisher. Continuing the ‘bird’ theme was John Case’s ‘Birds of the Pacific’, with lovely stamp artwork, including mini-sheets…from Micronesia, Nauru and Solomon Islands. Also displaying very attractive stamps was Terry Tuck, who concentrated on more recent issues from Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany and Great Britain.
For postcard lovers, there was a rich reward in John Garrett’s presentation of ‘Paddle Steamers', ably supported by most informed commentary. Here the emphasis was on Edwardian paddle steamers arriving at Bournemouth. The display was but a small part of a worthy collection, including ‘S.S. Empress’ (1887). Two recent acquisitions were a scarce postcard of ‘SS Audrey and ‘The Gracie Fields’…sadly sunk in 1940 on return from Dunkirk. ‘The Sport of Rugby Football’ 1999-2007 was a clearly mounted and well described study of mainly mint stamps by Rod Greer. MikeTrickett is never far away from his wonderful French collection!! Members enjoyed his ‘France Colonies’. Here he described the development of these issues, starting with examples of the first issues of imperf stamps. Examples of the later overprints were displayed, before examining the emerging stamps issued by the colonies themselves. Interesting examples were Algerian stamps, being overprinted French issues. Completing the evening’s entertainment was Don Seaby’s ‘Parcel Post Labels’. This was a truly wonderful display of GB material in the period Queen Victoria to KGVI. Included were overprinted Victorian stamps …’Govt. Parcels’. PP Labels revealed a range of post offices, including local Bournemouth ones. This was a most suitable exhibit on which to close a most worthwhile philatelic and postcard evening.
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Paddle Steamer off Bournemouth |
PS Consul at Lulworth Cove, 1896 |
PS Victoria at Lulworth Cove, 1887 |
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Parcel Post stamps |
Parcel Post stamps |
Paul Barry
Monday 27th July
"Scottish Islands" - Norman Hudson
Of all the Club’s travel related display themes, this evening’s ‘Scottish Islands’ provided members with a real feeling of adventure, discovery and strong sense of place…here even the scent of island heather and wild whisky seep through!! Norman’s highly specialised display revealed but a small fraction of a sizeable and utterly unique collection amassed over 35 years. All collections have a beginning…. Norman’s began when he answered a small ad in the Guardian in 1979. Booking into a Scottish hotel mini-break on Colonsay, little did he realise that this experience would mark the start of a love of the region in general and associated philatelic material in particular.
The stunning displays commenced with a large orientation map of the islands of which Norman had visited no less than 54 times. Part one dealt with islands in the Hebrides, with the second presentation after the viewing/coffee break considering the Orkneys and Shetlands. Material on view was far reaching and included frequently scarce picture postcards, covers, stamps, and photos of islands, buildings, activities and personalities in the period Queen Victoria – QE
II. There were letters, burnt mail, studies of island postmarks, luggage labels, whisky related items from Isla, an old ordinance map, a beautiful example of Fair Isle knitwear and a superb Harris Tweed hat to complete! Island names evoked feelings of stunning beauty, remoteness and awesome silence, except for where the occasional sheep bleated, sea winds gusted and the singing of telephone wires were heard. Names alone promoted members to seek northern holidays…Islay, Jura, Barra, Mingulay, South & North Uist, Eigg and Rum, Mull, Canna…..! Where possible Norman had collected philatelic items of all islands having (had) a post office. To name but a few…the earliest known St Kilda postcard complete with news and postmark; a cover from Foula, pop. 30, the only known from this island to survive; an item from Fair Isle – the most isolated, yet populated island; a stamped envelope addressed to the Marchioness of Londonderry (damaged in a ‘Rocket Post’ experiment at Scarp, Harris in 1934!!) and a fabulous 1840 Victorian envelope having a row of four 2d Blues!!! Rare, indeed unique… find another one!!
Present and of great contribution was a strong collection of ‘Thomas Kent’ photographer postcards, and of Shetland, a beautiful array of ‘Jack Rutter’ photo-cards, covering every aspect of island life. Norman also shared with members his two postcard publications…one each on ‘Orkneys’ and ‘Shetlands’ in their great variety and diversity. The sub text to the presentation was of course the dwindling of populations and particularly the closures of post offices, often the lifeblood of communities. This was an amazing and privileged glimpse into a rare subject, a presentation which would grip any group or society interested in time-locked social and glorious natural history.
In thanking Norman, Chairman Bob Small observed …"absolutely fascinating and with humorous anecdotes …thank you very much for sharing this with us tonight"
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Scalasaig Hotel, Colonsay |
The four 1840 2d Blues on cover |
Norman's postcard of Canna Post Office |
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Mail Delivery to North Uist |
Norman's "Desert Island" Cover |
Bob thanking Norman Hudson |
Paul Barry
Monday 10th August
Members - 6 in 2, Stamps Only
Nine members contributed to the evening with displays on a wide range of topics. Don Seaby started with the first six sheets of his extensive China collection, the first stamps being the hugely valuable introductory three value set of the Chinese Empire in 1878. Mike Trickett then showed a selection of Olympic stamps from the first Games in Athens in 1896 up to the set issued for the 2004 Games in Athens (which he had attended). John Case displayed some mint commemorative 2000 and 2001 stamps from his Fiji collection. This was followed by John Garrett with various mint sets from Papua New Guinea, ending with the beautiful orchid miniature sheets from 2002 and 2004.
The Pro Patria charity stamps of Switzerland from 1936 to 1954 were displayed next, each year’s issue being released on 1st August. Brian Cropp reminded us that the proper place for stamps was used on cover, but he did manage a display of stamps from Jersey including commemoratives, postage dues and definitives. Butterflies and moths on stamps from all over the world comprised Henry Lees’ colourful display, ending with the moth shaped miniature sheet, containing moth stamps, from Botswana. Harry Tabeart put up a display of blue stamps, representing issues from Commonwealth countries from A to Z, quite remarkable. Finally Chris Wheeler showed the definitive stamps issued by the Homelands of South Africa, which included some of the exceptional long set designs by Dick Findlay.
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First three Chinese Empire values |
Olympic Games, Athens, 1896 |
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Botswana "Moths" miniature sheet |
Papau New Guinea "Orchids" sheet |
Ciskei definitives from the first issue |
chris wheeler
Monday 14th September
Question and Answer Evening
(There is no report or photos for this successful event)
Monday 28th September
"Danzig" - Giles du Boulay
A great historical journey was promised by the speaker and members were not disappointed. Beginning with the Napoleonic siege of Danzig in 1807 where fascinating letters between Napoleon and his sister were displayed, the philatelic journey traced the impact on Danzig of two world wars, the intervening years and the post war period. Now named Gdansk, material relating to transformations of the city and indeed Poland provided a keen insight. The riveting delivery was interspersed and supported by a fine array of stamps -some in mint blocks, covers, including postage dues, postcards, photos, letters, wartime documents and propaganda literature. We were reminded of the city’s frequent tragic history with invasion and privation being the norm. Not faring well during Prussian domination and Napoleonic aggression, and later subjected to a (failed) Russian campaign, the interwar years saw some short-lived stability, despite great animosity between Poles and Germans. A Polish Postal Service did manage to function and briefly Gdansk became a stamp issuing authority. The display provided a wealth of material, especially photos and postcards covering the 2nd World War and end of war period. Perhaps the most riveting exhibit was an exceedingly rare Russian Fieldpost card (using an ordinary Danzig viewcard) sent from Danzig to Molotov on 6th May, 1945. The message reads: ‘Dear Pauline, I am sending regards from Germany. With a kiss to you and your mother. Your father’. It was sent by M.A. Bugaevsky, FPO 51847. Thisitem had a censor mark ‘Checked by military censor 02766, a poorly struck Molotov arrival mark and a feint impression of part of a Russian Fieldpost cancel. Regulations forbade soldiers revealing their locations, so the use of such cards circumvented the directive.'
Gradually Gdansk became a Polish city again and with the war well behind, it began to thrive…not least because of its successful shipyards. The speaker made mention of philatelic life of the time and interesting stamp issues together with a range of 1950 postcards depicting building progress. Tribute was sincerely paid to the work of Lech Walesa and ‘Solidarity’….to this day he still has a small office in the city. Stamps celebrating this hero’s life and work were fittingly displayed. The concluding items were the 1997 Millennium Celebrations issue and a colourful guide to the city of Gdansk….a city visited and much loved by our speaker. In thanking Giles, Programme Secretary Hugh Jefferies presented a Club engraved whisky glass and shared his deep appreciation for a most fascinating historic and philatelic evening.
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Rare Fieldpost Cover, Danzig to Molotov, 1945 |
Polish Censored Cover from England, 1945 |
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Single-weighted Military Letter to Caen, 1807 |
Early Danzig |
Paul Barry
Monday 12th October
6 in 2 - "S is for....." - Members
Don Seaby led the squad out this evening and dealt admirably with ‘South Africa Cricket Club’. Here were presented mainly coloured postcards in the period 1934 – 1995 depicting players and their names. John Case followed into the crease with his 6 sheet display ‘Solomon Islands’, this being a modern collection of 1971-75. ‘South African Postal Dues’ on album pages was presented by Hugh Jefferies. Although declaring his collection as ‘boring, but I like them’, Hugh interested members with his considerable range of watermarks, papers and varieties. Graham Judd covered ‘Sind Province’…a study in forgeries, followed by stamps from Brazil and Honduras. Paul Lear looked at ‘S is for Science’ through mainly stamps and covers. He gave an exposition of various scientific elements depicted on stamps and focussed on famous scientists including Dmitri Mendeleev. Harry Tabeart has wide ranging philatelic interests and shared his iconic ‘KLM’ colour posters under the title ‘Second Hand Cards’. These were superb publicity cards in the period 1926-1956. ‘Sinking Fund’ was Mike Trickett’s French contribution, considering surcharges on 1927 stamps…followed by ‘Sports’ 1953-92..all superbly coloured. John Duckworth presented ‘S.W. Africa’...a very well written up study of Walvis Bay, settled by the British and annexed to Cape Colony in 1878, later incorporated into Union of South Africa. His topic was enhanced by a rich variety of maps, postcards, covers, stamps, some overprinted and dues. Chris Wheeler considered the country’s 50th anniversary stamp issues, and then ‘Singapore 2015’. The World Stamp Fair was celebrated and a pleasing item was SG50 $5 ‘A Brighter Future Together’. An interesting FDC commemorated 30 years of independence. Spence Coker displayed ‘Covers of Hong Kong’, well enhanced by interesting cachets, airmails and write up, one cover being scarce- from Stanley (1941). Gerald Scanlon displayed ‘Miniature Sheets’ on raptors from different countries. ‘Postal Stationery from India’ was Peter Leevers’ fascinating collection of very neat embossed covers, handstamps and postage rates. The final contribution was Geoff Hood’s ‘Six Sheets for Starters’. Here members enjoyed official stationery cards from Indian states in the period 1938-46. These depicted symbols of the old states. As Geoff put it, bearing in mind the evening’s theme…’a super fluency of ‘S’s’…I’ll sit down and see you soon…’ etc!!
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Hong Kong Cover with Sai Ying Pun cancellation |
Hong Kong Cover with Stanley cancellation |
Postcard of South Africa 1907 Cricket Team |
Postcard of Swakopmund in South West Africa |
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Promotional postcard from KLM |
South Africa Postage Due ½d with error on bottom stamp |
Forged stamps from Buenos Aires |
Russia m/s Menedlev with Periodic Table in background |
Paul Barry
Monday 26th October
"British Mails via the Trans-Siberian Railway" - Peter Pugh
Historians of any description, let alone Railway buffs were in for a feast –a treasure trove! This evening’s superb display exuded quality, variety and fascinating philatelic related material. At the outset, Peter Pugh made insightful references to maps of Hong Kong and China. It soon became apparent that a vast history was to unfold across time zones, countries and cultures. Considering that Peter had only begun his collection some five years previously, the display was all the more astounding –it had all the hallmarks of a life-time’s labour of love, good fortune and research. Peter explained that in the current collecting climate, sourcing material was very difficult since competing thematics home in on this material. Our journey began in Vladivostok in May 1891 with the future Nicholas II digging the first sod for the railway track, which was to be built in 6 sections….the final being completed in 1916. Key to the development was Russia’s 1898 agreement with China. Building in Siberia was highly problematic with the track having to be laid across swamps, vast forests, rivers and permafrost areas with sparse populations. The completed system allowed for 26 days travel time - Vladivostok to Charing Cross - while the Suez route took 6 weeks. With links between ports via steamers, the new railway linked the world.
The display drew together a wealth of philatelic material – covers, stamps and correspondence, postmarks and censor marks, photos and images of construction workers, railroad, stations and a fine range of locos. Maps with routes, time-tables, icebreakers and shipping added to the story. The second half of the presentation featured the period 1918-1940. Here was a study of the routes then operating, with the wartime delays and diversions. Despite the chaos brought about by conflict, efficiency frequently prevailed and mails often managed to reach destinations, sometimes using considerable diversions. Main routes included the Holyhead link to Ireland, Liverpool through to New York and Boston, the Persia via Hong Kong, the Berlin – Bagdad and the Russia – Finland to Stockholm routes to name but a few.
Concluding, Chairman Bob Small warmly thanked Peter for his… ‘superb, wonderful and very interesting display’…sentiments echoed by the numerous Members present.
Peter was presented with a certificate and an engraved Club whisky glass which rounded off the evening.
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Postcard of a Track Gang, 1900 |
Regulations for the Trans-Siberian, 1908 |
Postcard - Building the Line at Circum-Baikal |
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Cover to USA via Liverpool |
Cover to Bournemouth via Dover |
Registered Letter to Stockholm |
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Postcard of Mail Train at Ton-Chin, 1910 |
Postcard of Kiev Station in 1904 |
Postcard of Mail Train approaching Crewe, 1913 |
Paul Barry
Monday 9th November
"9 in 4" (your choice) - Members
The evening’s ‘home-grown’ entertainment was substantial both in the number of Members contributing and in breadth of subject. ‘Transporting the Mail in France’ was Terry Tuck’s opening display which depicted a map and railway network pertaining to the 1920’s. This contained mainly stamps, a study of postmarks and 3 early covers…1847, 1850 and 1852…all on the title theme. Chris Wheeler excelled himself, going places few of us would venture with his ‘UN World Toilet Day!! (sniff) Apparently this event is celebrated on 19th November each year. Here were presented stamps, postcards and covers depicting toilets, designs and manufacturers worldwide. Countries included were Samoa, Finland, USA, India and Canada….a colourful flush of philatelic intrigue!! Brian Cropp’s ‘The postal Story of the German Occupation of the Channel Islands’ followed. This well written-up display was most informative. Beginning with the 1st July 1940 German Occupation, the collection featured covers, maps, stamps and numerous forms provided by the German Red Cross. Different mailing routes were also considered.
The Club was pleased to welcome a new member –Albert Jackson. He presented a parallel theme…’German Occupied Poland’. Here was scope for considerable study and conversation. The display was well supported by covers, letters, postal stationery and overprinted German stamps used in Poland. Inland civilian mail was exhibited along with some commercial. John Duckworth’s ‘Xmas’ proved equally interesting with a rich variety of WWI covers (two flight), postcards, one a 1916 Royal Flying Corps card sent from Beaulieu , telegrams, air-graphs, airmails and registered letters. Mike Trickett presented ‘France – War on Postcards and Stamps’. This was a pleasing display of individual mint stamps, postcards in b/w and colour, photos and newspaper cuttings covering both world wars…up to 5th June 1944 –liberation. Again on a war theme, Graham Judd shared his thematic…‘Relief of Malta – Operation Pedestal’. This was a real lesson in naval history and nine sheets hardly did the subject justice. There were descriptions of British shipping formations sent out to Malta. Also featuring were famous ships…’The Eagle’ aircraft carrier, ‘The Nelson’ and ‘The Rodney’ battleships. Considerable losses were recorded, but the ships which did get through provided 4 months of vital assistance which kept the island going until relief was gained. This worthwhile philatelic contribution strongly depicted a dangerous episode in our Mediterranean war experience.
Charles Lennard considered French national railways with his display…’The Helsinki – St Petersburg Railway’. 1870 saw the railway’s completion. This was indeed a well written-up display supported by stamps and covers, printed cards, maps and photos, including pictures of stations and engines. ‘WWI’ was Bill Laird’s postcard theme covering the Cenotaph and associated parades, including the Allied Victory Parade of 1919. ‘Switzerland’ was Don Symonds’ study. Here were celebrated in postcards the Albula and Bernina railway lines which were added to the UNESCO Heritage list in 2008. Cards also depicted various railway routes, bridges and viaducts in the period of 1889 – 1922. John Garrett provided his study… ‘Australian/New Zealand Clipper Mails to the UK’ . This considered routes and mail rates, clippers and WWII censorship with covers in support. John Case shared his passion for most colourful stamps depicting mail routes and airways/services. These were enhanced by photos and covers, including a special postal item which featured the Fiji Airline Service of 1930…the whole display being fully written-up.
‘Postmarks of Hotels’ was Don Seaby’s presentation…all stamps and all Egyptian, supported by an interesting talk. Hugh Jefferies apologised for his usual album pages…but this is real philately!! ‘Cyprus – Queen Victoria to KGV’ was his studied theme. There were numerous GB stamps with overprints, flaws and varieties. Bob Small rounded off this fascinating evening with his major study ‘Battle for Britain’. Much material came from Canada and USA. He showed a graph of losses of shipping by U-Boats. Pride of place was a cover depicting ‘the Graf Spei’…the famous pocket battleship. Also in view were major vessels…’the Bismarck’, HMS Hood and HMS Prince of Wales’. He provided an eloquent summary of this desperate period of British naval operations….full of detail and insight. As in the past, in his displays was the presence of unique, scarce and unusual philatelic items….a superb contribution to conclude with. In commending the displays to the Membership, Chairman Bob Small stated… ‘as usual a good variety of material…you won’t be disappointed!!’
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Albert with "German Occupation of Poland" |
Occupation Cover with extra postage for Poles |
Cover carried on the Helsinki to St Petersberg Railway, 1892 |
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Switzerland EUROPA Stamp with maxicard of the same Viaduct |
The four values set of World Toilet Day stamps from Samoa, 2014 |
USA Postcard showing the Storm Damaged "Throne Room" |
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Military Postcard from 1916 |
Cover Flown by Air Clipper from Australia to England via Fiji |
Maldives miniature sheet depicting one of the Transatlantic Convoys |
Paul Barry
Monday 23rd November
"Bournemouth Postcards" - John Garrett
Of all the coastal towns of England, surely none could be more loved than Bournemouth….well that’s how Life Member John Garrett sees it! This evening’s Club meeting provided a hugely rich resource, so well researched. Enjoying speakers from far and wide, the Club’s own membership can indeed provide excellence…and this meeting was no exception. Here, John presented ‘Bournemouth Postcards’…a treasure for sure. This magnificent collection of b/w and colour cards from the late Victorian, through to the modern era were a real treat. Beautifully set out with excellent write-up, the display followed a fascinating timeline. Early in the display we met Lewis Tregonwell, who in 1810 visited the heathland of what is now Bournemouth. His wife loved the area and persuaded him to build a house there. He is regarded as the first inhabitant of Bournemouth. Members enjoyed a rich commentary on the rapid Victorian/Edwardian development.
Featuring in the display were postcards depicting many of the key buildings, including the (Royal) Bath Hotel of 1838, St Peter’s Church (1845), a wooden pier( 1861), with 1880 seeing its replacement by iron. 1870 saw the arrival of the railway and superb postcards on the theme were included. A lovely early b/w postcard of Bath Road depicting horse-drawn carriages was a feature. Moving on, the gift to the town of the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum (1922) was significant too, as was the opening of The Pavilion in 1929. Trams had been running from 1901, being replaced by trolley busses in 1934. The display addressed the inter-war years and the bombing of WW2. Of all the gems, two certainly shone out…an early colour postcard depicting Durley Chine and Durley Hall, handwriting stating 25th February, 1899 and an amazing b/w card of 1907 … a line of elephants are shown, en route to the Circus, from the railway station!!
The Members spent much time after the displays totally engrossed….all much apppreciated.
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1899 Colour Postcard showing Durley Hall |
Bath Road, Bournemouth |
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Elephants on the way to the Circus from the Railway Station, 1907 |
John Fowler, Milkman to the Presenter |
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The interior of the Winter Gardens, 1904 |
The Winter Gardens Orchestra, 1903 |
Paul Barry
Monday 7th December - Three Sheets from everybody
What an exciting range of displays from 33 members. The displays were split into two halves, and the time spent by members looking at the exhibits was also quite a record and a testimony to everyone's interest.
The following Members displayed:-
Gerald Scanlan |
Dinosaurs on stamps from various countries |
Derek Baker |
New Zealand Rugby World Cup Winners - stamp sheets |
John Davis |
Christmas First Day Covers |
Charles Leonard |
Early french "Par Avion" etiquettes |
Chris Wheeler |
Christmas stamps from Christmas Island, 2001 to 2015 |
Peter Leevers |
Forged Revenue stamps from India |
Terry Kirkman |
‘Xmas Crackers……The 2015 Contribution!’ |
John Duckworth |
World War I Christmas cards |
Mike Baldry |
Postcards of Kedington, West Suffolk |
Rod Greer |
War Office from Ireland, and Post Office Bicycles |
Paul Lear |
Stamps featuring Meteorology, Spanish Lighthouses and the Aurora Borealis |
Ian Arnold Jenkins |
Postcards of old transport vehicles in Bournemouth |
John Dimond |
Birds on stamps from Bahrain |
Phil Proudly |
Stamps of Luxemburg |
Bill Laird |
Stamps from Denmark and Norway |
Don Symonds |
"Pro Juvente" on covers, 1971 to 1976 |
John Garrett |
Panoramic Postcards of Bournemouth |
Julian White |
Snow scenes of Bournemouth on postcards, 1908 and 1909 |
Carol Gregory |
Humorous Christmas cards from the Seychelles |
Brian Bickell |
Table tennis on stamps |
John Case |
Pitcairn Islands stamps |
Graham Hibbs |
Cape of Good Hope Revenues |
Don Seaby |
Cinderella and Revenue stamps |
Graham Judd |
Auld Lang Syne on postcards |
Alan King |
Increasing cost of postage in UK, from his daughter's school project |
Paul Barry |
GB - odds and ends |
Bob Small |
Major General Perry Hobart and his FUNNIES |
Spence Coaker |
1950s French sites, monuments and tourist issues |
Brian Cropp |
19th Century Transatlantic covers, Canada to UK |
Terry Everett |
King George V Malta definitive issues |
Wendy Buckle |
Charles Dickens on stamps and booklets |
David Saddler |
Match Box labels |
Mike Tricket |
Christmas greetings cards, including a Victorian embossed one |
John Garrett (2nd) |
Giant postcards sent at the ½d rate |
Bill Laird (2nd) |
Bournemouth Club House, Westcliff |
David Saddler (2nd) |
Postmarks of India and Ireland |
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Postcard with snow scene in Bournemouth, 1908 |
Table Tennis featured on FDC promoting Racket Sports |
Postcard with Christmas Day Cancellation, 1906 |
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BEF Parcel Reply Card dated 26 December 1906 |
Rod's grandfather with his specially adapted delivery bicycle, (he having only one arm) |
The original West Cliff Club on Bournemouth seafront, postcard |
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One of Graham's postcards relating to Auld Lang Syne |
Alan's daughter's graph showing the rise in postal rates,
with notes explaining why there were significant rises, and falls. |
chris wheeler
Monday 14th December 2015
Anything but Stamps and Christmas Social
In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman, Paul Barry as Secretary acted as MC for the evening, which proved to be most successful. This was partly due to the wonderful support of members with their displays, but also to the great efforts of Committee Members - Carole Gregory and Alan King on Christmas refreshments, ably assisted by Don Seaby in charge of the liquid department!! Wearing a very different but familiar hat was Don Seaby again, who most ably lead the team onto the pitch this evening with his opener ‘Football Programmes’. Here he presented a wonderful collection of black/white and colour programmes from the 1960s…matches which he fondly recounted. In a very different format members enjoyed a 3D feast…of boxed model motors –magnificent ‘Sports Cars’….some now scarce. Carole Gregory somehow managed to find time on top of her refreshment activities to drag in to Club her ‘Largest Pea in the World’!! This was a ‘Coco de Mer’ from the Seychelles. Michael Maudesley proudly presented his lovely collection of twelve little figurines, the subject being ‘China Birds –Beswick’. Next, scoring from short range was John Duckworth’s ‘Photos/Documents of Bournemouth’. These included interesting line engraved illustrations from old books, starting from 1860…and depicted sea front and Christchurch Priory views. Albert Jackson covered an unusual theme with ‘Antique Buttons’….items which he and his wife have collected for some time. He provided a fascinating description of the huge variety available. Perhaps the best, in his collection were ceramic ones known as ‘Satsuma’…all hand painted.
Coffee Cans’ was John Garrett’s collection, built up with his wife. These were really ceramic cups in all shapes and sizes. They were beautifully made and engraved, including one as early as 1880! Don Symmonds’ display provided much interest…the theme being ‘Tapestry’ where intricate work was framed. Bill Laird concentrated on his local historical society interests and shared a number of documents, including Victorian funeral fees, old postcards of Ferndown, a cast iron mileage marker marked ‘Ringwood’, and an1895 letter to a blacksmith having a Wimborne duplex. Members were left with the feeling that a vast historical artefact collection had been left at home!! Another Member showing this evening with no doubt a sizeable accumulation was Graham Judd on the subject of ‘Malta’. There were various documents from/of Malta, and these were supplemented by various items, including pictures of New Zealand collected by his father, including an official signed photograph of the 1973 Cricket Team….among the players, some famous names. Mike Trickett displayed under the title ‘Jewellery’; he and his wife have a considerable interest and they had selected an unusual collection of spoons to share. Hugh Jefferies gave a fascinating tale of his experiences behind the walls of Windsor Castle on the occasion of his notable award of MBE for ‘Services to Philately’. On this occasion he behaved and avoided a speedy transfer down the M4 towards the Tower!! Alan King managed to haul a huge lump of wood to the display area…this turned out to be a carved tribal piece from Tanganyika, acquired in the 1960s. The final contribution…from Paul Barry was philatelic yet avoided the themes of ‘stamps, covers and postcards’. Due to being in turmoil in the throes of house moving, he produced the Club’s ‘Handbook of Events’ for the past year and spoke briefly on its function and contents. This is largely written up by Paul. It is produced by Chris Wheeler, who, together with photos compiles copy for his ‘Philately in Bournemouth’ website.
A good opportunity was provided for viewing of exhibits, before the Christmas refreshments were unleashed on a most appreciative membership. A generous Raffle concluded the evening, ably managed by Carole Gregory, and a goodly sum was raised for Club Funds. Programme Secretary Hugh Jefferies gave an indication of his interesting planned 2016 events and informed the Meeting that the year takes off on 11th January with ‘6 in 2’ –Members –any subject. Acting Chairman Paul Barry thanked all who had contributed in any way to this ‘grand evening’, especially noting those who had dealt with the refreshments and wished everyone a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
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Paul selling the Raffle Tickets |
Hugh's MBE Medal |
Hugh receiving the Medal |
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John Garrett's Cans (Cups) |
The Full Set of Shell Model Cars |
Mike Trickett's George Jensen Spoons |
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1895 Postcard from Stewart & Sons |
1918 Funeral Invoice |
Carol with the Raffle |
Paul Barry
45th Season
7:30pm for 7:45pm at the Day Centre in the shopping precinct Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9JP
Guests and Prospective New Members are welcome
2016 |
January |
11th |
6 in 2 - Your Choice - Members; and Auction |
25th |
"Memel" - Geoffrey Eibl-Kaye FRPSL |
February |
8th |
9 in 4 - Africa - Members; and Auction. |
22nd |
"The Siege of Paris" - Ashley Lawrence FRPSL |
March |
5th |
SATURDAY - New Forest Stamp Fair, New Milton |
14th |
Annual Competitions and Bourse - Members; and Auction |
28th |
"Great Britain Line-engraved" - Roger Marsh |
April |
9th |
11th |
6 in 2 - Anniversaries and Celebrations - Members; and Auction |
25th |
All Competition Entries Displayed |
May |
9th |
A.G.M. and Trophy Presentations - Cheese & Wine; and Auction. |
23rd |
"Persia" - Nigel Gooch FRPSL |
June |
4th |
SATURDAY - RINGPEX Stamp Fair, Ringwood |
13th |
9 in 4 - Cinderellas and Back of the Book & Postal Stationery - Members; and Auction. |
27th |
"Collecting Holes" - Gavin Fryer RDP FRPSL |
July |
11th |
6 in 2 - "T is for.........." - Members; Auction |
25th |
"Go by Cycle" - Brian Sole FRPSL |
August |
8th |
6 in 2 - Stamps only (no covers or postcards) - Members; and Auction |
September |
10th |
SATURDAY - Poole Stamp Fair, Upton |
12th |
6 in 2 - Postcards only - Members; and Auction |
26th |
"The £5 Orange" - John Horsey FRPSL |
4th |
TUESDAY - We visit Southampton |
10th |
6 in 2 - Anything on a Theme - Members; and Auction |
15th |
24th |
"Banknotes" - David Muscott |
November |
14th |
Six Sheet Competition and 9 in 4 (your choice) - Members; and Auction |
28th |
"A Bit of This & A Bit of That" - John Duckworth |
December |
12th |
Three Sheets from everybody (no excuses!) - Members; and Auction |
19th |
Christmas Events, Quiz, Raffle and "Anything but stamps, covers, postcards" - Members |
Monday 11th January 2016
6 in 2 - Your Choice - Members
Chris Wheeler began the evening with an unusual theme –‘Recalled Stamps’, where in most cases the recall was due to human error/blunder!! A prize has to go to the Egyptian Postal Authority with its 2014 celebration issue of the widening of the Suez Canal. The emerging problem was that the initial print run depicted the ‘Panama Canal’!! A Greek ‘Athlete’ issue saw a recall over a drugs matter, while Vietnam’s 1975 ‘45th Anniversary of the Workers’ Party Leaders’ issue received the philatelic ‘chop’! –there being a wrong image printed….for similar reason, Canada’s 2015 ‘Dinosaur Provincial Park’ was reprinted. The Budda being stated to have been born in Nepal and not India did little to promote the good fortunes of the 2011 ‘Sacred Places’ issue of Sri Lanka either! Surely sooner or later one has to expect a recalled stamp or issue to be of considerable scarcity and therefore value? ‘Warships on the Yang see’ was Spence Coker’s well written up contribution which spanned the period 1927-1941, presented via covers both plain/printed and photos. HMS Danae (1927) was highlighted, but the majority were USS vessels, concluding with the USS gunboat ‘Tituila’ 1941. ‘Boer War Covers’ (John Duckworth), covering military and civilian camps with appalling conditions/political outcry was well presented having postcards, camp pictures and officers. Cancels, mail in/out of SA and interesting ‘PEACE’ cards were included. ‘Postcards of Bournemouth’was again an appreciated theme …being provided by John Garrett. This included some scarce novelty cards with ‘pull-outs’…and of course…sea-side humour!!
Bill Laird offered ‘GB KEVII Slogan Postmarks’, featuring both stamps and covers. Themes included ‘Grow More food – Dig for Victory’, ‘Post Early in the Day’, ‘Road Users Take Care –Avoid Risks’, ‘Help to Win the Kitchen Front’ and a somewhat contemporary theme -‘Save Waste Paper, Metals, Bones and Rags’ ! A most colourful display was presented by Harry Tabeart –with mini-sheets having the unifying theme ‘Lighthouses’. Countries represented were Nevis, Chad, GB (Bishop Rock), Togo, RCA, Solomon Islands, Granada and Guinea Bissau. John Case then followed with ‘New Zealand’ –a colourful display of the 1992/3 ‘Xmas’ issue, ‘Flowers’ miniature sheets and a study of modern franked stamps. ‘France,1937-67’ was welldescribed by Mike Trickett through postcards, covers and flight items. A mix of interests followed with Don Seaby’s ‘GB Revenue Stamps’ –Foreign Bill stamps of various reigns, Contract Notes in the period Victoria to QEII, Excise and Law Courts Revenues were all featured. Not quite fitting the theme but greatly enjoyed was Don’s Season Ticket (1922/3) for Shoreham Football Club…costing then…£5.00!! Hugh Jefferies again provided a series of cherished album pages –a study in Victoria/Edward up to KGVI from his fascinating ‘Falkland Islands’ collection. These were mainly franked and covered… watermarks, overprints (some scarce), varieties, line and comb perforations, papers and flaws. A superb cds cancel was a key exhibit - a KEVII 5/- pale rose-red …’just perfect’ was one overheard comment from an enthralled membership! Another most worthwhile evening!!
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Spence explaining about the various Warships on the Yagtze River, and how their postal system was operated |
Postcard posted from HMS Danse in Shanghai on 22 July 1827, arrived in London on 18 August, with "Received from HM Ships" cancelltion |
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Part of a Kutangle Cut Out postcard from 1911, printed by J E Beale |
Three recalled stamps |
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Deadwood Camp in St Helena, used for Boer POWs |
Boer Officers in the Camp at St Helena |
Cover to Commandant Krantz at Kandy Camp |
Cover to Mrs Krantz at Kandy Camp |
paul barry
Monday 25th January 2016
"Memel" - Geoffrey Eibl-Kaye FRPSL
The evening’s topic was highly informative, being an in-depth study of the social, political and philatelic history of this little known area of land which had been originally captured by the Teutonic Knights in 1252, later to be part of Prussia until 1918. After the Treaty of Versailles, Memel became a separate country, set within Germany. Although Geoffrey provided insights into the period 1817-50 where mail transit charges applied and various postal routes were outlined, the major emphasis of his power-point presentation and philatelic display centred on the early 20th century. This was but a part of a unique, scarce and sizeable collection which Geoffrey had assembled over many research-full years…a superb collection indeed and wonderfully displayed and written up. It contained maps, covers and postcards, Memel postal rates, French stamps overprinted and surcharged in German currency, French and German overprinted stationery, Printed Paper Inland Letters, and CoD Railway -Inland Letters. Internal Memel mail is apparently most rare, however ‘The jewel in his crown’ …’the one airmail letter that I have’ said Geoffrey was a Registered Rural – Express Letter (1922) being ‘as rare as hen’s teeth’!! Members were most appreciative and spent much interval and post presentation time studying the extensive displays.
Chairman Bob Small thanked Geoffrey for ‘unravelling a quite detailed history on a subject I knew nothing about –very informative and interesting. Thanks for sharing this vast collection with us’.
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German Stationery Overprint, 1920 |
Registered Inland Letter, 1923 |
Foreign Letter to England, 1899 |
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Lithuanian Occupation Series, 1923 |
Surcharged French Stamps |
Geoffrey receiving his Award from Chairman, Bob Small |
Monday 8th February 2016
"9 in 4" Africa - Members
The Club enjoyed the fascinating contributions from 7 Members this evening. ‘Africa’ …a vast subject… and it was no surprise that all displays had their separate identities. Terry Tuck shared his 1936 Johannesburg miniature sheets, followed by a display of 1937 Paris Exhibition official facsimiles… ‘Arts et Techniques’. On a vastly differing theme, yet within the same continent was Chris Wheeler’s ‘The Boer War – Postal Miscellany’ which commenced with a selection of 1d. Lilacs’, having cancels of the British Army. An assortment it certainly was with stamps commemorating the War, a lovely postcard – France to Ireland, a stamp-less cover posted September 1900 marked ‘no stamps available’, and an FDC with an insert relating to automatic telegraphs used in the Boer War. Included amongst others was a postcard depicting British soldiers enjoying Xmas mail and two postcards in vivid colour of soldiers in action. John Duckworth’s ‘Nigeria’ proved worthwhile too. Here there were superb stamped covers, some official, covering the period Victoria – King George VI. A particular focus was on GB overprinted stamps with ‘Oil Rivers’…1893 Niger Coast. ‘First Flight Covers’ was Charles Lennard’s display theme. French West African colonies were featured with mainly Air France flight routes France – South America, Belgium – Dakar, Dakar to Cotonou April 1938 and Cotonou – Accra March 1937. There was a lovely cover from Birmingham - French Equitorial Africa May 1937 and an interesting one depicting the flight Congo – Dahar in the same year. Albert Jackson focussed on ‘Polish Civilian Refugees: Africa WWII.’ This addressed the little known exodus of Polish dispersals, particularly to Uganda, Tanganyika, Rhodesia, SA and Kenya and was well written up. Here was the part-story of the relocation by British forces of thousands of Polish personnel. Displayed were covers from camps in Africa. The entire presentation was a powerful reminder of contemporary enforced migration.
Hugh Jefferies ‘Album Pages’ always are present and this exhibit ‘Cape of Good Hope’ received a strong following too. Mainly Victorian, but with a 1828 entire SA to England and the final sheet being Edward VII, the display was full of interest. Not often has the Club enjoyed in ‘one sitting’ 29 Cape Triangulars!! The study included colours, watermarks (some inverted), surcharges and woodblocks. Paul Lear shared his passion for wildlife in philately by displaying ‘Botswana’. Having worked in that country, he was so well placed to describe in detail the numerous stunning and colourful stamps depicting birds, butterflies and animals, including big game. This covered the period King George V up to the set issued in 1994. The subject ‘Egypt’ concluded the evening. This was Don Seaby’s contribution….all postcards (mainly England bound) - Victoria up to WWII. There was an assortment of cards, picture and plain (some official). Two had o/printed French stamps (in red), another from the 1914-18 conflict having a censor mark…’on Active Service’. Thus was completed another most satisfying meeting with certainly ‘something for everyone’.
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Cover from Lagos to USA, via Trinidad, 1941 |
British Protectorate of Oil Rivers postal stationery item |
Botswana 5c stamp with mineral image upside down |
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Botswana 10t stamp with mis-spelling of "Bennett's" |
Polish refugee mail posted in Uganda to Barclays Bank, Kampala |
1828 cover from Cape of Good Hope to London |
Paul Barry
Monday 22nd February 2016
"The Siege of Paris" - Ashley Lawrence FRPSL
This was a magnificent and entertaining display combined with a highly detailed and riveting exposition. Ashley, a much celebrated Philatelist and Club member, was on top form! He described the political events leading up to the declaration of war by France on Prussia in July 1870, and the consequences and rivalries of the war with unified Germany which led directly to the First World War. He showed a fascinating collection of letters and cards flown aboard the 66 manned balloons which left Paris, including ‘plis confies’- letters entrusted to the pilot or passenger. One letter travelled aboard ‘L’Armand Barbes’, the balloon by which Leon Gambetta escaped from Paris to reorganise French resistance in the provinces.Astonishing flights were featured, highlighted by letters. One such had been retrieved by fishermen from the mailbag that was jettisoned in the North Sea, the other recovered from a balloon when it eventually landed at the Tunet Farm in the Norwegian mountains after a record breaking flight of nearly 1000 miles!! (a story in itself!)
The Society Esperance supplied pigeons which were placed on board most balloons, and used, frequently successfully, to bring back messages to Paris. The micro-photographer M. Dagron was flown out of the capital, with his assistants and equipment, aboard ‘Niepce’ and ‘Daguerre’ to enhance the Pigeon Post service. The latter balloon gained the dubious distinction of being brought down by Krupps’ Gum Balloon, this being the world’s first anti-aircraft gun!! M. Dagron later wrote about his experiences, and Ashley showed copies of his booklet, published in both French and English. Ashley explained that the Pigeon Post service was most successful, both in its first use for government dispatches on microfilm, and as a consequence, in November 1870 when it was opened to the public. Ashley’s postal historian expertise showed no bounds. He shared with members how a 20-word message was sent by a Mrs Brown of London to be microfilmed in Tours, then pigeon-carried from Bordeaux, and eventually delivered by telegram to her husband William Brown in Paris. Ashley has written a book, ‘Besieged in Paris, an Englishman’s account of the Franco-German War, 1870-71’.
This research takes us into the William Brown correspondence, recently published by The Stuart Rossiter Trust.
Perhaps the most riveting item (forgive the pun!) was a displayed letter recovered from a Boule de Moulins – ie it had been carried in a metal sphere submerged in the Seine. Such spheres, if found today, would prove to be of very great value, providing true ownership be established. Included in the presentation were a selection of humorous cartoons by Draner and Cham together with medals, and Siege souvenirs. The display ended with illustrations of a Bartholdi designed monument that was financed by public subscription –erected in 1906 to commemorate the aeronauts and pigeons involved in the Siege. The German occupation during 1944 sadly saw this splendid monument demolished.
In conclusion, Ashley was warmly thanked by Chairman Bob Small...who stated...’Where do I start?!’ He echoed the feelings of the membership when he appreciated Ashley’s full, informative background to the war and later siege, together with rare/unique material…‘fascinating…a wonderful display’. The meeting lasted well into the night, yet no-one made a bolt to the door…such was the level of interest!!
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Siege letter to Mrs Brown, 27 September 1870 |
"Mandal Mail", jettisoned from "La Ville d'Orleans" and recovered on 27 November 1870 |
1955 Stamp day postcard showing the launch of one of the Balloons |
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Nacelle and Pigeon basket on postcard, now in the Paris Postal Museum |
Tissandier's painting of Balloon in Flight |
Cover removed from one of the boules floated down the Seine, January 1871 |
Monday 14th March2016
Annual Competitions and Bourse - Members
There were seven entries in four classes for this evening's competition, judged by Charles Leonard. The results are in the table below.
General |
Wrapper Stamps |
88 |
Postal History |
German New Guinea |
84 |
Undercover Parcel Service |
91 |
Postcards |
Piers of the Realm |
86 |
Padding Across the Bay |
84 |
Open/Social |
Britain's Island Lighthouses |
83 |
The Eurovision Story |
87 |
"Undercover Parcel Service" and "Wrapper Stamps" will go forward to the Interclub Competition on Saturday 9 April.
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Some of the Competition Entries |
Charles Leonard being thanked by Mike Trickett |
Monday 28th March 2016
"Great Britain Line-engraved" - Roger Marsh
This was a magnificent moment in the club’s calendar. Here presented was a quite amazing collection on display, containing numerous scarce, rare and unique philatelic items. The quality of the evening was further enhanced by Roger Marsh’s presentation. This was a fascinating study of Victorian stamps of Great Britain printed by the line engraved process. Such a method began in philatelic terms with the Penny Black, introduced in May 1840, quickly followed by the ‘Two Penny Blue’. Numerous examples of these gems were displayed, some acquired from famous collections, eg ‘ex-Chartwell’, supported by a rich verbal commentary. Roger examined the origins of these adhesive postage stamps. Included was a major study of printing varieties… plate wear and repair, plate numbers, corner check letters and flaws, ink shades, imperforate and perforated stamps and cancellations, together with details of the printers employed. The story of these early stamps was supported by a range of stamp enlargements, covers, illustrated and embossed envelopes (official and advertising), newspaper cuttings and related literature, together with a highly professional write-up. Club members spent considerable time in the intervals engrossed in this "Aladdin’s cave" of philatelic treasure….the like of which is very seldom seen. Memorable!!
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1855 2d blue, Plate 6, on cover from Exeter to Chard |
1841 penny pink embossed envelope |
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Ocean Penny Postage envelope, sold in packs of 25 for 7d |
Advertising envelope featuring John Blanchard, Poole, Slate Merchant |
Paul Barry
Saturday 9th April 2016
The Club's 40th Annual Fair was well attended, with a commemorative First Day Cover being on sale to those attending. Raffle tickets for the cake with the matching 1929 Postal Union Congress stamp imprinted on the surface sold like hot cakes!!

(For the overall winner)
No. |
% |
General |
G2 |
French Colonies Poste Aerienne 1922-1938 |
65 |
141 |
3 |
Postal History |
PH1 |
Polish Forces Airmail in Italy 1944--1946 |
76 |
QV Newspaper Wrappers stamps
156 |
1 |
History |
PH2 |
Undercover Parcel Service |
78 |
History |
PH3 |
Napoleonic PoW Censorship |
83 |
136 |
4 |
Thematic |
T1 |
Man Alight! |
53 |
Open |
O1 |
Keith Allison Virtue MBE |
67 |
142 |
2 |
History |
PH4 |
Ringwood Postal History |
75 |
General |
G1 |
Brunei - The Labuan Crown Issue |
Open |
O2 |
The Life & Times of the Victorian Topographical Wafer Seal |
Monday 11th April 2016
in 2 - Anniversaries and Celebrations - Members
This meeting followed hard on the heels of the Club’s 40th Anniversary Stamp and Postcard Fair, a most successful event in a lively programme. A good attendance was achieved then and again this evening…. members presenting this evening providing a wide range of fascinating topics. Chris Wheeler commenced with his focus on philatelic society anniversary events as celebrated on covers. Societies included Canterbury & Deal, Darlington and Falkirk. Fast out of the blocks was Chris with Ferndown & West Moors’ own celebratory FDC (see photo) …this one ahead of the pack, being posted to himself, before the remainder of covers sold were sent to Edinburgh for special cancellation! Albert Jackson provided a fascinating display -‘German Occupied Poland: Commemoratives’. Members were surprised to learn that in the midst of war and terrible deprivations, such an issue could thrive. Here special stamps, mini-sheets and cards were produced….all beautifully printed. The Post Office in Krakow provided no less than 5 different postmarks. No doubt the incentive to make money was as strong as was the need to promote German achievements. 1890 saw the 50th anniversary of the Penny Post and this event was taken up by John Duckworth. He displayed interesting material about the exhibition, including various special cards and cancellations. Don Symonds’ colourful contribution via stamps and covers featured a wide range of celebrations, including ‘the 50th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts’, ‘the 75th Anniversary of the Red Cross’ and ‘the 1948 Centenary of the Swiss Constitution’. Don Seaby provided numerous covers and special cancellations on the topic of ‘Centenaries’. Terry Kirkman highlighted the work of Barnardo’s via philatelic material relating to ‘Home Children, 1869-30’. He focussed on the plight of one Mary Elizabeth Kelly who died on board S.S. Bokhara in 1884, leaving her 3 sons to be cared by this charity. John Garrett concluded by offering an early collection of ‘Bournemouth Postcards’. Here was a study in the sizing and format of cards, including a superb ‘court card’ (photo) dated 12th May, 1902. An excellent evening all round!!
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First Anniversary of the General Government Issue, Germany in Poland, 1940 |
Penny Postage Jubilee Cover from 1890 with the eight pointed star cancellation, from the Guildhall Exhibition |
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30th Philatelic Congress, Bournemouth - Coach Ticket to Ringwood |
30th Philatelic Congress, Bournemouth - Cover with special cancellation |
1902 court card featuring the Grand Hotel, Bournemouth, addressed to London |
(paul barry)
Monday 25th April 2016
All Competition Entries Displayed
There were seven entries in the Club Competitions on 14th March, and five of these were put on display this evening. Starting with the Open Class, Harry Tabaert described his entry Britain's Island Lighthouses showing a range of philatelic material featuring lighthouses on the various islands around Great Britain, one of the most famous being the Eddystone, which was shown on a stamp and postcard (front and reverse). Chris Wheeler followed with The Eurovision Story which traced the development of the European Broadcasting Union from its inception through stamps, postcards, tickets and signatures. These illustrated its role in the FIFA World Cup, Olympics, the Vienna New Year Concerts, and of course the Eurovision Song, Chess and Bird Contests. In the Postal History Class, John Garrett's entry German New Guinea was not displayed, but the winning entry Undercover Parcel Service was explained very succinctly by Albert Jackson, tracing the manner that food parcels could be sent to Germany via neutral countries such as Portugal, and their returned receipts. It was these receipts which proved the most fascinating as they demonstrated the manner and effectiveness of this Polish Field Post service. Some of his exhibits were very rare, which made the entry even more exciting.
Geoff Hood's entry in the General Class Wrapper Stamps was put up by the Chairman, and members studied that during the interval. This entry, together with the Undercover Postal Service were the two which went forward to the Interclub Competition. Geoff Hood's entry in the Postcard Class entitled Piers of the Realm was not availble, but the other entry in this class from John Garrett Paddling Across the Bay was of great interest, showing a range of, sometimetimes rare, postcards featuring paddle steamers that had visited Bournemouth and been used by various Packet Companies on the route across to Swanage. Several of these quite unique ships had been re-allocated during the War, and lost in action. He closed with the Waverley, built on the Clyde in 1947, still an annual visitor to Bournemouth.
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Casquets Lighthouse, Alderney |
Rear of Eddystone Lighthouse Postcard |
Front of the same Eddystone Lighthouse Postcard |
Queen Victoria stamp on Wrapper |
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Cover to Poland, viat the neutral country, Portugal |
Return Slip from Poland, proving the Service worked |
Printed Reply Card, with imprint of a sardine can |
1946, After War cover showing the Service continuing |
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Paddle Steamer at Lulworth Cove with Gangplank |
The first "Bournemouth" Paddle Steamer |
Paddle Steamer at Boscombe Pier |
The "Waverley", still in service |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 9th May 2016
A.G.M. and Trophy Presentations
The Chairman accepted the resignation and thanked Geoff Hood for his sterling service as Vice Chair, then welcomed Terry Kirkman to the post, followed by greeting Albert Jackson as a new Committee Member.
The Secretary’s report outlined his happy and busy year, helped along by support from his colleagues. The Treasurer’s report then followed. Good focus was placed on the accounts and the successes of the recent Annual Fair which saw a pleasing profit. Useful issues were raised from the floor to be forwarded to the next Committee Meeting. Special appreciation was made of Alan King’s considerable work, not only as Treasurer but as volunteer Fair Secretary…not a small task.
The evening included the presentation of trophies to the winners of the Interclub Competitions which had taken place at the 40th Annual Fair on 9 April.
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The Chairman giving his report |
The Treasurer taking questions |
Cutting the Anniversary cake |
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Albert receiving one of his trophies |
The Chairman in amazement! |
The Chairman receiving the Peter Owden Cup as overal winner of the Interclub Competition |
(Paul Barry)
Monday 23rd May 2016
"Persia" - Nigel Gooch FRPSL
It was refreshing to enjoy a superb display with a truly personal touch – the write up being entirely in hand script. Somehow this gave a real flavour of the collector behind the presentation and added considerably to the distinctiveness of the material, much having been hard to source, frequently scarce, rare and in some instances unique. Here was a rich and detailed exposition which provided a highly interesting philatelic evening, dealing in a little known study area, much under collected in the UK. Members were given an informative background, being historical, geographical, political and economic. To quote Nigel, ‘Persia was home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations reaching its power pinnacle in 550 BC, under Cyrus the Great. Stretching from the Balkans to the Indus, Persia was the largest empire ever seen. Indeed the Guiness Book of Records states that over 44% of the world’s population had come under its rule.’ Xenophon, a Greek historian, saw the origins of a royal mail established by this ruler who developed a highly efficient equestrian courier service across the empire. He wrote, ‘The post does not even halt at night – the night messenger relieves the day messenger and rides on. No mortal thing travels faster than these Persian couriers. Nothing stops them – neither snow, rain, heat nor darkness.’ (See also the postal horsemen in the Book of Esther, Chapter 8, vv 10-14) ‘Bring back the horse’, I say!!
The 1870s saw the introduction of a modern Persian service using postage stamps, largely due to the country’s rich resources and the Shah’s western connections. Nigel skilfully traced the development of such stamp issues, supported by continuous presence of postally used examples within the 180 sheet display. Having collected this philatelic area for 50 years, the benefits of such a commitment were clearly evidenced. The display oozed some mint, but mainly used stamps, many with fine cancellations. A study was made of these, whereby cds cancels were used in urban locations and also present - a rich variety of unique local strikes from small town/village origins. Other studies included internal and external mail, registered, parcel post items and parcel tags, printed envelopes, stamped newspaper wrappers, overprints and taxed covers, returned mail and airmails. Further enhancing the display were photos, newspaper cuttings and maps. Details of printings were considered, there being French, local private enterprise and finally government ‘in –house’ stamp printings. All the issues were present up to and including the 1967 Coronation, the New Order and the following numerous modern commemoratives and the various mini-sheets.
Two lengthy intervals were enjoyed in which the fine displays and superb philatelic material was closely scrutinised. Vice Chairman Terry Kirkman concluded the evening with a warm vote of thanks…this certainly being much in tune with Membership feelings, followed by the presentation to Nigel of the customary engraved Club whisky tumbler!!

Nigel Gooch being thanked by Terry Kirkman
(Paul Barry)
Monday 13th June 2016
9 in 4 - Cinderellas, Back of the Book and Postal Stationery - Members
The Club benefitted greatly again with a most interesting evening of home grown philatelic variety. The first contributor was Chris Wheeler with his ‘Velopost’, a private post service, which started in 2011. The display held mainly mint examples of their general and client-specific thematic-style labels from the three cities they operate in: Bath, Bristol and Edinburgh. Derek Baker shared part of his New Zealand mini-sheet collection…all ‘Cinderellas’, both mint and used. A particularly lovely example, a Bank of New Zealand ‘Panda Visit Auckland Zoo, October 1988-January 1989…an official FDC having 4 different panda pictures on souvenir stamps. Covers, letter cards, printed cards and newspaper wrappers formed the major part of Peter Leevers’ ‘Travencore Postal Stationery’ presentation, while David Sadler provided ‘Airport Labels’ to the mix. Geoff Hood often provides insight into little collected areas and his display of ‘Postal Stationery’ helped to demonstrate that there is huge scope here, full of interest. Whatever members collect, Geoff felt there is always room for the inclusion of postal stationery. Displayed were Belgian items…some dating from the late 19th century…..postcards, reply cards, a double postcard having a having a reply half. There was an air letter from WWII, letter cards with different perfs and of note a very rare 1973 newspaper wrapper on the ‘Stanford Mercury’ –printed in the wrong shade…only 50 printed. John Duckworth shared his study of ‘Forces Registered’… items from WWI period. He considered registration rates, and applied surcharges. Countries included were Russia, Egypt, Christmas Island, Syria, Italy Cyprus and Anguilla. Rod Greer’s display -‘Irish Postal Due Labels’, 1940-69 on covers and cards was a little known subject causing particular comment. On a tough subject, Albert Jackson had certainly ‘done his homework’. ‘Ghetto Mail –German Occupied Poland’. Except for one airmail, these were all postal stationery cards. The display was well written-up, supported by photos. It told the story of a Jewish ghetto mail system which was very well organised and tightly monitored. Albert explained the regulations applying, very often petty. German and Jewish censor marks were present. Ghettos represented were Warsaw, Cracow, Izbica and Zamosc. ‘Postage Dues’ followed, being yet another fascinating Hugh Jefferies’ contribution. Here were Egypt album pages….stamps dating from 1884….a study in watermarks, forgeries and papers, both ordinary and chalky, Salt Tax Revenues, OHMS overprints and British Forces in Egypt overprints. Moving on to other areas, Hugh presented Falklands War Tax stamps having different papers and perforations. ‘Embossed Stamps of Advertising Rings-Official Issues’ was a well written-up presentation by John Garrett. This was a consideration of British official issues, different values (few found used), different dyes and London cancels. Included were interesting rings promoting W H Smith, The Phoenix Gaslight & Coke Co, Bankside 1887 and Young & Stocall –Liverpool. Mike Trickett’s ‘Eiffel Tower’ –stickers/vignettes proved popular. 1889 saw their first year. 221 different types were present with 1500 varieties known. Don Seaby addressed a favourite subject –railways, this time a study of ‘The Aylesbury & Buckingham Railway’ and other companies. Railway stamps…singles and on cover, a Southern Railway ticket London/Waterloo to Bournemouth Central and from Lynton and Barnstaple Railway official letters and newspaper stamps were just a few items on show. Concluding the displays, a vote of congratulations from Chairman Bob Small was well received. He stated… ‘a wonderful evening…some quite exceptional displays present’
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GB Invalidated cover "stamp denominated" - stamp from 1915 incorrectly used on letter in 1928 |
Examples of GB Advertising Rings, used by Smith Elder (value in the centre, advertising on the outside) |
A Theatrical Envelope from Boscombe Hippodrome to Charing Cross, with GB and Railway Letter stamps |
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Forces Registered Air Mail Letter from Egypt to Oxford at the 1952 postal rate |
Deutsche Post Osten: Izbicaa Ghetto - one of the last cards allowed to leave the ghetto in 1942 |
Ireland Postage Due label with a charge of 1/- |
Paul Barry
Monday 27th June 2016
"Collecting Holes" - Gavin Fryer RDP FRPSL
Collecting philatelic holes, including in the case of perforations, what once filled the holes (known as chads – dictionary definition:- a piece of waste material removed from card or tape by punching), was the subject of a quite extraordinary 180 sheet display, that any other philatelist could only dream about. Yet Gavin started by saying that this collection arose from a talk to young collectors many years ago, when he challenged them to take an elementary philatelic term and see where it led to. This is where it led him!
It is impossible to refer to all the examples that were shown, just some taken at random, starting at the beginning with a 1 sen stamp shown with some of its perforations still in place – “non-holes”!! This was followed by examples of chads, highlighted on black paper – perhaps the smallest philatelic collectable item! Two examples of letters sent to sailors on service, who clearly would not have had any cash on them, were displayed. These letters had holes where the coins for a reply had been sewn into the letter. Examples of letters used by an experimental cancelling machine from Salisbury, which impressed four holes into the stamp were shown, the experiment abandoned due to being too heavy and clumsy. One of only a handful of known examples of a stamp from Queensland which had irregular compound perforations was shown. The first half ended with an array of unique and rare examples from all over the world – misalignments, piercings, threading, insertions, odd perforations, and the introduction of Braille.
The second half continued with a myriad of new types of holes including an ambulance cover, many forgeries, the 1993 Christmas sheet from the Netherlands which had 1,800 holes, which when held up to the light looked like a firework display. There were rivet holes, holes in plates, holes from termites, slugs and snails, and from Hungary, to deter collectors from buying up sheets of postage stamps, triangular perfins were inserted – guess what, they became collectors’ items too, in spite of surcharges applied. Keen philatleists will rise to any challenge!!
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Japan 1 sen stamp with chads affixed on the right |
Two chads on black background |
1920 Hungary stamp with three indents in the centre of the stamp |
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1858 GB stamps with 4 pin indents used by the Salisbury experimental canceller |
Rear of the 1858 letter showing the 4 pin indents used by the Salisbury experimental canceller |
Queensland One Penny with irregular compound perforations |
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Grenada three stamp se-tenant set with "hole" across the centre |
The missing piece from the Grenada three stamp se-tenant set |
Letter sent to sailor aboard with stitch holes where the coin to pay for the reply was secured |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 11th July
6 in 2 - "T is for.........."
Sixteen members put up six sheet displays, covering a wide range of subjects and depth of content.
Graham Judd |
"Tam o' Shanter", the 1790 poem by Robert Burns |
The six famous etchings on postcards, well written up |
Don Seaby |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Postcards, wrappers and a registered letter |
Mike Trickett |
The Third Reich |
Herman in his Hugo Boss designed uniform; the Nuremburg Rally; Channel islands covers with German stamps |
John Case |
Tuvalu |
A range of stamp issues |
Rod Greer |
TPOs in Ireland |
Covers with cancellations from different routes; postcard of a TPO train; two examples of mail from partition day |
Albert Jackson |
Terrabound Propaganda Cards |
Propaganda cards showing the development of the German and Austrian Nazi Party symbols |
John Garrett |
To Pay |
Covers used under different postal administrations, including examples with double postage due labels |
Hugh Jefferies |
Tasmania |
The pictorial issue of 1899, used and mint, and covers from all the post offices startingw with A to L |
John Duckworth |
Transport used to carry the Mail |
Covers and postcards carried by gyrocopter, horse and cart, train and bicycle |
Trevor Smythe |
Turkey |
Examples of the six issues of Official stamps from 1947 to 1997, with varieties and overprints |
Harry Tabaert |
The Third Reich |
The Brown Ribband Horse Races of 1936 and 1937 and other engraved issues |
Wendy Buckle |
Typography and Typesetting |
A range of stamps and covers illustrating the skill in designing and using typefaces |
Geoff Hood |
Telecommunications |
Examples of telegrams, telegraph stamps and tube post |
Brian Cropp |
Transatlantic Mail |
Covers from Prince Edward Island to the UK |
Chris Wheeler |
Channel Tunnel |
Humorous postcards illustrating the need for and building of the Tunnel |
Charles Leonard |
Taxed Covers |
Examples of covers from Russia to Great Britain with underpaid charges |
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Postcard from Tam o' Shanta |
Registered Letter from Trinidad |
Double To Pay on Cover |
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Third Reich - Two Cancellations |
Early Terrabound Propaganda Card |
Ireland TPO cover |
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Tasmania mint set |
Auto Giro (Gyrocopter) Mail, 1911 |
Transatlantic Mail from Canada |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 25th July
"Go by Cycle" - Brian Sole
Collecting interests always have their beginnings and in the speaker’s case cycling had always been a passion. Joining a philatelic society Brian was soon
encouraged to present a thematic display and the rest is history! His
presentations tell a story and are underpinned by considerable research, drawing on his extensive library. The crude invention of Karl von Drais in 1818
with his plank of wood and two wheels, led to the start of the industry we know
today. The introductions of the chain and radical ‘diamond’ safety frames saw a
surge in manufacturers and production. Important as utility transport, both in
peace and later in war, for leisure pursuits and as a sporting machine, including
racing (with Olympics and Paralympics included), the bicycle became well
embedded in all aspects of life. Brian had no difficulty in persuading his
audience that his magnificent display was but a small part of his extensive
collection. Being shared were numerous single stamps, illustrated covers and
postcards -some comic, postmarks, registered labels, prints, letters and
engraved invoices. These were supported by a number of sub-themes…famous
names in manufacturing, artist’s drawings and designs, safety issues, early child
education, rules, road signs and signals. Stretching across the decades, two
items shone out. The first, a Victorian GB illustrated cover of 1888 with 2½d
Jubilee stamp and advertising the ‘Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Ltd’. The second
and indeed a unique philatelic gem of more modern times which caught many an
eye was a superb original drawing by artist Andrew Restall. Here were the
origins of the GB QEII 1970 1/9d value for the 9th Commonwealth Games issue,
with the printed stamp alongside.
Club Secretary Paul Barry thanked Brian for
providing Members with a wonderful evening and presented him with the Club’s
award ...an engraved cut glass whisky tumbler.
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Japan postcard illustrating the first bicycle, the "Draische" of 1818 |
The "Kangaroo" bicycle on a miniature sheet from Tanzania |
First Day Cover of the "Velocipede" or "Boneshaker", France 1861 |
Japan postcard featuring the "Velocipede", with the word "BONESHAKER" in the inscription |
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50th Tour de France - artist signed design drawing for the commemorative stamp |
1963 design drawing for the Monaco stamp featuring the 60th anniversary of the Tour de France |
Photograph of the proposed design for the 1d stamp, for the 1899-1900 Siege of Mafeking |
1956 Russia stamp on cover, as designed for the Spartacist Games (which never took place!) |
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Humour on postcard "The triplet comes to grief" |
Humour on postcard "After the spill" |
Cycle-mounted soldiers training on Salisbury Plain |
Social postcard "The introduction" |
Paul Barry
Monday 8th August 2016
6 in 2 - Stamps only - Members
Fourteen members put up six sheet displays, covering a wide range of topics and periods
Paul Leevers |
A selection of Austrian stamps, the 1908 Carl VI issue designed by Moser, ending with the 1922 Symbols of Art & Science issue |
Dave Saddler |
Postmarks on British Revenue stamps; worldwide station cancellations; and India stamps used in Singapore,Burma and other South East Asian countries |
Paul Lear |
Stamps from all over the world featuring kingfishers, hoopoes and ospreys |
Spence Coaker |
A selection of post-1997 Hong Kong issues by various printers worldwide |
Chris Wheeler |
Stamps illustrating the relatively new hobby of postcrossing |
Michael Mawdsley |
The definitives, portraits and the "elephant" issues of pre-independence Gambia |
Brian Cropp |
A variety of issues from Jersey, individual stamps, booklets and postage dues |
Hugh Jefferies |
A review of the four possible alternatives to being the first issue of Gibraltar. Were they the Spanish stamps of 1856; the British stamps of 1857; the revenue stamps of 1884; or the Post Office Savings Bank stamps of Bermuda overprinted GIBRALTAR in 1886? |
Charles Leonard |
The first low value issue for overseas mail following approval from the Czar, including some mint blocks |
Don Symonds |
The revenue Canton stamps from Switzerland, of which there were so many |
John Garrett |
A variety of stamps from German New Guinea, including the Dulon registration, German Colonies issues, British New Guinea and the Australian Occupation |
John Case |
The King George V and VI issues from Fiji with design variations and errors, colour changes |
Mike Trickett |
An overview of the many Red Cross issues from France from 1914 to 2002 |
Don Seaby |
An overview of stamps relating to the Chinese Treaty Ports |
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Switzerland 1907 - Prosecution & Bankruptucies Canton Revenue Stamps |
Hong Kong, 1997 - the first Special Administraative Region issue, printed in Beijing |
Hong Kong - 2002, 5th anniversary Beijing to Kowloon Through Train Service, printed in New Zealand |
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Selection of Hoopoe stamps |
Selection of Osprey stamps |
Postmarks on India stamps used in South East Asia |
Members examining the displays at the break
chris wheeler
Monday 12th September 2016
6 in 2 - Postcards only - Members
A strong attendance saw the start of the
Autumn Term and equally pleasing was the
number of Members presenting displays, 15 in total. Terry Kirkman reminded the meeting that
2016 is the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme with a display containing photos from the
Daily Mail together with comic coloured postcards depicting dogs complete with clever captions.
Peter Leevers always shares interesting and often obscure philatelic material and here was no
exception with his ‘Pakistan Postcards’. Registered postcards were present relating to railways
and the County Court together with interesting correspondence from the early 20th
Chris Wheeler’s contribution dealt with the period 1788-1868 and Australian penal settlement.
Chris had researched the subject well and provided a range of related powerful and grim
postcards including the ship ‘Success’, Port Arthur HQ and Tasmania. Spence Coaker again
contributed ‘Hong Kong’ with a particular emphasis on the interned German colony around the
start of the First World War. Several ‘maximum’ cards showed various buildings, including ‘Club
Germania’ and the ‘Royal Naval Canteen’. ‘Irish Charge Marks-Internal Mail 22/6/1897-
31/10/15’ was Rod Greer’s subject, with a particular focus on the ‘written side’! These were
postcards with/without stamps. Consideration was given to deficiency and surcharge, postage
dues and labels. Albert Jackson dealt with the interwar period and the port of Danzig. The
League of Nations’ postcard series highlighting the ‘Polish Corridor’ was featured. These
highlighted the ‘tug of war’ over this part of Germany. A powerful postcard message was noted
in observing the Polish attitude which reminded Germany of their previous ownership. Here was
a highly detailed write-up supported by coloured maps.
Another noteworthy contribution
included John Duckworth’s Bournemouth themed ‘Tram Disaster’ (Central Gardens) in the period
1900-1914 when 7 were fatalities and 27 injured. His postcards gave a real flavour of the times.Mary Hood’s Portsmouth beginnings prompted a worthy collection of naval postcards, both
black/white and colour. Here were celebrated Victoria’s Royal Yacht, Nelson’s Victory via a 1905
postcard anniversary of Trafalgar and a card of HMS Hood. ‘Postcards of France’ was Mike
Tricket’s interest, covering postcards of 100 years hence. Of particular interest were ‘Patriotic French’ cards of 1915. ‘Papua New Guinea’ was John Garret’s well studied subject involving 12
well presented postcards giving an insight to tribal history. The period 1902-1904 was examined
in Bill Laird’s ‘Peacock’ card collection…all Bournemouth/Boscombe. The subject of Don Symond’s ‘Bears on Cards’ was fascinating. Here were a complete set of 7 sepia photo-cards of bears in
captivity at the century’s turn together with 15 postcards of rural scenes, depicted by Swiss
artists. John Case continued with another contribution on his interest in shipping. This was well
presented with good detail. Each sheet covered a topic…for example, 'The Centaur Hospital
Ship’, ‘M.S. Monowai’, the ‘RMS Athenic’, the ‘SS Orontes’ and ‘RMS Morea’. Completing the
evening’s worthy entertainment was Don Seaby with his ‘New Milton to Bournemouth-Train
Journey’, which delightfully featured the stations along the route via b/w and coloured
postcards. |
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Terry counting those who will be displaying during the evening |
Mary explaining her display |
Bournemouth tram crash postcard, which happened on 1 May 1908 |
Postcard showing the proposed "corridors" in GB and to the Baltics |
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The Club Germania in Hong Kong |
HMS Vernon |
New Milton Station |
Boscombe Station |
Paul Barry
Monday 26th September, 2016
"The £5 Orange" - John Horsey FRPSL
Members were treated to a highly technical presentation which detailed
the classic GB Victorian highest value stamp – ‘the £5 Orange’. John Horsey
used his power-point presentation to very great effect. This specialised study
was immense in scope. It analysed and recorded over 5500 images selected
from some £25 million worth of such stamps –gained from various sources –the
Royal Philatelic Collection, Harmers Auctioneers and numerous collections. The
research began with the first Telegraph stamps in the period 1851-1870.
Numerous telegraph companies existed, but in 1870 the Government took over
responsibilities in this area. He explained that soon a set of lower values were
established. It became apparent that due to the need for economy and lack of
telegraph form space, a high value was essential. Hence ‘the £5 Orange’ was
established. The study considered various ‘essays’ and die proofs were examined
too. (The two final proofs are in the Queen’s Collection). Under close inspection
were corner letter arrangements and colour trials which toyed with the idea of
the inevitable ‘gold’ – appropriate for this high value, but too expensive for
production. Blue was considered next, but was found to be too close in
appearance to the existing ‘Probate’ stamp. Vermillion was eventually selected.
So was born the £5 Telegraph stamp. Only 8 mint copies are known to exist,
valued at £25000!!
The second half of John’s presentation turned to the
detailed study of the £5
Postage stamp, identical in design. A main focus was
placed on ‘blue paper’, printing plates, numerous cancel types and fraud– sometimes confounding the expert eye. Forgeries of ‘specimen overprints were
also looked at. Postage, including bulk mail, dockets, accounting and officials
were just part of the range of uses to which these high values were put. Certain major cities such as London, Glasgow and Belfast were the centres of
issue and use. John’s recently published book, ‘The £5 Orange’ is the product of
this immense study, a mere glimpse being revealed at this meeting. It is highly
informative with scores of illustrations and colour plates. Nothing to beat it… except the fantastic originals in the National Postal Museum and let’s face it… the Queen’s Collection!!
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Telegraph stamp of 1876 |
The "AH" Variety |
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National Postal Museum's commemorative cards from 1962 and 1986 |
Chairman Bob Small thanking John Horsley for his unique presentation |
(Paul Barry)
Monday 10th October, 2016
6 in 2 - Anything on a Theme - Members; and Auction
As usual a fair number of hands were raised at the beginning of the evening in response to the usual Chairman’s question, ‘how many members will be exhibiting please?’ and there was an excellent response with displays being much enjoyed.
‘Lundy’ was Mike Trickett’s topic …where ’most stamps feature a puffin!!’ Mike provided background and explained that there had been a post office on the island since Victorian times. Numerous island stamps have been produced of which not a few varieties. Covering quite a different theme was Graham Judd with his ‘Love’ contribution, ‘quite a lad, was he’…Robbie Burns took centre stage and an interesting collection of postcards was shared. Don Seaby came out to bat …ever the bowler with a spin…covering ‘Treaty Ports’ with eloquent explanation. Mention was made of Amoy, Canton and Hankou, with stamps, covers and postcards on display. (‘very difficult to find except for Shanghai’) .Hugh Jefferies loves to delve into the recesses of his albums and drag out fascinating, if dusty, pages!…this time a celebration of ‘Maps’ on Stamps’…mostly mint. Explaining that used are hard to find, with used on cover being ‘the holy grail!!’ he was able to sport just one!!... along with listed varieties. He added that many stamps having maps depicted on them were produced for propaganda purposes. John Garrett’s subject was well covered, this time being ‘Transport’. All postcards had the ‘Bournemouth’ theme and superbly highlighted railways, balloon travel, motorcycles, trams, lifeboats, paddle-steamers, aeroplanes, charabancs, cars and modern coaches. ‘Switzerland at the time of the Mail Coach’ was provided by Don Symonds via attractive postcards and was well written-up. Bill Laird presented GB picture postcards from 1934, together with tourist cachets. John Dimond displayed an unusual theme, that of ‘British Airlines which no longer exist’. Cards and stamps covered such airlines as British Caledonian, Dan Air, Air UK and KLM. As part of an extensive collection, Albert Jackson was able to share an informed write-up of his testing subject…’Displaced Persons Camps’….covering WW2 and just after. The plight of Polish prisoners and refugees were studied via insightful dialogue and covers. He explained that miniature sheets were produced to appeal to collectors, raising cash for displaced persons. On a hugely differing subject, John Duckworth stepped forward to share his somewhat amusing theme, ‘Rocket Post’. This celebrated pioneer rocketry by which mail was carried (very!!) short distances. There was philatelic profit intent at play! One particularly interesting cover shone out. Well written-up, the display left one wanting more!! Finally, Harry Tabbeart shared his delightful mint stamps in the theme ‘Birds in the Falklands’…a considerable study. Concluding the evening, Members enjoyed a lengthy interval prior to an ever popular Auction |
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Selection of Lundy Issues |
Lundy Island, The Puffin and Postal Examples |
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Manor Farm Hotel on Lundy |
HMS Montagu on the Rocks at Lundy |
(Paul Barry)
Monday 24th October, 2016 - "Banknotes" - David Muscott
avid Muscott, the well-known specialist stamp dealer from Lyme Regis has celebrated over 58 years in the business…a good number being spent with Robson Lowe in Bournemouth. What a training, what a background in collectables and what a treat then for Club Members to be entertained by David at their October meeting…the subject being ‘Banknotes’….plus a few other gems!! He began by tracing banknote history. As far back as 1000AD China had introduced paper money. In David’s display was a Ming dynasty bank note photocopy in the period 1368-95 (pity not the original!!) 1664 saw the foundation of the Bank of England, with its first banknotes being produced in 1665. Gold and silver were in short supply in Europe and bartering was common, and so small banks began to produce notes. Much of his presentation related to the GB Victorian period however, and local at that! Banks included were the ‘Ringwood and Hants Bank’, the ‘Ringwood and Poole Bank’, ‘Dorchester’, ‘Dartmouth, ‘Cullompton and Devonshire’ and ‘the West Riding Union Bank’ to name but a few. In some instances originals were displayed.
Within the collection were original copper and steel printing plates, bankers’ licences, and of great interest, a reward notice poster requesting support in apprehending three ‘footpads’, who had relieved a certain Mr Haydon of a very considerable sum (including £30 notes!!) in Guildford Bank notes ‘on Tuesday Evening Last, December 20, 1796 on Wimbledon Common’: Signed, G. Ellison, Secretary to the Association of County Bankers. Also in the presentation were printed letters, Notices of Dividends, and various publications, including a ‘Guide to English Provincial Banknotes’ and ‘The Standard Catalogue of the Provincial Banknotes of England and Wales’…both major sources of background information. Following the half-way break in which Members avidly inspected the display, treats were not all expended. David shared various philatelic items, including covers, and of major surprize …a letter in Horatio Nelson’s hand writing from ‘The Agamemnon’ on May 5th, 1795, which could be held in the hand for inspection!! Chairman Bob Small, himself a keen collector of this period of naval history was ecstatic and gave rousing praise for David’s wonderful presentation. He paid tribute to the superb display, its write-up and for the eloquent and amusing stories shared along the way. |
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David Muscott |
An early Ringwood & Hampshire ONE POUND Note |
One of the letters referred toin the display |
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Note of 1821 from single person owning the bank |
Note of 1821, stating bankruptcy in 1823 |
Note of1821, but noting being takenover by Loyds Bank |
Paul Barry
Monday 14th November, 2016 - Six Sheet Competition and 9 in 4 (your choice)
Quality, not quantity’!! Only six members presented displays, but the quality was clearly observed. ‘The Flood of Paris, January 1910’ was Mike Trickett’s chosen theme. A map of flood areas in Paris featured in the first part of the study. Mike outlined the build-up to the floods, describing huge rain downpours and rising groundwater which crept up to a point where the Metro, the Louvre, bank vaults and much of the city were seriously flooded. A system of walkways and boats was quickly established. The emergency lasted 35 days, when it rapidly subsided, costing the government ‘a billion’ in repairs/claims. The display made excellent use of old black & white postcards, which enhanced Mike’s eloquent delivery. The theme of ‘’Railways’ is ever popular and therefore Don Seaby’s contribution provided a real treat. His ‘Isle of Wight’ railway study was well described by a series of delightful, mainly black and white postcards. Rye to Shanklin is now the only line left in operation, but Don’s early cards celebrated original tracks, stations/buildings at various towns, locos and rolling-stock. A fascinating card depicted old London underground trains still running to Shanklin. Continuing in the south of England, Bill Laird presented ‘Bournemouth Postcards’ of the early 20th century. These included ‘Royal Blue Coaches’ and ‘Empress Coaches’ which celebrated delightful horse-drawn carriages. Hotels received a good promotion too, namely ‘The Imperial’, ‘The Clifton’, ‘Newlyn’s Royal’ and ‘The Grand’. Moving back to GB in ‘The Thirties’, Members enjoyed John Duckworth’s ‘Airships and Balloons’ display. This provided a unique study of early flight covers, including Gambia to Brazil by seaplane using German ships as staging bases and the Polar flight of Zeppelin LZ127 (25thJuly, 1931), flown Friedrichshafen – Berlin – Leningrad – Franz Joseph Land and beyond. Covers, postcards and photos all contributed to the presentation. Spence Coaker’s ‘Hong Kong’ drew much interest. This was a focus on the colony in the early years of last century, supported by various covers and generous write-up. The concluding display was also well documented and hinted at a very detailed collection. This ‘Return to Sender’ study was Albert Jackson’s and made reference to the 1941 German invasion of Russia. Supplying troops with mail (and by air) in such circumstances was a nightmare and returned items were common. Albert explained there were numerous causes…improper use of concession labels, ‘Too Heavy’, ‘Change of Address’, (probably due to unit’s movements), ‘Cannot be Forwarded’, ‘Addressee is missing’, ‘Return to PO Box 110’ and ‘New Address Required’. A very fine range of covers featured, giving a real sense of dramatic history. Thus ended another enjoyable event in the Club’s calendar, followed by a lengthy auction. |
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Return to Sender Cover |
Hong Kong Cover |
Paris in the Floods, 1910 |
Map of Flooded Paris, 1910 |
Paul Barry
Monday 28th November, 2016 - John Duckworth
"A Bit of This & A Bit of That"
Members were richly entertained by John Duckworth’s unique presentation which revealed very well collected material, described in excellent write-up and amusing, informative delivery and covered late Victorian through to mid 20thCentury covers, postcards and related philatelic items. This was an extensive display indeed, beginning with a study of Lundy. John’s earliest postcard of 1903 was a highlight. He made mention of the island’s developing postal service, its early stamp issues, air and naval connections and a dramatic battleship wrecking –the ‘Montague’ in 1911. Turning to another interest, John provided insights into the ‘Penny Post’ and ‘Penny Postage’ with numerous covers and cancellations. Star of the show was a superb penny black cover/letter, having been sent by Mrs Tregonwell, wife of Louis Tregonwell, ‘founder’ of Bournemouth! This was sent on 11th December 1840 from the town’s post office, with a Poole cancel and addressed to a land surveyor in Bruton, Somerset. John’s other interests included a worthy section on ‘Receiving Marks’ and ‘Officials’. Moving on, Members were able to study a fascinating episode in Bournemouth’s social history…the 1910 ‘Bournemouth Centenary’ which celebrated the founding of the resort. He examined the carnival held in Meyrick Park and the riveting aviation meeting at Hengistbury Head. Numerous postcards supported both venues. The aircraft competitions were fascinating, not least because first powered flights were only recorded from 1908! John pointed out that ‘referendums’ are not a new feature of the political landscape, since he was able to display postcard material relating to the petition to establish a Bournemouth Sunday tram service. This succeeded and 1912 saw this in place. On a very different theme was John’s study of the 1853 pneumatic tube invention (‘Pneumatic Post’) which enabled a physical mail link between the Stock Exchange and the Telegraph Office. This led him to focus also on similar services in Paris, Marseille and Italy. Among the many fine covers and cards on display, one certainly needs to be described…of a later period… a fine 1926 advertising envelope promoting Peugeot. Following an absorbing interval, Members continued to enjoy fine exhibits covering ‘Crete’ with overprinted 1912 Greek stamps and 1940’s German occupation. A memorable photo of the only WW1 British female combatant was also displayed… local woman, a Miss Flora Sandes, who served on the Serbian front line. Perhaps the evening’s highlight was a highly detailed and beautifully (amusingly) described section on the development of early airmail services, including the London – Bagdad route and further pioneering services to India and China. Early attempts to route-find were achieved for these early aviators on the Cairo-Bagdad service by following ploughed desert tracks!! Ah well!! And so here ends but just a glimpse of a truly fascinating philatelic journey.
In thanking John, Vice Chairman Terry Kirkman paid tribute to the wonderful presentation and the many humorous and colourful stories woven therein. |
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Postcard from Lundy Island, 27 August 1903 |
Letter from Mrs Tregonwell, 11 December 1840 |
Mr Grahame White in the Bournemouth Aviation Museum, July 1910 |
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1887 Service issue postcard with Empress of India stamp |
A furrow across the desert for aviators to use for navigation |
John Duckworth with his after-display gift received from Terry Kirkman |
Monday 12th December, 2016 - Three Sheets from everybody (no excuses!) - Members
Last year's record of 33 participants was exceeded this year with 37 members each displaying three sheets of philatelic material
on a very wide range of topics
Mary Hood |
Japanese collection of covers, miniature sheets and ephemera |
Geoff Hood |
Old Xmas pictorial airletters, with their prices, from the 1970s |
Derek Baker |
Belgium |
Terry Everett |
Cyprus, three complete sheets |
John Davis |
Family heirloom Xmas postcards, 1905-1945 |
Terry Tuck |
Pictures of the first Post Offices in Bournemouth |
David Sadler |
Matchbox Labels |
Geoff Bradford |
Instructional Marking letter sheets to POWs in Germany |
John Duckworth |
New Zealand covers, Gilbert Islands, of Father Christmas descending on a parachute |
Mike Baldry |
Trams around London |
Wendy Buckle |
Belgian Postal Stationery |
Spence Coaker |
Three sets of early Hong Kong Commemoratives |
Brian Cropp |
To and from Prince Edward Island (including one from Poole) |
Albert Jackson |
Xmas Postcards from Germany, Austria and the Occupation of Poland in 1939 |
Trevor Smythe |
Postmarks, 1917-1918, War bonds; Promoting the telephone in1931 |
Harry Tabeart |
Cancellations - the Good the Bad and the Ugly |
Brian Wilson |
Covers and entires from USA |
Denis Brown |
Year of the Scout |
Geoffrey Flynne |
First independent issue |
Carol Gregory |
Seychelles Christmas Cards |
Michael Mawdsley |
The Malta transition definitive stamp issue sets |
Ian Arnold-Jenkins |
Old London Buses postcards; Oxford and Cambridge Cricket teams |
Philip Proudly |
Queen Victoria Postal Stationery |
John Diamond |
Bird stamps from Bahrain |
Bill Laird |
Scandinavia, overprints and V for Victory overprints from Sweden and Norway |
John Garrett |
Albert N Davis, designer - Valentine, Birthday and Funeral cards |
Julian White |
Large size pictures of Bournemouth Square 1861,1880s and 1890s |
Graham Hibbs |
Stamps not in the Gibbons catalogues |
Mike Trickett |
Wedding postcards, England and France |
Terry Kirkman |
2016 Xmas Crakers - humourous interpretations of recent stamps |
Don Seaby |
Postcards of his life in Portsmouth, and recent acquistions from Dorchester |
Hugh Jefferies |
Stamps from Fanning Island and the Christmas Island that is part of the Gilbert Island group |
Chris Wheeler |
Memories from a visit to the Mauritius Postal Museum, 2016 |
Brian Quist |
Entires from various branches of the Army Service Corps |
Paul Lear |
Thematics from USA and Spain, and their anomalies |
Paul Barry |
New acquisitions - GB Victorian, with some rare examples |
Bob Small |
A Hotchpotch of very old postal stationery |
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First Peoples' Xmas Card in the Ostmark, 1938 |
Rare 1939 Xmas card bearing the name Poland |
First Belgium Stamp Issues |
A Wartime Heirloom Christmas card |
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Only the definitive stamps cancelled |
Christmas Island Registered Letter with impressed fees, 1958 |
Japanese postcard from 1915 bearing stamps featuring Emperor Yoshihito |
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Plantation Colony stamps from the Christmas Island in the Gilbert Islands |
An Albert N Davis valentine card |
War of the Grand Alliance - letter dated 4 May 1697 |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 19th December, 2016 - Christmas Events - Members
There was a full house for this evening's Christmas Special Event. Bob Small, Chairman welcomed everyone, especially the spouses who had come along. The events started with two quizzes, one relating to stamps and thir origin, and the other a general quiz on Towns and Cities. Both were actively attacked by those present and though the top score was not remarkable for the stamp quiz, 24 out of 27 was the winning score for second.
Following a break for excellent refreshments there was a rafflle with nearly 500 tickets sold, and some twenty lucky winners.
In conclusion the Chairman thanked everyone for their contributions during the year and felicitations for the Festive Season! |
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Chairman Bob Small explaining the evening's plan |
Members collecting the quiz forms |
The stamp quiz under way |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 9th January 2017- "6 in 2" - Your Choice, Members
The first meeting of the year and new season only saw 30 members attend, even though there was an auction. Having said
that the few that remained at the auction bought £131 worth - not bad.
The 6 in 2 provided the evening with its usual quality and variety of exhibits. They were:
John Duckworth - Czechoslovakia bi-coloured stamps
Spence Coaker - French aviation air mail stamps
John Garrett - Bournemouth/Poole/Christchurch postal history
Hugh Jefferies - Grenada stamps
Bill Laird - Cachets from GB Government Departments
John Case - Pitcairn and Solomon Island stamps
Don Seaby - South Africa
(Bob Small)
Monday 23rd January 2017 - "Poland during World War II" - Albert Jackson
This superb presentation by Committee Member Albert Jackson was memorable on a number of counts –the haunting history of one of Europe’s darkest episodes, the quality and scarcity of material, the meticulous write-up and eloquence of exposition. To cover such a topic in a week might seem reasonable; to do so in 1½ hours was nothing short of miraculous! Albert ably described in chronological progression, the main components of this study, historical, geographic, racial, political and pictorial, not to mention the most detailed commentary on Polish/German postal services, stamps issued, cancellations, taxed overprints, official stationery, covers, correspondence and postcards and of course –censorship and censor marks.
Given the pre-war enmity of Nazi Germany towards the Polish nation and her territory, it was clear that the war would have its origins in that sphere. The build-up of invasion forces, the speed of the campaign, the destruction of vast areas and major loss of life were aspects clearly depicted. Of particular note were fine coloured postcards having such captions as ‘The Great March into Poland’, ‘On the Road to Victory’, ‘Heinkel He 111 Warplanes over Warsaw’ and ‘Workers’ Regiment defending Warsaw’. Forced labour, re-settlement programmes and internment camps added to the mix. Yet out of this carnage and unspeakable misery a range of postal services emerged- German, Polish and Jewish, rising phoenix-like from the ashes. Albert’s fabulous material on display gave a brilliant insight into this historical period, but perhaps the absolute gems in the display were three hugely rare postcards from Russian camps associated with the Katyn massacre. These were among the very few items posted out before the inmates were executed and the camps closed down. However the account of Poland in wartime was not limited here to the early occupation, for after the interval which provided members with opportunities for close scrutiny of displayed material, there was a fascinating consideration of the turning tide. Russia’s eventual massive and sustained assault on Hitler’s Eastern front had huge implications on Poland and her marshalled Polish military forces. Albert provided insights also into the Polish worldwide diaspora and resettlement programmes.
Secretary Paul Barry was called upon to give the vote of thanks. On behalf of Club, he paid high tribute to many exquisite aspects of the presentation here described and made mention of the fact that although Albert had happily chosen to live in retirement near a thriving philatelic environment, it was more the greater privilege for Club members to have him in their midst! |
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German Invasion of Poland, 1939, a privately produced fieldpost card |
German Invasion of Poland - the intensive bombing of Warsaw, 1939 |
Resettlement Programme - Portrait of Anton Steckbover Farmery |
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Deutsche Post Osten, the overprinted German definitives of 1939 "German Post of the East", in Polish curency |
Postcard from the General Government to the small Spanish Internment Camp |
Letter - Polish Forces in USSR - the Polish Peoples's Army |
(paul barry)
Monday 13th February 2017 - "9 in 4 -The Americas" - Members
The meeting was well attended and a good response from membership in display contributions was celebrated. The opening theme on ‘Panama’ provided a strong introduction with quality coloured postcards enhanced by black card backing. Various aspects of the canal’s construction were presented, together with its immediate environments. This display covering a favourite collecting area for Chris Wheeler, was again much appreciated. Spence Coaker’s ‘Canada’ was well written-up and supported an interesting coverage of postal stationery, covers and aviation stamps. Items from Quebec and Prince Edward Island, together with postal links between Canada and France were covered. Not a million miles away…’Nova Scotia’...and here John Duckworth’s presentation of early covers was enjoyed, together with one internal Newfoundland flight. These were mainly George V, with some items being black/white illustrated. ‘Different Ways By Which Mail is Delivered’ was John Davis’s area, seen here in much reduced form from his major collection. This well written-up, informative display was typical of John’s usual standard and through a combination of covers, photos, and maps, members were introduced to a fascinating and under-represented field of study. Of note, a ‘Supersonic Concorde’ signed cover by Capt. Thomas Vojtek –US Naval Defences, whilst on land a brilliant cover was included…’Alaska Dog Team Post’. Albert Jackson’s superb contribution -‘Poles in Exile ’ contained stamps, gummed publicity vignettes issued in conjunction with issues, superb colour or b/w illustrated FDC’s and of particular comment, a ‘Liberation of Poland’ stamp sheet. Brian Weeks, on a vastly different topic, examined the ‘Millennium Celebration’ through various mint stamps depicting celebrities of the 20th Century. Using his printed USA mini-sheets, Brian traced the decades up to the 1980s. ‘Transatlantic Mail’ by Brian Cropp formed but a small fraction of an important personal resource. Here early covers, all ‘pre-stamp’ were in evidence, including an 1842 Boston to Liverpool item arriving 16th November; another, New Orleans via England to Paris, 20th January, 1846, reaching destination 12th July and a fine cover New York via England to Cognac, 7th May 1851, arriving 17th May. The concluding display came from Hugh Jefferies with his ‘West Indian Islands’, featuring mainly fine used. His 6 album pages focussed on unique village postmarks of which he had made a modest but informed study. A secondary element covered ‘Grenada’ …again a postmark study, encompassing Victoria through to KG VI. |
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Bird's Eye View of the Panama Canal |
Construction of the Gatum Spillway |
Railway Advertising Postcard |
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Futuristic Mail Transport |
FDC - Liberation of Poland |
USA Millenium 1900s sheet |
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Sea Mail on "Britannia" from Boston to Paris via Liverpool, 1842 |
Sea Mail on "Asia"from New York to Cognac via Liverpool, 1849 |
Canadian cover with 1c War Stamp |
(paul barry)
Monday 27th February
"Channel Island Locals" - Kim Pitts
The speaker, Kim Pitts outlined the history of Herm and provided a most detailed consideration of the island’s stamp issues. What, at first sight might have seemed an uncomplicated subject, soon revealed itself to have many complexities, the number of printings being one. Kim began his collection in modest fashion, but he soon developed a passion for these issues. First the emphasis had been to obtain one example of each stamp; this was followed by the search for both mint and used …then covers …then blocks, part sheets, etc. Kim display numerous early stamps, in local currency, a scarce FDC of the first printing and examples of the ‘pigeon post’, soon replaced by the establishment of a good telephone service with Guernsey. An examination of postal rates was made, followed by the BEA air letter service from 1953. There was an interesting consideration of triangular stamps, which included 12 complete mint sheets! The May 1957 colour trials were displayed. Then a section followed on HRH Princess Margaret’s Royal Visit which was enriched by the addition of corner blocks and full sheets. Fairly scarce early stamp booklets were also admired, along with varieties, overprints, mailbag seals and essays. 1st October 1969 saw the opening of the Post Office and this was celebrated by an FDC. Later postal items were included, culminating with a further short historical look at this enchanting island. Kim was pleased to state that Ferndown Club Members were the first to experience all of the display…180 sheets in total. Bob Small, Club Chairman, was clearly much moved by the extent and beauty of the material. In summing up he stated ‘What a lovely display, I have not seen many of these issues, especially the early ones; this presentation was brief, informative and very entertaining’. He warmly thanked Kim for sharing this with the Club. |
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FDC of the BEA Air Mail Service marked "Delayed by Storm" |
Pigeon Service stamp on a "flimsy" to St Peter Port - CTO 17 July 1949 |
One of the Lifeboat series of definitives from 1959 |
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Princess Margaret overprints on the Lifeboat definitives set |
The 18th and final printing of the Local definitives on postcard |
Triangular stamp strip with missing perforationas the selvege end |
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Liberation Issue - Churchill bromide essay |
The last day of use of the local stamps, on card, 30 September 1969 |
The first day of use of the Guernsey stamps on card, 1 October 1969 |
(paul barry)
Monday 13th March - Competition Evening
There were 13 entries across all classes this evening, our Judges being welcomed to the Club for a mammoth evening!! They summed up their work with the advice that generally there was too much written material, some of it also difficult to read as it was too small. The General Class entry lost valuable marks as it had no introduction. Overall very good marks were scored with some impressive entries based on their themes, subject matter and presentation. The entries and judging results are shown in the table below. The "Best in Show" was "The ½d Post" in the Postal History Class, won by Geoff Hood. |
Traditional |
WWII Censorship of Mails |
John Garrett |
77 |
Postal History |
The ½d Post |
Geoff Hood |
94 |
The Free Frank System |
John Garrett |
93 |
Prisoner of War Mail, Army Service Corps |
Brian Quist |
75 |
Thematic |
Kew Gardens |
Chris Wheeler |
89 |
Open/Social |
John Dickinson |
Wendy Buckle |
95 |
Cheyne Walk - Artists |
Chris Wheeler |
94 |
Christmas Comes but Once a Year |
John Garrett |
84 |
I Kiss Your Hands |
Albert Jackson |
82 |
German New Guinea |
John Garrett |
67 |
Postcards |
D.M. Cards |
John Garrett |
95 |
Uniforms Worn by the Royal Corps of Transport |
Brian Quist |
89 |
Postcrossing |
Chris Wheeler |
78 |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 27th March - Southampton and District Philatelic Society visit us
A certain mystery always surrounds an evening when the club is to be entertained by philatelists from afar!! Keeping up this ‘exchange’ tradition always proves most worthwhile, as demonstrated by the response to this particular meeting. Three fascinating displays featured, the first being ‘Bishop’s Waltham’ by Mike Batty (his own village!!) who produced a highly detailed historical and social journey through the interplay of philatelic material. Included were pre-post documents dating from 1773 onwards… cancels - some first day, red and blue wax seals, covers, letters…much to/from solicitors, printed postal stationery, bills, maps, rates, transatlantic mail and so much more. This 90 sheet display was a gem and profoundly well presented via excellent write-up and exposition. Brian Hague followed after the customary break, with his superb ‘Jutlandia’ study. Launched in 1934, this Danish cargo ship clearly had an eventful history. After considerable cargo work, the ship was provided by the government to act as a hospital ship in the Korean War, manned by volunteers. Again a wonderful write-up, the display took in photos, covers, airmails, postcards, details of cargoes and routes. A menu card was of interest too, as were the letters to/from crew members. The final presentation came from John Berridge…’Hindenburg Air Ship’. …mainly in the 1936/7 period. This visual feast included construction details, air-stamps, mini-sheets, covers, letters, photos, tickets, technical information and routes. The airship achieved 140 Atlantic crossings, 130k passengers, one million miles...a real business competitor. Its first trans-Atlantic flight in 1936 to South America was well documented, as were later navigations and of course the final disaster…the fire/crash in the USA, in May 1937. Some 300 covers exist from this very flight!! Here were displayed numerous philatelic gems, some being unique items.
Bob Small warmly thanked the three speakers and showed much enthusiasm for the material shared, much of which would have been a considerable challenge to collect. Again, as Chairman, he was able to show much appreciation and the Club greatly endorsed the presentation of engraved whisky tumblers…only sorry they were not suitably filled since Bob had not travelled to his Scottish distillery in a while!!
The four visitors from Southampton
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Postcard sent to Denmark from Marseille in 1939, with image of the Jutlandia |
The Jutlandia as a hospital ship |
The Royal Yacht Jutlandia |
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1820 wrapper from Bishops Waltham to Margate |
Detail of the Redirection Mark (in red) |
1848 Cover from Odiam to Bishops Waltham, whilst it was a Receiving House |
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President Hindenburg on a stamped postcard |
Philatelic cover from the Netherlands to Southern Rhodesia, with Hindenburg cachet |
Cover carried on the final flight of the Hindenburg in 1937 |
(paul barry)
Results of the Interclub Competition, held at Ferndown on Saturday 8 April 2017
% |
Bridport |
General |
G1 |
Falkland Isles Discovery & Settlement |
69 |
14.8 |
1ST |
Postal History |
PH1 |
Warsaw City Post - Local Handstamps 1916-1918 |
79 |
Ferndown &
West Moors |
Open Social |
O1 |
Cheyne Walk Artists |
65 |
13.8 |
3RD |
General |
G2 |
The Halfpenny Post - Postage Rate of British Mail 1870-1940 |
73 |
Poole |
Postal History |
PH3 |
Latvia at War - 1919-1920 |
75 |
14.5 |
2ND |
Thematic |
T1 |
A Day Out at Kew Gardens |
70 |
Bridport won the Interclub Trophy
Bernard Paull won the Peter Owden Trophy for the best individual exhibit
Monday 10 April - "6 in 2", Stamps Only
Vice Chairman Terry Kirkman welcomed the membership and invited by show of hands the number of displays to feature. Hugh Jefferies led the team onto the pitch with his fascinating contribution ‘Chalon Heads’. Hugh has a particular interest in the world of varieties- shades, papers, watermarks and perforations and his study of Chalon Heads certainly enabled this focus. Attractive used Victorian stamps from Natal, New Zealand and Queensland were particularly well represented….all 6 pages having been freshly removed from their album home. Don Seaby never fails to contribute and his ‘China’ study of Mao modern issues was interesting. Now of some considerable value, he explained that at the time of production, their confetti style receipt by dealers received little enthusiasm….fortune tellers slipped up there big time!! John Case demonstrated his love of colourful issues and this was certainly noted with his ‘Solomon Islands’ display. He shared his enthusiasm for the topics covered… ‘Titanic’, ‘Whales’, ‘Island Flora & Fauna’, ‘Butterflies’, Airbus’, ‘Lighthouses’ and ‘Koalas’….all stamps being presented within mint and mini-sheet contexts. John Garrett equally appreciates philatelic colour and beauty and this was well demonstrated in his ‘Papua New Guinea’ display of modern issues, where his ‘butterflies and moths’ content was easily observed. Don Symonds’ ‘Helvetia’ also promoted bright, colourful mint stamps, from the period 1935-49, His ‘costumes’ theme was especially noteworthy. ‘Sweden’ was Bill Laird’s consideration, in the period 1920-95. Here were presented booklets, coil-stamps, perforations and mini-sheets. Spence Coaker has a great knowledge of early ‘Hong Kong ‘stamps and his superb showcase was finely written-up in pleasing flowing script. He covered 1862 onwards and included interesting o/printed and perfinned items. The display was underscored by a consideration of commerce and this theme was promoted by his displayed book ‘Traders of Hong Kong: Some Foreign Merchant Houses, 1841-99’. Chris Wheeler completed this engaging evening with his display entitled ‘Australian Artists on Stamps’. Fresh from his riveting visit to the National Gallery, Chris was inspired to display beautiful related stamps…singles/mini-sheets…Aboriginal art and impressionistic work being particularly featured. His presentation was further enhanced by his regular use of black sheets…creating a visual feast. The meeting concluded with a small but well attended sale, having more than double the number of punters seen at the Club’s Annual Fair auction two days previously!!
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Chalon Head on Queensland 9d green |
Artist at work on the Mao Poem set |
Lake of Lugano, pro juvente, 1929 |
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Solomon Islamn m/s Endangered Species |
Hong Kong Trader perfin |
Australia Impressionist (Streeton) Specimen |
(paul barry)
Monday 24 April - "World War I Censorship" - Graham Mark
In summing up the Club’s appreciation of this remarkable presentation, Chairman Bob Small stated…’Well Graham: what can I say?? What an absolutely fascinating display of World War I censorship material!’ Certainly it would be hard to picture a more extensive collection and so very professionally promoted both in terms of display and description. In Graham’s book published in 2000, entitled ‘British Censorship of Civil Mails during World War I, 1914-1919', we are immediately made aware that this is a huge and deep philatelic study. Members were entertained by a section of his most specialised collection built up over many years. It was clear from the outbreak of hostilities that there was a chronic need for censorship, yet the Post Office was not ready to implement any sort of controls. Labels were quickly introduced and these took a number of forms both in size, colour and length of use, these included those marked ‘Censor’ and ‘Opened by Censor’. These labels were used on both UK mail and on inbound ‘Enemy’ mail. Internment mail was also covered. Numerous examples of all these were displayed, together with an interesting section on ‘French Censored Mail’. Graham described how French censors came to London to read/approve/adjust their national mail, employing their own handstamps. Some covers displayed depicted two censor marks –French and UK! A study of ‘postal rates’ featured, together with ‘1914 Postage Due Stamps’, ‘CoD’ introduction and ‘Temporary Post Offices, April, 1914’. In mounting this well written-up display, Graham included a wide range of material, including Postmaster General’s notices, covers, letters, postcards, printed stationery, registered mail, labels, wax seals, a study in associated postmarks and original articles from the ‘Illustrated London News’. A fine presentation indeed which promoted much interest and discussion. Absent Members missed a treat!!
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Graham explaining slogan postmarks and their withdrawal |
The GPO 'Secret Censorship Letter Office', from the ILN, 1844 |
Example of a Late Fee cover |
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Photograph of the setting up of the first meter machine in 1922 |
Cover with continuous impression slogan for War Bonds, 1918 |
Meter cover with GWR slogan, added in a second process, 1926 |
(paul barry)
Monday 8 May - A.G.M. and Trophy Presentations
The evening began with the AGM, competently run by the Chairman, with the various officers of the Club providing their reports and answering questions from the floor. This was followed by presentation of the many awards won at the 13 March Club Competitions, with the Best in Show being awarded to Geoff Hood for his entry "The ½d Post". A social and auction completed the evening.
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The Chairman giving his report |
Wendy receiving her award |
Geoff receiving "The Best in Show" trophy |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 23 May - "Perkins Bacon, the company and their work"
Chris Harman RDP, Hon FRPSL
Following a fire at his home in the 1970s, with his insurance pay-out, Chris began a new collection. His interest in early postal history was keen and ‘private posts’, printer’s samples of Perkins Bacon and the unusual, including stamps in blocks, were all to the fore. He found that there were ‘masses of stamps’ but few in ‘nice condition’. His main principle has been to ‘select for quality –rather than rarity’. Chris outlined in some detail the story of Perkins Bacon, which he stated is really ‘the story of the Penny Black’. Club members learnt much …the company was in fact American. Jacob Bacon was essentially an inventor who came to England with a small group, including an engraver and an engineer. The date…1819 saw the company pitching for a Bank of England banknote contract. The company began here with a bank contract, not a philatelic brief. There was no doubt that their engraving work was superb, of the highest order. The presentation, much enjoyed by members, contained wonderful sample designs in line engraving. A report such as this can only just hint at the quality and breadth of the collection. A feast pummelled the eyes!! Following a section of coloured printing, 1d blacks and 2d blues were hugely represented…’ivory heads’!!! with 1841 1d reds and 2d blues featuring, leading on to an impressive section on perforated stamps. Early handstamps on covers were studied, followed by a selection of the first colonial printings…Trinidad and Mauritius. As has been indicated PB were great engineers, but not great business people…and this Achilles’ Heel was to be their downfall, soon losing the Crown Agents’ contract. To give a taste…New Brunswick in impressive blocks were displayed first, followed by Chile (1853), then Cape of Good Hope triangulars, early issues of Australian States and Tasmania, including considerations of London v. local printings… yes… and so much more!! Die proofs, locally sourced papers and watermarks took their place also. A study was made of the differing philatelic requirements of individual Colonies. All in all much very scarce material was shared. Perkins Bacon really only thought in terms of imperforated work. Perforating was required, yet this proved to be a major problem for the company. Their printing plates were not built around such a consideration. Hand perforating was therefore required. Eventually PB acquired a line perforating machine and the display contained a fascinating study of the success in perforating and otherwise. Eventually the company’s contract was given to De la Rue, who initially struggled with perforating, but saw more success by 1863. The presentation concluded with a fascinating section - ‘odds & sods’ in which revenue stamps were presented, including locally produced revenues….scarce!!
Acting Club Chairman -Terry Kirkman awarded the task of ‘vote of thanks’ to none other than Hugh Jefferies, who could barely get to his feet, such was the effect of viewing so much overwhelming material. Hugh said it had always been a hope, in his capacity of Programme Secretary, to book Chris at some point, but for years he had failed the test. However finding himself in a bar in Chris’ company he managed to bag his catch, exclaiming that –‘I’ve got to see some of this collection’! Hugh stated that it was well worth the wait…’the great rarity and quality is amazing!‘ His favourite was Australian Convict Mail….now one wonders why?!!!
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The John Richardson Printings |
New Zealand Two Pence Blue |
Queensland One Penny |
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Sample Bank Note |
Geometric Lathe Engraving, with Code, from the Proof Book of Alfred Deacon, engraver |
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Half a Crown Revenue Stamp as Fee for Hiring a Guildhall Consulting Room, Southampton |
Chris Harman RDP, Hon FRPSL receiving his Appreciation Award from Hugh Jefffries |
(paul barry)
Monday 12 June - 6 in 2 - Postcards only
On 12 June eight members presented six frames of postcards on a variety of themes, starting with David Parsons who had obtained a collection of Jersey postcards which had laid unknown in a chemist’s shop for several decades. These covered local scenes and postcard humour, all by the artist William Stocker Shaw of Shepherds Bush. Don Seaby followed with a collection of twelve postcards from 100 years ago showing scenes and events from the West Midlands, including the coal mine disaster of 1908 and the then current railway and fire stations in West Bromwich. Mike Trickett put up twelve cards depicting scenes from France, notably Dinard and the tidal flow electricity generating barrage, the Barrage de la Rance. Terry Kirkman displayed cards relating to advertising of Edwardian Shows, Films and Concerts and the stars who performed in them. John Garrett covered the six Bournemouth stations that had existed over time with some quite rare views of them and the trains that ran in those days. Chris Wheeler illustrated the Channel Tunnel, with its planning, construction, under water joining up and eventual massive terminals with their turning circles and storage lines on both sides of the Channel. John Duckworth produced some amazing postcards of Dorset Villages, with the scenes on one side and the messages and cancellations on the other. Finally, Bob Small displayed a collection he had “borrowed” from his wife showing scenes from Hamworthy and Old Poole.
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The original Hamworthy Bridge |
NALGO Holiday Camp, Croyde |
St Giles Post Office - Picture |
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Gaiety Girl |
Christchurch Station |
St Giles Post Office - Cancellation |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 26 June 2017 - "War and Peace" - Tony Hickey
Beginning with the Treaty of Versailles, with all its imperfections, speaker Tony Hicks set the scene at the Club’s June meeting as he began a profoundly detailed presentation on ‘War & Peace’. Clearly, as Chairman Bob Small pointed out in his later vote of thanks, this Treaty ‘has much to answer for…’ Tony traced by frequent philatelic means, the main causes and events leading to the 2nd World War. He outlined the expansion of Germany, the rise of Hitler and the various alliances and invasions were covered. He supported his talk with numerous stamps of the period, including ‘propaganda’ issues. The main episodes of the war were covered, including Japan’s involvement. A consideration of the main conferences were highlighted…Quebec, Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam and many more. The Japanese Surrender was particularly focussed on.
The second half of the presentation considered the closing months of the war and the emerging peace. Allied occupation stamps were strongly represented in the display, so too were ‘Victory’ issues, being those of Brazil, and various European countries. Also featured were ‘celebrations’ and ‘liberation’ issues, together with a major section on ‘Heroes’, of which Russia, France, Israel and USA were particularly represented. Most stamps were mint and many over-printed, with postcards, covers, photos and maps supporting the wonderful presentation. Perhaps the ‘star’ exhibit was a peace leaflet from an air-drop campaign.
Bob Small thanked Tony for his ‘very well researched presentation and the sheer quality of displays….brilliant!’
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Adolf Hitler, 1889-1945 |
German Stamp - Britain and France Declare War, 3 September 1939 |
Nicaragua 75 Centavos - From the Atlanticf Charter Series, 1941 |
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Nicaragua 25c - Roosevelt and Churchill, 1941 |
Joseph Tito of Yugoslavia on miniature sheet |
Polish stamp froma set commemorating the capture of Monte Cassino in Italy by the Polish Forces on 8 May 1944 |
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Polish stamp commemorating the liberation of Warsaw from the Germans in 1944 |
Postcard depicting Brandenburg Gate |
One of a set ot Turkey stamps featuring the Surrender of Japan, on board USS Missouri |
paul barry
Monday 10 July 2017 - Members - 6 in 2 - "U", "V" and "W" are for.........."
Spence Coker opened the evening with six sheet about the Treaty Ports of Hong Kong, notably those on the Shangtung Peninsular. Weihaiwei in the north-east of China, was a leased territory of the United Kingdom from 1898 until 1930. The capital was Port Edward. This was followed by a display from Chris Wheeler of the 21 banned Donald McGill postcards, obtained from the Museum featuring his life and work on the Isle of Wight which the Poole & Bournmouth Stamp & Postcard Club recently visited as part of their Club's 50th anniversary celebrations. Wendy Buckle followed this with six pages of covers demonstrating postal covers and cancellations from the the city of Valka on the Latvian border, whilst under different jurisdictions, and two TPOs. Mary Hood displayed a set of postcards showing the ship Victory, with what life was like onboard, its history from 1765, and also HMS Vernon and the Royal Yacht Victoria. Geoff Hood took the topic Undeliveralble Mail, showing various examples of inscriptions on covers explaining why various items could not be delivered.
John Duckworth gave a fascinating story of a soldier, lost in battle,with the various correspondence between the relatives, the War Office and eventually the soldier himself on his return from a prisoner of war camp. John Dimond covered many issues from the United Arab Emirates,closing with a set of stamps withdrawn on their day of issue due to the date in Arabic being printed the wrong way round. Various historic Views of Bournemouth was presented by Bill Laird. Then John Garrett displayed six well written-up sheets of covers passed by censor that had travelled on the clipper ships from Australasia to Europe during World War II. David Parsons then treated us all to an incredible display of Ugandan Missionary stamps, some produced on the only typewriter in Uganda,and then later typeset issues. As a bonus he showed us a FDC of stamps sent from Australia to King George V, with the question, "how did this cover escape from the Royal Collection?". Hugh Jefferies then demonstrated Used Abroad, again featuring the Hong Kong Treaty Ports which he had been collecting for several decades. Don Seaby also went to Australia showing postmarks, perfins and postage dues from Victoria. The evening closed with Mike Trickett's six sheet display of Unpaid mail and UNESCO stamps.
The Chairman closed, expressing his delight at the number and quality of entries.
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Undelivered Mail with marking "Represented: Still dead", 15 November 1973 |
United Arab Emirates - withdrawn stamps due to the date in Arabic being the wrong way round |
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Very rare block of 4 Ugandan Missionary typewritten stamps from the 1890s |
Very rare block of mixed value Ugandan Missionary typewritten stamps from the 1890s |
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FDC from Canberra to King George V, with the Royal Seal on the reverse |
Detail of FDC from Canberra to King George V, with the Royal Seal on the reverse |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 24 July, 2017
"South West Africa" - Tony Howgrave-Graham FRPSL
Hugh Jefferies, our Man from… not UNCLE, but of SG fame, has a remarkable knack of securing not only excellent speakers for our programme, but for teasing-out little known or obscure topics!! From the outset, Members were assured of a quality evening –quality of material and quality of presentation, whereby the former was frequently scarce and the latter write-up being both neat, precise and informative. Tony briefly sketched out a geographical backdrop and spoke a little of a recent holiday to this far flung corner of Africa. This clearly is a huge and fascinating area. The major thrust of the display and excellent level of knowledge was centred around the years of the First World War. Reflecting Germany’s hunger to be a colonial power, albeit late in the day, the inevitable conflict was to be experienced. Tony traced the progress, or otherwise, of the war in this vast SW location, relying heavily on mainly philatelic material to ‘tell the story’. There was a wealth of maps, covers, letters, registered, postage dues, postcards, official forms, printed stationary and illustrated envelopes, telegrams, newspaper cuttings, photos, and a very considerable focus on ‘Cancels’ , of which many were military, popping up in some cases for the briefest of use in tiny and remote locations. Any philatelist wanting to make this a serious study area would have a life-time’s occupation!! In the earlier conflict period, posts were greatly restricted both in and out, not helped by a rebellion of German generals! Britain has a habit of nose-poking and so this here was yet another arena in which to bloody noses! All the usual hallmarks of conflict abounded…field post-offices, (German) propaganda, censor marks and mail, etc. The occasional amusing aside crept in…for example when Tony spoke of the vast German aviation machine…eg three aircraft, of which only one flew in battle!! Of note was the fact that the pilot had no bombs to delight his enemy, only shells which were hand launched from the cockpit. Most shells seemed to refuse to explode on impact, the angle of strike being inappropriate. He then had the brainwave of dropping these by parachute. The slight problem then being the fact that intended victims saw them coming and had time to avert disaster!! (No wonder we won!!). Back to philatelic matters…Tony displayed a major section on the surrender, military camps, including those for civilians and the post war experience where Allied forces were in charge. Eventually the postal services were under civilian control and in this period, military cancels continued to be used, of which some are’ ‘exceedingly rare’. A further section dealt with most interesting ‘railway cancels’ and scarce German marks. The Red Cross was again employed and evidence of this was to be seen in terms of in/out mail. The final section considered the issued stamps, (mint) suitably overprinted, some hen’s teeth examples, where issue had barely lasted a month….one could go on…!!
Bob Small made numerous notes, such was his interest and desire to suitably appreciate the evening’s presentation. In thanking Tony, he particularly commented on ‘the PoW covers, lovely letters and great cancels…an excellent postal history on SW Africa’.
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Map of South West Africa during WW1 |
Hand drawn postcard showing a German plane flying over the writer's military camp, 1915 |
6 May 1901 registered cover with railway cancel |
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20 September 1916 philatelic cover with all values to 1/- |
Overprinted stamps from 1923 |
Tony with his certificate |
(Paul Barry)
Monday 14 August, 2017
9 in 4 Anything GB - Members
At first glance, one would be hard pressed to find a link or similarity between this well regarded philatelic organisation and the Victorians! An example…the great age of Members!!? Well no….well not quite yet! The connection has to be found in the Club’s never ending capacity to enjoy itself by creating its own amusements and entertainment. Tonight’s meeting was no exception. No less than 11 Members stepped forward to contribute to a fascinating evening on the subject of ‘Anything GB’. First out of the trap was Charles Lennard with a superbly written-up display of early postal history, which included considerations of ‘Mulreadies’, covers having wax seals and parcel post labels. David Parsons was hot on his heels with an offering of mainly early/mid 20th century material. An interesting 1921 cover to the USA, was eclipsed by a 1941 military letter…to a private based in India, where there was much evidence to show the postal authorities’ difficulty in finding him…a familiar story of that age. A further feature was the inclusion of a printed ‘Albert Hall’ postcard and cover. Don Seaby provided a wonderful feast for the eyes with his 1887 Jubilee series, where multiples of each value were presented. For those familiar with this issue, this was bound to be a most colourful collection, keeping in mind the frequent bi-coloured printings, Don drew attention to details such as colour runs, cancels, perfins and parcel post labels. ‘Cricket’ stamp cancels and ‘Westbrom’ covers added to the mix. (All stoking the envy of the writer!!) ‘Early GB Line Engraved ‘was Hugh Jefferies’ chosen area, with a beautiful examination of coloured cancels. John Garrett provided a fascinating display on ‘Aviation’. His well written-up presentation focussed on early aviators, including T. S. Rolls, and photos and postcards on the subject of ‘The Bournemouth Centenary Air Show’. A fine display from Bill Laird took the subject ‘The Wembley Exhibition’. 1924 and 1925 issues were well covered and slogan postmarks, of which many exist, were much to the fore. The collection was further enhanced by printed stationery, an official guide and of immense interest (and some value), a superb original coloured poster, seldom seen. Following a goodly break for coffee and viewing, John Duckworth provided a study on the WWI civilian camps set up on the Isle of Man and St Kilda. This took in covers, postcards and correspondence. Chris Wheeler took a much more local theme…that of ‘Salisbury Railway Station’. His photos and postcards were most informative and the terrible speed derailment at the station gained attention. David Sadler provided early covers and postcards from his considerable collection. If one wishes to gain insights into the secretive and elusive world of KGV dies/shades in the period 1914-24, Bob Small is the man to find! His all mint/marginals revealed a huge (‘astronomic’) range of varieties within the 1/2d value, all….. green!! Paul Lear took members on a variety of cruises with his ‘Cunard’ presentation via colourful stamps, postcards and pictorial covers, complete with an enticing travel brochure. A major focus was on the considerable fleet of vessels, launched over the years.
In concluding the evening, Chairman Bob Small spoke of the range and content of material being ‘exceptional’. He said this was ‘yet another justification for including ‘9 in 4’ events in a tightly packed programme.'
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Map of the Great Exhibition, 1914 |
British Empire Cancellation on Cover from Portsmouth, 1924 |
Cottages in Ringwood |
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Cover from Oundle to outer village with four strokes representing 4d |
Letter from pupil at Oundle School in 1904 about the Fathers and Sons Cricket Match |
Last? letter from St Kilda, 19 June 1930 before the island was evacuated |
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Postcard from an internee in the Internment Camp in the Isle of Man to Germany |
Facsimile of a postcard from an internee in the Internment Camp in the Isle of Man to Germany |
Christmas postcard from an internee in the Internment Camp in the Isle of Man to Germany |
(paul barry)
Monday 11th September, 2017 - "6 in 2" - Your choice- Members
This fascinating evening provided members with no less than 13 displays, covering a wide spectrum of interest. ‘GB Victorian Jubilee’ was Paul Barry’s postal history contribution, making excellent use of a range of captivating covers. He briefly outlined reasons for collecting this area and provided insights into acquisition. Stars of display were a red & green 1/- on cover to Boston, USA… a scarce single franking and a beautifully colour printed gun cartridge advertising cover, sent to Stirling. Terry Everett ‘took on board’ a ship theme with lovely early scripted letters, a gem being a 1770 ship letter to Scotland. John Davis shared his newly adopted interest in all things ‘Venice’! Explaining that his collection was at the ‘very early stages’, he provided a glimpse of the city in cameos via stamps, covers, postcards and mini-sheets, together with a serviette, sugar wrappers and old/new receipts from no less an establishment than Café Florin in St Mark’s Square, estab. 1720!! (Watch this space for the emergence of a huge and superbly well researched presentation). ‘Kowloon’, part of Hong Kong, was Spence Coaker’s study, using covers, some with blue registration labels. Following hotly on the tail of a recent ‘Fake or Fortune’ television episode, Chris Wheeler promoted the work of famous Australian impressionist artist ‘Tom Roberts’. He made effective use of stamps, covers and delightful postcards from the National Gallery, Sydney. Under the heading ‘Dorset Postcards & Postmarks’, John Duckworth displayed early postcards from 1900s. To the fore were those of the Weymouth/Portland railway, with a delightful now long lost depiction of Rodwell Station, and another of Spettisbury Station. West Lulworth and Tyneham were also featured. Bill Laird shared a small part of his fascinating early postcard collection. A Pears Soap ‘Bubbles’ card easily took the eye, together with those of 1914 Bournemouth Cherries, an early Ryde card and the 1927 Royal Tour of Australia. Perhaps the best was a Zepplin card depicting downing pilot Lieut William L Robinson. Continuing the ‘postcard theme’ was John Garrett with a sample of old Bournemouth ones, together with a few ‘saucy’ cards and two having movable eyes. Album pages are a commodity of which Hugh Jefferies has no shortage!! Tonight saw some of his ‘Victorian India’, beginning with the famous 4 anna bi-coloured stamp, of which he displayed several!!...these being the first bi-coloured printing. David Parsons shared a small section of his considerable ‘Channel Islands’ collection. Items included a ‘miss-sent’ Jersey to USA and a Guernsey cover of 1886 to Rio. There then followed a study of Sweden by Chas Lennard –all early, including Copenhagen – Malmo (one a TPO) and Latvian/Estonian covers. Don Seaby presented railway themed cards, including some linked to Scotland and IoW. The concluding input came from Bob Small with his ‘Battle of Taranto’ (11th Nov 1940 Italy) stamps and covers. He supported these with an eloquent naval history lesson, focussing on the ‘Fairey Swordfish’ in particular…the first ship to ship attack ever…stamps, covers and maps supporting the theme.
Summing up Chairman Bob stated…’Yet again we are not disappointed’.
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1/- red and green GB Jubilee Issue on cover to Boston, USA |
1901 advertising cover for a gun cartridge manufacturer, sent to Stirling with 1½d green |
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Multi-stamp franking on cover to Sweden |
Postcard from Venice to Russia, arriving 9 days before it was posted, due to the 13 day Russian calendar difference! |
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1777 ship cover to Lymington |
(paul barry)
Stampex, September 2017
It is with great delight that we congratulate John Davis on winning a Large Gold for his Tin Can Mail Competition entry at Stampex, September 2017 |
25th September 2017 - "Border Changes in the Balkans" - Rex Dixon FRPSL
The subject of the Balkans may well be a grey area for most and certainly this lack of clarity and understanding is likely to persist among philatelists, despite the very best intentions of our eminent speaker for the evening. Rex Dixon FRPSL. Or… is this difficulty just a problem for the writer here?! Rex covered the historical/political 20th century period in this much troubled region with great ability and knowledge and underpinned his presentation by the sharing of superb scarce philatelic material. Particularly around the WW2 period, border changes were as numerous as confetti!! These were occasioned by Germany’s aggression and the many pacts and alliances established at that time, making our dear Mr Trump to look like a mere sideshow! Such evenings for the Club usually begin with a damn good map, and tonight was no exception! The writer for one, he suspects, was soon lost in a mire of dates, military conquests, agreements, countries and ‘carving-ups’, but his attention was certainly kept alive by frequently exquisite displays of overprinted stamp issues – many in blocks of 4, correspondence, covers, postcards and photos. (Do study the photographic evidence). Rumania proved to be the central part of the story. Having gained much territory around 1918/20, huge land losses were experienced in 1940. Albania between the wars depended on Italy for infrastructure and economy, however with the Italian invasion, followed by German invasion of Greece, launched from Albania, the region’s borders and influences saw much subsequent adjustment.
The second half presentation included looking at personalities, particularly those of King Carol and his son Prince Michael and with his succession, the establishment of the Government of National Unity. With the fall of Mussolini, the Germans took control of much Italian territory. Despite all these upheavals there and throughout the Balkan region it is amazing that not only postal administrations operated, but that numerous commemorative issues were achieved, many suitably overprinted. The evening’s presentation was certainly an in-depth study of a most miserable slice of European history, greatly enhanced by superb delivery and philatelic quality. In thanking Rex on behalf of the Club, Committee Member Albert Jackson showed much admiration and appreciation and stated that it would have taken ages to gather such material together, adding: ‘no one could cover so well via philately this complex period of history’. |
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The Balkans Land Grab |
Two "Little Entente" overprinted Romanian stamps, 1936 |
Operation Marita - Germany occupies Greece, 1941 |
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Bulgaria occupies Greece later in 1941 |
Occupation of Kosovo, 1943 |
Croatian Coast Liberation Stamp, 1943 |
(paul barry)
Saturday 30th September - HAMPEX, Wickham
A very active scene presented itself to the visitor on arrival, the hall full of dealers and buyers, the kitchen busy and when the time came for the awards for the Competition Entries to be presented there was a reasonable attendance to witness and congratulate the successful participants, though sadly few were actually there to receive their trophies and medals.
Paul Barry accepting awards on behalf of absent winners
Hampshire Philatelic Federation - Hampex - Competitions 2017 - Awards
Jan Kaluksi Trophy (best 32 sheet exhibit at the Show) |
A Jackson, Ferndown & West Moors PS |
Howard White Society Trophy |
Ferndown & West Moors Philatelic Society |
Howard White Individual Trophy |
W Buckle, Ferndown & West Moors PS |
Hampshire Sixteen Cup |
P Mills, Winchester DPS |
Postal History Salver |
JH Jones, Southampton DPS |
Presland Aerophilatelic Salver |
A Jackson, Ferndown & West Moors PS |
Hiscock Thematic Trophy |
H Morgan, Chichester DPS |
Open Philately Award |
B Hague, Southampton PS |
Hampshire Hog President's Trophy |
n/a |
Frank Pegley Thematic Trophy |
n/a |
(chris wheeler)*************************************************************
Monday 9th October 2017
Postal Stationery, Cinderellas and 'Back of the Book' - Members
When the chairman asked who had brought along material, he was somewhat disappointed to see that only 4 people had responded. Maybe this could have been put down to the description in the programme which may have put some members off. Perhaps we need to explain what Cinderella and Back of the Book means in future.
However the 4 displays that followed certainly prompted intense interest.
First off the blocks was Geoff Hood with a most unusual display of postal stationery, but with a difference: the stamps on the stationery items had been cut out and mounted. Geoff insisted that he had not purposely vandalised these items! The embossed stamps were mainly produced for envelopes and consisted of 1d and 2p stamps.
In 1885 more values were introduced up to one shilling. Other examples came from the letterpress used for postcards where the rate for overseas was 1 ¼ d. Registered post provided more examples and finally newspapers wrappers produced the elongated stamps used to wrap round the paper.
John Duckworth followed with a broad look at the Jubilee Penny Post starting with an invitation to the Guildhall in London; stationery cards and special cancellations were all part of the celebrations, however there was always the fear of caricatures being produced and sure enough some of these were on display. At the end of the celebratory year even Christmas cards were introduced with all the proceeds going to the Rowland Hill Trust,
Don Seaby started off with some postal stationery of the Isle of Wight before concentrating on Cinderella material promoting the Boy Scout and Girl Guide movement. The display was not confined to stamps but also postcards issued by Bournemouth Stamp Auctions and Stanley Gibbons.
Bringing up the rear Hugh Jefferies produced 9 sheets of Indian Officials. The earliest ones were using East India Company stamps overprinted but subsequent issues were printed as Indian stamps. Unlike the British cancels on high values which were usually perfectly centred and clear, the high values on the Indian telegraphic officials left a lot to be desired.
An auction followed after the interval.
Terry Kirkman
Monday 23rd October 2017
"Napoleonic Prisoners of War Mail" - Richard Farman
A very rich feast awaited Members on this dark and cold October evening. Programme Secretary Hugh Jefferies had yet again secured the services of a first rate speaker, Richard Farman. Here was presented a very extensive and superbly written up collection of naval social history. Many items were unique and provided insights into the life and times of the period. Members came to appreciate that such postal history informs historians’ stock of knowledge, and as a source, it is a much valued tool. The photographs depicted here provide just a glimpse of extent, quality and rarity of exhibits. A number of Members are collectors of this philatelic area and were therefore highly impressed by material shown and content of discourse. Chairman Bob Small is most certainly part of this august group and in his summing up and vote of thanks he did not attempt to mask his sheer delight in the evening’s presentation.
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The New HMS Ville de Paris |
Letter written by seaman on board Bodicia, off Falmouth, with 1/8d postage, 4th January 1798 |
Sheerness Dockyard |
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Seaman's letter written to HMS Podargus at Sheerness, 15th March 1813, at concessionary rate |
A Free letter to Kent from HMS Warrior of Texel during the Napoleonic Wars, 1813 |
Waterloo Subscription, with Free postage dated 19 June 1816 |
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Letter written during the American War of Independence, 1779 |
POW letter to Cornwall from Givet in France, taking 203 days to deliver |
One of Brian Hawkins' illustrated military covers, posted in Gatwick, 2002 |
(paul barry)
Monday 13 November, 2017 - 6 in 2 Thematic, The Sea
This evening of ‘home entertainment’ was again a most enjoyable event in a packed programme. Committee members had anticipated a poor auction, having seen a considerable downturn in consigned material in past months. This was not to be. A very sizeable quantity of lots were received, many of really worthwhile content. This auction proved most successful with a fair number of happy bidders, later grasping bags and boxes and staggering home in the damp and misty night!! Now to the earlier thematic input. A total of ten displays were shared, again with diverse themes. Gerald Scanlon produced a study of modern stamps on the subject of ‘The Royal Australian Navy’, which included a delightful mini-sheet depicting 10 different ships, issued in 2011. ‘Seaplanes’ followed the nautical theme. Here John Duckworth described a troubled long distance flight of a Dornier Do-x to South America in November, 1930, reaching Rio six months later. Chichester’s aviation exploits were also celebrated. 'Famous Liners’ was the topic pursued by Chris Wheeler. He considered famous ships via stamps and postcards, including ‘Titanic’, ‘Empress of Britain’ and ‘France’…to name a few. With his naval background, Spence Coaker was well placed to take on the theme ‘Over the Sea, On the Sea, Under the Sea’ making interesting use of stamps, postcards and covers. Old postcards were well used to promote Mike Trickett’s contribution on ‘Naval Images’, including Le Harve, Calais. ‘Paddle Steamers’ was well documented by John Garrett who via numerous postcards managed to convey a real sense of Bournemouth naval nostalgia. A superb sepia postcard of 1887 drew the eye…depicting a steamer at a landing stage at Lulworth. Charles Lennard considered ‘The Good Ship Arcadia’ with interesting supporting items – maps, postcards and covers. David Parsons was in good company with other holiday themed inputs with his ‘Sea-side Postcards’. These included sections on ‘Bathing Beauties’ and ‘A few Splashes from Jersey’. Don Seaby reminded Members of his extensive naval experiences. Using an all-postcard approach he referred to service on ‘HMS Tyne’ and ships in Portsmouth harbour. The final contribution came from Harry Tabbeart whose naval experiences based on lengthy service enabled him to provide another fascinating display. Via covers and ‘paquebot’ cancels a worthy glimpse was achieved of modern shipping. However one cover stood out; this depicted an illustrated cover… ‘25th Anniversary First Deck Landing Pure Jet Aircraft…HMS Ocean, 3rd Dec, 1945. ’ Now how early was that achievement?!
This ‘6 in 2’ input concluded a great first part to the evening!
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Japanese cover to Australia from a ship in Tokyo Bay at the formal Surrender Meeting, on 2 September 1945 |
Cover flown from GB to South America, then to USA on the first Dornier X Flight from 1930 to 1931 |
Crash Cover from Sir Francis Chichester's plane Gypsy Moth which crashed in the Philipinnes, 1939 |
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Hong Kong miniature sheet showing the sea bridge to Stonecutters Island |
The Packet Ship at Falmouth |
A Paddle Steamer landing at Lulworth Cove in 1861 |
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The Ariadne, a popular Finland Shipping Company vessel - advertising poster |
"Rough Seas", painted in 1497, showing Mount Orguile Castle, Jersey |
Local stamps printed to commemorate the release of the three British ships being released form the Canal at the end of the War in 1967 |
(Paul Barry)
Monday 27 November, 2017
"The Tin Can Mail of Niuafo'ou Island" - John Davis FRPSL
The Club was extremely honoured to welcome member John Davis FRPSL at the November meeting. Hotfoot from Autumn Stampex, John arrived with his superb exhibit- ‘The Tin Can Mail of Niuafo’ou Island’ a 128 A4/A3 sheet presentation where he had won a Large Gold Award. John provided background information, beginning with an understanding of Tonga/Fiji and Niuafo’ou in particular, with its international date-line status. This tiny island, one in a volcanic chain, with a previous population of 1,300 had a coconut only industry, but with no airstrip or harbour facilities, communications were difficult. Mail services in/out were achieved for some years in the early part of the last century by swimmers with sealed canisters, later via canoes, reaching out to occasional passing deep-water ships; Arthur Tindall being the inspiration of this unique postal service. Volcanic action has seen various population evacuations, the latest returning in 1958. The tin-can service continued until the construction of an airstrip and shipping facility in 1983. The evening’s display consisted of 142 sheets and made use of varied material…maps, stamps, postmarks, censor marks, covers, letters, postcards, photos and air-graphs, supported by an excellent section on the introduction of cruise ships, their covers and publicity. This indicated an on-going world-wide fascination with tin-can mail. A particular emphasis was placed on destination mail, both in/out of the island, with a number being unusual, unique or rare. This was a brilliantly researched study in its entirety, with a detailed plan, development and full bibliography, as seen in the hand-sheet provided, not to mention the high quality sheet construction and write-up.
Bob Small, wearing both a philatelic and Chairman’s hat stated in his great appreciations, doubtless shared by all-
‘some wonderful material…not surprised with the Large Gold Award, brilliant!!’
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Front cover of the book telling the story of how the first coconut tree began in Niuafo'ou |
Early 1911 postcard to Germany showing the very rugged coastline of the island |
Cover from the SS Los Angeles from the island to California, via Guam and the Philippines |
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Cover from Granville, Australia to Niuafo'ou showing an image of the island |
Very rare cover dated 11 August 1938 despatched by the cruise liner Maunganui |
Statistics showing the mail count during the Golden Age of Tin Can Mail |
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The last Tin Can Mail cover, following the Evacuation Order, December 1946 |
Cocver with handwritten message by the Postmaster explaining that the hand cancellation stamp had been destroyed by the volcano |
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Tonga's first Tin Can Mail stamps |
FDC of the resumption of the Tin Can (Canoe) Mail service in January 1962 |
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Niuafo'ou's commemorative air mail service stamps |
1940 cover sent to France via England, but returned as due to the War the England to France service was suspended |
(paul barry)
Monday 11 December, 2017
Three Sheets from Everybody
Usually the Club’s in-house entertainment is …’what it says on the tin’ and this meeting certainly kept up with tradition. 26 members took part, presenting interesting mini displays, covering a huge topic range. These included such themes as ‘Alice in Wonderland’, ‘Postcards of air and rail accidents’, ‘Les Folies-Bergere ‘on stamps, ‘Portugese Postal Stationery Cards’, Western Australia’s ‘Black Swan ‘ mid-range issues, covering colour variations, Elephants on Stamps with distribution stats and the GB Victorian Jubilee Issue, with the 1/- red/green on cover to Boston USA, a scarce and fine philatelic item. ‘Family Christmas Cards 1905-7’’ was a delightful addition. Completing the exhibits was the familiar seasonal contribution from the Club’s ‘Joker in Residence’ –Terry Kirkman, entitled ‘Christmas Crackers 2017’, whereby a carefully chosen selection of stamps were given humorous captions …a fitting finale!!
Terry Everett |
Grenada definitives |
John Davis |
Family Christmas Cards from 1905 to 1907 |
Rod Greer |
Modern Underpaid Labels from Northern Ireland to Eire and Eire to Northern Ireland |
Dave Sadler |
Military Postmarks on Egypt Covers, Ismailia Camp and Taxe Marks from 1945 |
Charles Leonard |
Three covers from West Moors to a Mr Allen in Las Palmas, and Sao Paulo |
Wendy Buckle |
Alice in Wonderland on stamps |
Geoff Bradford |
Prisoner of War cards from USA to Italy, with Red Cross assistance |
John Duckworth |
Canada, including Nova Scotia, and advertising envelopes |
Michael Mawdsley |
Definitive issues from British Honduras, before independence |
Chris Wheeler |
Postcards of air and rail accidents |
Brian Quist |
Postcards of the Scouting Movement, including Baden Powell going to War |
Denis Brown |
Portugese Postal Stationery Cards |
Carol Gregory |
Seychelles Christmas Cards and stamps |
Don Symon |
Switzerland Pro Juvente stampson genuinely used covers |
Graham Hibbs |
Manet's last major work: "The Folies-Bergère", on stamps and the Radio Times cover |
Brian Quist |
Royal Army Service Corps, WWII Christmas Cards |
Trevor Smyth |
Complete stamp sheets of the American Flag and Presidents issues |
Don Seaby |
Postage Dues on mail to Tripoli |
Hugh Jefferies |
Definitive sets of the themed issues from the Falkland Island Dependencies |
Mike Trickett |
Early Finland definitve issues under different administrations and currencies |
Harry Tabbeart |
Wide range of Cancellations on the Roussel Reservoir issue from Switzerland |
John Garrett |
Christmas card from 1894, a Lady's Dance Card wioth original pencil, etc |
Alan King |
The mid-range "black swan" issues from Western Australia, with their colour variations |
Paul Lear |
Elephants on stamps and elephant distribution statistics |
Paul Barry |
The GB Jubilee Issue including a rare cover to USA with the red and gree 1/- stamp |
Terry Kirkman |
"Christmas Crackers 2017" |
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1906 Family Christmas Card |
Underpaid label on cover from Eire to Northern Ireland |
Cover from set of 3 from West Moors to Mr Allen |
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100 year old Lady's Dance List |
POW card from USA to Italy |
Six of the Swiss cancellations |
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"Christmas Crackers 2017" |
Rare 1/- red and green on cover to USA |
Four of the Black Swan display, two with Official holes |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 18 December, 2017
Christmas Events, wine, mince pies quizzes, raffle
This, the final meeting in the Club’s 2017 calendar, proved to be excellent in all respects. A cold night did not deter too many members and those who attended this evening of festive fellowship, were well rewarded. Carol ably assisted by Alan and Don again pulled out all the stops and provided wonderful Christmas cheer. Terry, sadly absent, was the author of much enjoyed topical philatelic quizzes, one of an amusing humorous nature, quite in the ‘Kirkman’ tradition!! The evening was well rounded off with a generous Club Raffle, which left a smile on the Treasurer’s face!! Ah well!!...another most enjoyable event in the Club calendar, and one which both Chairman Bob and the Membership present fully appreciated. ‘Thanks’.
One of the Christmas Quizzes
(Paul Barry)
Monday 8 January 2018
6 in 2 - Islands - Members
Following the Chairman's New Year's Greetings, and a reminder to members what "6 in 2" and "9 in 4" meant, thirteen members put up displays on the theme of "Islands", covering an very wide interpretation of the subject, which drew long attention from the members at break time.
Chris Wheeler covered railway stamps from Union Island in the West Indies
Spence Coaker
showed covers and a postcard from Hong Kong's many islands
John Duckworth started with the One Pnny stamp from Malta, then covered many other events from Malta
Trevor displayed six definitive series including some errors from Fiji
Next was a display of Falklands Islands postal history, with covers from the period of hostilities
Bill showed covers postmarked from the many islands of the British Isles
John Garrett concentrated on covers, stationery and aerogrammmes from Papua New Guinea
Albert Jackson put up six sheets demonstrating the unique concession labels used by the air mail service in the Aegean in 1943
Rod concentrated on the islands around Ireland and some of the 'non-islands' there
Don Seaby also covered Malta, using GB stamps with the A25 cancellations, and subsequent ones from QV and KGVII
Hugh Jefferies treated us to one island country's stamps used in another island country, such as Tristan da Cunha used in Gough Island
Alan King put up some very interesting Channel Island war time occupation issues, explaining some of their hidden symbols
The evening closed with David's cover to Jersey from the Siege of Paris, and letters out of Jersey during the Occupation
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1963 cover from Mui To, Lantau Island to Taipei |
Postmaster General's deliberate error of "One Pnny", on cover |
Philatelic cover from Gough Island, which helped finance the students tour there |
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1870 letter to the Channel Islands |
Captured German gunboat off Guernsey, 1914 |
1d Jersey stamp on letter to Sir Thomas about Jersey War Stamp's hidden signs |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 22 January 2018
"Russia's International Mails" - Charles Leonard
A cold winter’s night, yet the ‘home-grown’ speaker drew a good philatelic crowd; his subject somewhat elusive for many members it would seem. This was again a superb display, made up principally of early 19th century material and extremely notable for its quality of write-up. The rich mixture of maps, commentary both written and verbal, covers, printed stationary, frankings, rates, late fees and official notices to postmasters, were just a flavour of the themes examined. Amongst the areas considered was Charles’ highly detailed study of the early development of Prussian/Russian postal services, in particular - rates, registered mail and postage dues. Around 1854 the first Russian stamps on cover appear and Club Members were much entertained by the inclusion of a number of such early examples. A considerable focus was expended on the far reaching Prussian/Russian Treaty and its postal implications. Following the first half where no less than 6 frames of 15 sheets were displayed, the evening moved to the equally expansive second half where ‘the mail between GB and Russia’ was studied in detail. Of particular interest was the fact that in the 1850s, mail took 8-10 days to travel GB/St Petersburg. By the 1870s the journey time had reduced to just 3 days and the rate was just 6d!!
Here again -a superb presentation organised by Hugh Jefferies whose mastery of the philatelic programme is hard to equal.
Thanks went to Charles from Chairman Bob Small who remarked ‘a delightful collection of Russian mail…thank you so much; we will not see a better one in a long, long time’.
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Cover from Rotterdam to St Petersberg with red "3" credit from the Netherlands and blue "W1" credit from Prussia to Russia |
1872 cover from Odessa to Genoa |
Charles Leonard being thanked by Chairman, Bob Small |
(paul barry)
Monday 12 February, 2018
6 in 2 - 20th Century Postal History - Members
A wide spread of topics were covered in the evening’s ‘in house’ entertainment. Hugh Jefferies’ covers putting Russian Estonia on the map were fascinating. Here were to be seen numerous Russian overprinted stamps. Ukraine was also represented by local provisionals, but Hugh could not verify their genuineness. Continuing the mid-European theme, Latvia was well represented. Here, Wendy Buckle explained the beginnings of the 1921 Airmail Service. 1928 saw the service extended to Russia. Wendy’s superb range of covers represented various flight routes, and all had interesting flight marks. Spence Coker shared cover items from his collection including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories, Outlying Islands and Treaty Ports. Some were very scarce covers within the 1910 – 1920 period. A special focus featured a study of branch office cancels. Also considering cancels was John Duckworth...well represented in his contribution of British Solomon Islands…delightful covers. Harry Tabeart provided… Modern Airmails, with John Garrett following on with his well written-up study of individual stamps, printed covers and postmarks from Papua New Guinea. Don Symonds shared his Swiss material, always a good collection, as was David Parsons’ ‘Postal History of the Channel Islands’ and Don Seaby’s UK postcards and covers. Concluding the evening was a superb display from Bob Small entitled- ‘Britain at War’. Members were able to celebrate here, three quality covers from the Boer War period, one being a PoW cover with a Red Cross label. Further covers were enhanced by ‘Jubilee’ stamps, with destinations including Ladysmith, Belgium and Southsea.
Bob showed much appreciation and enthusiasm for the evening’s displays by warmly thanking Members taking part.…’great variety again, indeed…a study of quality ….and superb cancels!!’
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Cover from Straits Settlements, to Bournemouth in 1941, cancelled by Naval Base in Singapore |
1940 Registered censored cover from Malta, with red wax seal intact |
Cover from The Gambia with incorrect 3d To Pay, later refunded |
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1943 FDI Pro Patria cancelled in a mobile post office |
First Overseas Commercial Flight cover from USAto London, 1945 |
Rear of the Cover with Hurn Airport receipt |
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Solomon Islands Cover with a temporary straight line cancellation |
Cover carried on the inaugral flight from Riga to Moscow, 10 August 1928 |
1898 cancelled stamp on piece from the Imperial Chinese Customs Office, Walled City, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
paul barry
Monday 26 February, 2018
"Netherlands Pot-pourri" - Peter Hardie
Being a Member of the Netherlands Study Circle, Peter was well placed to share his knowledge of Dutch philately…and what a collection to inform and inspire! Having a Dutch mother and a father employed as a head teacher of a missionary school in Java, we can see where the origins of his study were rooted. Like the GB Victorian Post Office with its obsession with possible fraudulent postal use, the Dutch administration wasted no time in experimenting with cancelling machines, an early one making use of heated dye. Following overheating in flames, further work was undertaken to ensure a successful efficient machine, capable of keeping fraud to a minimum. Peter’s display contained early examples of cancels together with a determined analysis of perfins, highlighted by superb blocks of 4 mint stamps. Fakes were discussed and examples shown to enable comparison. Plates were also part of the study, as were interrupted perforations. Also featuring was an interesting selection of business cards and postage due envelopes, designed to protect the revenue by shielding the message, prior to a payment being made! The display extended up to the 2nd World War where occupation and PoW issues were emphasised. All in all a major study of this unfamiliar philatelic area, which drew rich comments of appreciation from Chairman Bob Small…’an absolutely fascinating and riveting display of early Netherlands’ philatelic material….thank you’.
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Brandstempel cancellation on postcard |
Postage due for non-paid postcard in "secret" envelope, 1911 |
1926 Postcard with Pokus cancellation |
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Poststemmpel cancellations, towns 243 to 255 with two missing |
Dutch Legion Charity stamps on postcard, WWII |
Diamond number cancellations on Queen Willhemina first issue stamps |
(paul barry)
Monday 12th March - Competition Evening
There were twelve entries across the five Classes this evening, our two resident Judges being welcomed by the Competitions Secretary, Mike Trickett, who guided and processed the submission, judging and announcement of the result process most competently. Descriptions of the entries and details of the results will be in the report of the AGM later in the year.
Traditional |
An Issue is Born |
David Parsons |
74 |
Postal History |
Mail from Ostmark |
Albert Jackson |
80 |
Thematic |
The Bear Genus |
Chris Wheeler |
68 |
What can the Matter Be? |
Geoff Hood |
76 |
Postcards |
Switzerland |
Don Symonds |
87 |
Colehill |
Mike Trickett |
82 |
Bournemouth Air Show |
John Garrett |
88 |
Christmas Comes but Once a Year |
John Garrett |
84 |
Paddling Across the Bay |
John Garrett |
87 |
Open/Social |
The Artists of Cheyne Walk |
Chris Wheeler |
72 |
Venice - The Grand Canal |
John Davis |
59 |
1933 - 20th Congress, London |
Davis Parsons |
79 |
Leipaja - Latvia's Second City |
Wendy Buckle |
89 |
As can be seen from the above, the Overal Winner this year was Wendy Buckle with her Open Class entry "Leipaja - Latvia's Second City".
In addition there was a One Page Competition, run by Albert Jackson, judged by members, with 18 entries. This resulted in a tie of three entrants, which was resolved by a show of hands, the winner also being Wendy Buckle with her entry "Every Picture Tells a Story".
(chris wheeler)
Monday 26th March
"Transatlantic Mail 1775-1875" - Julian Jones FRPSL
The evening proved to be another highly successful event in the Club’s busy programme. Eminent Hampshire philatelist, Julian Jones, provided an in-depth study of Trans-Atlantic mail services covering much of the Georgian and Victorian periods. This presentation was underscored by superb philatelic and nautical material, much scarce or unique. Members experienced a penetrating historical lesson. Julian first outlined the operation of the Falmouth Packet which made the crossing monthly to New York…an expensive operation requiring military guard. He described how trade built up via trustworthy dealers who held funds. Here began the start of a banking system. The development of the Atlantic passage using steam assisted sailing ships saw a regular service by 1838 and a healthy increase in commerce. Cunard saw strong development by 1840. On display were ‘Freight Money Letters’ depicting no less than 5 rates. A section considered ‘Ship Marks’ and distinctive ‘Transit Marks’. During the 1840’s friction developed between the US and GB with increases in charges being much in evidence. These ‘retaliatory rates’ eventually paved the way for a treaty (1849) which put regulation in place and all parties had to accept standardised charges. Numerous other treaties were established in an effort to achieve maximum commercial advantage. Julian produced much supporting material which assisted description of a complicated web of charges, fees, including ‘late’ and registration fees, postal and accountancy and ship letter marks.
The first half of the presentation was virtually all concerned with pre-stamp material, with the remaining part of the evening detailing Trans-Atlantic philatelic interest relating to the latter part of the 19th Century. Scores of items underpinned the display, giving a real feel for the period described. Perhaps a particularly atmospheric item which provided true flavour and will have fixed in memories was a whaling-ship letter… greasy!!
This was a truly memorable event in the Club’s programme. Chairman Bob Small summed-up well by stating, ‘An absolutely fascinating display, expertly described –numerous rates, GB, US, Cunard, routes…covers and marks…all beautifully illustrated…thanks for sharing with us!’
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Ship letter to Baltimore via New York, from Liverpool, 1784 |
Wrapper from Poughkeepsie to Portsmouth via London, 1775 |
Triple rate entire 39½, London to Philadelphia, 1910 |
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Consular letter from New York, via Boston and Liverpool to Leeds carried by Cunard, 1844 |
Charing Cross packet with six stamps, to Philadelphia, 1846 |
Postcard from Boston to Oxford, via New York and Queenstown, on the "Wyoming", at the letter rate, under the 1873-1875 Treaty |
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Double letter from Southampton to Norton MA, via Liverpool and Boston on Cunard's "America" |
Cover with markings on the front and rear from New Orleans to Worcester, 1813 |
Cover with Late Fee paid at the Floating Receipt House from Liverpool to Boston, on Cunard's "Asia", with 2/-Treaty Rate and 1/- Late Fee |
(paul barry)
Monday 26th March
"Transatlantic Mail 1775-1875" - Julian Jones FRPSL
The evening proved to be another highly successful event in the Club’s busy programme. Eminent Hampshire philatelist, Julian Jones, provided an in-depth study of Trans-Atlantic mail services covering much of the Georgian and Victorian periods. This presentation was underscored by superb philatelic and nautical material, much scarce or unique. Members experienced a penetrating historical lesson. Julian first outlined the operation of the Falmouth Packet which made the crossing monthly to New York…an expensive operation requiring military guard. He described how trade built up via trustworthy dealers who held funds. Here began the start of a banking system. The development of the Atlantic passage using steam assisted sailing ships saw a regular service by 1838 and a healthy increase in commerce. Cunard saw strong development by 1840. On display were ‘Freight Money Letters’ depicting no less than 5 rates. A section considered ‘Ship Marks’ and distinctive ‘Transit Marks’. During the 1840’s friction developed between the US and GB with increases in charges being much in evidence. These ‘retaliatory rates’ eventually paved the way for a treaty (1849) which put regulation in place and all parties had to accept standardised charges. Numerous other treaties were established in an effort to achieve maximum commercial advantage. Julian produced much supporting material which assisted description of a complicated web of charges, fees, including ‘late’ and registration fees, postal and accountancy and ship letter marks.
The first half of the presentation was virtually all concerned with pre-stamp material, with the remaining part of the evening detailing Trans-Atlantic philatelic interest relating to the latter part of the 19th Century. Scores of items underpinned the display, giving a real feel for the period described. Perhaps a particularly atmospheric item which provided true flavour and will have fixed in memories was a whaling-ship letter… greasy!!
This was a truly memorable event in the Club’s programme. Chairman Bob Small summed-up well by stating, ‘An absolutely fascinating display, expertly described –numerous rates, GB, US, Cunard, routes…covers and marks…all beautifully illustrated…thanks for sharing with us!’
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Ship letter to Baltimore via New York, from Liverpool, 1784 |
Wrapper from Poughkeepsie to Portsmouth via London, 1775 |
Triple rate entire 39½, London to Philadelphia, 1910 |
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Consular letter from New York, via Boston and Liverpool to Leeds carried by Cunard, 1844 |
Charing Cross packet with six stamps, to Philadelphia, 1846 |
Postcard from Boston to Oxford, via New York and Queenstown, on the "Wyoming", at the letter rate, under the 1873-1875 Treaty |
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Double letter from Southampton to Norton MA, via Liverpool and Boston on Cunard's "America" |
Cover with markings on the front and rear from New Orleans to Worcester, 1813 |
Cover with Late Fee paid at the Floating Receipt House from Liverpool to Boston, on Cunard's "Asia", with 2/-Treaty Rate and 1/- Late Fee |
(paul barry)
Monday 9 April, 2018
9 in 4 - Great Britain and Channel Islands - Members
‘Home Grown’ presentations rarely disappoint and this evening’s entertainment was very well received.
John Duckworth presented a small, beautiful collection. This briefly covered ‘German Occupation of Guernsey’ and his presentation included several covers- one with bisected stamps (due to shortages of 2d. KGVI) and another was an interesting Red Cross envelope. He supported his contribution with a short description of wartime postage rates. For ‘railway buffs’, Charles Leonard provided a worthwhile display on ‘The Great Northern Railway’. He spoke on various railway companies and the extensive topic of ‘railway stamps’. Unusual for John Garrett, he produced no postcards but provided a ‘potpourri’ of early GB cards, including a 1894 birthday card, a ladies Dancing Card with pencil and notes of dances!!, love message cards and interesting letters. David Parsons shared C. I. Wartime Stamps which revealed differing papers. He explained the various postal rates used. There was next a fascinating display from Don Seaby considering mainly GB Victorian issues. These included 1d Reds and the later 1d lilacs, all on cover. A 5d Jubilee on registered envelope was also in the mix. The final display was supplied by Bob Small who provided a study of GB KGV 1d Reds –the letter rate in 1912. He produced 10 basic shades on the 1d and spoke of a further raft of shade variations. This just skimmed the surface of his considerable knowledge and collection! In summing up, Bob thanked everyone for bringing along their exhibits, much enjoyed.
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Souvenir Card of Guernsey Liberation |
The first day of use of the 2d bisect |
1884 redirected cover to Bombay, from Bournemouth with the B60 cancellation |
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Great Northern Railway, first printing of letter post stamp, 1906 |
10 x 1d reds on newspaper wrapper to Sydney |
Prisoner of War Post, card from Bournemouth to Changi Camp |
paul barry
Saturday 14 April
As expected, the Fair was not only a great success, but very busy during the early morning. Judging of the exhibits and display of the 274 auction lots started early, so that those attending could have the opportunity to see these displays as soon as possible.
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View of some of the Competition Entries, and some of the Auction Lots |
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The Results of the Competition |
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Afternoon Activity in the Main Hall |
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Bernard Paull accepting the Shield on behalf of the winning Club - Bridport |
Mike Trickett accepting the Trophy on behalf of Wendy Buckle, overal winner of this year's competitiuon with "Latvia Postage Dues" |
chris wheeler
Monday 23 April
Petersfield & District P S visit us
Two eloquent members of the Petersfield & District Philatelic Society entertained our large gathering of members this evening. Using a wealth of unique photographic and postcard material, Robin Pizer started the evening on the unlikely subject of German Exchange Controls. From 15 November 1918, as the War was over, the German Censor Offices were no longer required and so were closed and then immediately re-opened as Exchange Control Offices to protect the country form the influx or export by mail of items of value. He traced the establishment of the procedures and documents, including temporary and permanent labels for use by the Offices to regulate all mail going into or out of Germany, and the procedures to be followed for irregularities, bulk and express mail, mail transiting the country, the forms to be completed listing prohibited items found, and of course examples of errors and omissions in the process. Letters returned to sender, with all sorts of markings, examples of licences for mail transit, and confiscated mail were all exhibited. Where did he find all this material? One member being heard to comment “I have never seen so many ‘only one known example’ in any presentation before!”.
The second half was split into two sections, the first being about the photographer and postcard maker John William Righton from Yorkshire, born in 1857. The story was told by Tom Moorgate, and centred on the Methodist Publishing House records. After his teacher training, he left his young family and went to teach in a Methodist school in Gibraltar, but after the premature death of his wife in 1893, he returned to England, spent three months in Leeds training as a photographer, and then moved with his family to Newbury where he took over and developed a photographic business, concentrating on portraiture and the many country houses in the area. A collection of his photographs from the 1890s and 1900s was rescued by Lady Carnarvon of Highclere Castle from a sale in Crewkerne, which filled a gap in the history of the Castle and its inhabitants. He gained notoriety from that and through advertising his work built a substantial business. In 1893 he was a pioneer in the production of postcards, invented the previous year. Tom showed examples of much of this work, which Club members found fascinating. Several Series of cards were produced, such as the National Childrens Homes around the country and the Methodist Conferences, which after his death in 1821, have produced commemorative cards and cachets featuring him.
A second topic was then introduced, this being of Gospel Carts, introduced by the Wesleyans to take religion back to rural communities at the beginning of the last century, at a time when so many countryfolk were leaving for the cities. He showed many examples of different carts used, some correspondence, and some of the ministers who were involved, as well as their training school, Cliff House in Calver, Yorkshire. This was a topic never covered at Ferndown before.
Bob Small, Chairman gave the vote of thanks, as well as the certificates and awards to the two speakers who received a long round of appreciative applause.
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Wesleyan Gospel Car no 14 "Emmanuel" near Birmingham about 1905 |
Reconstructed Gospel Car, made in Petersfield in 2012 |
Postally used postcard depicting a Gospel Cart |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 28th May, 2018
"1936 Berlin Olympic Games" - Tony Bosworth FRPSL
Tony took us through all the stages leading up to the Winter Olympics in February 1936 including all the ups and downs - especially Hitler of course. There was lts of wonderful propaganda material, as you would expect, extolling the virtues of the Ayrian, and the German authorities turning a blind eye w3hen and where necessary. There was the usual German efficiency, very well organised by all the German authorities involved with the Games. In the second half Tony explained that there were a number if firsts for the Olympics - 3,010 runners were required, each to run 1km in passing the torch from Athens to Berlin.
The Graf Zeppelin flew over the Olympic stadium on the opening day, 1st August 1936 and dropped leaflets at precisely midday. There was also lots of other philatelic and ephemera associated with other sporting venues for the Olympics. The first and second events were won by a German female and German male athlete in the javelin event. The 3rd gold medal was won by a certain Jesse Owens of the USA. Contrary to popular belief Hitler did not turn his back on this black athlete, but shook his hand. There was a chess competition in 1936.
All in all a very enjoyable and entertaining evening for the 21 members who braved it to turn up on a Bank Holiday Monday. Tony spoke very siccinctly and knowledgeably about his wonderfuldisplay which contained many unique and fascinating items, which everybody enjoyed enormously.
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German Team Badge, Berlin, 1934 |
Cover to New York via the Hindenberg, with Olympic handsamp cancellations, 1936 |
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Block of four, Winter Olympiad |
"Delayed Action" cartoon |
Dresden 1936 Poster |
(Bob Small)
Monday 11th June, 2018
6 in 2 - Thematic Evening, Members
Our usual high quality members' displays of material, this time thematic, covered a wide range of material.
Wendy Buckle: Written Communication
Spence Coker: Steam Trains and Ships
John Duckworth: Philatelic Exhibitions
David Parsons: French Art
Terry Kirkman; Australia at War
John Diamond:
The Spitfire
John Garrett: Post Office markings not used to cancel mail, and Advertising Rings
David Parsons:
Guernsey Postcards; Channel Island Maps, and Guernsey Christmas Cards
(Bob Small)
Monday 25 June 2018
"A Closer look at Open Philately"
Christine Earle FRPSL and Patrick Reid FRPSL
Christine provided a fascinating insight into the world of philatelic display and the exhibition class of ‘Open Philately’. Her many years as a collector, and latterly as a skilful and experienced judge, placed her in a most informed position. She explained how ‘Social Philately’ had given way to ‘Open Philately’ in which ‘anything is permitted’ – material not limited to postal-connected items alone. Judges, she said, are looking for ‘a story’ – so Members were urged to plan it. In any display or exhibition entry, the first page provides the title and introduction. The end page needs to conclude the story. It is essential that each page has clarity. Christine outlined a sound approach in which an A4 sheet is folded into 12 rectangles (12 sheet entry), enabling notes to be established - adjustments and progression made and balance and relevance created. Such a story-line shows where material has gaps to be filled. Good practice suggests the need to collect as much material as possible prior to setting out and writing-up, thus giving a rich and generous pool from which draw. Members were reminded that competition frames need to flow across the presentation boards – not up/down as in a display. To enhance her talk, Christine covered aspects on ‘Thematic Philately’, making superb use of Channel Island Occupation stamps and covers, letters, postcards and cancellations. To further promote these philatelic display skills, Christine provided an informative handout to explain more of the details and rules of ‘Open Philately’.
Club Chairman Bob Small warmly thanked her for her presentation – ‘really well explained and beautifully displayed…a subject relatively new in the philatelic world’.
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Thematic philately - example of stamp collecting by each sport |
Thematic philately - example of progression to sports categories |
Title bar from
the Churchill Competition Entry
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Letter from the War in 1940, advising that the children had returned due to their evacuation home being destroyed by a bomb |
"Delayed by Enemy Action" cachet applied in special circumstances |
Rare cover bearing two cachets "Delayed Through Enemy Action" |
Diary entry by housewife as on 30 November 1942
Christine with her certificate and
Monday 9 July 2018 - Members - "A is for ......."
The evening started with an extraordinary display by John Davis using the letter "A" to represent both Aqua and the Letter Sheets from Venice known as the Venetian “AQ” letter sheet, best described by postal historian Bernard Quaritch Ltd: "In 1608 the Venetian authorities began issuing these prepaid printed letter sheets, which are considered to be the first postal stationary sold officially – predating the British Mulready letter sheets of 1840 by more than two centuries. The letters “AQ”, a contraction of acque, were printed at the top of each sheet – they were issued to generate revenue for the repair and upkeep of waterworks in the city by the Collegio alle Acque. The text printed on the sheets reproduced the statute of 1608 under which the system operated, with a surcharge of 4 soldi on the cost of posting a letter. Each sheet has an identification number printed at the top left and the system remained in operation until the end of 1797". This was followed by Spence Coaker with postal material linked to the towns in Hong Kong and the Treaty Ports beginning with the letter "A". John Duckworth displayed some very rare UK airmail covers, including an example of one from the first official flight in 1911, a small plane with an on-board sorting office; and a postcard of Graf Zeppelin, air post pioneer. John Garrett showed us Australian Air Force Mail from World War 2, with censor marks. Wendy Buckle displayed a highly colourful presentation of stamps depicting the origin and development of the Alphabet from its invention in the 11th century BC by the Phoenicians, when it comprised just consonants, with examples of the five principle Alphabets in use today.
Charles Leonard displayed six sheets of Airmails to and from Siera Leone, all using different air transport routings. Davis Parsons concentrated on Alderney with a mix of postcards showing many aspects of life on the island. Chris Wheeler chose Anti-Aircraft as his theme with examples on postcards, souvenir sheets and stamps. Don Seaby went back to his home town of Amersham with some nostalgic postcards of old Amersham, and later when the Metropolitan Railway had arrived, new Amersham. Hugh Jefferies surprised us all again with his choice of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika, showing many varieties, and explaining their causes, finally advising the letter A was for Adhesive!
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An example of the A Q lettersheet that was used by those sending letters to Venetian Government Agencies, with a fee to help stop the city from sinking |
Graf Zeppelin on a postcard |
Teo stamps depicting the Phoenician alphabet, the first world alphabet |
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First UK Air letter, postmarked 1911 |
Military Camp in Alderney |
Amersham Village |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 23 July - "Royalty" - Ian Shapiro
Frequently collecting interests have their origins in childhood and for Ian Shapiro this was certainly true. Having grown up in Cape Town and had experience of Royal Visits, he developed a growing interest in ‘Royal’ themed stamp issues and indeed, all matters ‘royal’. Members were absolutely riveted to this presentation. Ian had amassed over many years a superb collection and within this evening’s display the finest elements were to be seen. The story featured began in 1837, through to near the end of the 20th Century. Early signed correspondence from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert was displayed, as were mourning envelopes, rare royal cancellations, including postal items from Windsor, Balmoral and Osbourne House. An interesting study was made of royal handwriting. Into King Edward VII’s reign, the in-depth appraisal continued, with such rare (unique?) items such as a royal cover blessed with a ‘postage due’ stamp! and later royal telegrams sent around the time of ‘the Abdication’. Such was the volume of material and its sheer scarcity, together with the considerable knowledge displayed, both through write-up and exposition, that Members could hardly draw breath. For the writer, as for many no doubt, were the most amazing philatelic items relating to the very last days of the Russian Royal Family. These included envelopes with their letters and a Christmas postcard sent by Anastasia, one of the princesses, just weeks prior to execution, together with photographs and documents!
Indeed… a ‘Night to Remember’
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Letter from Queen Victoria, signed "The Queen" on the front, sent to Queen Adelaide in 1837 |
Letter signed "The Queen" on the front, with 2d blue, sent to Lady Caroline Barrington in Osborne, IOW, from Balmoral, 1852 |
Letter with stamp sideways, sent by Queen Victoria, also to Lady Caroline in Osborne, IOW, arriving the next day |
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Letter from "Osborne", 1897, showing front and back and contents, and cancellations |
Postcard from the Royal Yacht, with Cowes cancellation (Official Paid) when Victoria and Albert were aboard |
Postcard from Highcliffe Castle, with its own cancellation |
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Private "Frogmore" cancellation on piece |
Railway parcel label from Sandringham to the Savoy Hotel, attached to game shot on the estate |
The Railway Stamps used on the Parcel label |
(Paul Barry)
Monday 13 August 2018, "9 in 4" - Stamps only - Members
Hugh Jefferies started the evening with a comprehensive display of the first few issues of Jamaica, starting with the British Used in Jamaica, then to their first issue in 1860, and subsequent issues up to Independence. Examples of the CC and CA were shown, as were the stamps bearing the allocated cancellations A01 and from A27 to A78 as used by the different post offices in the country. Don Seaby concentrated on the Malayan Federated States elephant and tiger stamp designs, mint and used examples; a range of postmarks, and then some revenues and postage dues. Third was David Parsons a most colourful range revenue stamps from Jersey, starting in 1901, including a triangular set. Spence Coaker put up some stamps from his collection of Canada War Issue to 1972 pictorials, all neatly written-up. Chris Wheeler displayed a set of covers received through his letter box during the last two weeks with a range of "stamps" on them, mainly pre-printed in a variety of formats, including a Retured to Sender Freepost cover that had not been collected by the addressee. John Garrett, displayed some rare issues from the various German New Guinea issuing Agencies. Bob Small continued with his superb presentation of King George V War Time issues showing the many shades of the 1½d brown Cyper, and the 2d orange Cypher, all from 1912 to 1924. Finally Bill Laird also displayed some George V stamps, but his were the Downey heads, which he interspersed with pictures of the Downey family. Various dies and perforations were included.
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"A01" cancellation, Kingston Jamaica |
1/- Triangular Revenue stamp from Jersey |
Court Revenue stamp from Jersey |
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Freepost Cover, Undelivered, Surcharged and Returned to Sender in a covering envelope, with fee unpaid |
King George V with Downey heads, and complementary 10/- note |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 10 September - "6 in 2" - Postcards Only - Members
Chris Wheeler started the evening with a set of postcards illustrating the breadth of art produced by Joseph Wright of Derby, being one of the initiators of the "Age of Enlightenment". Spence Coaker followed with six postcards illustrating the lives of those living in or visiting some of the Chinese ports, and the postmarks used to cancel the stamps. John Duckworth also featured a pioneering artist, Raphael Kirchner from Vienna, this time a leader in the art nouveau movement, who produced colourful Japanese style paintings and then glamour pictures, very popular with the troops in WWI. John Garrett was next with examples of the earliest postcards issued featuring sights of Bournemouth, printed in Germany from the 1890s, his earliest being from 1893 - a postcard showing Bournemouth scenes posted from Brockenhurst to Berlin. He also showed examples of the first divided-back cards which came into use in 1902. A set of very early pull-out cards featuring Bournemouth, and ending with a glitter card formed Julian White's display. Don Seaby also featured Bournemouth with postcards from 1893 to 1899. Terry Kirkman displayed some early Australian cards, and ones featuring Lily Langtree and Freddie Mills. Finally David Parsons displayed some postcards with the outline design of Trinidad stamps, closing with the crab card from Guernsey and two view-shaped cards, one in the shape of a suitcase containing a camera.
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1911 postcard from Wei-Hai-Wei to Kent showing a village scene in Lui Tung Tau |
Kirchner Japanese-style postcard "Geisha being carried in a litter" |
Two art nouveau Glamour postcards by Kirchner |
A colourful early local postcard |
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Another colourful early Bournemouth postcard |
South Terrace, Freemantle in the late 1800s |
Jersey "camera views in a suitcase" sent to Winton |
chris wheeler
Monday 24 September, 2018
"Sudan, The Camel Postman" - Richard Stock FRPSL
This meeting was indeed most memorable. Club had the benefit of a great speaker, presenting not only a little known area of philately, but with superb material, the like of which would not be seen elsewhere. The write-up was first rate, as was the detailed information imparted. Richard’s historical journey mapped out the development of this famous issue, whereby a designer by the name of Stanton was ordered by Kitchener to produce within a week an acceptable drawing. A local tribesman was required to pose in full ‘war kit’, and this, together with the most pleasing subsequent De la Rue printings in wonderful dual colour combinations, completed the task. The result was iconic! Richard provided a highly detailed and complex backdrop to the issue, which he illuminated with numerous examples of essays, proofs, stamps as singles and in blocks, some of which were very scarce limited printings. He discussed different inks used, both in GB and abroad production, particularly Egyptian. ‘Late Fees’, official hand stamps, telegrams, TPO use, registered, crash and campaign covers were all in the mix. A section dealt with papers, watermarks and overprint varieties. The coffee break barely provided Members with enough time to peruse. This was a major and unique study…exquisite!!
Captain Edward Stanton and the preliminary design for his stamp
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Richard Stock FRPSL |
The Camel set |
(Paul Barry)
Monday 8 October
9 in 4 - Your Choice - Members;
Eleven members took to the floor this evening covering a wide range of interesting topics covering:-
the stamps, postmarks and overprints of the Straits Settlements
early stamp issues from Singapore, Malacca and Penang
Official Paid Mail and their origins
Postcards showing activities carried out by the inhabitants of Papua New Guinea
the 1952 series of postcards engraved by the Bank of Finland
philatelic War Fund labels
Forces registered postage covers from the Boer War, WWI and WWII
early unwatermarked issues from 1862 Hong Kong
postal coverage of Isambard Kingdom Brunel
GB 1700s postal history including mail from Lymington
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Indian Stamp used in the Straits Settlements, with Malacca "B/109" |
Malaya airmail cover, censored |
Official Paid cover |
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6 November 1791 cover from Lymington to London |
Finland postcard |
Manchester Philatelic Society War Fund cover with seal on reverse |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 22nd October
"Burma, Christmas Island & Tokelau" - Rufus Barnes
Rufus Barnes’ collecting interests are considerable, and within this evening’s meeting he covered a wide geographic area. He traced the production of Abu Dhabi stamps from the first issue up to the 1970s and a small emphasis was made of aerograms, including FDC, designs, sizes and ‘undercover’ ones. Burma took centre stage, not surprisingly since Rufus chairs the International Study Circle. He proceeded to share much information, including insights into the postal history of Burma. TPOs featured, making it clear that numerous routes exist. Christmas Island took to the stage in the second half of the presentation. Much scarce material was shared, for example, an incoming 1908 cover, an outgoing one of 1910 and scarce ones from the 1940s. Aerograms, registered envelopes, including commercially used and a study of postmarks were much enjoyed. 1988 saw Rufus on his first island visit and had a most privileged insight into postal archives when he was presented with scarce archival material. Some years later when civil unrest caused the destruction of remaining stock, Rufus found himself in possession of unique philatelic material!! Examples of this were displayed, which included artist’s drawings. The entire presentation was underpinned by excellent exposition, write-up, varieties, worn plates, overprints, handstamps, covers, postage dues and Christmas miniature sheets. This was an evening of excellence indeed.
(Paul Barry)
Monday 12 November 2018
6 in 2 - The Mail in Wartime - Members
Coming just a day after the WWI Armistice Centenary, this evening's topic was very appropriate and was reflected in 16 members putting up displays covering a wide range of military postal history. In summary:
Wendy Buckle - The Occupation of Latvia by Germany, especially the seizure of the port they named Libau, with many Feldpost items from there. Rob Greer - Postcards, showing both sides, illustrating the camps used by the various Ulster Divisions, and the Memorial near Bangor.
Chris Wheeler - a selection of military mail and officially approved stationery, with the rules accompanying their use.
Spence Coaker - A 1938 cover from Manchuria to Hong Kong at the time China was preparing for war, a cover with the "OFI" label (Open For Inspection), closing with family correspondence to his father serving on the "Prince of Wales" dated 2 December, but forwarded to his new ship following the sinking of the "Prince of Wales" on 10 December. Jeff Hood - WWII stationery specially prepared for POWs in Germany and Japan, and covers and airgraphs from Malaya.
John Duckworth - WWII in Australia where 25,000 POWs were detained, witrh examples of mail sent by both land (free) and air to the UK via Lisbon; also mail from New Zealand. Terry Kirkman -
Mail from the Far East, one marked "no stamps available", but delivered, and ship mail with the "tombstone" cancellation.
John Garrett - Twelve uinique and colourful postcards being the "Warbond Campaign" series, including the rarest one of women making munitions. Jeff Bradford - A selection of mail from POWs in Italy.
Graham Judd - started with a blank form designed for sending letters to soldiers, then examples of green cross labels on covers for discounted return mail, and Italian POW mail to USA.
Brian Quist - POW mail from the Royal Service Corps, WWI; and WWII mail from Chagi which was limited to 25 words and sent via the Japanese Red Cross. Hugh Jefferies - War time correspondence from his father, the first being a forwarded letter to the War Office in 1939, a 1940 Christmas card, and an airgraph letter from one of his battalion membrs. Don Seaby - Stamps used in South Africa during the Boer War, and war time cards from the Transvaal. - David Parsons -Channel Islands, starting with a range of war time mail to Europe, mail sent to Switzerland but returned to Jersey by the Censor; and a cover with a vertical bisect. Charles Leonard - WWII censored civil mail from Gambia introduced the day before War started, and from February 1942 mail with the official MM coding system on mail going abroad. Albert Jackson - Undercover mail sent from Poland via units set up in various neutral countries. Finally, Bob Small with an amazing selection of Napoleonic mail, with an original letter sent durng the blockade of Spain, a French letter from Bruge in 1798 and a letter from a POW in Odiham written on 1806 San Domingo letter paper.
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Latvia Feldpost |
1938 Cover from Manchuria |
Cover redirected to the Bramham |
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Binner Camp, Donegal |
Women making Munitions |
Returned POW Mail |
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Boer War Cover |
Undercover Mail to Box 506 |
1810 Cover from Fowey |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 26 November 2018
"Tristan da Cunha & 'Various'" - Chris Rainey FRPSL
Chris began his talk with a short history of the island.
1506 - Discovered by the Portuguese AND a captain of one of the ships was called Tristo da Cunha but they did not land.
1785 - Colonised by the Austrians.
1810 - 1st serious settlement by 3 Americans one called Lambert.
1813 - British ship arrives and it’s thought Lambert had been eaten by one of his Compatriots.
1815 - British naval forces arrive from St. Helena.
He then went on to show circular and boxed cachets we are more familiar with. Very few early letters survive, those that do are in institutions. By the 1890s more correspondence available to philatelists. In 1894 two to four people were living on the island.
1910—1st cachet used on the island.
Mail always and ONLY ever arrived by ship and only 1 OR 2 a year.
There is no Post Office and has not been for years and years.
1920 - British Government decided to send a naval ship to the island regularly—ONCE a year !!
Thus began the various cachets used on Tristan.
Chris showed these cachets in all their various formats and types as well as in combinations to various destinations around the world, most with intriguing stories behind them. Of particular interest were the overprints and underprints (only 2 known - both on show here), both produced on Pooley’s (man in charge of running the island ) typewriter----ALL ILLEGAL. This display was one of the most fascinating and absorbing that we have seen at the club. It was told in a light hearted and humorous way with many anecdotes to enhance what was a fantastic display of Tristan da Cunha material, which most of us will not see again in a long, long time.
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Chris receiving his certificate from Chairman, Bob Small |
The Tristan Times, 18 September 1943, with the price 3 cigarettes, 2 potatoes or ½d |
1936 cover carried by S.S. Harmala en-route from South America to Japan, onward to England |
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1921 cover carried by the whaler Truis to Cape Town and onward to UK |
1931 cover carried by the whaler Seringa en-route to South Georgia, onward to UK |
1938 Registered cover, carried by the M.V. Innesmoor en-route to Chile, onward to UK |
(Bob Small)
Monday 10 December 2018
Three Sheets from everybody (no excuses!) - Members
Thirty Club Members provided displays, a near record of participants. This popular event in the annual programme saw a very wide range of collecting interests: Presentations were most varied and here are highlighted a selection…
Bob Small - early documents dating from 1782.
Terry Everett – a focus on Malta
Derek Baker – New Zealand, including ‘sheet-lets’, a set of 22 stamps, ‘For Valour’, and ‘Classic Travel Posters’.
‘Shape’ was John Davis’ theme – a Thai 7” world’s largest stamp, Tonga Tin Can Mail (banana shape), and a miniature 2016 funny shaped GB stamps.
Terry Tuck shared – Very old pre-stamp correspondence, all local.
David Sadler considered ‘First Flight covers of SW Africa’. These were lovely colourful covers, one with pilot’s signature.
Wendy Buckle – ‘Stamps about Novels’, a superb well written-up study.
John Duckworth – his seasonal theme covered a Victorian Christmas card, a WWI card from France, and Christmas Island covers, including a 1958 atomic themed cover.
Mike Mawdsley – ‘Tristan da Cunha’, an early issue, overprints and full QEII set.
Another seasonal theme – from Chris Wheeler on ‘Wine and Wine Making’, including coloured mint stamps – New Zealand and Finland.
Spence Coaker presented - ‘Canton' - Postcards, black/white and coloured
David Parsons highlighted his ‘South African Airmail Crashes’, beginning with a 1913 crash cover. David provided a brief outline of the development of airways and pilot training. The 1988 Lockerby disaster featured with a rare surviving air-letter displayed.
On the same theme, John Dimond shared a 1919 flight to Australia cover, where flight time was just short of 28 days. Information sheets were included depicting the route taken. A final focus considered Frank Whittle of jet engine fame.
A well written-up display from Harry Tabeart studied ‘Canadian Bank Note Designers and Engravers.’
Close to home was Julian White’s ‘Bournemouth Xmas’ theme.
This was followed by John Garrett’s Bournemouth display, making skilled use of original early Bournemouth published postcards. His earliest cards were dated 1898 and May 1902, depicting The Court Hotel –‘The Grand’.
Taking a Christmas theme, Patricia Stanley provided old seasonal cards, contrasted by a selection of modern stamps.
Brian Quist followed with ‘Xmas Cards from WWI’…cards from the Front.
Terry Kirkman continued his annual comic theme of well received ‘Christmas Crackers’ - 2018’.
Don Seaby shared a mix of interest, including an 1890 cover ‘Last Day of British Rule in Heligoland’ and a picture of local Highcliffe Castle and the visit of Kaiser W. II’s visit to Christchurch Priory.
Club again benefitted from Hugh Jefferies 60 years of collecting when he presented album pages on ‘Johore’. His sizeable Malay States is ‘nearing completion.’
Mike Trickett dug into his considerable postcard depository and produced interesting cards from the 'Isle of Wight, Switzerland and the South of France’.
Paul Lear displayed on his ‘Birds’ theme with beautiful mint stamps.
Carol Gregory shared a most colourful section of her modern 'Seychelles' collection.
Alan King celebrated his specialised study of ‘Western Australian Early Stamps’. These were all ‘Swans’ and considered various printings.
Paul Barry concluded with ‘Recent Acquisitions’, these being a focus on three very early GB Victorian issues from a portfolio of very fine mint and used.
Bob Small as Chairman expressed most appreciative observations and in thanking all participants, stated …
‘there has been very much variety tonight'.
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1840 2d blue pair JK-KK, SG6 Plate 1, well cancelled, hence rare |
Overseas entire to Lyons with 4d rose and red oval PD (Paid to Destination), 1859 |
George Gundersen's USA-Canada Friendship stamp, 1948 |
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Thailand miniature sheet of widest stamps produced, 7 inches |
Tonga banana stamps on cover |
Postcard of the Kaiser at Highcliffe Castle |
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1899 Court Card from Bournemouth |
Christmas Novels - 1993 cancellation |
WWI Christmas Postcard, 1916 |
(Paul Barry)
Monday 17 December 2018
Christmas Events, wine, mince pies quizzes, raffle, etc- Members
The ‘End of Term Report’ covering the Christmas meeting of Club has to state that the tradition of excellent festive fellowship was again much in evidence!! Carol, Alan, Don and Terry working behind the scenes, provided Members with a most enjoyable evening. Lovely refreshments provided by Carol were combined with a wide range of bar drinks of Alan’s choosing. The two quizzes were different in challenge – that of Terry with his usual humorous and cryptic themes and Don’s well-crafted philatelic contribution of a most searching detective nature. (This quiz made high use of obscure issues, overprints, and cancels). There are always ‘Wizz Kids’ in our midst, scoring swiftly and in high scoring mode, while the majority of, it has to be said…’Lesser Mortals’ , the writer included, struggled at the bottom of the pile. A generous raffle followed, which did much to cheer the souls of the few serious under-achievers!!
All good fun and Chairman Bob’s congratulations to the aforementioned Team spoke for all…great!!
Monday 14 January 2019
6 in 2 - The Americas (Members)
Again, Club was well entertained ‘in-house’ and 9 members stepped up to share most interesting material:
- Trevor Smyth…’United States’. Here were displayed early through to 1996 aircraft stamps via a fascinating set of album pages.
- Chris Wheeler followed up with ‘Panama Canal’. Chris presented a brief but much detailed background to the planning and engineering processes involved in this remarkable venture. He made good use of coloured postcards to illustrate the development and setbacks of construction, including the amazing locks. Facts injected included 85,000 workers who died during the building programme, mainly through contracting yellow fever.
- John Duckworth displayed early aviation covers (1920s) which included airships, biplanes and monoplanes, the Lindbergh first flight and the fascinating ‘rocket plane’ which was well described in John’s 1936 cover – Hewitt NJ to Ontario.
- Continuing the aviation theme, Charles Lennard described the history of flights to and from the USA. This well written up display included covers and postcards produced by French and German air companies and the Pan American Company.
- Albert Jackson’s presentation included mail sent to USA from Occupied Poland. He provided a detailed description of mail routes and censor marks.
- Hugh Jefferies gave interesting background facts on the topic of ‘Leeward Islands’ and the development of associated stamp issuing. Album pages covered KGVI and considered colours, shades, papers and detailed sketches of varieties and flaws.
- ‘Early American Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir Labels’ was a departure from the evening’s philatelic content. This unusual contribution of large, colourful labels included a scarce sheet from the International Philatelic Exhibition October 16th - 23rd, 1926.
- Don Seaby’s display took a different slant by its study of Victorian cancels on North American and Canadian stamps.
- Bob Small concluded the presentations with an historical emphasis. Of main focus was ‘The Battle of Quebec’ with associated newspaper cuttings (London Chronicle) and a scarce US letter with cover addressed to Scotland.
As Chairman, Bob warmly thanked all participants and commented on the range of material, which continued to create much interest in the interval, prior to Members’ Auction.
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1925 Airship Mail |
1875 USA issue on yellowish wove paper |
Germany Buildings stamp on cover to America |
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1778 letter from USA to Edinburgh |
1915 censored letter from Poland to Canada via Berlin |
Canal Zone before the Canal - "His Last Prayer" postcard |
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First International Exhibition, New York in 1913 - Three Labels |
First International Exhibition, New York in 1913 - Two Labels from a se-tenant strip of four |
(paul barry)
Monday 28th January 2019
"French Mandates in the Middle East" - Ashley Lawrence FRPSL
Ferndown & West Moors Philatelic and Postcard Club has continued a long term tradition of securing eminent presentations. Ashley Lawrence, Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London recently provided the Club with a superb opportunity to study very fine and unique material, supported by a considerable wealth of historical input. Setting the context within the early part of the 20th century in particular, Ashley provided a wealth of background history surrounding the period of huge Turkish expansionism and subsequent decline. With the ending of First World War hostilities, the League of Nations set up a system of mandates, whereby Britain and France were authorised to administer various territories. With sudden decline of Turkish superpower influence in the Middle East at that time, such mandates were vital and provided some stability, aided by the establishment of post offices, which in turn gave momentum to trading links. The study of stamps and overprints for this period has been much complicated by changing boundaries and currencies, and this superb philatelic display, enjoyed by Club Members, underlined both the sheer variety of material and its scarcity. Besides the provision of substantial historical information, maps, correspondence and photographs, the display was rich in stamps both mint and used, covers, postcards and of course overprints, this last being of huge significance within the shared material. This memorable presentation revealed a vast and complex area of study for the philatelic specialist, superbly written-up, and gave the Club a glimpse of most interesting, unusual and indeed rare material. The breaks in presentation offered opportunities for close scrutiny of exhibits and for much appreciated informal chats with Ashley, who was delighted to further share, discuss and promote this seldom seen area of philatelic study and endeavour.
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Piece with 48 stamps, Syria - French Mandate, Damascus area, posted 1923 |
Syria - French Occupation, postcard from Aleppo, 1922 |
French Post Offices in Constantinople, postcard to Paris dated 1905 |
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French Post Offices in Constantinople, 1904 postcard to London |
Map of the area |
Examples of Levant stamps |
paul barry
Monday 11 February, 2019 - 6 in 2: "B is for...", Members
This was a bumper night for displays with no fewer than 14 Members sharing their material. ‘Australian Booklets’ was an interesting area to commence with, and here Terry Kirkham shared some scarce ones, including the country’s first publication. Don Seaby followed with his ‘Bournemouth’ theme, which included railway postcards and parcel stamps. ‘Birds’ followed by Harry Tabbeart. Here was a colourful collection of Falkland Islands stamps, mainly definitive sets. Brian Quist presented photos, a letter, postcards and a cover all connected to ‘The Boer War ‘and a consideration of General Buller. Hugh Jefferies shared his philatelic purchases when he had lived in Iran, working in Tehran. The majority were, yes, forgeries! A study of postmarks accompanied. A display on the topic of ‘Books –Book Binding’ was Wendy Buckle’s superbly written-up study, where stamps ‘told the story’. A gem of local postal history was shared by John Duckworth. This early philatelic item being a penny black on cover. This had been cancelled in Poole, December 1840, and contained a letter written by Mrs Tregonwell, whose husband was regarded as the founder of Bournemouth. John Garrett’s display ‘Bournemouth’ provided early glimpses of the town (1890’s) with photos and postcards, including Tregonwell House and another of the Grand Hotel. A little known area of collecting interest was well exampled by Charles Lennard, with his display of ‘Swedish Stamp Booklets’ – in fact ‘slot machine’ ones. ‘Birmingham’ was David Parson’s chosen theme which promoted interesting philatelic themed material. A highly complex, in-depth study on ‘German Occupied Poland’, with military mail and occupation fieldpost material from WWI proved interesting indeed….a tiny part of an extensive collection. Taking a railway theme was Chris Wheeler with ‘Bridges’. Here different materials and construction methods were philatelically explored. This was a round the world study underpinned by stamps in particular. Continuing the ‘Bridges’ theme was Paul Lear who developed a most informative presentation promoting the philatelic contribution of such themed material. Victoria Falls, Sydney Harbour Bridge and other locations in Mozambique, America and Denmark also featured. Beautiful early 20th century postcards presented by John Davis were adept at describing aspects of Venetian life. A feature on the city’s mail boxes was particularly interesting. Terry Tuck took another look at ‘Bournemouth and District Postal History’ making skilful use of early photos, stamps and of line drawings featuring various Bournemouth Post Office buildings and locations over time. Members clearly enjoyed an excellent ‘6 in 2’ event and although Club presentations did not always keep to the time allocation!, there were no issues surrounding interest levels’. Chairman Bob Small warmly thanked contributors for the sheer variety displayed and felt no one would have been disappointed with this home-spun entertainment.
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The First Australian Booklet |
FDC with stamp similar to that in the first booklet |
Commemorating the 18th Book Fair in Viareggio, 1973 |
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December 1840 Penny Black, cancelled in Poole, from Mrs Tregonwell to Bruton |
Stamp from Germany commemorating the Military Postal Service employees |
Postcard showing the nude bathers in the Venice Canals, in the early days |
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Letter from General Buller to the then ex Prime Minister in 1908 |
The Venice Canal in the early days |
Poland stamp showing the image of the Peruvian railway bridge designer |
paul barry
Monday 25 February 2019 - Your Committee Entertain
Displays were presented by Committee Members and proved to be on diverse areas and themes and were certainly ‘entertaining’! A most colourful presentation on ‘Seychelles’ contained a mix of stamps, a first flight card of Air Seychelles , official government invitation documents, royal visit items and newspaper cuttings. ‘Australia’ followed and focussed on Post Office innovations including ATM stamps, stamp booklets, replica and pictorial cards, experimental and promotion booklets for Ausipex ’84 – National Stamp weeks. The next theme was ‘Rupert’ and here Members were enthralled with the presenter’s eloquent historical background information which traced the emergence of this famous journalistic bear. The presentation included a Stanley Gibbons stamp album having a front cover ‘Rupert’ logo. Supporting material was considerable, with many books featuring, including the famous annuals -some delightful early editions. ‘Britain at War’ followed. Here was a superb write-up in support of very early unique documents. A 1588 Armada related letter was a gem! But so too were a number of letters linked to the ’30 Years War’ of 1634, the English Civil War, the Monmouth Rebellion and the War of Spanish Succession to name a few. The Club’s habit of presenting rare, unique and fascinating material is well documented, and the presence of a sizeable collection of ‘Cape Triangulars’’ was yet another treat. This was an in depth, well researched study of these iconic stamps which celebrated via no less than 19 sheets, the range of shades, printings, including woodblocks, watermarks, papers and forgeries. ‘Bechuanaland’ came alive in the following display, having the advantage of the presenter’s personal connection with this most interesting slice of East Africa, having worked there in minerals for some years. Members enjoyed a short geography lesson combined with numerous stamps. These included numerous overprints across three reigns, a section on railway material and a wildlife study. A colourful humorous postcard presentation also was much appreciated. Here the card artist Rupert Besley took the floor! Forming part of a considerable specialist collection was ‘Refugee Mail’ which focussed on the 1940’s, with Polish soldier’s correspondence home being well evidenced. The presenter shared a number of very human stories, just part of a rich historical account. ‘Victorian GB’ took a very different stance, being home grown with the theme of ‘Herefordshire’ promoting an interesting selection of covers and revenue documents. This evening of entertainment, courtesy of the Committee, concluded with ‘Tora,Tora,Tora’ and the Pearl Harbour attack of 11th December, 1941. This episode of USA naval history was well traced via a mixture of coloured photos, stamps, maps and facts and figures, all enjoying a skilled write-up.
A fascinating philatelic evening indeed which managed to avoid
the lynching of the Club’s hard working Committee!! (Safe for another year no doubt!!)
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Selection of Invitation Cards to Official Parties in the Seychelles |
Part of the Rupert book collection |
Australia, 1934, Centenary of Victoria Stamps, issued at AUSIPEX, 1984 |
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Army Official cover from Ladysmith, Natal during the Boer War, dated 28 February 1900 (Ladysmith Siege Post) |
A four pence blue pair of the 1853 Cape of Good Hope triangulars |
Letter sent to his wife by a refugee on his way to a German POW Camp from Romania, 9 February 1941 |
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A Dixon-drawn postcard marking the opening of the Channel Tunnel |
A page from a shop ledger showing the change from Revenue to Postage stamps |
Cover marking the centenary of Botswana's postage stamps and cancellation marks, 1985 |
(paul barry)
Monday 11 March 2019
Annual Competitions including One-sheet competition
Results of the Competition
John Davis |
Venice |
75* |
John Garrett |
Bournemouth |
63 |
Spence Coaker |
Shameen |
63 |
David Parsons |
Channel Islands |
84* |
Wendy Buckle |
First Commemorative Issues of Latvia |
86** |
David Parsons |
Jersey |
83 |
John Garrett |
Bournemouth Air Show, 1910 |
67 |
John Garrett |
Paddling across the Bay |
69* |
John Garrett |
Christmas |
67* |
Monday 25 March 2019
"GB Stamps and Postal History" - John Roe
This was certainly one of the most detailed and comprehensive of all GB presentations seen in Club in the past decade. Summing up this outstanding specialist evening, Chairman Bob Small stated ‘A wonderful display of GB Victorian, a marvellous exhibit’. He was particularly drawn to the superb display of the 1880’s lilac & green issue, ‘in true colours’. Members would have willingly turned out just to see this exhibit alone, however this was merely a small part of an extensive display covering pre-stamp correspondence, early covers and pre-paid envelopes, an extensive 1d red study, plates, postmarks, machine cancels, postcards, parcel post labels, printing varieties, errors, inks, postmarks and machine cancels. There were official lists of ‘Delivery Offices’ and ‘District Offices’ in London. The entire presentation was highly researched and the clarity of presentation in top category. There were numerous unique philatelic items of which probably the most stunning was the 1887 ‘Jubilee’ issue… 1/- green & carmine marginal copy with inverted watermark. (Can you find another?) Magnificent!!
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Penny Post cover sent by the Bishop of York on 29 January 1798 with a Bishop Mark, top left |
11 July 1830 Free Frank cover from London to Lancashire |
Cover dated 23 January 1860, showing the Inspector's marks of 2d for undelivered mail |
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Bristol sideways duplex cancellation on four penny reds on a letter sent to the speaker's grandmother |
Very early envelope produced by Edwin Hill, controller of stamps from 1840 to 1872 |
1888 - £1 brown-lilac surface printed by de la Rue on white paper (SG186) |
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1882 - £5 orange Specimen on blued paper (SG133) |
Very fine used example of the embossed 1/- green, die 1 cancelled 716 (Sleaford, Lincs) (SG55) |
1883 engraver's die proof for the lilac and green stamps from de la Rue, mounted for exhibition purposes |
(paul barry)
Monday 8 April - "6 in 2 - There is something in the Air" - Members;
The evening’s eleven displays covered a wide range of topics under an ‘Air’ theme. Member David Sadler presented mainly 1930’s covers including Hong Kong to Holland and Manilla and a couple of New Zealand airmails of ‘Jubilee Airways’. Terry Tuck considered aspects of postal history relating to Bournemouth and District, in particular Hurn Airport, and included an early airport map. David Parsons presented APEX covers, promoting the International Airport Exhibition of May, 1934. Receiving a truly magnificent write-up, Wendy Buckle’s display -‘Introduction of Airmail Services,’ which began in Latvia in 1921, was well worth studying. A small but fascinating selection of 1930’s mail, postcards and photos, supported the theme. Routes and flight periods were explained. Chris Wheeler provided a largely mint display which covered for example the 1997 China Telecom ‘Air Waves’, ‘German 1977 Telecom Equipment’ and ‘Iran 2008 Telecom Mast’. On a very different tack was Spence Coaker’s ‘Early Airmails of the Far East & Hong Kong’ which celebrated various mailings covering a variety of companies/routes – KLM Dutch East Indies to Amsterdam, Imperial Airways from Singapore and Hong Kong based routes. Providing great description was Albert Jackson’s 1944 ‘Allies Invasion of Greece’ presentation -the Inselpost Greek Islands’ Service to Rhodes, Kos, Leros, Samos and Crete (propaganda cover). Among slogans in German were ‘Keep a Stiff Upper Lip!’, ‘Stand Firm!’ and ‘Never Surrender!’ - these being only in use for a week, 9th-16th March 1945, prior to defeat! Closer to home was John Garrett’s ‘Bournemouth Centenary Air Show’ which demonstrated good write-up, photos and rare postcards. Included was information on Chas Rolls, who died in the first GB aero accident. Charles Leonard addressed ‘The Sea-plane Service on West Coast of Africa’ with first flights from March 1937, its purpose being to link up the French Colonies. The service was short lived with the fall of France in 1940. Covers and a fine brochure accompanied. ‘Bournemouth Aviation 1910’ was well defined by Don Seaby and supported strongly by his sepia postcards. Concluding proceedings was Bob Small with photos, covers and postcards, who shared his study of ‘Hitler’s Vengeance Weapons’ …the V One and V Two rocket programme.
Again Club Members had been well entertained ‘in house’ and as Chairman, Bob congratulated participants on ‘an excellent evening’.
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Top half of the Agreement for Sale of land for the development of Hurn Airport, 1942 |
Lower half of the Agreement for Sale of land for the development of Hurn Airport, 1942 |
First Flight cover from Hong Kohg to Manila, 1937 |
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Se-tenant labels for the Air Post Exhibition in London in 1934 |
Air Mail cover from Hong Kong to London, by sea to Singapore, 1934 |
Inselpost Greek Islands Post, air mail cover, 1944, used during the Allied Occupation |
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1910 Bournemouth Air Show postcard showing aviator Barnes preparing for a flight with the temporary hangars in the background |
An example cover from Belgium to the Ivory Coast via Dakar on the partial East African air route |
Front of first day flight cover from London to USA from London Airport (Hurn), 1945 |
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Back of the first day flight cover from London to USA from London Airport (Hurn), 1945 |
Grenada miniature sheet showing a Spitfire approaching a V1 rocket to tip its wing and make it crash |
First Day Cover from Majuro, Marshall Islands showing a V1 on its dive bombardment on London, June 1944 |
(paul barry)
Ferndown Interclub Results 2019
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Terry with the Winners' Shield |
Wendy with the Winner's Trophy |
One Happy Charles! |
Monday 22nd April
South Georgia and South Shetland Islands" - Hugh Osborne FRPSL
This meeting was not well attended; one of the reasons emerging was that this is ‘a somewhat obscure topic’. As a collecting area, there is little doubt that this Antarctic region creates limited interest… perhaps this is due to the paucity and expense of philatelic material? At the Club’s AGM, Chairman Bob Small pleaded with Members to attend these minority interest evenings which frequently involve eminent speakers, superb presentation/display and frequently feature rare and unique gems, sometimes ‘hardly seeing the light of day’. From the writer’s viewpoint, there is the additional matter of respect for such material, its presentation and perhaps not least, a matter of respect for such speakers, some travelling considerable distances to share collections of immense philatelic importance. True, we can’t all attend every meeting. What had folk missed?!
Hugh Osborne first traced the history, economics and politics of the Southern Whaling Centre (est. 1904) and personalities involved. This industry was highly lucrative and workers incredibly well paid. Social isolation was the main corrosive element in the whole operation, and it was clear that a well organised postal service was crucial to morale. 1909 saw the opening of the South Georgia Post Office, heralding in a period of stability, indeed up until the 1939 hostilities. Mail in and out of South Georgia was intermittent and Stanley, in the Falklands became a vital link in the postal chain, however links out were seldom more than 2-3 times per year. South Georgia was quickly established as an important ‘launch pad’ for southern polar exploration. Early activity had been precarious, with some expeditions being fatal. Emerging strongly into the 1930s were those of scientific intent. Here essential safe practice was promoted, for example in areas of clothing and rations. Hugh’s extensive collection had its origins in Falkland Islands philately in the 1980s, with developments into South Georgia material emerging ten years later. The presentation enjoyed by Members was but a fraction of Hugh’s philatelic empire. Included were studies into stamp issues, their printing and varieties. Also present were cancellations and censor markings, airmails, registered and insured mail, and of course… correspondence. Many items were very rare, indeed unique. Here were presented great insights into a largely unknown area of southern hemisphere philately, presented by Hugh Osbourne, the expert in his field… what a display!!, what a memory!!!
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Registered Parcel to England from South Georgia via the Falkland Islands, 1935 |
Registered Letter to the Falkland Islands, cancelled on 1 July 1910 |
Registered Letter from the Falkland Islands to London, 1939 |
paul barry
Monday 13 May 2019 - A.G.M. and Trophy Presentations
A well attended AGM was initially addressed by each of the Committee Members giving their reports on their past year's activities. These reports indicated a hard-working Committee, doing its best to support the Club and benefit each of its members, as well as all of them collectively The members showed their appreciation for the work of not only the committee but those non-committee members who had made signifiacant contributions during the past year. The Chairman emphasised the need for more members to use the packet service and to attend more of the meetings where outside speakers had been invited to show us material that was unique and of incredible quality, even if the topic was not one of their collecting areas.
The main item for discussion was whether to replace the existing frames with new ones. Reasons for this and the best options were debated and the conclusion voted by members was to go for six double-sided perspex protected (for the Fair) sixteen sheet boards on legs in 4 by 4 format, with space for A4 sheets in their protectors. It was further agreed that the significant cost of these boards be paid for from the Club's current account balance, and be proceeded with immediately. Next year's programme will have club displays of "8 in 5", instead of the current "6 n 2" and "9 in 4" formats.
A social break followed and then the presentation of awards for the recent Competition, ending with a short auction.
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Alan explaining the Accounts |
Bob complimenting the competitors |
Carpenter's design of the adopted new 16 frame double-sided board |
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Wendy with Best in Show award |
Don receiving the Postal History Award |
John receiving the Postcard entry award |
chris wheeler
Monday 27 May 2019
"Classic Postage and Revenues of the British West Indies"
Michael Medlicott FRPSL
This much awaited presentation in the Club’s programme was an undoubted success. Michael Medlicott FRPSL traced his interest in stamp collecting from a young age, a particular influence being a friend from a family of planters in Barbados, (sugar trade) and ‘the bug’ has fascinated him ever since, describing himself still as ‘a very active collector’. He has no interest in competition, but enjoys the sharing process. And what a sharing!! His eloquent presentation was supported by a rich display, making use of cream sheets and sublime hand written text. There was both depth and breadth in this large display, made up of mint and used stamps…singles, blocks, overprints, essays, revenues, cancels, including specimen hand cancels, ‘Too Late’ and ‘Fees’, plate proofs, colour trials, varieties, plate flaws, perforation considerations and forgeries. Superb covers were present, together with fascinating letters. The presentation also contained details of the printing companies involved, from Perkins Bacon (with stunning colour), Waterlows to De la Rue. Numerous items were either rare, unique or indeed both. Members were whisked across a good number of countries, plus islands in the West Indies, including in particular Barbados, British Guiana, British Honduras, Grenada, Jamaica, Nevis and St Vincent, Tobago…just to name a few! Numerous wonderful philatelic display sheets could be highlighted, but perhaps one of the most memorable is that depicting beautiful revenue stamps of Tobago, issued June, 1879…take a look!!!
Michael was presented with an engraved presentation whisky tumbler by Chairman Bob, who was almost lost for words…’
a truly wonderful display, we have indeed been most fortunate…’
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Custom stamps on Affidavit, dated 1857 |
Double perforations on top and sides |
Essays |
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Colour proofs on unwatermarked paper |
Ocean Mail, 1859 |
Thank you! |
paul barry
Monday 10 June: 9 in 4 - Your Choice - Members
The evening was opened with the display by Spence Coaker of his recent Postal History Class competition entry on the tiny island sandbank Shameen in the Province of Canton. It was established in 1860 when traders and consulates had to move from the city, and they built up this sandbank into an Anglo-French enclave. Only 1250 by 325 yards in size it is now preserved due to the colonial architecture it features. Arench Indo-Chinese stamps overprinted Canton were used.
Chris Wheeler then displayed postcards telling the story of the plague in Eyam, Derbyshire, followed by John Duckworth showing examples of mail used on the South Atlantic route between 1934 and 1939, and pictures of the refuelling ship in action, with its crane and catapult mechanisms for getting the seplanes into the air again. Some excellent covers were used to enhance the story. David Parsons brought along some examples from a sale lot of South African essays and proofs, the like of which we had not seen before. Charles Leonard showed examples of mail carrying pre-printed Express Labels of various types issued by Finland. Bill Laird entertained with local history, showing many brochures printed to publicise Shows in Bournemouth from the 1950s, including one of the latest types of Horizon Label.
Terry Kirkman displayed facsimile stamps of Australia used initially for the 1984 Ausipex. These were in different colours to the issued stamps and all the more interesting because of that. Hugh Jefferies concentrated on the early issues of Newfoundland, all with wide margins and he include some forgeries for added interest. Don Seaby showed the early French Colonial issues of IndoChina from 1889 to 1927, before Vietnam issues started. Alan King showed early stamps from the Canadian colonies from 1851, before the Dominion of Canada was established in 1926 absorbing the majority of these issues. Finally Bob Small put up 9 sheets of the various shades of the 2½d blue, in various multiples and with their correct colour descriptions.
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1908 Shameem Cover with Canton cancellation |
Air Mail letter to South America with 24/- postage |
The Westfalen seaplane catapult refuelling ship |
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South Africa "Edward Coronation" essays |
Finland cover with Express label |
1956 Programme for the Pavilion, Bournemouth |
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Australia, Facsimile of 6d Kookaburra stamp |
Great Britain 2½d in various shades of blue |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 24 June 2019: "The Spitfire" - Richard Wheatley FRPSL
Along with train driving or being a retired bank manager!! -flying Spitfires was the dream occupation for many boys, and not a few girls, in the 1940’s …and into the 50’s I recall. Our speaker Richard Wheatley FRPSL, had been similarly enthralled and eventually gave way to his passion some 20 years ago to start his thematic philatelic collection. He pointed out that really he considers himself to be a ‘postal historian’ who has always desired to collect for fun and felt no call to be drawn into the world of competitions. A pity some might argue, since the breadth, depth and scarcity of his material was beyond all expectations and would certainly present a huge challenge in any competitive postal history environment. Well ‘fun’ it was…from amusing commentary to unique Spitfire related philatelic material, some of which had been acquired with considerably difficulty, cost or sheer good fortune. Richard began by tracing the ‘Spitfire’ story from its early roots in 1912 with the Schneider Trophy connection. Unknown to many Members, I guess few would have known the earliest ‘Spitfire’ image appeared on a wartime South African stamp depicting not one, but two such aircraft along with pilot in full flying gear. The story gradually unfolded with Richard providing insights into development, production and even money-raising activities (‘The Spitfire Fund’) to aid the war effort, both at home and abroad. A Manchester tram ticket in fiscal support was a good example, along with ‘Your Spitfire’ heart-felt appeals. Major emphasis was placed on the actual wartime deployments and successes of this amazing aircraft, including an important section on the theme of ‘Victory’. His display was beautifully embellished with worthy write-up and celebrated by diverse material which included scores of Spitfire depicting stamps, singles and blocks, covers, (one, a Douglas Bader signed FDC) postcards, airgraphs/aerograms, photos, newspaper cuttings, microfilm and propaganda literature. Unexpectedly, in the mix at the presentation’s conclusion, was to be seen a sizeable table-top collection of ephemera – ale cans, bottles, glasses, beer mats, tiepins, DVD’s mouse-mats and plane models, to name but a few examples! Very considerable interest and appreciation was in evidence as the presentation drew to a close…an eminent study and most memorable evening in the Club’s programme.
John Davis being awarded the Open Class
Competion shield
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Jacques Schneider |
The Schneider Trophy |
Cover from Calshot to France |
Cover from Australia to England |
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Mayor of Manchester's Tram Ticket 0001 for the Spitfire Fund |
Lundy's first set of eight stamps with the "V" for Victory overprint |
Lundy Victory Proofs |
South Africa cover with RAF pilot on the stamp |
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Battle of Britain rejected designs |
Douglas Bader signed Cover |
Half crown stamp on cover from Leeds to USA, with "VP" mark |
Richard Wheatley showing "Spitfire" related items |
paul barry
Monday 8 July 2019:- 9 in 4 -GB and the Channel Islands - Members
Presenting an interesting selection of GB covers was Don Seaby, with material from 1888 onwards. All provided local flavour having Bournemouth postmarks. Chris Wheeler by contrast was right up to the minute, having uncovered a Post Office plot to bankrupt the lot of us!! 25th March saw the second class postal rate increase to 61p, an increase level which contravened OFCOM regulations. The charge should have been 60p up to 1 April. Chris sent a range of covers to himself showing the new illegal rate, together with details of an official apology and associated charitable donation! Moving quickly back in time was John Garrett’s contribution featuring seldom seen ‘Newspaper Tax Stamps’ in the period from 1757/1789 (William Pitt). A detailed study came from John Duckworth with his ‘GB Dorset’, a look at early covers/postmarks, rates and fees. Fair examples of content would be his 1783 cancellation, Sherborne to Blandford, and that of 1846 Wimborne to Salisbury. David Parsons shared some of his Guernsey material –occupation licences, permits and forms. Charles Lennard looked at WWII ‘Rates and Routes’, sharing his covers and map. Rob Greer displayed on the subject of PO inspection marks surcharges, yellow labels and mobile post offices. Paul Lear in contrast shared most colourful material with numerous mint stamps depicting birds, including raptors and a beautiful section on butterflies. Eminent scientists featured as did a brief philatelic comment on the world of his namesake, Edward Lear!! Concluding the evening’s entertainment was Bob Small with a close study of one of his passions – ‘KGV Shades’. This all mint display featured 3d lilac and 4d green values with controls in the period 1912–1924. Another diverse and fascinating set of contributions -much enjoyed.
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1 October 1870, first day of use of a postcard in GB, this one with a pre-printed ½d stamp |
Reverse of the postcard |
1951 letter by air to Tripoli, with Postage Due stamps and Tripoli Tax Marks (rare) |
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1924 Postcard from Bournemouth to Australia, wth double ring cancellation, Tax marks and Postage Due stamps |
Stamps of Britain, showing the Tyne Bridge |
Error in calculation of Postage Due, resulting from use of the E stamp |
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Letter to Board of Trade, OHMS, charges but overruled |
1757 1d Newspaper Duty Rate (½d + ½d) |
1783 letter from Sherborne to Blandford marked "turn at Sarum" |
(Paul Barry)
Monday July 22, 2019 - "Czech Miscellany" - Lindy Bosworth FRPSL
This was a highly specialised collection, eloquently presented and superbly written-up. In appreciative mode at the conclusion, Chairman Bob surely voiced the feelings of all, stating ‘this is a most interesting and special display of high quality’ and thanked Lindy for sharing it with Club. Drawing on a rich resource of maps, covers, airmails, postcards, letter cards, stamps of all periods –mint and blocks, with consideration of papers and perforations, the display covered much ground. Lindy began her presentation with a detailed historical assessment, beginning with the State when part of the Austrian-Hapsburg Empire. Detailed information was provided on early stamp issues, then to Prague where subsequent printings produced scores of varieties. Perforating was first a business operation, subsequently followed by the Post Office. The study of this aspect alone is a minefield, waiting for the expert eye to examine. A fair section dealt with colours, gums and also overprints, the first of which were the 1920 Czech Red Cross issue, lasting a very short period. Details of the first airmail stamp were examined, together with early postcards depicting the first aviators. 1930 saw an issue of airmail stamps and this received a major focus, reflecting the considerable increase in aviation activities. There followed a substantial section devoted to 1939 German occupation stamps and associated charges. The post war sections of this fascinating philatelic treasure trove centred mainly on the diverse subjects represented, revealing Czech culture, industry and agriculture. An important contribution was the work of stamp engravers, which included work by K. Seizinger. Members were fascinated by a signed original pencil drawing for the 50h green value, which had additional remarks for the design, in the margin. The printed stamp’s design, displayed alongside, accurately followed the designer’s intentions. The final frame considered the 1993 establishment of the Czech and Slovak Republics. This was indeed a fine presentation not to be equalled in its subject’s content, range and rarity.
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Original Pencil Drawing of 1930 stamp |
First Airmail stamps, 1930 |
Czech soldiers in enemy uniforms "Torch Bearers of War" |
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1923 Cover with 1922 "Agriculture and Science" Overprints |
The first stamps engraved by Josef Hercik, 1962 |
Lindy being thanked by Chairman, Bob Small |
paul barry
12 August 2019 - 9 in 4 - Stamps only - Members
Before the meeting got under way, the Chairman advised that the new display boards had arrived and would be in use from the next meeting. Unless decided otherwise, all future 6 in 2 and 9 in 4 displays would be 8 in 4s, with the format of the 9 December meeting of three sheets from everyone being amended in due course to four, if appropriate.
Seven members displayed this evening, beginning with David Parsons who put up a range of Revenue Stamps from Guernsey, tracing their history from the larger first issue of 1d and 6d values to the smaller-sized subequent isues. Examples were shown off and on documents, with changes of paper and printer, ending with the rather unique Entertainment Tax stamps. Chris Wheeler followed with a range of GB Smiler Sheets, followed by Spence Coaker with an unusual collection of Hong Kong Securuty marked stamps, some with overprinted company chops, others with perfins, these being issued by the major companies operating in the Territory up to 1841. Hugh Jefferies dispayed his collection of Mauritius Numeral Postmarks, explaining the cancellation numbering system, with examples of both the common and rarer stamps of various values.
Don Seaby covered the Straits Settlements issues during the reign of Queen Victoria and Edward VII, followed by Bill Laird with his well written-up George V commemoratives. Finally an exceptional display of the Ceres issue from France with sheets of the various values was displayed by Alan King, who went to great lengths to explain the many different forgery methods he had examples of in his display.
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Guernsey Revenue States Stamp |
Early Hong Kong Perfins |
Indian Surcharged Stamps |
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1924 One Penny B.E.E. stamp |
Rare B65 Cancellations from Mauritius |
1850 France Ceres, black on pale yellow, on piece |
chris wheeler
Thursday 9 September: - 8 in 4 - Postcards only, Members
This was a truly eventful evening with the launch of the Club’s brand new display frames, the provision of which had been debated for some 25 years after the dawn of time! Bespoke to a high standard, the new acquisition will see Club well provided for and will certainly surpass in design/quality the best on the south coast! In up-to-date 4x4 format, Club can now compete on an even playing field, and be professionally friendly. It seemed right that the very first Member to present should be an old hand, in philatelic terms!!…Terry Kirkman. Delving into his considerable depository, a most interesting display ensued on the subject of local postcards. Chas Stanton, a Dorset builder had postcards printed by J. Tilley & Son and all benefit from the created range developed. Re-pros of WWII featured, including Churchill themed ones and slogan cards such as ‘Keep Mum’. Of particular enchantment were very early amusing Swiss cards by Alfred Meinzer Inc. (1897-1973) on the theme of ‘Cats’. Another regular presenter was Don Seaby with his all-Dorset sepia cards, ‘A-H’, of various post offices, including Corscombe, Corfe Mullen, Colehill and Bere Regis. Bill Laird displayed 14 sheets of previously unseen material ‘Early Exhibitions’, which considered the ‘British Empire Exhibition’, and further examples from both Crystal Palace and Earls Court. Again on the subject of the locality, Julian White provided some beautiful all-colour Bournemouth cards of yesteryear. Spence Coaker continued the local theme with an interesting 1914 Boscombe Gardens postcard, sent to Shanghai. Another to Java and a 1919 card from Kowloon to UK were featured. John Duckworth completed the evening’s presentations with his early study of Christchurch Toll Bridge (1880), Bournemouth Air Show and West Moors in the period 1904 – 1943.
Although a brief series of presentations, Club Members were well entertained, causing Chairman Bob Small to comment very favourably and welcomed close scrutiny

Detail from an early Alfred Meinzer Swiss postcard -'Cats!'
(paul barry)
Thursday 23 September 2019
"Royal Navy Censored Mail in World War II" - Rod Vousden FRPSL
As expected of this esteemed philatelist, this meeting provided a true wealth of fascinating, scarce, rare and unique material, on a subject not previously examined in depth by Club. Very well written up and with great precision, the presentation was exceptional in content and provided Members with an opportunity to study at first hand an extensive range of philatelic gems, covering censor marks and inks, seals, postcards, stamps and superb photographic naval shipping images. This resource was further enhanced by numerous covers and correspondence, some of great historical and political interest, linked to key players (Churchill) and events (River Plate). Rod gave a detailed account of naval security with regard to ships’ mail and underlined the importance of official slogans, such as ‘Idle Gossip Sinks Ships’. Whilst many covers had been truly difficult to source, of great rarity were items of submarine mail. A particular feature of censor marks on display were those of ‘home-spun’ variety, created by individual ships at the start of hostilities, in the absence of supplies of official equipment. Essential to total security was the strict requirement that no mark or clue should indicate correspondence origin. There were exceptions where ‘good news’ was imparted, having a tonic or propaganda value. Rod spoke of the main ports of Edinburgh, London and Portsmouth which processed censored mail. For the naval WWII historian and certainly those philatelists studying GB censor marks, it is surely hard to experience a more significant collection than that presented by Rod Vousden FRPSL.
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Rod wth his display |
Air Mail letter card, censored by Royal Mail in World War II to Portsmouth |
Royal Navy censored Mail, Japanese 1945 en route to Neew Zealand |
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26 January 2 1949 - letter passed by censors,with the Tombstone censor mark |
Received fron HM Ships to Boston, Mass |
Rod receiving his gift and certificate formn Chairman, Bob Small |
(paul barry)
14th October 2019 - 8 in 4 - Thematic Evening - Members
Chairman, Bob Small, opened the evening by reminding members that from 2020, not only will displays have to be in "8 in 4" format, but all Competitions will be 16 sheets. He congratulated all the winners of the trohies at the recent HAMPEX, the Club taking the majority of the awards this year.
Eleven members put up displays during the first part of the evening, starting with Chris Wheeler with a mixed collection of stamps and philatelic items relating to the ANZACS. Wendy Buckle followed with a wide variety of rare postal material on the subject of paper useage during the War years, demonstrating how the quality of paper, ink and paper size deteriorated as the years passed by, closing with some excellent examples from Latvia and Mexico (during its Civil War). John Duckworth displayed Early Aviation using postcards, covering the first aviators and their craft. Brian Quist researched the Military archives and displayed some unique material relating to the Army Services, including some humorous examples. John Garrett put up a range of novelty and pull-out cards relating to the local area, including Pokesdown and Wimborne. This was followed by some war time postcards, some with lovely tinting, and one which had had the name of the place it represented cut out by the censors. Don Seaby's theme was cricket, and a very fine display was exhibited starting with the world's first cricket stamp from Cape Verde in 1962. Hugh Jefferies put up a unique collection of New Zealand advertising stamps, reversed so the advertisements could be read, all from the 1890s issue. Finally, another thematic display was shown with examples of A for Astronomy, B for Buses and Birds, and down to Z for Zodiacs.
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Reduced size telegram from 1943 |
Colonel Cody in his self-designed water plane in 1908 (and in which he died in 1913) |
Boothill's comedy card of the donkey booting out the Germans in 1945 |
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The Army Service Corps, Blandford |
"Love is in the air", Pokesdown |
Waiting for the Mail, Wimborne |
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The first cricket stamps, 1962, Cape Verde |
Adverts on the rear of the 1890 New Zealand issue stamps |
C is for Copernicus |
chris wheeler
28th October Visit from Southampton
Filling a last minute gap in the established Club Programme, four members of the Southampton PS came to the rescue, a month ahead of schedule and presented most interesting and diverse 48 sheet displays. Leading the team was Julian Jones who entertained with ‘Speeding up Transatlantic Mail’. This was indeed a highly detailed and complex study, building on preceding display, concentrating in the period from 1785, but mainly with a focus on the 1890’s to early 20th century. ‘Time is Money’…the old saying, and from the Post Office perspective, the need to speed up the sea mail was essential. Principally ‘White Star’ and ‘Cunard’ were the shipping lines involved. Using Queenstown, in SE Ireland, then using rail/boat/rail to London had been the established route eastwards, with New York being the port going west. Various short cuts were experimented with. A major endeavour was to reduce mail on/off ship times, and some ingenious developments are noted, including planes scooping mail bags by hook, air-ships (up to Hindenburg) and on-board seaplanes having catapulting facilities (used into the Hudson & New York). Julian’s study was well supported with various marks, hand and tax stamps, rates and surcharges, plus a sizeable and fascinating collection of covers/postcards, where consideration was given up to 1935.
‘Church Architecture ‘presented by Len Yendell, was another 48 sheet display. Its sound write-up was supported by a considerable wealth of stamps, covers and postcards, miniature sheets, photos and postmarks. The emphasis was on European architecture, and focussed mainly on abbeys and cathedrals. Of particular interest was a sizeable section on ‘Zagreb’. The whole formed a colourful and interesting ranging display, dealing more in breadth than depth, with much scope for further development.
Following this presentation, there followed a major and unique collection drawn together by Mike Batty on his personal theme of ‘Bishop’s Waltham’, his Hampshire village, examined through an historical lens. Making its start in the early 1700’s, this postal history display offered numerous pre-stamp mail items, both inward and outward, including much fascinating correspondence. Here there was much variety with plenty of evidence of covers, early postcards, maps, photos, cancels and rates. The final 8 sheets sought to examine ‘Wartime Mail’ in some depth and considered both censored and Atlantic mail and PoW items.
The final display which was a narrow but colourful topic concerned itself with ‘Light Houses on Stamps’. Here Mike Vokes was a true Sea Salt, full of fascinating facts concerning the locations, styles and characteristics of worldwide lighthouses. From Argentina to Ireland to Russia, with scores of other locations included, Mike was not short on philatelic material, being well supported by stamps, covers, maps and articles. Early exposure to light houses as a child had set the seeds of what was to be a passionate lifelong philatelic interest.
In conclusion, Chairman Bob Small was much appreciative of the quality of material, the pleasing presentations and, addressing this worthy ‘Team of Four’, showed much appreciation for beautifully plugging the hole in the Club’s autumn calendar!
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Postcard to Crewkerne, cancelled on the St Louis, 1903 |
Letter to Lincoln, cancelled on board, 1892 |
Postcard depicting Orval Abbey, Belgium, with affixed stamp, 1928 |
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Sheet showing Orval Abbey with its stamps |
Two frames from the display |
Paul Barry
11th November 2019
Members Displays - Postal History
These home-spun evenings always interest through both contents and diverse subjects. Postcards from the 1930s featuring local landmarks, was Don Seaby’s focus. Continuing on the Dorset theme was John Garrett’s collection of early 19th century pre-stamp covers and interesting letters, also from this period. Terry Tuck displayed even earlier local material, reaching back as far as 1760. Changing the topic was Graham Judd with his fine selection of Scouting related material –stamps and covers in particular. The remaining displays took Club Members on a ‘Thos. Cook’ Extravaganza. John Duckworth shared part of his 1927 Chinese connection material –which was concerned with the Shanghai Postal Strikes of 1927 and 1932, providing scarce covers posted during this period. A small study was made of emergency coupons which were issued during the strikes. Continuing the Far Eastern theme (Hong Kong) was Spence Coaker’s display of covers and postcards, with several having various GB/Wimborne destinations. Moving to a vastly different location was John Davis with a rich taster of his ‘Tin Can Mail’ from Tonga. Moving closer to home was Wendy Buckle who shared again a fragment of her extensive ‘Latvia’ collection, with a consideration of Russian postmarks. Concluding this section was a highly researched study by Albert Jackson which gave a tragic glimpse into the subject of ‘The WW2 Polish Invasion’. Rare philatelic material featured- covers and their letters sent by imprisoned Polish Officers held in a notorious forest PoW camp. Of even greater rarity was a cover posted into the camp. The material displayed was dated just prior to both the liquidation of the camp its detained Polish Military personnel. This truly detailed and well written-up display was but a fragment of Albert’s major presentation which Club had previously been privileged to study.
Acting Chairman Terry Kirkman was most complimentary of the entries shared and warmly thanked all who had taken part. Appreciation by Club Members was apparent as evidenced during the following lengthy break.
(paul barry)
Monday 25 November 2019
SG Philatelic Terms Illustrated display - Hugh Jefferies (alteration to original programme)
Hugh Jefferies MBE, the Club’s Programme Secretary, presented Members with glimpses of a fascinating Stanley Gibbons’ resource -a sizeable ‘frozen in time’ 1950’s A-Z collection of philatelic terms. This was a richly illustrated display of numerous appropriate stamps, some of which, with the passage of time are seen to be ‘very tasty items’. (Hugh) This resource had been ‘lost’ for some 15 years, but clubs and societies now benefit from Hugh’s management, having presented it on no fewer than some 30 occasions! Well written-up on cream parchment, the compiler had drawn together a truly extensive assortment of material. Starting from predictably ‘Advertisements’ there followed scores of other philatelic terms, including ‘Fakes’, ‘Fiscals’, Mails’ (pigeon post, airmails, etc), ‘Papers’, ‘Postal Stationery’, Perforations and ‘Watermarks’. Hugh skimmed through, commenting on and showing a few examples which needed further scrutiny, perhaps on account of humour, rarity or intrigue! He made reference to linked Stanley Gibbons’ books on display, published in 1972 and 2003 on the subject ‘Philatelic Terms Illustrated’. The greater apportionment of time was given to Members’ personal investigation which proved most worthwhile.
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Two editions of the Stanley Gibbons detailed Guide |
Hugh Jefferies being presented with his "Thank you" by Terry Kirkman |
(paul barry)
Monday 9 December 2019
Three/Four Sheets from everybody (no excuses!) - Members
Speaker |
Subject |
Sheets |
Alan King |
Stamps from France, Napoleon |
3 |
Michael Mawdsley |
British Honduras (Belize) - King George VI pictorial stamps |
4 |
Wendy Buckle |
The Lindisfarne Gospels, 1500 AD |
3 |
Spence Coaker |
Hong Kong, 1853 Branch Office; George VI; Ship Letters |
4 |
Jeff Bradford |
GB Christmas stamps from 1966 to 1986 |
3 |
Terry |
Very early Bournemouth and Christchurch letters |
4 |
David Sadler |
Recent Cover Purchases |
3 |
Albert Jackson |
The Liberation of Poland, 1944-45 - letters |
4 |
Chris Wheeler |
Letters from Santa |
4 |
Hary Taebert |
Czeslaw Slania, and his stamp designs |
3 |
MikeTrickett |
Avila, stamps and postcards |
4 |
John Diamond |
Aviation |
4 |
Phil Proudley |
Victorian Postal History |
4 |
Julian White |
Postcards of Bournemouth after the Snowstorm, 1908 |
4 |
Hugh Jefferies |
New Zealand - the second pictorial issue, 1935 |
4 |
Brian Quist |
RAFC Christmas Airgraphs |
4 |
Don Seaby |
Robson Lowe covers from Bournemouth and London |
3 |
Bill Laird |
Postal stationery from the Scottish Islands |
4 |
Terry Kirkman |
Christmas Crackers - new captions for recent stamps |
4 |
Charles Leonard |
The history of SS Osmo from 1903 |
4 |
Paul Lear |
Kingfishers of theWorld, and New Zealand (including White Island) |
4 |
Paul Barry |
Recent acquisitions for the GB Jubilee, 1877 |
3 |
Bob Small |
Letters from Stapleton Prison in Napoleonic times |
3 |
Bill Laird (2) |
Stamps from 1982 |
4 |
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1300th Anniversary cancellation, 1998, commemorating the Lindisfarne Gospels |
Letter from the 2nd Marquis of Bute (1793-1845), from Highcliff House, using the Christchurch Penny Post |
Detail from miniature sheet designed by Czeslaw Slania in 2000 (his 1,000th stamp design) |
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Christchurch in the snow, 1908 postcard |
A Robson Lowe cover from its Bournemouth office |
One of Terry Kirkman's traditional "Christmas Crackers" |
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White Island, New Zealand (scene of six fatalities the day before this meeting) |
1945 RAFC Airgraph |
1803 letter from the Transport Office, Stapleton Prison, releasing 18 PoWs back to France |
chris wheeler
Monday 9 December 2019
Three/Four Sheets from everybody (no excuses!) - Members
Speaker |
Subject |
Sheets |
Alan King |
Stamps from France, Napoleon |
3 |
Michael Mawdsley |
British Honduras (Belize) - King George VI pictorial stamps |
4 |
Wendy Buckle |
The Lindisfarne Gospels, 1500 AD |
3 |
Spence Coaker |
Hong Kong, 1853 Branch Office; George VI; Ship Letters |
4 |
Jeff Bradford |
GB Christmas stamps from 1966 to 1986 |
3 |
Terry |
Very early Bournemouth and Christchurch letters |
4 |
David Sadler |
Recent Cover Purchases |
3 |
Albert Jackson |
The Liberation of Poland, 1944-45 - letters |
4 |
Chris Wheeler |
Letters from Santa |
4 |
Hary Taebert |
Czeslaw Slania, and his stamp designs |
3 |
MikeTrickett |
Avila, stamps and postcards |
4 |
John Diamond |
Aviation |
4 |
Phil Proudley |
Victorian Postal History |
4 |
Julian White |
Postcards of Bournemouth after the Snowstorm, 1908 |
4 |
Hugh Jefferies |
New Zealand - the second pictorial issue, 1935 |
4 |
Brian Quist |
RAFC Christmas Airgraphs |
4 |
Don Seaby |
Robson Lowe covers from Bournemouth and London |
3 |
Bill Laird |
Postal stationery from the Scottish Islands |
4 |
Terry Kirkman |
Christmas Crackers - new captions for recent stamps |
4 |
Charles Leonard |
The history of SS Osmo from 1903 |
4 |
Paul Lear |
Kingfishers of theWorld, and New Zealand (including White Island) |
4 |
Paul Barry |
Recent acquisitions for the GB Jubilee, 1877 |
3 |
Bob Small |
Letters from Stapleton Prison in Napoleonic times |
3 |
Bill Laird (2) |
Stamps from 1982 |
4 |
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1300th Anniversary cancellation, 1998, commemorating the Lindisfarne Gospels |
Letter from the 2nd Marquis of Bute (1793-1845), from Highcliff House, using the Christchurch Penny Post |
Detail from miniature sheet designed by Czeslaw Slania in 2000 (his 1,000th stamp design) |
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Christchurch in the snow, 1908 postcard |
A Robson Lowe cover from its Bournemouth office |
One of Terry Kirkman's traditional "Christmas Crackers" |
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White Island, New Zealand (scene of six fatalities the day before this meeting) |
1945 RAFC Airgraph |
1803 letter from the Transport Office, Stapleton Prison, releasing 18 PoWs back to France |
chris wheeler
Monday 13th January 2020
8 in 3 - Your Choice - Members
Within the 7 presentations, there was both variety and considerable interest. Wendy Buckle provided a brief study of ‘WWII Occupation of Latvia’, in which the official postal system was considered. This was but a small part of a considerable in-depth collection. Spence Coaker shared some 60’s and 70’s Mail from Hong Kong. He considered various post offices and included registered letters. Albert Jackson’s WWII collection is extensive and on this occasion Club was able to consider ‘German Labour Camps.’ Hugh Jefferies’ took a highly specialised look at New Zealand’s ‘Alms Postal Fiscals’, where the new 1931 design was established, covering the values 1/3d to £1000!!. It produced no less than 52 different values to keep both admin staff and philatelists on their toes! This complex issue involved some surcharging in bold type to establish the stamp value, since 52 different colours could not be achieved for printing! Included was a very large cover, supporting the theme, and as a bonus, Hugh presented a remarkable full sheet of ‘Penny Reds’!! -a family heirloom. Charles Lennard shared a study of ‘St Petersburg Post Office -1880’. It may be little known that during the recent past there were no less than 21 different post offices in the Poole area and Don Seaby’s presentation mustered a fascinating collection of ‘Postmarks of Poole’. The final study was a detailed consideration of ‘Napoleon III, 2nd set of the Imperfs’ (the Second Empire), a study which was much amplified by owner/presenter Alan King who provided much background, including different dies and details of forgeries, some of which were present within the display. Another well worthwhile in-house evening!
paul barry
Monday 27 January 2020
"Alwar to Travancore - with a few stops between" - Philip Olds
All those attending this evening found that the early postage stamps and postalhistory of the Indian Princely States is a complicated subject. British rule with greater uniformity across the whole of India followed the period of this display. Since many of the first issues of these stamp issuing states were printed locally, using primintive methods, they can be very rare. For this reason, the Indian Feudatory States are a challenging and an interesting area for stamp collecting. Beginners need be aware of the existence of forgeries, though most forgeries are crude and can be easily identified and collected in their own right. The standard catalogue for these postage stamps, which the speaker has contributed to in many cases is published by Stanley Gibbons.
This evening was a treat for all those who attended, going into the depths of postal production, use and development which must be quite unique in the world of stamp collecting and an opportunity for the enthusiast to really excel in the finest detail of their hobby. No one but another expert could possibly write up this display up with any confidence or accuracy!!
However, here we were presented with an in-depth analysis and display of examples of stamps of which almost only one exists in many cases, and our speaker admitted to playing desperate games of “jigsawing” in his efforts to match up individual stamps into their composite sheets, such was the detail of his collecting, Several of his examples were certified by the expertising committee, and stood modestly among their sisters on the display sheets with simply their expertising reference number above them to prove their authenticity.
Concentrating on the Feudatory States of Rajistan, Philip went through them one by one showing examples of their delicate and individual designs. Due to the low literacy and very local use, very few had been produced, and there were a host of errors of every type imaginable. Printed in low numbers in small sheets, they were used mainly for official purposes, managed mainly by the police and delivered by the police and their nominated runners. As these sheets ran out new ones were ordered, but the original plates were long gone and so that added to their composition and colour. The same occurred when the maharaja died and a new issue was ordered for the new encumbent.
Clearly these were local stamps and rarely crossed the State borders. When they did, both States’ stamps were used, or if the destination stamps were not available to the sender, postage due inscriptions were added. Some lovely examples of these on cover were included in the display.
Much changed following the War of Independence in 1857, when the East India Company was replaced by British Rule and greater control of their issue and compliance came into force. This was a display that each sentence had a depth of meaning and hidden research that excited the audience and led to a host of questions and detailed study during the break and at the end.
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ALWAR - Origin paid, local is postage due |
Triple oval cancellation on 1 Folus stamp, 20 Feb 1884 |
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JAIPUR - Chariot design |
JAIPUR - Elephant Transport |
BEGAM - SG23a - Rare |
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CHARKARI - Only full set known |
Expertised ¼ ANNAS |
Printed with missing stamp |
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Stamp printed on both sides |
Expertised 1900 1 Anna imperf |
The final "Thank you" to Philip |
chris wheeler
Monday 10 February 2020:
8 in 3 - What's Your Theme?
Nine excellent displays covering a wide range of themes was displyed this evening, started with John Garrett's GB Postal History of mainly Free Franks, but also showing a To Pay 2d Only example and a postcard of one of the Soup Kitchens set up by Alderman Ridout. Albert Jackson followed by showing many variations of the Poland stamp issued by USA as part of its 13 set Overrun Countries, issued in 1943-1944 in sheets of 50, as a tribute to those countries which had assisted the AXIS forces. Wendy Buckle demonstrated the history of printing, with stamps and physical examples, beginning with Typesetting, the assembly of plates by selection of individual letters and punctuation marks, getting them round the right way leading to the quotation "mind you ps and qs". Examples of lintyope and montype machines on stamps were included ending with the introduction of computeres in the mid 20th century. John Duckworth concentrated on stamps and covers used by South West Africa, explaining the many administrations that the country had been subjected to, especially the port of Walvis Bay, now in Namibia. Julian White put up many examples of the penny red, and the effects on its colouring as a result of the paper it was printed on. Chris Wheeler showed St Valentine and many Love stamps, the village Lover near Fordingbridge which receives a special licence each year to issue its own cancelations, and closed with the promotional pack from Croatia for its Love stamp. Hugh Jefferies followed with examples of the nearly 100 years history of all issues from the New Zealand Government Life Insurance Department, with variations in design until its last issue in 1981 and withdrawal in 1989. Don Seaby displayed eight sheets of modern covers and their appropriate cancellations from Dorset, with finally Alan King showing Airmails and Transport stamps from France.
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Free Pay Letter from 1830 |
The Overrun Countries - Poland cover, 1943 |
Sweden stamp showing Typesetting |
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Composing a page, 90th anniversary |
Introduction of Computers, Finland |
Cape of Good Hope cover with its own stamp, whilst independent |
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Penny red on cover from Plate 47 |
Croatia Love stamp |
Fist issue of the Government New Zealand Life Insurance stamps |
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Badger Beer cancellation, Blandford, Dorset |
Two early France airmail stamps on piece |
The France airmail "Banknote" design |
(chris wheeler)
Monday 24 February 2020 - "Germany 1919/33", Tony Hickey
The subject of WWI is a frequent Philatelic study area, but of very limited consideration is the immediate post-war period. Speaker Tony Hickey FRPSL shone a highly informed beam of light onto this little known area and greatly interested his audience, making much use of stamps, including overprints, covers and correspondence, postcards, photos, maps, newspapers and posters. The whole presentation was skilfully underpinned by superb write-up and eloquent exposition. Having been born into a military family, spread over many generations, Tony took up his fascination with all things ‘military’ at a young age with philatelic interest gaining ground over time. By way of background, Tony covered in particular the key issues of massive change for Germany, following revolt prior to the ending of the war, shortages, provisional government, the re-allocation of territory, the confiscation of German colonies, reparations, hyper-inflation and the severe limitation of military personnel and armaments. Added to all these contentious areas was the ‘war-guilt clause’ built into the Treaty of Versailles, which assisted in the fermentation of German revolt, protest and emerging political extremism...ultra-nationalism.
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 proved to be the major turning point in Hitler’s massive rise to popularity, since although Germany by this time was strengthening economically, the American insistence on ‘having their money back’, fed into the newly promoted ‘bread and work’ slogan and general propaganda, which began to resonate and promote Hitler’s appeal. During this chaotic postwar period, numerous postal adjustments were made, not least the variety of stamp issues and over-printing, reflecting the hyper-inflation backdrop.
In summing up Club’s appreciation, Chairman Bob Small observed -’this is a fantastic informative display, having scarce material and very well presented ...thank you very much indeed’.
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Postcard "The Americans are Coming", April 1917 |
The prson wher Hiltler was interned and wrote Mein Kampf |
50th Anniversary miniature sheet of the Spartacus Revolt in 1916 |
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Bavarian sets from 1919 |
New Germania colours, 1920 |
Stamp from the set "Remember our Colonies" |
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The National Socialist "martyr" Albert Leo Schlageter, 1923 |
Cover to Ireland with stamps to the value of 45,000,000 marks |
Overprinted stamps of Eden and Hindenberg |
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1 November1923, new stamp issue following the hyperinflation era |
German POWs returning from England |
Tony Hickey receiving his presentation gift from Hugh Jefferies |
(paul barry)
9 March 2020
Annual Competitions including One-sheet competition - Members
Ten entries were submitted in the Competition, with the results in the table below. In the One Page Competition, the winner by one point was Albert Jackson with his submission "A Triple Whammy" described below. John Campbell judged the main entries and complimented the competitors with the high level of entries submitted. An excellent evening.
(and the third Whammy! I found this item in a dealer's mixed lot box for £2.00!)
2020 Competition Results
General |
Philip Olds |
Single die Prints of Duttia 1893-1899 |
80 |
First |
Julian White |
C8 Penny Red Stars |
78 |
Second |
Thematic |
Wendy Buckle |
Short History of Printed Book Production |
82 |
First |
Open |
Chris Wheeler |
The Salvation Army |
75 |
First |
John Davis |
Venice - From the Fall of the Republic to Unification with Italy |
74 |
Second |
Chris Wheeler |
From Lover to Loved |
68 |
Third |
Postal History |
Bob Small |
Napoleonic POW Censorship |
85 |
First |
Rod Greer |
Charge Marks on Overseas Mail - Ireland |
81 |
Second |
Albert Jackson |
German Police in Poland |
80 |
Third |
Spencer Coaker |
Kowloon 1898 - 1941 |
79 |
Fourth |
(chris wheeler)
Meeting 11th October, 2021
Members Entertain
Anniversaries & Jubilees
Presenting ‘8 in 3’ or ’12 in 4’ Sheets
(Plus Auction)
The presentation subject of ‘Anniversaries & Jubilees’ proved a good choice by Programme Secretary Hugh Jefferies, with five members taking part. Paul Lear commenced batting with a colourful display and fascinating commentary promoting philatelic ‘Botswana’ over some 50 years. Of items, worthy of notice was a 1971 cover celebrating the country’s 5th Anniversary of independence. This input was followed by Hugh Jefferies with his highly interesting KGV 1935 Jubilee ‘Windsor Castle’ display, which was highly detailed, covering printers, printings, plates, perforations and numerous varieties, including on cover. Told in Hugh’s unique, well informed and engaging style, this popular omnibus issue was certainly well covered and well received. Phil Olds contributed a display covering a less known philatelic area ...’Travencore’, where sheets, watermarks and 1921 surcharges were to the fore. Of note was the lovely set celebrating...’The Investiture of the Maharaja’. Spence Coaker, well known for his considerable knowledge and equally impressive collection of Hong Kong, again did not disappoint. Numerous anniversaries were covered, with the beautiful ‘Victory’ issue being his favourite. The presentation benefited from variety, colour and content. The 1935 Bradbury Jubilee printing was featured in mint and used, with an associated cover being celebrated. For those with postcard interests, Julian White’s display revealed seldom seen Bournemouth material. These focussed on various centenaries and other town celebrations, including the 1910 Aviation Show and civic fetes...a wonderful local flavour indeed.

Paul Barry - Club Publicity
Meeting 25th October, 2021
Part One:- ‘Rupert the Bear’ Terry Kirkman
This was a feast indeed, presented by the Club’s in house authority...Terry Kirkman. He explained that, at the time of WWI and the Battle of the Somme, there was a Fleet Street circulation battle between the daily newspapers; in response to this, the Daily Express in 1920 under Max Aitken (who later became Lord Beaverbrook) introduced a cartoon entitled ‘Little Lost Bear’, written by Mary Tourtel, wife of the paper’s assistant editor. The principal character was a bear dressed like a boy, who lived in Nutwood but had adventures all over the world, later with a group of friends including Algy Pug who was a Pekinese dog, a badger and an elephant.
As well as a daily cartoon, Mary illustrated a series of postcards during the 1920’s. Alfred Bestall took over as writer and illustrator in the 1930s and in 1936 produced the first annual. Rupert continued during the second world war, becoming something of a national icon and in the 1950s a fan club was formed called The Followers of Rupert, who produced The Nutwood Newsletter.
By the 1970s, a lot of Rupert merchandising was being prepared, including such items as birthday cards and later a Royal Doulton Rupert range, Rupert knitting patterns, an INVESCO Perpetual Rupert Children’s Fund, Rupert phone cards and City of London Police metal Rupert badges. The Muscular Dystrophy Society sponsored Rupert in a link with Tesco’s, appearing on their shopping bags, there was a Rupert Museum in Canterbury and a Rupert the Bear Show in Worthing, which Terry and Linda went to, the only adults unaccompanied by children!
In 1966, the Bournemouth Evening Echo ran a prime-time supplement featuring Rupert and Terry on the front page. The Southampton Balloon and Flower Festival had a Rupert balloon, which towered above all the other balloons but it only appeared for two years and then caught fire. In 2020, the UK and Guernsey brought out sets of stamps to mark the centenary of the first Rupert cartoon.
Terry presented examples, originals or pictures of all the above and also a table full of other Rupert merchandising and memorabilia such as jigsaws, pencil cases, holdalls, tissues, sweets, a sweet tin, braces, picture kits, a bath sponge, talc, soap, flannels, pasta shapes, a pyjama case, lemonade, clocks, a kaleidoscope, cutlery, shopping bags, a height chart, a ‘noisy book’, with sound effects, a Learn to Cook with Rupert book and an NSPCC poster. The display included a fascinating assortment of Rupert themed stamps, covers, postcards, cancellations and other philatelic items from various postal administrations. A truly magnificent presentation.
Part Two: ‘The Battle of Britain and the Napoleonic Wars’
Bob Small
Bob explained that after a short period known as The Phoney War, Hitler launched Operation Sea Lion, intended to culminate in the invasion of Britain. To do this, he used 2000 bomber and fighter planes of the Luftwaffe, against 600 of the RAF under four sections of Fighter Command. The Battle of Britain as it became known had four phases in 1940 as follows:-
1. From 10th July to 7th August, the Luftwaffe attacked British shipping and coastal towns.
2. From 8th August to 6th September, the Luftwaffe under operation Eagle Day concentrated on destroying the RAF on the ground, by bombing airfields and runways. In reply, the RAF mistakenly bombed part of Berlin, which so incensed Hitler that, against the advice of his generals, he switched tactics to bomb British cities instead. This led to the 3rd phase.
3. From 7th September to 5th October, the Blitz which, whilst it caused a large loss of life and massive damage to cities within range of the German bombers, enabled the RAF to repair airfields and operate Fighter Command with increasing effectiveness.
4. From 6th October to 31st October, the Luftwaffe’s losses mounted and the weather worsened, so Hitler cancelled Operation Sea Lion, and instead launched Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union.
Bob presented a frame and a half of stamps, pictures and articles illustrating the above.
The Battle of Waterloo
Bob skillfully presented a further frame and a half of philatelic related material. The battle took place on 18th June, 1815. In that battle, Napoleon had 100,000 French troops against the combined British allied and Prussian armies totalling only 77,000. Napoleon had already driven a wedge between the combined British allied and Prussian armies, but overnight 17th/18th June it rained heavily, so he delayed the start of the battle till midday to give the ground time to dry out. Bob then described the course of the battle during that day.
Wellington’s 23,000 British troops, although better positioned, were heavily outnumbered by Napoleon’s and were facing possible defeat but were reinforced first by the Dutch (part of the allied army) and then by Blucher’s Prussian army. They managed to turn the tide of the battle, leading to Napoleon’s defeat, with 92% of his army either killed or injured, although Wellington declared afterwards that the battle was ‘the nearest run thing you ever saw’.
Bob also displayed a model he had made during six months of lockdown of the blockhouse of a Napoleonic prisoner of war (POW) prison. It was made of oak and pine wood and comprised a ground floor, stairs up to the first floor, a tiled roof and a bell tower. The roof lifted off to reveal guards manning the weapon emplacements. Bob finally produced sixteen sheets of Napoleonic POW censorship mail, which had been displayed at Hampex, where it had been award winning.
The evening concluded with Albert Jackson giving a warm vote of thanks for two such richly themed presentations and the wealth of material that had been shown.
51st Season (2022)
2022 |
January |
1st |
Subscriptions are due...BUT are free to paid-up 2021 Members! |
10th |
8 in 3 "Lockdown finds, discoveries/acquisitions" - Members |
24th |
"Venice" - John Davis FRPSL |
February |
14th |
8 in 3 "C is for" - Members |
28th |
"Africa and other Islands" - James Podger FRPSL |
March |
14th |
Annual Competition, including one-sheet competition |
28th |
"Coronation and Jubilee Ephemera from Charles II" - John Cooper |
April |
11th |
8 in 3 "GB and Channel Islands" - Members |
25th |
"Kiribati and Tuvalu" - Hugh Bennet |
May |
9th |
Annual General Meeting and Trophy Presentations |
23rd |
The early Development of the Australian King George V 1d Red - Colin Mount FRPSL |
June |
13th |
8 in 3 "Postal History and Covers ONLY - Members |
27th |
"The King George V Penny" - Michael Sefi LVO, RDP, FRPSL |
July |
11th |
12 in 5 "Stamps ONLY" - Members |
25th |
"It's an Irish World" - Peter Wood FRPSL |
August |
8th |
8 in 3 "An Asian Odyssey (stamps, covers/cards) - Members |
September |
12th |
8 in 3 "Postcard Evening (postcards only)" - Members |
26th |
"Smithy and his Bus" - Sue Burn |
October |
10th |
8 in 3 "What's Your Theme" - Members |
24th |
"GB Postal History and Development of the 1d value" - Bill Barrell |
November |
14th |
"Four sheets from EVERYBODY - NO EXCUSES!!" - Members |
28th |
Salisbury Philatelic Society Visit |
December |
12th |
Christmas Events - quizzes, wine, beer, mince pies, raffle, etc |
Meeting 10th January 2022
8 in 3 "Lockdown finds, discoveries/acquisitions" - Members
(Report and images awaited)
Meeting 24th January 2022
"Venice" - John Davis FRPSL
(Report and images awaited)
Meeting 14th February 2022
“C is for ...” 8 (sheets) in 3 (minutes) displays - Members
Terry Kirkman showed Cancellations and Cachets from Australia, comprising various covers and labels including one indicating a dangerous cargo.
Albert Jackson showed covers and propaganda cards representing Campaigning for Unification between Austria and Germany during the time of the Anschluss pre-World War II, i.e. late 1930s.
Hugh Jefferies showed Cancellations from British Army Post Offices in South Africa and “Inter-Provincials” i.e. mail from Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Orange River Colony and Transvaal used within the province or in one of the other three during the period 1910 to 1913 until Union of South Africa stamps were ready.
Spence Coaker showed Canada’s 1929 “Blue Nose” schooner stamp, representing the Nova Scotia emblem. He also showed stamps from Canton, Cheung Chau, Choy Hung Cheng and Changsha Street.
Brian Davis (Chairman of Ashford & District Philatelic Society, Middlesex, who was visiting the area and looked us up!) showed a 16 sheet display of “Concorde Queen of the Skies” covers of Air France’s first commercial flight.
Wendy Buckle showed stamps and miniature sheets of Children’s books, mostly from the UK but also from Gibraltar and the Channel Islands.
Bob Small showed James Gilray (“the father of satirists”) cards of caricatures and cartoons over the period 1795 to 1815.
An excellent Auction followed the presentations, resulting in a healthy commission on sales, thus boosting Club funds.
(no images for this meeting)
(Alan King)
Meeting 28th February 2022
"Africa and other Islands" - James Podger FRPSL
The Club was granted a most interesting insight into James Podger’s naval life, through a philatelic lens, both aspects in equal measure. We heard of his time in the Falklands, then to St Helena on a mail transporting duty. Also in the mix was his time on Ascension which was particularly celebrated by scarce destinations postcards. His adventures were underpinned by a good mix of covers, letters, postcards, air-mails, photos, cuttings and public notices. Varied stamps were observed which included mint sheets and some very early material, for example the registered Mauritius Slade material dated May and October 1894. As Chairman Bob Small observed, ‘this was very much a trip down Memory Lane’ - ‘The Club’, he stated, ‘had appreciated many good and unique items’.

(Paul Barry)
Meeting 14th March 2022
Annual Competition, including one-sheet competition - Members
We held a very successful competition evening on Monday 14 March. I was heartened by the level of support for both the one-sheet member-judged competition and our annual 16-sheet competition. We had twelve entries for the main event with something entered for each category, which meant that every frame was full, giving a very good impression of the club to our two judges. Colin Mount and Julian Jones made detailed comments on every entry and were good enough to stay behind to answer any queries in person. It was encouraging to hear their remarks on the quality of the exhibits.
I am indebted to all of those members who turned up to help with setting out the frames, chairs and tables and for helping to clear up afterwards. I especially want to thank Terry for his input into every aspect of the evening, but especially for organising a quiz which helped to keep our members amused while the judges deliberated. My thanks also to Hugh for entertaining the judges beforehand while we prepared the room for the meeting.
All in all, we timed the meeting well. The judges took about ten minutes longer than we hoped to finish their work, but that was only to be expected considering the number of exhibits and the judges’ attention to detail. I think we can assume for the future that we will need the one-sheet competition, a quiz and an auction to hold everyone’s attention during the judging. I am convinced that allowing time for members to inspect the entries at the end of the evening is a success and it was illuminating to see how much interest was shown to the marking sheets I left on the table. I have sent a thank-you email to the judges and asked them if they had any suggestions on how we might improve the competition evening, especially from the point of view of judging.
In consultation with Terry and the exhibitors concerned, we have chosen Bob Small and myself to represent our society in the forthcoming inter-club competition.
Albert Jackson
Competitions Secretary
Meeting 28th March 2022
“Coronation and Jubilee Ephemera” – talk by John Cooper
Part I
John started by explaining that he’d built up his collection over many years buying from ephemera dealers and eBay. The presentation included ephemera over the reigns Charles II (1660 – 1685) to Elizabeth II (1953 to present). As well as the material on the display stands, he had brought two albums of chocolate wrappers covering the reigns Queen Victoria to Elizabeth; he explained that the problem with chocolate wrappers was that the foil was almost always discarded – he only had a single foil, the remainder of his display items being only the paper wrappers, from such confectioners as Cadbury, Fry and Nestlé – there were many others as well.
John showed a ‘command’ i.e. an invitation to attend the coronation of James II in 1685 – this was the earliest known such ‘command’; he also showed the portrait of James for the coronation (see photo).
He showed a ticket for the coronation of George II in 1727, which was rare. He showed a number of tickets for the later coronation of George IV, in 1820 (see photo), one of which had been valued at £5,000 at the Antiques Road Show ten years ago.
He showed programmes for Queen Victoria’s golden jubilee celebration in 1887 (see photo) and a ticket for her diamond jubilee procession in 1897 (see photo).He also showed tickets for Edward VII’s coronation in 1901, colour coded according to where in Westminster Abbey you were seated.
John displayed further material on the tables, in particular three books of large illustrated drawings of royal events during Queen Victoria’s reign, each page being edged in gold leaf and hand painted in detail by the artists to photographic quality, in the period immediately prior to photography. He explained that they were in effect a series of individual miniature portraits and, once the camera was invented, the artists lost their livelihoods!
Part II
John said that Edward VII’s original coronation in June 1901 had to be cancelled as he had appendicitis; the coronation eventually took place in October that year and John had tickets for both dates. He also had a proof booklet of all the tickets which was rare, with only one other being known.
John showed an attractive portrait of George V and Queen Mary (see photo), for his coronation in 1910, together with several coronation programmes and carriage passes. He also showed a large plan of the seating arrangements for the coronation meal, which was held in two rooms, one with the King presiding and one with the Queen and each line listing the guest together with the escort to their seat.
A few paper items were shown for Edward VIII’s coronation in 1936 and John explained that they were rare, as the majority of such material was pulped due to his unpopularity following the scandal of his affair with Mrs Simpson and his abdication. John showed a copy of the progressive colour proofs for the programme, of which there were only two other copies, one owned by the Queen and one by an unknown collector. He also showed an official copy of Edward’s abdication speech.
John showed a number of programmes for George VI’s coronation, also in 1936, which like Edward VII’s were colour coded according to the Westminster Abbey seating arrangements. He showed a ticket for car parking for the coronation. He also showed a communist party brochure brought out at the same time (see photo), suggesting how the cost of the coronation could have been better spent!
Lastly, John showed a number of programmes for Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953 and a full set of tickets acquired from HMSO, Norwich, which were being thrown away; this included a series of colour proofs for the ‘command’ (invitation) to attend, for which there was no other known copy!
Bob Small thanked John for his presentation, which he said had been a ‘first’ for the Club – a whole evening devoted to ephemera – and a truly unique presentation (see photos).
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(Report by Alan King, with images by Albert Jackson)
Results of the Inter-club Competition April 9th, 2022
Club |
Class |
Entry Description |
Mark |
Total Marks |
Position |
Bridport |
General |
Australia – KG V Penny Halfpenny |
89 |
Postal History |
Przedborz City Post 1917-18 (Poland) |
86 |
175 |
1st |
Ferndown &
West Moors |
General |
Woldenberg |
88 |
Postal History |
Napoleonic Censorship 1798-1815 |
83 |
171 |
2nd |
Poole |
General |
Stamps of Slovenia 1919-21 |
79 |
Thematic |
Philately of the German Leipzig Fair Paintings |
75 |
154 |
3rd |
Ringwood |
Postal History |
London Postal Cancellations May 1840-Dec 1860 |
80 |
Open/Social |
Free Trieste Zone B Yugoslav Military Govt. 1948-54 |
67 |
147 |
4th |
Southampton |
General |
Stamps of Northern Rhodesia |
78 |
Postal History |
Vernon Hill House |
62 |
140 |
5th |
(Paul Barry)
Meeting 25th April 2022
"Kiribati and Tuvalu" - Hugh Bennet FRPSL
The Club benefits hugely from the inspired work of Programme Secretary Hugh Jefferies, and this evening’s meeting was no exception. He had secured a most unusual presentation which took a sideways look... at the work of stamp designing.
The speaker, Hugh Bennet FRPSL, Chairman of The Pacific Islands Study Circle, provided a fascinating 2-part display where fascinating philatelic experiences were richly underpinned by a mixture of mint stamps, in singles and blocks, plates, overprints, watermarks, shades, covers including air-mails and excellent photographs. Of particular note were numerous artwork designs with some originals. In the section, ‘Gilbert and Ellis Islands and Tuvalu’ overprints were a focus. Within this was an artist’s design submission. Scenic stamps were considered, together with 1971 definitives and reprints, but of particular study were ‘Children’s Concept Drawings’ for various values. Here art work held by the PO in the period 1976–2000 was eventually sold off and Hugh was able to acquire some.
Indeed, Hugh himself, was much involved in stamp production for Tuvalu, whereby he provided the authorities with photos and pictures of flowers and Royalty. The highlight would be his involvement in the Queen’s 90th Birthday issue and received a Royal reply of appreciation. The overall presentation contained as stated, a rich variety of philatelic material, but of greatest interest were the various art work designs, including some unadopted originals. A sideways look indeed.

(Paul Barry Publicity)
Meeting 9th May 2022
Annual General Meeting and Trophy Presentations
(Report and images awaited)
Meeting 23rd May 2022
The early Development of the Australian King George V 1d Red
Colin Mount FRPSL
This long-awaited specialist presentation was indeed a huge success, with Members attending in good numbers. Club’s new Chairman, Rod Greer warmly welcomed Colin, whose philatelic credentials extend widely, and who has developed the finest UK collection of the Australian KGV 1d Red, outside of Royal circles!! This rare opportunity to view and discuss revealed a highly specialised, unique and valuable display consisting of stamps, both mint, used, in blocks, in coils and on covers. Papers were examined, creases, watermarks, perforations and war-tax overprints were all considered. Dirty, rusted and repaired plates were studied and forgeries and many shades presented….over 50 shades of red exist!! This very considerable display was exquisite in all respects. Superbly written up on cream paper and with huge attention to presentation, it covered a huge sweep of research. Colin traced the stamp’s development and it was clear that this was soon to become a war-time issue. Here begins the major part of the story, since 1914 saw the commencement of war shortages, including inks from Germany and paper from the UK. Changes in production were quickly apparent with the emergence of new shades and papers.
As Chairman Rod expressed, Members were much privileged in having this rare insight into such a fine and superb presentation. As Colin revealed, this was the result of decades of study and acquisition, which to this day is an ongoing activity in Colin’s full and sometimes hectic philatelic life! Many thanks!!

Paul Barry, Publicity Officer
Meeting 13th June 2022
"8 in 3" Postal History and Covers - Members
Vice Chairman, Terry Kirkman, opened the evening and was pleased to welcome three new collectors, who later joined Club!!
(who says clubs are in decline!!) This was not a typical meeting in that attendance was reduced and the ‘8 in 3’ displays were depleted,
but quality was certainly in place together with diversity of subject, all well researched.
A particularly interesting contribution came from Spence Coaker who presented antique philatelic items from Hong Kong, revealing a little of the Colony’s Victorian history in general with Naval documentation in particular. These included delightful covers, from as early as 1846. A year earlier, P & O commenced a monthly service UK to Hong Kong...with an average journey time of 50 days. The Cover pictured has a June 23rd 1846 CDS. Wonderful vessel names come to mind… the SS Hinostan, The Queen of Heaven (Poirot), the much later RMS Carpathia (miracle Titanic rescue ship), and here the beautiful paddle steamer SS Lady Mary Wood. Spence describes this entire letter addressed to the Rev Arthur Tidman as mail from a missionary house in Hong Kong to Finsbury. Leaving on 24th June, The Lady Mary reached Ceylon on 16th July. Another paddle steamer, The Hinostan will have achieved Suez on 7th August. The letter then will have been taken overland to Alexandra, from where it will have sailed in the P & O paddle steamer, The Ariel, arriving Southampton 25th August!! If you enjoy philatelic naval history, talk to Spence!!

Paul Barry Publicity Officer
Meeting Report - 27th June 2022
Michael Sefi LVO, RDP, FRPSL – the King George V Penny
MS was keeper of the Royal Philatelic Collection from 2003 to 2018; he was president of the GB Philatelic Society from 1998 to 2000 and from 2012 to 2014 and was a member of Council of the Royal Philatelic Society London, between 1990 and 2005.
MS started by saying that our new frames should have been three rows, not four, to make it easier for tall or short people to view!
Part 1 of the display comprised the Downey Heads, only on sale over the relatively short period 1911 to 1913 – MS explained that he had started this specialisation because he thought them to be cheaper than other GB collecting fields, but interesting because over that period there had been changes to the dies, to the paper and to the printers. De La Rue, who had previously provided a ‘cradle to grave’ service but who were considered expensive, were being replaced by Harrison & Sons, who only did the printing whilst the Inland Revenue/Treasury managed the production process, while the Royal Mint prepared the dies and plates.
MS explained that he had focussed on the 1d value, being the bottom weight rate for internal letters and overseas postcards. The designer was Bertram Mackennal and he used a design based on a photograph by W & D Downey, hence the name. The original drawings had been lost – a large version of the original design was in the Royal Philatelic Collection and MS had the only small version in private hands; there were others in the British Library.
There had been various essays of the design. There were also colour trials, with the proviso that the colour had to be red to comply with the UPU. Turner lost the contract for the supply of paper in 1912 and this was followed by various paper trials, including one using Austrian enamelled paper. Perforation variations, resulting from both the use of different machines and the direction in which the sheets were fed into those machines were also shown, some of the combinations of perforation type and control number being very rare. Constant flaws were also shown.
Die 1a, which had been brought out in 1911, was not very successful, so it was only in press for three months but, despite its short life, there were many different shades. He also showed various die and plate proofs, most of which are rare.
Die 1b was only ‘discovered’ later, i.e. distinguished separately from 1a, and also includes some rarities, details of which are now given in the Stanley Gibbons Specialised Catalogue. A block was shown with rose-pink stamps on the right, gradually darkening to carmine examples at the left. The ‘no cross on crown’ variety and other constant flaws were also shown.
Die 2 was prepared following complaints about the quality of Dies 1a and 1b, including from King George V, who was very ‘hands on’; one such complaint was that the British lion looked starved, which was clearly unacceptable to the King! Die 2 was an improvement and lasted 18 months, far longer than Die 1, but there were still various constant flaws and shade variations.
The first Downey Head stamps were printed on the old Imperial Crown watermark paper, the single and multiple cypher watermarks coming later in 1912. Experiments were made to harden the dies, for example by coating the plate with chrome. Somerset House retained the old Dies 1a and 1b as the Inland Revenue had a printing facility, which they sometimes used for experimental purposes, including one shown, incorporating an anti-fraud copper rule in the sheet margin.
Examples of paper trials carried out in 1911 and 1912 to determine who would be awarded the contract on an on-going basis were shown, including John Allen cream wove paper and RD Turner’s imperial crown watermark paper, Wm Joyson’s simple cypher watermark paper and Basted Mills’ multiple royal cypher paper.
Coil stamps were sold to banks and insurance companies, who had machines for dispensing the stamps; no such machines were available for the general public at this time, however. These coil stamps are fairly scarce.
Stamp booklets were prepared at that time, with advertising to raise revenue; MS showed a reconstructed strip demonstrating how the panes were arranged tête-bèches, so that, when they were stitched and guillotined the stamps would appear the right way up. The item shown contained shade variations from one end of the strip to the other and MS noted that he had acquired it from two different sources and re-joined it. There was also a highly sought after aniline-scarlet shade, using German ink which diffused on the front and back of the stamp and which gave a golden glow under ultra-violet light.
The final frame of part 1 showed various covers of Downey head usage, including one from Coronation Day, the first day of issue, one of a registered postcard to Germany, the only known example, a rare Japanese wood cover carried overseas by Paquebot and a cover using the Wilkinson experimental franking machine. There were also picture postcards of the period.
Part 2; frames 1 & 2 showed examples of the main George V 'Profile Head' issue, which first appeared in 1912, starting with Harrison & Sons’ royal cypher watermark and progressing to Waterlow’s block cypher watermark in 1922; there was also progression of the die proofs, to stage 5, the final pre-printing proof: MS noted that this was the only example in private hands.
The paper quality was very variable, especially during WW1; MS said it was difficult to differentiate between stamps originally printed on toned paper and examples subsequently toned by light exposure and commented that he had not always agreed with the Expertising Committees over this. He noted that his example of perforation type 3 was unique.
There were various colour trials carried out in 1912, resulting in many different shades caused by poor mixing of the ink early in the print run; Her Majesty The Queen’s collection contained eight such shades and MS had a similar number. He noted that his block of six with varnish ink was rare and he also showed blocks of the orange-vermilion, pink and signal red shades. There were various known plate flaws and errors, one of which included a paper fragment removed after printing.
Somerset House were experimenting with coil printing and MS noted that he also had some very rare coils especially with the multiple cypher Basted Mills paper . At this time there was a Post Office experiment with advertisements on the back of stamps and MS had a very rare large block; the only other copy was in the Royal Collection. MS also showed examples of perforation errors which were extremely rare.
MS showed examples of different gums, from Waterlow and Harrison printing], and also examples of Harrison photogravure, sheet fed printing, before reel printing presses were available. There were large, intermediate and small formats of the photogravure stamps, with at least five different sizes, some from booklets [photo 30]. He also had an inverted cylinder block state 40, printed on a Heidelberg machine, which was unique as it was not actually released.
The final part of the display, frames 5 & 6, comprised Transatlantic Post Office covers from 1905 to 1914; MS noted that Roger Hoskins, now deceased, had written an earlier study on this in 1979, but MS’s subsequent collecting suggested that some of it would need updating.
MS’s display contained covers showing handstamps for every code number for each British Sea Post Office, including for Liverpool, Plymouth and Southampton . He noted that the American postal authorities were reluctant to frank British stamps and vice versa, although he had examples where this had occurred.
Further covers contained examples of handstamp code 2 carried on the USMS Philadelphia and the code 7 , which had initially been carried on the RMS Majestic, but which was passed to the Titanic and was lost when she sank in 1912. RMS Majestic subsequently used handstamp code 9 . There was a cover code 5 from the RMS Olympic, code 1 from the USMS New York and USMS St Paul, whose code was unclear.
The final display item was another code 1 cover from the USMS New York, but this one was written on 19th August 1914 and arrived in Liverpool on 22nd August 1914, which was the last date of the joint mail service, which terminated on 25th August 1914. MS handed out a two-sided sheet with further details of the Transatlantic Post Office over this period.
Rod Greer thanked Michael Sefi for his very thorough and interesting display and presented him with a certificate and engraved tumbler [below).
(Alan King)
Meeting 11th July 2022
"12 in 5" Stamps only - Members
(no report or images available)
Meeting held on 25th July
"It's an Irish World" - Peter Wood FRPSL
Part I
Rod Greer introduced Peter who, like himself, was a long term collector of Irish stamps and Irish postal history. Rod said that Peter was also a member of the Irish Philatelic Circle, the GB Philatelic Society and a Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of London – FRPSL.
Peter started by saying that his display would be a mixture of ‘thematic’ and ‘open class’, mostly the former, but some of latter e.g. cheese labels, and would be divided into four parts:
- Country & culture
- History
- People on stamps
- The Irish Diaspora, especially to the US
He said there would be a degree of overlap between the last two categories.
1. Frames 1 – 3; the Romans called Ireland “Hibernia”, literally the “cold country”, although they never actually went there! Peter presented display items representing the tricolour, the shamrock, St Patrick, Murphy (actually ‘Morphy’, the first US world chess champion and mis-named!), Irish whisky, Irish linen, the Titanic (“She was fine when She left here!”), and St Valentine who, Peter explained, was not actually Irish but his relics had been in Dublin since 1836, a gift from Pope Gregory XVI.
2. Frame 4; Peter presented items representing Celtic missionaries, Catholic lords who served in several Catholic courts in France, wine and spirit bottle labels and a rare Mulready envelope from County Clare.
3. Frames 5 & 6; Peter presented items representing the Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton and many famous Irish writers, including Jonathan Swift, George Bernard Shaw, James Joyce, Oscar Wilde and Samuel Beckett.
Part II
3. continued – frame 1; Peter continued with W B Yeats and several famous Irish Americans, who could equally be included in part 4, the Diaspora. He noted that the rule in Ireland and most of the rest of the world up until 2000 was not to show famous living people on stamps. This was broken in 2001 with the Irish fashion supermodel Erin O’Connor appearing on a set of British stamps modelling hats and then, in 2006, with the Irish athlete Ronnie Delany.
4. Frame 2; Peter noted that many early US presidents had Northern-Irish ancestry. He said that mass emigration began with the 1840 Irish potato famine and continued in the mid-1800’s with Irish Catholic emigration, much of it to the US. He said that, from President Kennedy onwards, it became positive rather than negative to be referred to as “Irish American”, noting that it had taken 150 years to achieve this! Peter said he had followed Nora Wright, who was a great early collector of Irish stamps and cachets, perfins etc. He displayed a memorable letter to her from President Kennedy’s sister, Jean Kennedy Smith.
4. Frame 3; Peter presented items representing films with Irish actors and actresses, including Scarlett O’Hara in “Gone with the Wind”, and Irish place-names – “Dublin” in the US and “Waterford” in both the US and Canada.
4. Frame 4; Peter presented items representing the Irish Diaspora in Australia and South America, the latter including Chile and Argentina, with Che Guevara who was descended from one of the oldest and most distinguished Irish families. The Caribbean also had Irish immigrants, in particular Montserrat, as did many other parts of the Commonwealth.
4. Frames 5 & 6; Peter finished with items reflecting Irish emigration to Britain.
He said that 40% of the British army was Irish born, including Montgomery of Alamein, whilst the Royal Irish Regiment and the Tyneside “pals” battalion comprised mostly Irish. Peter said that Irish “navvies” built much of the British infrastructure, from the canals in the early 1800’s to the motorways in the 1960’s onwards. Companies such as McAlpines and George Wimpey were the engine of this, the latter adopting the acronym “We Import More Paddies Every Year”, although copywriting it as “People”!
He continued with items representing Irish sportsmen and women, including footballers George Best and Danny Blanchflower and athlete Mary Peters, who won an Olympic pentathlon gold in 1972, further writers such as sisters Charlotte and Emily Brontë and Beatles John Lennon and Paul McCartney from Liverpool, which had strong Irish links.
Peter concluded by saying that he hoped he had shown that the “British Empire” should more correctly be named the “Irish Empire”!
Rod Greer thanked Peter Woods for his very interesting display, saying how much he personally had enjoyed it, and presented him with a certificate and engraved tumbler.
(Alan King)
Report on meeting held on Monday 8 August, 2022
8 in 3 "An Asian Odyssey (stamps, covers/cards) - Members
Four Members contributed to this evening’s entertainment, enabling Members to experience a colourful, if brief historical travel holiday! Philatelic journeys through Jaipur and Shanghai Province to Sarawak were engaging, perhaps the most memorable display being presented by Hugh Jefferies with his ‘Sarawak – Part of the Sultanate of Brunai’ study. Highly detailed write-ups have their place, but it can be that there is real value in peeping into a collection via a removed album page, as was the case here. Focussing first on the work of Charles Brook, engaged by the Sultan, there was quickly established in 1858 a Postal Service, providing a mailboat facility to Singapore. Initially Indian stamps were used. There were the inevitable supply problems and need for overprinting. Perkins Bacon were engaged and produced a most colourful set. This was followed by De la Rue. Consideration was given to the 1941 Japanese Occupation issues. Following three generations of Brook family administration, the British Government assumed control and the associated stamp issues demonstrated that Sarawak was a British Colony. As Hugh explained, here is indeed a rich philatelic stamping ground where numerous varieties, overprints and shades provide for research. Speak to Hugh to hear about possibly his most exciting modest purchase, which later proved to be of considerable rarity and value. The over-riding feel of his presentation was indeed the beautiful designs and colours of these early stamps….take a leaf from Hugh’s album…!!
(PAUL BARRY Publicity Officer)
Report on meeting held on Monday 12th September, 2022
8 in 3 "Postcard Evening (postcards only)" - Members
It is fair to say that many philatelic clubs and societies do not hold postcards within their title, but at this club, this emphasis has never been far removed and a yearly focus is celebrated, in addition to the numerous inputs within the programme. Of the eight presentations, one considered ‘Dorset Views’, while four centred on ‘Bournemouth’ as a theme, and Members were certainly impressed by the range, time span and, in some cases, rarity of exhibits. An Edwardian card depicting ‘Sea Road, Boscombe’ with its arcade in the background was a particular delight, featuring smartly dressed folk, (a nod to the then affluence of the location) and included a top hatted driver with pony and trap. (Photo F.G.O. Stewart 1378) ‘Christmas’ was a well chosen topic, but in one case, a 22nd February 1908 postmarked card was clearly of very early (or of late) dispatch!! ‘Hong Kong’ was a further selection, with historical aspects considered. This included a late 1950s card, showing a now rare sighting of a junk sailing on the Victoria Waterfront. ‘Volcanoes’ and ‘Cleopatra’s Needle’ cards added to the mix, but it was probably the amusing comic Bonzo postcard featuring a dog driven sports car which grabbed most attention. This was particularly apt as the wretched hound had managed to smash his (or her) way into a pillar-box, such was the determination to catch the post!!
Its caption ‘Just caught the Post’ might now be reworded to ‘Just using up my last QEII stamp before the CharlesIII stamps come out’’.
NB. Numerous Bonzo postcards were produced over 30 years by artist George Studdy
(Ask Terry Kirkman for insights into his considerable amusing collection!!)
Another successful Meeting, setting off on the Autumn programme.

(Paul Barry Publicity Officer)
Report on meeting held on Monday 26th September, 2022
"Smithy and his Bus" - Sue Burn
Sue began by saying that her talk would mainly be about the worldwide flights of Charles Kingsford-Smith (‘KS’), an Australian pioneer aviator in the 1920’s and 1930’s. She said that she also had an article on the subject in the August 2022 edition of Stanley Gibbons Monthly.
KS’s fame was recognised by the 1931 Australian Air Mail Service stamp issue “Kingsford Smith’s World Flights”, which is still popular with collectors. Sue said that her source material was Ian Mackersey’s book “Smithy”, a copy of which she had brought with her, together with Rick Searle’s book ”Charles Ulm”, whom she would also cover in the presentation.
Sue said that KS was born in 1897 in Brisbane and grew up in Sydney, although the family spent a spell abroad in Canada, returning to Australia after four years. KS nearly drowned off Bondi Beach when he was 10, which gave him a lifelong fear of water which, together with a fear of heights, made a flying career unlikely. He learned to fly in WW1, although he initially began the war as a motor cycle despatch rider. However, he was injured in Gallipoli, so took up flying and had to learn low level flying early on, in order to use the plane’s machine gun effectively. He was shot down but was decorated with the Military Cross, for ‘bravery under fire’.
After the war, he joined up with fellow pilots, initially joy-riding and stunt flying, but in 1921 he obtained one of the first commercial pilot’s licences, sponsored by the Australian Government, to fly with Western Australian Airways. He was joined there by a long-time friend and fellow pilot Keith Anderson. He and Anderson were later sacked by WAA, so they set up in partnership to operate their own airline, Australian National Airlines (“ANA”). At that time, aeroplanes had open cockpits, only becoming closed in 1927, and flew with a typical crew of four, the pilot, co-pilot, engineer and radio operator. There were other Smiths flying at the time, one a brother and one unrelated.
KS was annoyed at missing the first trans-Atlantic flight, in 1919, and then the later solo and non-stop Atlantic flights by Lindbergh. However, he made up for it in 1928 with the first non-stop flight across Australia from Melbourne to Perth and then, later in that year, with the first flight of the Pacific, although not direct but stopping in Honolulu. KS made these flights with Charles Ulm, who had replaced Anderson as co-pilot a year earlier as Anderson had gone home, disillusioned with the industry, being constantly out of pocket. KS and Ulm became the most famous flying partnership of the time, although initially Ulm had flown unqualified.
Also in 1928, KS & Ulm flew across the Tasman Sea from Sydney to Christchurch New Zealand, which at the time was thought to be the most dangerous sea in the world due to storms and high winds. The flights were made in a Dutch Fokker Avro named the “Southern Cross”, which KS (‘Smithy’) affectionately referred to as ‘My old Bus’!
Sue said that little mail was carried on the early flights due to the need for weight restrictions, so for example the only memento she had been able to get of the first Pacific flight was a US$ banknote, signed by KS and Ulm. However, she also had several early ANA flight covers, signed by KS, together with photos, postcards and other memorabilia such as flight programmes or invitations to and menus for flight receptions. Other ‘provenance’ with these covers were internal letters, some addressed to KS, interesting cachets on the fronts and backs of covers and contemporary newspaper cuttings of the flights, as they invariably attracted a lot of publicity.
In 1929, KS & Ulm made the first non-stop flight from Western Australia to London; however, on the return flight, to Brisbane, they ran out of fuel and landed on mud flats 150 miles short. They were out of radio contact and considered lost for several days, so Anderson set out looking for them, but he crashed and died. However, KS, Ulm and the Southern Cross were eventually recovered safely.
KS then switched to the Atlantic routes and America, where he received a lot of publicity and even had lunch with the President. He also flew across the United States to California, so effectively became the first pilot to fly right round the world, although not non-stop.
During this time, Sue said that KS had ill health, caused by the rigours of flying especially in open-cockpit planes and also because he had become an alcoholic due to the large amounts of alcohol consumed at the many receptions for him around the world. In addition, he was a heavy smoker, although he couldn’t smoke whilst flying due to proximity to inflammable aviation fuel. These physical rigours were compounded by his fear of heights and water and probably also by some degree of PTSD from the war.
In 1931, following the special stamp issue, ANA who by this time were operating five Fokker Avro’s, expanded their passenger routes to Melbourne and Brisbane, as well as taking on a number of freight contracts. However, all of that came to an abrupt end when one of the fleet, the “Southern Cloud”, disappeared without a trace. This was Australia’s first major airline disaster and the plane was only discovered 30 years later, deep in the Australian Snowy Mountain range. In the meantime, ANA suspended all flying, and then ceased operations and KS and Ulm parted company.
In fact, despite its expansion, the airline had never been profitable, failing to get any lucrative inter-continental freight contracts, most of which were secured by Imperial Airways (which later became BA), due to the strong ‘buy-British’ policy prevailing. Also, KS’s and Ulm’s integrity had been called into question, although probably more due to their rather maverick style rather than to any dishonesty. Competition was also increasing at this time, not only from Imperial Airways but also from Qantas and KLM, who were now operating the latest DC2’s. Furthermore, this increased competition came when the effect of the Great Depression on world trade was beginning to be felt.
Sue began Part II with Charles Ulm who, after their split, set up in competition with KS. Ulm also did some record flights but, like KS, was unsuccessful in securing mail or freight contracts. Aviators needed financial backers and / or wealthy patrons all the time, so were obliged to take on any business going, including private charters and goodwill flights, for example into Papua and New Guinea. Ulm died in 1934, his plane being lost near Hawaii during a test flight over the Pacific, between California and Australia.
By the early 1930’s, KS had decided that the Southern Cross was too old, so he sold it to the Australian Government for an aviation museum and switched planes, initially to a Fokker Avro Avian, then to a Lockheed Altair, which he re-named the Lady Southern Cross. In these planes he made more record breaking flights, across the Tasman Sea to New Zealand, then solo, non-stop from Darwin to London. He also flew from Ireland to New York.
In November 1935, KS made his final flight, in the Lady Southern Cross, attempting to break the England to Australia speed record. However, he disappeared on the leg between India and Singapore, somewhere over the Andaman Sea, part of the Indian Ocean, but it is not known what happened. The only remains ever found was part of the under-carriage, eighteen months later in the sea off Burma.
A posthumous film was made on the life of KS by Columbia Pictures in 1948, in which the original Southern Cross was resurrected and, after a complete engine overhaul and several test flights, was declared air-worthy and re-flown, despite KS’s express instructions that it was not to be!
During his lifetime, KS was promoted to Air Commodore in the RAAF and received several honours from the Australian Government, including a knighthood for ‘services to aviation’. His picture was posthumously shown on an A$20 note and he also had an airport named after him – the ‘Kingsford Smith Airport, Sydney’.
Each of the above stages of KS’s career was supported by philatelic display content, including numerous maps, photographs, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, stamps, cancellations, signed banknotes and, perhaps the most fascinating, numerous flight covers.
Terry Kirkman thanked Sue for her very interesting talk and for the superb material which she had provided and presented her with a tankard as a ‘thank you’.

(Alan King)
Meeting 10th October 2022
‘‘What’s Your Theme?’’ - ‘8 in 3’
A number of interesting philatelic themes were presented which reflected the membership’s current collecting, or rather accumulating interests. One display took the title ‘Odds & Ends’ which is certainly a theme well known to Members, the acquisition of which results in an increasing mound of philatelic ‘debris’...a possible treasure trove of items posted from maybe, an affectionate Australian aunt, long departed; the remnants of a redundant dusty album; the impulse buy at the end of an auction; or an enforced purchase at a stamp fair, where the real desire lies in the specific and not the mass. ‘Treasure’, there can be, but more normally we find a range of somewhat unrelated items, calling out for TLC. The evening’s haul took in ‘Airmails from the ‘50’s’, ‘Music’ and ‘Whales’, together with ‘French and Canadian Stamps’, and covers with themes of ‘Trains, Boats and Planes’.
Some contributions focussed on the study of particular issue, as in the case of ‘Hyderabad’ and ‘Buildings’ -where 1940 German produced Polish stamps in high values were keenly observed by Albert Jackson. Here was a beautifully designed issue, displayed across 15 sheets! Perhaps the most colourful display was Alan King’s study of ‘Art on Stamps’ where Members enjoyed but a fraction of his considerable themed collection. These were drawn in part from the postal authorities in the Far East, plus Japan, Australia and Canada, with an underlying feel for the religious. Alan’s main interest is in France, where as he said: ‘Great design comes into its own’. Hecontinued...’most French artists of all types have paintings in the French galleries’, and some he has enjoyed at first hand’.
Thus concluded another fascinating Club meeting, which might just encourage some Members to seek out their ‘odds and ends’!

Paul Barry Publicity
Meeting 24th October 2022
"Great Britain - The Emergence of the Royal Mail, Postal Reform and the Penny Value 1840 to 1880" - Bill Barrell
This specialist meeting had all the hallmarks of a philatelic roadshow! It was long awaited, and with baited breath, well publicised, and so ably programme managed by Hugh Jefferies; the spotlights were focussed, the empty stage waiting...the audience assembling!! The star of the show with colleague, emerging from a gleaming heavily stock-laden 4 x4, having travelled miles from its Rutland base. Punters at the ready for pre-event shopping. This was to be quite some party!!
Quality, rarity, research and range, write-up and presentation...all in place, along with bottles of friendly wine hidden among the boxes of superb philatelic stock!
In Bill Barrell’s introductory handout sheet he set the scene so well….
‘Why did Britain invent the postage stamp? What purpose did it serve? When did this story start? How did the stamp evolve? This exhibit will look at these questions, but as with so much of life there is a cause and an effect, an action and a reaction, this story is no different and we see a series of inter-related events culminating with the issue of the world’s first postage stamp...’
In his opening words, Bill outlined his philatelic origins. His father’s keen collecting interests centred on ‘stars’, but as Bill progressed his knowledge, he wisely urged that his father move on from these Victorian stamps and focus on rarity. One was purchased and the rest is history. Thus building on his father’s fine collection, Bill continued to develop a highly worthwhile business, covering 30 years of determined hard work across the globe, a major part of which was acquisition. The superb exhibit before Club members bore the hallmarks of such pedigree. It began in Medieval England, where the monarch set up a messenger service, seen later as a tax raising activity. Under Charles I, the Royal Mail was established, again having fiscal interest.
The Napoleonic period saw huge pre-payments, based on distance and package volume. There developed a massive need for postal reform and we note an MP in 1883 stating: ‘...the whole of the Postal System needs revision...’ Robert Wallace MP too put pressure, working through the Mercantile Committee.
Bill spoke of ‘many glorious inconsistencies’ in the system, resulting in a massive loss of income’. He considered the three stages of postal reform – the 1839 Uniform Fourpenny Post, the 1840 Uniform Penny Post and the introduction of labels as a receipt for this service. He emphasized this key role played by the Penny Black from its issue on 6th May, 1840 in the process of reform. (Rowland Hill’s legacy has indeed been profound). The display then continued to examine the role of the one penny value all the way through to when Perkins Bacon lost the printing contract in 1880, using proofs, issued stamps, errors, usages, contemporary ephemera and much more. Indeed, the exhibit was underpinned by frequently rare or unique material at every point. Besides the expected stamps, covers and letters, there were postal administration notices and Times newspaper cuttings concerned with key events and people, together with other documents. Rare Wyon medals - one bronze, another in silver were displayed ...the list goes on!
The concluding section was an overview of the display itself. Bill explained how this huge amalgam of philatelic and related material had been gradually built into a major exhibit via the frames displayed, which would shortly be professionally judged. Exacting decisions had been made to fine tune, and that process was an ongoing challenge.
In the vote of thanks, Club Chairman Rod Greer paid much tribute to Bill and his superb presentation. It was impossible to find words to convey the huge privilege Members had enjoyed. However, the evening was not over at this point, since a further opportunity was extended for perusal and purchase of items from Bill’s extensive stock...well just part of it, there still being huge amounts back at the ranch!!
‘Amazing’ says it all. Wow!!
(Paul Barry, Publicity Officer)
Meeting 14th November 2022
‘Four Sheets from EVERYBODY – No Excuses’
Some excuses were needed!! However sixteen Members did manage to present, and the range was as ever, wide and entertaining. From Army correspondence of the late 18th century which included a prepaid letter from Rouen, ‘The American Revolution’, a significant study of ‘Paper Tax’, ‘PoW Letters’ (with a Colditz special cover), to a consideration of ‘GB Commemoratives’. - the scope was considerable. Club is never short of humour and this evening’s displays did not disappoint! Terry Kirkman with his ‘Christmas Crackers’ was most worthwhile. Here his chosen stamp designs with their seasonal captions worked well and certainly warmed the spirits! Following in this jovial mood was Julian White who is a major collector of local postcards. His display contained several cards not previously seen in Club. These were within the 1911 – 1920 period, all having ‘pull-outs’. In similar amusing mode was Patricia Stanley with her tartan ‘Stag Hunting’postcard from Scotland. Hugh Jefferies contributed with a focus on stamps inscribed ‘Deutsch Ostafrika’which revealed fine design. Other presenting Members shared interesting sheets including ‘GB Victorian Underprints’, ‘Gone Astray’, ‘An Early Study of Cochin, Indian Feuditory States – Travancore’, ‘1940-44 Vichy Rule in France’, ‘Bridges’, ‘Gone Astray’‘ ...and ‘Pub Signs’...which reminds us that Club runs a free Members tab at half-time!! ‘YES’
‘’Something for everyone’’, you might say!!’’
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PAUL BARRY Publicity Officer
Meeting 28th November 2022
‘Salisbury Society Visit'
In the opening presentation, Members were treated to highly specialised, unique philatelic material, concerned with ‘French Colonies, 1859 – 1906’. Tony Howgrave-Graham was keen to share his superbly well written-up display, which revealed huge research, depth and scarcity. Many covers, entires and postcards were present. There was consideration of rates, including military, with postage dues and provisional overprinting also present. Beautiful stamps of high quality were celebrated under the heading ‘French General Colonial Issues’. For example, here were examples of the 1859 – 65 ‘Imperial Eagle’ with proofs, 1887 re-prints, 1871-2 Napoleon 2nd Empire Types, and the 1871-6 Ceres low values, 3rd Republic. Gems abounded everywhere, linked to Gabon, French Guinea, Senegal, Reunion, Martinique and beyond, but it was a cover dated 29 Oct 1852, from Pointe-a-Pitre to Paris, which took the biscuit! This cover was franked 1f, plus a tech-beche pair of the 25c value!! Rare on a Colonies (or any) cover? Find another one!!
Claire Scott’s presentation took a very different subject. She explained how many years ago she had inherited a plain mahogany box, the contents of which were not fully investigated by her at that time. When curiosity eventually overtook, and time allowed, she discovered a treasure trove of a past family member’s letters to mother, together with photos and other documents. Here was a most detailed naval correspondence emanating from WW1. Claire shared this mass of documents with a Gosport naval historian, and the eventual result was two-fold...a highly interesting philatelic write-up, and Claire’s superb publication entitled ‘From Beef Tea to Battleship’. This is the background story surrounding the short career of William Greenhall COE, Mariner and Submariner 1912-1917.
Claire stated that it is rare indeed to discover Sub-Mariner correspondence, and the opportunity she grasped, on recognising, historical material has certainly benefited postal historians and naval specialists alike.
The third presentation was again most worthwhile with John Scott’s consideration of Victorian and Edwardian Christmas and New Year Cards. Here was a beautiful collection of early British stationery, revealing great artistry and colour, much variety and some rarity. Embroidered and three dimensional cards also featured. Covers and correspondence further enhanced the display.
At the conclusion, the Club awarded each Speaker with an engraved glass tumbler, in recognition of appreciation...another great evening in a brilliant philatelic programme.
Meeting held on 12th December, 2022
Christmas Events - quizzes, wine, beer, mince pies, raffle, etc"
Treasurer Alan King reports that the Club’s Christmas event proved to be a most enjoyable evening – 20 members braved the sub-zero temperatures and the essential switch to put the fan heaters on in the hall was soon located!! Terry Kirkman’s quiz was excellent as usual, with Paul Lear winning. Hugh Jefferies ‘guess the stamp’ competition, was similar to Don Seaby’s of previous years, except that each question had two parts, firstly the country’s name, which he had cut off in many cases - (he could get thrown out of the RPSL for that!) and secondly a subsidiary question concerning the subject matter of the stamp.
Here, Phil Olds was the winner.
Alan, via the Hamworthy Club, had organised most pleasing refreshments and a worthwhile sum was achieved in the raffle. This successful seasonal activity saw the conclusion to an excellent philatelic year.
With the publication of Hugh’s provisional programme, Members can certainly look forward to a most rewarding 2023.
Alan King/Paul Barry
52nd Season (2023)
2023 |
January |
1st |
Subscriptions are due |
9th |
12 in 5 "Anything you like, as long as it is philatelic" - Members |
23rd |
"Hong Kong and Treaty Ports" - Spence Coaker |
February |
13th |
8 in 3 "The Americas" - Members |
22nd |
We visit Salisbury and District PS (Wednesday) |
27th |
"RASC" - Brian Quist |
March |
13th |
Annual Competition, including one-sheet competition |
27th |
"New Guinea" - Robert Benoist - CANCELLED |
April |
8th |
Ferndown & West Moors Philatelic and Postcard Annual Fair (Saturday) |
10th |
8 in 3 "And my theme is ..." - Members |
24th |
"New Zealand" - Brian Clayton FRPSL |
May |
8th |
Annual General Meeting and Trophy Presentations |
22nd |
"Labuan" - John Higgins FRPSL |
June |
3rd |
RINGPEX - Ringwood Philatelic Society Annual Fair (Saturday) |
12th |
12 in 5 "Stamps ONLY" - Members |
26th |
"1890 Penny Postage Jubilee" - John Davies FRPSL |
July |
10th |
"Supermarket Philately" - Jean Alexander FRPSL |
24th |
8 in 3 "'D' is for ..." - Members |
August |
14th |
8 in 3 "Postcards ONLY" - Members |
September |
9th |
ANNUAL FAIR Poole and Bournemouth Stamp & Postcard Club (Saturday) |
11th |
8 in 3 "GB and/or Channel Islands" - Members |
23rd |
HAMPEX at Wickham Community Centre (Saturday) |
25th |
"Russia's International Mails/The Mail between Great Britain and Russia" - Charles Leonard |
October |
9th |
8 in 3 "Covers and Postal History ONLY" - Members |
23rd |
"Anschluss" - Albert Jackson |
November |
13th |
Four Sheets from EVERBODY - NO EXCUSES! - Members |
27th |
"6000 Years of Writing Materials" - Wendy Buckle FRPSL |
December |
11th |
Christmas Events - quizzes, wine, beer, mince pies, raffle, etc - Members |
2023 Reports
Meeting held on 9th January 2023
12 in 5 "Anything you like, as long as it is philatelic" - Members
This, the first Meeting in our 2023 Programme, went well with an excellent attendance and a pleasing number renewing Membership. Several new faces have appeared recently and the upward recruiting trend continues! There was a good response to the Programme Secretary’s call for ‘12 in 5’ Presentations. Bob Small led the way with a well researched ‘War in Europe...The Final Moments’ study. One item of particular note was a Maldives mini-sheet which provided an insight. Another war themed study, (Albert Jackson) considered ‘Poland in WWII -Civilian Mail’ and contained a number of scarce covers. ‘Indian States – Cochin (1911-15)’ was Philip Olds’ display, which featured a number of interesting stamps. This was then followed by Hugh Jefferies’ album page presentation of ‘Virgin Isles’. Of particular delight was a colourful study of varieties within the 1935 Jubilee omnibus set. A broad ranging study of ‘Canada: the Middle Period’ was Spence Coaker’s display. Included were issues such as the Admiral, Scroll and Maple Leaf, together with some commemoratives, up to 1935. Rick Wilmot’s display looked at a number of issues from N. Rhodesia, Trinidad &Tobago, Cayman Isles, and Morocco Agencies. ‘Australia’ was represented by Terry Kirkman with his ‘Miscellany’, which included a special 1stAirmail cover. A subject rarely covered was ‘Field P.O. Cancels in N. Ireland’ , this being presented by Rod Greer, a collection which included Army personnel covers, a consideration of local cancels, Airmails - ‘Blues’, and the various N.I. Barracks established, with resulting cancels. The concluding subject came from Paul Barry with a brief study of the GB Victorian 1887 Jubilee issue – singles, parcel post labels and covers which saw a colourful printing in fugitive inks and tinted papers.
All presentations combined to provide a grand start to the New Programme.
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Paul Barry Publicity Officer
Meeting held on 23rd January 2023
"Hong Kong and Treaty Ports" - Spence Coaker,
(Club member & also Member of the Hong Kong Study Circle)
Part 1. SC started by explaining that HK’s modern history began in Canton with the Portuguese in the 16th Century, followed by the Spanish, Dutch and French and later the British. However, Britain’s entry began not with the wool trade but with opium, grown in India under the British East India Company. The currency for this trade, including tea, silk and porcelain, was silver, and SC showed a Mexican silver dollar dated 1806 – ‘Mexican’ due to the Spanish presence there.
The Chinese authorities tried to suppress the opium trade, leading to the Opium Wars. However, Chinese sea vessels were no match for the British Royal Navy and the First Opium War ended in 1842 with the Treaty of Nanjing, the creation of the Treaty Ports, HK Island becoming British in perpetuity and compensation of 21 million Mexican silver dollars (a lot in those days!).
Although P&O and other British companies were operating there by 1845, the first stamp issue was not until 1862. HK stamps were characterised by many different overprints, as trade routes and postage rates kept changing, and SC showed examples of these both on and off-cover. He also showed an example of mail which had been disinfected during a cholera epidemic by cutting slits in the envelope to allow fumes in.
Where postage stamps were unavailable, revenue stamps were overprinted and SC showed example of these on cover from different treaty ports. He also showed examples of China Expeditionary Force (CEF) overprints at the time of the 1901 Boxer Rebellion.
SC showed a large number of stamps and covers employing security markings introduced by companies to overcome pilferage (theft) of stamps by their employees. These comprised perfin holes / punctures in the stamps, usually with the company initials, and some were quite rare.
Up to 1898, there was only a single post office in HK; however, HK then took over the New Territories and some of the islands on a 99 year lease, leading to many more post office branches and cancellations, including for example Kowloon.
Finally, in part 1, SC showed the 1st & 2nd EVII stamp issues and cancellations.
Part 2. SC showed various early postcards with views of HK and the islands. He also showed the 1st GV stamp issue, noting that there were many different shades, as in GB. SC then moved on to WWI mail, including some marked “OFI”, opened for inspection. However, there was not much of this as a) most German companies had already been liquidated and b) Japan was an ally in that war. He then showed Chinese stamps overprinted for use in the Treaty Ports and also the 2nd GV stamp issue.
1930 saw the era of air mails and HK became part of the UK - Far East – Australia trade route, although initially part of the journey was performed by sea. Airlines such as Britain’s Imperial Airways and Dutch KLM were operating this route and SC showed a 1935 cover of Imperial Airways’ first direct flight from HK to Penang to Indochina and then direct to the UK, also a 1937 flight cover from HK to Bangkok to UK and various covers to USA, including to San Francisco.
SC showed HK’s 1938 GVI definitive stamp issue and, finally, some WWII censored mail, leading up to the Christmas Day 1941 fall of HK to the Japanese. He said he had another display covering the period 1945 to 1997!
Terry Kirkman thanked SC for his fascinating display, which had meant a lot to him personally as he had worked in the Far East for six years, and presented him with a Club certificate and tankard.
(Alan King)
Meeting held on 13 February 2023
8 in 3 "The Americas" - Members
In Westerns, the good guy usually tracks down his target: it appears that this also may be the case in philatelic circles!! When Hugh Jefferies stepped out of the saloon and into focus, he referred to his display as ‘a work in progress’, followed by - ’I’ll get em one day!!’. In collecting terms, it appears essential to lie low, wait your time and strike when you have a deal in sight. This evening, Hugh was again entertaining, on this occasion with his 8 album pages of Turks and Caicos, where centring on Perkins Bacon’s and then De la Rue’s printings, he was pleased to present stamps from the early 20th Century. The period 1913-28 was well considered, Hugh having collected these for some 60 years!! ‘I still have 2 to get’, was his parting shot. ‘Good luck’, we say….’you’ll get ‘em!!’ (Look out for smoking barrells!!)
There were other worthy contributions on ‘The Americas’. Ricky Wilmot provided a fascinating input on ‘Argentina’, taken from a competition entry. Here were mint and used stamps, covers, air-mails and registered, and themes on ‘votes for women’ and of course a major section on Eva Peron. A detailed study from Barry Hobbs ‘Steam Boat Mail from Lake Titicaca’, was a very different subject. Here was a study in hand-stamps, blocks, covers and photos. Members encountered the amazing account of how from 1870, Scottish built ship parts were carried by mule high up into the Andes, for later assembly into full scale vessels. Michael Goodman entertained with his 1893 USA and later Canadian stamps, with some inverted watermarks. Continuing the ‘Canadian’ theme, Spence Coaker presented ‘Transatlantic Mails’ where a service had been established in 1939. Amongst a unique and interesting study, an early cover from Imperial Airways took pride of place. The concluding presentation came from Trevor Smyth, with his most colourful Venezuelan Coats of Arms contribution.
Thus concluded a most worthwhile Members’ meeting...a quick tourist trip around The Americas!!
Paul Barry Publicity
Meeting 27th February, 2023
‘The Royal Army Service Corps’
Speaker Brian Quist
This was certainly ‘a homespun’ presentation with Member Brian Quist sharing his quite remarkable 170 sheet philatelic study, which skilfully traced the history of the Royal Army Service Corps. Brian (narrowly) was caught up in military enlistment, being in the final cohort of compulsory conscription in the period 1959-61. Although a pressed man, one might say, Brian actually enjoyed his period of National Service, an enjoyment being hugely evident by the very special and personal collection on display. What a feast! This proved to be of huge interest, generating much focussed attention from both the philatelist and the military historian amongst the assembled throng. The presentation contained a wealth of covers of all reigns, illustrated postcards, air-mails, re-directed mail, correspondence, hand-stamps and cachets, embroidered WWI silk cards, cigarette and tea cards, photos and prints. The display’s chronology stretched from the RASC’s inception (1869), having earlier roots starting with the Royal Waggoners in 1794, through to the present. Sections included The Boer War, Commissariat and Transport Corps, Military Vehicles, Censor Mail, Military Art Cards, Catering, and a focus on postally used illustrated Charity Envelopes, including YMCA and the Church Army. Brian added numerous personal memories and concluded by recalling the names of famous serving recruits, such as Roger Moore, Brian Epstein, Jimmy Hill and more recently, Dame Kelly Holmes.
A commercially produced illustrated cover depicting the infamous Colditz Castle was particularly memorable, being signed by brother in arms, Patrick Robert ‘’Pat’’ Reid, MBE, MC. Best known for his time held captive in Colditz, with his later escape to Switzerland in 1942, (and the only escapee!) he is held in very high regard.
Members certainly enjoyed an excellent and much informed presentation, with a wealth of scarce and unusual material.
Chairman Rod Greer provided the vote of thanks, voicing Members’ warm appreciation.
Land Army Christmas Card, 1855 |
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(Paul Barry, Publicity Officer)
Meeting 13th March, 2023
Annual Competitions including the
‘One-Sheet Competition’
A cold night, but a warm atmosphere, with a goodly throng of Members, who were eager to study the various competition entries, following the judging process.
It was clear that the Club’s Competition Secretary, Albert Jackson, had worked hard over the year, in advising, encouraging and managing entries, and indeed, entries of real quality. He warmly welcomed Julian Jones FRPSL who as invited Judge, ‘had driven some considerable distance to be present, and had just undertaken a most difficult task’. Julian, who being well acquainted with past Club competitions, was able to comment with his usual incisive and valued observations.
Julian addressed the Membership and stated that the displays revealed ‘some veryinteresting material – different from last year.’ It was evident that Club had learnt a number of points of advice, resulting in ‘higher standards’ being achieved. He noted areas which should see future improvement, such as within ‘the story line’, the need for ‘the underlying plan’ to be clearly stated, the plan’s ‘purpose’ needs clarity and how competitors ‘treat’, or interpret this plan is key.
Finally, there is also a need to avoid employing ‘too much text’.
Albert announced the Winners as follows:
Traditional Phill Olds
Postal History Albert Jackson
Social Philately Wendy Buckle
Postcards Julian White
Overall Winner Wendy Buckle
One Sheet Richard Wilmot
No entries were received in Novice and Thematics
The Club’s Inter-club Competition is being held on
Saturday, 8th April, at the Annual Fair.
Wendy and Albert will represent the Club, having gained the highest points this evening.
Albert yhen concluded the evening by promoting
HAMPEX - due in September, and urged Members to support this superb philatelic event.
There then followed the presentation of TROPHIES, followed by perusal of Entries.

(PB. Publicity Officer)
Due to unavailability of the room
the Club had to cancel the Meeting of 27th March on "New Guinea"
Meeting 10th April, 2023
8 in 3" And my theme is ..." - Members
This proved to be an excellent meeting, with over 20 Members, very high quality displays and a concluding auction.
There were the following ‘8 in 3’ Themes:
- Hugh Jefferies commenced with ‘Camel Postmen in the Sudan’, which generated the camel and rider design and the theme on their stamps for the following 100 years!
- Rick Wilmot showed ‘Esperanto’, noting how the World Esperanto Congress had run almost continuously from 1905 up to date, with stamps celebrating it from many different countries.
- Phil Olds showed stamps of ‘The Indian Sun God’ and His Chariot’ from Jaipur, the capital of one of the largest Indian states, including sheets and covers.
- Albert Jackson showed postcards bearing stamps that had been hand-engraved by Polish officers in the German POW camp at ‘Woldenberg’ during WW2.
- Wendy Buckle showed stamps with religious images from ‘Western Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts’ made by monks and nuns; she explained that a feature was often a large initial letter denoting the start of a new paragraph.
- Terry Kirkman showed ‘Bonzo’ (dog) postcards that he had recently started collecting. He said he had a cat himself, rather than a dog, so was showing cards that also had a cat somewhere in the picture!
- Lastly, Rod Greer showed pre-stamp and early 1d red stamp covers from ‘Coleraine’ in Northern Ireland, close to where he grew up.
Alan King, Publicity
Meeting 24th April, 2023
Hugh Jefferies MBE with ‘Philatelic Terms Illustrated’
The Club’s Programme Secretary, Hugh Jefferies MBE, stepped in at short notice, as his scheduled ‘New Zealand’ presentation was not available. He ‘drew out of the hat’, so to speak, a truly fascinating and unique Stanley Gibbons’ resource. This was a sizeable ‘frozen in time’ 1950’s A-Z collection of philatelic terms. This was a richly illustrated display of numerous stamps, some of which with the passage of time are seen to be ‘very tasty items’. (Hugh) This resource had been ‘lost’ for some 20 years, but clubs and societies now benefit from Hugh’s stewardship, having occasionally presented it to eager philatelic gatherings! This was a well written-up display on cream parchment, whereby the compiler had drawn together a truly extensive assortment of frequently (now scarce) material. Starting from predictably ‘A’ for ‘Advertisements’, there followed scores of other philatelic terms, including ‘Fakes’, ‘Fiscals’, ‘Mails’ (pigeon post, air-mails, etc.) ‘Papers’, ‘Postal Stationery’, ‘Perforations’ and Watermarks’. Hugh skimmed through, commenting on, or showing a few examples, which needed further scrutiny, perhaps on account of humour, rarity or intrigue! He made reference to linked Stanley Gibbons’ books on display, published in 1972 and 2003, entitled, ‘Philatelic Terms Illustrated’. The greater apportionment of time was given to Members’ personal investigation which proved most worthwhile.
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Paul Barry Publicity
Meeting 8th May, 2023
Annual General Meeting and Trophy Presentations
The AGM took place, with comprehensive reports from Committee Members and the approval of the Club's Accounts, all of which, together with the minutes of the 2022 meeting were distributed to memebers attending. It should be noted that Alan King who had been managing the Annual Club Fair on a temporary basis has stood down from that role, and that Spence Coaker has replaced Patricia Stanley as Membership Secretary. All other Committee Members were re-elected to their current positions. The Club has 37 members, reflecting its excellent programme.
The Winners of the 2023 Annual Competitions
The winners of the 2023 Annual Competition were congratulated and awards made as follows:-
Tradtitional |
Philip Olds |
Postal History |
Albert Jackson |
Social Philately |
Wendy Buckle |
Postcards |
Julian White |
Overall Winner - Arthur Denyer Trophy |
Wendy Buckle |
One Sheet |
Richard Wilmot |
(Paul Barry)
53rd Season (2024)
